cosmo magazine

Post on 05-Dec-2014






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Well known, light feminine colour, works as a logo. Cosmopolitan means a sophisticated person which flatters women when they buy it because it makes them feel sophisticated. The target audience is also hard working business women who are stereotypically sophisticated and would look it reading this magazine in the office or on the train etc.


Digitally enhanced. Makes woman aspirational to be her. She’s beautiful and has a slim figure which makes women want to be her. However, this could also make women feel insecure because she’s ‘perfect’ and they’re jealous.

Background is pink because it’s an appealing, colour for women and it connotes femininity.

Cover lines

Different colours to the background to make it stand out. Different colours to each other so you’re drawn to each piece of text.


Each piece of text is the same font and simple. However, they are all different colours to show they are different subjects and have different topics to each other.

Main image

The main image is in the centre and surrounded by text. She is not famous but is visually pleasing which makes women attracted to the magazine. The main image is airbrushed to make women aspire to be her. Because it’s a ‘sexpose’ she’s in lace and in showing cleavage.


The puff ‘the #1 women’s magazine’ is suggesting that it is the magazine that all women read, therefore making the audience feel part of a group & that the target audience is women.


The graphics are used to highlight key articles in the magazine. It makes the cover lines with graphics around seem more significant and interesting than the others.

Anchoring text

This text gives meaning to the picture. Because she’s in a lace outfit (lace can connote provocatively), and the anchoring text suggests she will be different to what she usually is.

Target audience

The target audience is middle aged women interested in sex.

Airbrush – This is a men's magazine but Kelly Brook has still been airbrushed so that men, the target audience, would aspire to have a wife or girlfriend that looks like this. Also, her being airbrushed gives her a better public image of looking good.

Anchoring text – This text gives information on what the main article on Kelly Brook is going to be about, and helps to anchor the image so that the audience can identify the image. Kelly Brook represents male desire and therefore would be a selling point for this magazine. The word ‘hotness’ connotes desire and attractiveness. It also tempts the readers to buy the magazine and read what’s inside.

Cover lines – this also tells the reader what else is in the magazine but aren’t the main focus. The reader would pick it up for the main image and then notice the other features that would make them want to read more.

‘Extra’ – This magazine is for middle-classed, middle-aged men, and not for lads because they would most likely be reading another type of magazine like ‘NUTS’ or ‘ZOO’. Therefore the target audience would be interested in fashion. Also, because the graphics are separate in a box it makes it seem like you get an extra when in reality it’s the same amount of pages.


The font is the same for all text on the magazine and it’s in black and orange. The majority of the text is black, so when some of the text is orange it draws attention to it especially.

House style

The main image is always from a photo shoot, including the background, which is blurred because it’s less significant. The title FHM is always a bit covered by the main image or a famous attractive celebrity woman. This creates the audience to recognise the magazine identity.


This is one of the few graphic boxes on the magazine so it highlights the ’extra’ as something special.

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