conversational hypnosis discovered

Post on 31-Aug-2014



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Conversational hypnosis is the most effective technique within the field of hypnotism. reveals more about this amazing skill.


Conversational Hypnosis Unveiled: How The Most Powerful Form of Hypnosis Works.

By Ian Davis


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Conversational Hypnosis Unveiled

Introduction To The World of Conversational Hypnosis.

Conversational hypnosis is the ultimate form of hypnosis and builds upon, not only thousands of years of human experience but also hundreds of years of clinical case study and experiment. Conversational hypnosis incorporates hypnosis techniques such as Ericksonian Hypnosis and neuro linguistic programming (NLP) to build effective hypnotic language patterns that are proven to work.

Once conversational hypnosis was only within reach of the medical profession or well funded business executives. Now anyone with the time and commitment can learn how to hypnotize anyone, anywhere at any-time. Just like any other skill, mass use has seen the effectiveness of conversational hypnosis improve rapidly. Today, whether it is referred to as 'covert hypnosis' or 'street hypnosis,' it is arguably the most powerful psychological technique ever seen.

Hypnosis, in its various guises, is used the world over by millions of people to achieve positive, and sometimes,

remarkable change. People can achieve weight loss, give up smoking, reduce their stress levels or learn to relax; they can improve self confidence and self esteem, overcome difficult psychological and psychosomatic problems such as insomnia or addiction; they can even learn new skills such as foreign languages or the perfect golf swing. Whatever people need to use hypnosis for it can enable them to develop new ways of thinking about previously unresolvable problems, acquire a deeper understanding of themselves and the world around them and resolve personal or emotional issues.

However the ready availability of effective conversational hypnosis courses has meant that thousand have also discovered the personal advantages of using this skill. What would you do if you could effectively hypnotize someone without them knowing it, in any social situation at pretty much any time? It is the realization by ordinary people that they can use this skill to improve their own lives, and that of their families, that has seen it become more than just a therapeutic tool. Conversational hypnosis enables people to take more control in their personal and professional lives. It can improve peoples ability to attract partners, get noticed at work, manage difficult personal

Conversational Hypnosis Unveiled

relationships, sell more effectively or even improve parenting.

Conversational Hypnosis Unveiled

How Does Conversational Hypnosis Work?

So how does hypnosis work and why, in particular, is conversational hypnosis such a potent technique? In order to answer this question we first need to understand how hypnosis works. Therefore we need to know how the mind functions and why hypnosis has such an effect upon it.

Imagine that the mind is like a layered pyramid. The top layer, at the sharp end of our daily activity, is the conscious mind. This part of our mind enables us to concentrate upon everyday tasks such as writing, driving or reading. It is the decision making part of the mind, and is the part of our selves that interacts with the outside world. If we are walking down the street and the person walking towards us appears to be on a collision course it is our conscious mind that makes the necessary decision to either walk around the person or say “excuse me” and continue on our path.

The next layer is our subconscious mind. This is like the hard drive of a computer. It stores all the information we need in order to make “conscious” decisions. If you ride a bicycle you soon forget the actual physical process of being able to balance, peddle, brake and so on. Your conscious mind is free to concentrate on the process of avoiding hazards and finding your route.

However you haven't forgotten the basic principles. If you did, every time you got on the bike would be like the first. Finding your way would be the least of your problems. It is because we subconsciously remember how to ride a bicycle that we can concentrate on other aspects. If we didn't subconsciously understand that turning the handlebars makes you go around corners we wouldn't get very far.

Conversational Hypnosis Unveiled

The final, baseline layer is the unconscious mind. This controls our basic functions such as breathing or heart rate. We have no direct control over our unconscious mind. If we are frightened by something our unconscious mind is unable to rationalize this. It only knows that we are frightened and responds automatically by telling our adrenal gland to produce more adrenaline in order to prepare us for either “fight or flight.” Similarly, if we are happy, our unconscious mind instructs our brains to release more endorphins to increase our pleasure. The unconscious makes no judgement of our experience it simply responds to stimuli and delivers the appropriate instruction to our bodies various components.

Therefore we can see that the subconscious is perhaps the most influential part of the human mind. It is both extremely well organized and has the capacity to store seemingly limitless amounts of information. Every experience we have is memorized, filed and retrieved when we need it. The understanding and knowledge, gained from a lifetime of experience, is used by the subconscious to formulate our belief systems. It

is where we retain our sense of morality and holds the concepts that actually shape our view of the world.

