copy reading

Post on 22-Jun-2015






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Copy Reading






Copy reading is a method of correcting, editing, and revising the statements made by a reporter and typed by a typesetter which will be put in a newspaper.


A dictionary A heavy black or blue pencil


According to the book “Advanced Campus Journalism” written by Ceciliano-Jose Cruz, a copyreader:

Corrects grammar

The copyreader should be good at English and should have keen eyes to spot errors on what he is editing.

Checks spelling

The copyreader should always have the company of a dictionary whenever he is editing. The dictionary provides the correct spelling of the word.

Corrects punctuations

The copyreader should be able to spot wrong punctuation marks in what he is editing.

Deletes opinions

The copyreader should delete unnecessary opinions for news story is different from an editorial. The news story should always be unprejudiced so there should be no part in it that has an opinion. Opinions should only be found in an editorial.

Deletes libelous and rebellious acts

The copyreader should always remove libelous and rebellious statements for it is punishable by the law. These statements can be considered as an act against the government.

Correcting errors in fact

The copyreader should always read what he is editing to know if the statements written are factual and not from someone’s personal opinion only.

Copyreading Symbols

Sign Meaning Example Please change as follows

Delete to err is human

Insert to err is human

Words change to err is human

Word replacement to err is human

Back before

calibration to err is human

No abbreviation third floor


abbreviations 3rd Flr

Sign Meaning Example Please change as follows

Insert Space to err is human

Remove Space to err is human

Insert line space



Remove line





alignment abcdefghijklmnop


alignment    abcdefghijklmnop

Centering Abcdefghijklmnop

Change paragraph



Paragraph need

not change

Xxxxx. Xxxxxx


Sign Meaning Example Please change as follows

Italic abcdef

Bold typeface abcdef

Convert to

uppercase Abcdef

Convert to lower

case abcdef


characters ABCDEF

Roman Body abcdef

Font error abcdefghijklmn

Subscript H2O

Superscript 33 = 27

Sign Meaning Example Please change as follows


To err is human, to 

forgive devine.


To err is human, to 

forgive devine.


Hamlet: To be or not

to be...


I got a cat; her name

is Luca.

Question mark Is it human to err?

Exclamation point Wow!

Hyphen Nobody is error-free.

Apostrophe Abc's

Quote "Superman" sighted

En dash

(Use Alt +0150 to

enter en dash). pages 10–20

Em dash 

(Use Alt +0151 to

enter em dash).

To err—well, it's only


Slash 6 cells/meter


to err (make a mistake)

is human

Square brackets

to err [make a mistake]

is human

Activity #1

Copyread the following sentence by using the correct copyreading symbols.

1. They call her Sibuyas Queen for she smells like one.2. Give me 2 bananas from the pantry.3. SenatorMiriamDefensor-Santiago was very aggressive during the Senate meeting.4. The rumors about Iwa Moto having a grudge against Jodi Sta. Maria were not untrue.5. The coach of the lADy SpIkERs was very proud of the team for winning the gold

medal on the UAAP Volleyball tournament.

Activiy #2

Copyread the following paragraphs by using the correct copyreading symbols.

1. My hEArt went out to Alex. What experiences had he endured that caused him to come to point in his life? I knew of one one way to get soem immediate help for Albert.

I asked him if I could pray with him and he immediately agreed. He was wearing thosewoodengloves one of which he immediately took one off so e could clasp his hand with mine. That really affecte me, as thi action indicated to me that he really wanted the touch of another human hand. I wondered how long it ahd been since he had felt any kind of human contact.

2. A man suddenly approached me and said in slurred words, can you give me 50 centavos to catch the bus? He was gaunt and annd haggard.

The rancid stench of the alcohol fought me. He was obvusly ander the influence, but I asked anyway. Have you been dringking? Unabele to understand his reply I asked him if he had a home.

I asked the man his name and he said, “Alex”

I said, “Alex, do you have a family?” He said me his wife had died. I asked him if he any children but his response was uncomprehensible.

Activity #3

Copy read the editorial given below.


20 years ago, Ms. Mccarthy was a nuse in an intensive care unit in the Long Island suburbs when her life was shattered by a gunman who rampaged aboard an evening commuter train and murdered her husband, Dennis, and five other passengers. Her twentysix-year-old son, Kevin, was left severely wounded in the attack. Groping for stability, Ms. McCarthy decided to leave nursing and run for Congress Congress on the strength of what she called an irresistible “passion to reduce gun violence.”

That passion has been severely tested. The issue of gun safety waxed briefly, then waned depressingly cross the years as the gun lobby tightened its grip on capitol hill. And always, newly grieving families kept showing up at her washington Office. The hardest thing was meeting the parents, said Ms. McCarthy. “I was bically the only person that kept talking about gun violence over all those years. Eventualy, the newspapers and TV would call me up and ask, ‘What are you going to do about it?’ ”

This grim routine was broken up by her immersion in other important issues like education and financial regulation. Her office displays 8 of her enacted bills on issues like retirees’ rights and childhood hunger signed by three presidents. But the flow of victimized families remained steady as they sought someone in Washington who could truly empathize, and not slip timrously past the gun issue with press releases of condolence.


ope Francis has been meeting this week with eight cardinals he selected to shape proposals for reforming the Roman catholic Church. It is too early to tell what will result from an agenda that will range,, from Vatican finances to the recruitment of new believers. But the deliberations surely cannot afford to overlook the shocking price tag announced as a final figure that the Los Angeles Archcese paid to victims of child sexual abuse by priests.

A 10 yrs of litigation, shameful denial and fierce resistance to civil authority has cost the archdiocese more than $740 million in monetary damages, with the spiritual toll far from tallied. Church lawyers said this was an end to litigation that saw more than 500 victims receive compensation compensation, with the archdiocese taking out costly loans, selling property and even tapping into cemnetery perpetual care funds to pay for it. In the process, the archdiocese was forced by the courts to release secret records that confirmed systematic cover-ups of priests’ crimes.

Cardinal Roger Mahony, who led the archdiocese during the scandal years, reportedly is not expected to face criminal charges, despite records showing that he shielded abusers and ordered that evidence be withheld from criminal investigators. He retired in 2011 to his childhood parish in California and was ultimately rebuked by his

successor, but that hardly brought an end to the problem, which batican reformers can duck.

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