corrections weeks 3 and 4: parrot in the oven. monday and tuesday, september 8 and 9

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Corrections Weeks 3 and 4: Parrot in the


Monday and Tuesday, September 8 and 9

Grammar• A personal pronoun takes the place of a noun.

• Rewrite the following paragraph with the correct pronouns for the words in bold:

• James Earl Carter, Jr. is known as Jimmy. Jimmy was born on October 1, 1924. Jimmy Carter was born at the Wise Sanatorium in Plains,Georgia. James Earl Carter, Sr., was a successful local businessman, and he ran James Earl Carter, Sr’s general store while investing in farmland. Jimmy Carter’ mother was a nurse. Mrs. Carter cared for rural people. Rural People loved the Carters.

Vocabulary Sentence Sharing

Homework discussion

Please refer to your notes for our discussion.

Review of Literary Terms

• In your table group, try to find one of each of the following literary devices in Chapter 2:

• Metaphor

• Simile

• Personification

• Hyperbole


• Characterization is how the author describes a character. The author can do this one of two ways:

• Direct Characterization: The narrator describes the character’s physical attributes and actions.

• Ex: John Proctor is a 33 year old farmer. He attends church every Sunday.

• Indirect Characterization: The narrator tells the reader what the character says, what people say about them, and how the narrator interacts with others.

• Ex: Heavy heartedly, John exhales, “I have thought fondly of you, Abigail, but you know I cannot leave Elizabeth.”

Let’s read something a little different for characterization

• Can someone help me pass out books quickly?

For tonight…

• Read chapter 3 and answer the questions.

Wednesday and Thursday

Grammar: Take notes• A subject pronoun can e used as a subject or predicate nominative. I, you, he,

she, it, we, and they are subject pronouns:

• Ex: I have been reading about Marie Dorion. (subject)

• Ex: It is I who stole your cookies! (predicate nominative)

An object pronoun can be used as a direct and indirect object, and as an object of preposition. Me, you, him, her it, us, and them are object pronouns.

Ex: The coach saw you. (direct object)

Ex: The coach gave you the notebook. (indirect object)

Ex: The coach gave the notebook to you. (object of preposition)

Grammar Practice

Please underline the correct subject pronoun or object pronoun and label the pronoun either SP (for subject pronoun) or OP (for object pronoun)

1.Librarians read reviews of books before (they, them) buy (they, them).

2.You and (I, me) usually make our choices based on the title.

3.My friend often buys (I, me) books, and (I, me) always give (he, him) books for his birthday.

4.The librarian gave the books to (we, us).

Review: What is Characterization?

Let’s characterize the three Garcia boys first.

Direct Characterization

Indirect Characterization

Next, in your notes and with your group, find evidence of indirect and direct characterization for

your assigned character. Write the page number and paragraph reference, too.

Direct Characterization Indirect Characterization

Homework Discussion

Your first writing lesson: The Narrative Essay

• A personal narrative essay tells a story about you. Take your story plot/arc we discussed last week and fill it out based on one of the following prompts:

Possible prompts:

• Everybody has experienced anger or frustration he/she would like to vent. This is your chance! Tell your reader about one of your most frustrating or angering experiences.

• Sometimes a single event or a person can change our lives. Tell the story of an event or person who has influenced your life.

• We tend to want to be like people we admire. Name a person that you admire and describe the qualities that you would like to emulate.

• Sometimes it seems as if nothing goes right. Narrate a day in your life when everything seemed to go wrong.

• Mastering a new skill is rewarding. Describe the task and how you felt the first time you achieved success at doing something new.

Let’s try

September 12 and September 15

Vocabulary Quiz

• Start studying

Chapter 4 Homework Discussion

• Describe Mom and Dad’s relationship.

• Why does Dad think Mom is leaving him?

• How does Dad treat Pedi? What does he say to her?

• Why does she protect him?

• Why does she send him out?


• Chapter 5 and 6

Tuesday and Wednesday

September 16 and 17

Personal Narrative Writing

• How do I go about writing a Personal Narrative Essay?

• Look at your outline. Study the introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion.

• Write your own outline for your narrative essay.

Chapter 5 and 6 discussion

• Where are Manny and Nardo?

• Describe his grandmother’s neighborhood before everyone moved away.

• What does the tree symbolize?

• Describe what Magda was doing. Does Mom know?

• What almost happened between Pedi and Manny?


• Chapter 7 and bring your Personal Narrative Essay for Peer Edits

Thursday and FridaySeptember 18 and 19

Peer Edits

• Take out all hints of your name: Mark them out.

• We’ll pass them out for peer edits. Take 15 minutes to edit with the proofreading marks I gave you. Use the checklist to your advantage.

• After we do it once, let’s do it again.

Chapter 7

• The guys are wearing the same clothing, they’re hanging out at a high school, they’re asking guys to box to get into their club.

• What is it really?


• Chapter 8

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