Many of these beliefs will be readily available to our conscious minds. These tend to be the concepts and ideas that we change more often, such as our political or theological views. However others reside deeper in our subconscious and are less accessible. These are generally more closely linked to our emotional responses such as our self image or attachments to others. They remain powerful controlling factors for our behavior but, under normal circumstances, we are relatively powerless to do anything about them.

Conversational Hypnosis Unveiled

How Can Conversational Hypnosis Help People?

For example, let's assume that you are frightened by spiders. Perhaps you had a childhood experience with a spider that scared you. As a child, you didn't know whether or not the spider was dangerous and your unconscious mind delivered a big dose of adrenaline to your body, increasing your anxiety and preparing you to either run away screaming or squash it. Your subconscious stored this experience. This, relatively minor incident, could have been one of the most powerful experiences you ever had at such a young age. Therefore a fear of spiders was adopted by you subconsciously.

Subsequently, as an adult, you may well have discovered that spiders are nothing to be scared of. However subconsciously, even though you may have absolutely no conscious memory of the original event, due to the emotional impact and unconscious response that the childhood experience caused, you remain terrified of spiders.

You may be able to consciously control your reaction to spiders as an adult. Nonetheless, because the subconscious fear remains, the sight of a spider still prompts the associated unconscious response. Basically your anxiety levels go through the roof whenever one of our little, eight legged friends is about. For many people this unconscious response, driven by the subconscious belief, is overwhelming. They simply can not control their behavior. In extreme cases this can become a phobia (arachnophobia) with a significant impact upon lives.

Hypnosis, and especially conversational hypnosis, is such an effective psychological intervention because it enables communication with the subconscious mind. By suggesting different ways of thinking about problems to the subconscious, conversational hypnosis makes it possible to change how we unconsciously respond to an event or situation. Therefore, not only can our behavior be changed but more importantly the underlying emotional responses can also be addressed.

Hypnosis achieves this because we organize and file the information in our subconscious using language. Language is the tool that enables us to orchestrate and make sense of the raw information we store subconsciously. It enables us to construct

Conversational Hypnosis Unveiled

the filing system that we use to subsequently retrieve that information when we need it. Hypnosis uses language to make subtle changes to that process. These changes can ultimately have a profound effect. Learning how to use hypnotic language properly is a skill that most of us are capable of learning. However conversational hypnosis has taken this skill to a new and incredibly exciting level. So why is conversational hypnosis so effective in particular?

Conversational Hypnosis Unveiled

Why Is Conversational Hypnosis The Most Effective Technique?

The subconscious is analytical and maintains its constructed beliefs wherever possible. This is an important psychological defense mechanism called the the “critical factor.” The critical factor is used by us to balance new information against that which we already have at our disposal. For example if I tell you that a submarine is a type of car your critical factor will reject this as a false statement. This is extremely important as otherwise we would not be able to discern fact from fiction and would believe any old nonsense. The 'critical factor' is a hurdle that hypnosis needs to overcome in order to effect change.

For example often people who are morbidly obese have extremely a pitiful self image. They may well believe this as a result of childhood or lifelong experiences of poor treatment by others, especially other family members. This builds and reinforces the subconscious belief that they are worthless and the subsequent low self esteem depresses their mood. Eating, on the other hand, stimulates the pleasure areas of the brain. Therefore, for someone who is normally low in self esteem and depressed in mood, eating food with high sugar and fat content provides some temporary relief. However, it also makes you fat. This then makes you unhealthy and can create a bad body image. The cycle is self perpetuating. It is rarely any use simply telling this person that they are not worthless, because the subconscious critical factor is at odds with such statements. Quite simply they don't believe it whenever anybody tells them that they are beautiful and valued individuals as the subconscious instructs the conscious mind to reject any such statement. The change that is necessary, in order for them to effectively take action to address their unhealthy lifestyles, needs to be made at a subconscious level.

Hypnosis works be effectively distracting the critical factor thus allowing access to the subconscious. This is achieved by focusing the conscious mind upon an activity, object or, in the case of conversational hypnosis, a discussion. When the conscious mind is 'captivated' in this way then the critical factor is less active and hypnotic suggestion to the subconscious is possible. This process is called trance.

Many people believe that being in a trance is like being asleep. However trance is

Conversational Hypnosis Unveiled

actually a state where the conscious mind is fully occupied. It is in effect a state of heightened awareness for the conscious mind.

Whilst a person is in trance the hypnotist can attempt to adjust concepts and beliefs that may be stopping a them from moving forward or managing a problematic behavior. Hypnosis does this by attaching positive suggestion to established ideas through the use of imagery and metaphor. For example, in the case of the over-eater, hypnosis may suggest that they imagine themselves at their correct weight and envisage what it would be like to have a

healthy weight. This is reinforced by repeating the benefits of feeling fitter, looking better and so on. Using this sort of hypnosis technique the hypnotherapist is able to construct a better self image at a subconscious level and give the person the will power to address their unhealthy lifestyle.

However, the problem with this kind of traditional hypnosis is that the person is aware that they are being hypnotized and has to initially give their permission for the process to take place. Therefore this assumes that they recognize the problem in the first place and, for many with underlying psychological obstacles, this is not the case. In addition, because the hypnosis is 'agreed' the persons critical factor is already alerted. This creates the need for a deeper hypnotic trance and prolonged treatment. Conversational hypnosis, on the other hand, does not require the person being hypnotized to be aware of the hypnosis. In fact, conversational hypnosis is at it's most effective precisely when the subject is not consciously aware of what's going on. This is why it is often referred to as covert hypnosis and is both the reason why it is so incredibly powerful and why many are suspicious of its use.

Conversational hypnosis uses the same principles as other traditional hypnosis methods but the techniques used are far more effective. For example, in traditional hypnosis the trance is induced by use of an object or even physical contact. This means that the person being hypnotized has to make a conscious decision to be hypnotized. Therefore they are already, by definition, anticipating hypnosis and are already

Conversational Hypnosis Unveiled

committed, to some extent, to wanting change in their lives. At a subconscious level they expect to be hypnotized. Therefore any suggestions made will be accepted as being part of the hypnosis process. Consequently, at a later date, they will attach less meaning to these suggestions. Whereas the previously established patterns of behavior will be given greater validity because they are felt to come from a 'genuine' experience.

On the other hand conversational hypnosis enables the hypnotist to make suggestions to the person being hypnotized of which they are completely unaware. Consequently these suggestions are far more likely to be adopted. There will be no subconscious acknowledgment of the hypnosis process and any new, modified ways of thinking will be given the same recognition as any other belief constructs. In effect, the person being hypnotized accepts the suggestions made under conversational hypnosis as their own, personal thoughts.

The degree of suggestibility is much higher because the critical factor is barely alerted at all. Not only that but the trance induction process takes place through normal conversation. This is a far more natural way for people to communicate and therefore makes it easier for the hypnotist to establish a hypnotic connection (or rapport). This further means that the depth of trance can be relatively less but can achieve greater effect. This makes it easier to calibrate and sustain for longer periods and, in turn, allows a greater flexibility for suggested change.

Conversational Hypnosis Unveiled

Conversational Hypnosis. The Ultimate Tool For Your Success.

Used in hypnotherapy conversational hypnosis (more formerly called Ericksonian Hypnosis) has proven to be extremely effective for helping people to overcome a variety of psychological disorders. Used by people in everyday life it has become an incredible tool for success.

Conversational hypnosis enables you to chat to someone, quickly establish an emotional bond, talk them into a trance and then make subconscious suggestions to them. Done correctly, they won't be aware of what you are doing, leaving you free to make the suggestion you want to their subconscious. The benefits of learning this skill are, obviously, phenomenal.

If you learn conversational hypnosis properly, not only will you be able to take command of any social situation but you will also able to get what you want out of people, whenever you want. This has the effect of significantly increasing your confidence and this, in itself, is extremely beneficial for your success.

However, the benefits don't stop there. Part of learning effective conversational hypnosis means that you need to develop something called a “signal recognition system.” You will learn about some aspects of Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP.) This will help you to increase your powers of observation. You learn how to read body language in precise detail. The observational skills you develop enable you to carefully monitor a persons level of trance. You can then use subtly changing hypnotic language to keep them in the trance for as long as you need.

Even more incredible though is the way that conversational hypnosis speech patterns become like second nature. You actually subconsciously absorb them yourself. This means that when you want to hypnotize somebody it is incredibly easy to do so. If you practice hard enough hypnotizing someone with conversational hypnosis becomes like second nature

Don't get me wrong, conversational hypnosis is one of those skills that can be learned in a relatively short time but will take a lifetime to master. However learning conversational hypnosis is not beyond most people. You don't need to be Einstein you

Conversational Hypnosis Unveiled

just need a bit of time and and a degree of commitment.

More and more people are waking up to the reality of conversational hypnosis. As with any psychological techniques some risks do exist and there is always the possibility that some may attempt to misuse this skill. However conversational hypnosis does not easily lend itself to abuse as it works best when the suggestions made are in keeping with the persons belief systems. It offers an unprecedented opportunity for anybody who wants to take control of their lives to make a positive change for themselves and their family.

Conversational Hypnosis Unveiled

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