contrastive analysis of english & chinese

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Contrastive Analysis of English & Chinese. Teaching Plan. Teaching Contents: 1. An introduction to Chinese language from the views of language family, Language types, Writing system, Phonetics, Vocabulary, Word order, Function words, Sentence structure, Style, etc. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Contrastive Analysis of English & Chinese

Teaching Plan

Teaching Contents: 1. An introduction to Chinese language from the

views of language family, Language types, Writing system, Phonetics, Vocabulary, Word order, Function words, Sentence structure, Style, etc.

2. An introduction to English language from the views of language family, Language types, Writing system, Phonetics, Vocabulary, Word order, Function words, Sentence structure, Style, etc.

3. Comparison and Contrast of C-E languages

Teaching PlanTeaching Aims: To make students get the general idea about Chinese and

English languages and their similarities and differencesTeaching Focus: The similarities of C-E languages The differences between C-E languagesTeaching Methods: teacher-oriented lecturing Discussion (group work, then class work)Teaching Approaches: Multi-media aided.Teaching Procedures:

1 Introduction of language families

English ---- the Germanic branch of the Indo-European( 印欧语系 ) language family;

Chinese ---- the Sino-Tibetan( 汉臧语系 ) language family

1.2 Language types

Synthetic language vs. Analytic language A synthetic language is characterized by

frequent and systematic use of inflected forms to express grammatical relationships. e.g. German, Old English.

An analytic language is characterized by a relatively frequent use of function words, auxiliary verbs, and changes in word order to express syntactic relations, rather than of inflected forms. e.g. Chinese.

1.3 Writing system

Chinese: 表意文字 (ideographic) 表意音文字 (ideo-phonographic) 1) 不带表音成分 : 象形 (pictograph) 指事 (indicative character) 会意 (associative character) 2) 带表音成分 : 形声字 据统计,目前汉字库形声字比重已超过 90% 。

1.3 Writing system


拼音文字 (alphabetic) 由 26 个字母构成词语。 不表意。

1.4 Phonetics

Chinese is tone language. ( 声调语言 )

English is intonation language. ( 语调语言 )

1.5 Vocabulary

I. Sematic contrast一 . 词语语义对比:1. 汉语 : “ 历史悠久” 英语 : “ 融汇百川”2. 汉英词汇对应的依据 : 客观世界大体相同 人的生理结构一样3. 汉英词汇不对应的原因 : 文化 ( 自然环境、 社会历史、 思维方式 、宗

教信仰、 风俗习惯等) 表现为:词汇空缺、词汇冲突

1.5 Vocabulary

II. Grammatical contrast of vocabulary Similarities:1. 词类数量大致相等 , 类别基本对应。2. 名词、动词、形容词三大类开放性词类在词汇中占


词和量词) 虚词(连词、介词、助词、叹词)英语:实词( Noun, Verb, Adjective, Adverb, Numer

al, Pronoun) 虚词( Preposition, Conjunction, Article, Interj


1.5 VocabularyII. Grammatical contrast of vocabulary Differences: 1. 从词类划分比较 : 汉语没有冠词 , 英语没有量词 2. 从数量上比较 : 副词 : 汉语中少 , 为虚词 英语中多 , 为实词 介词 : 汉语中少 , 30 个左右 英语中多 , 数不胜数 ( 包括简单介词、复合介词、 短语介词) 连词: 有类似不同

复杂而有趣的量词 一本书、两枝笔、三扇窗、四把锁、五只鸡 一炷香、一抔土、一尾鱼、一床被、一叶小




English ---- SV structure Chinese ---- inner logic and semantic relations Sentence Examples: 1) These are the best dictionaries about English idioms

which we have in the library. 2) This morning I came back by train from Beijing where I

had visited some of my former classmates after I had finished my task there.

3) We had been dismayed at home while reading of the natural calamities that followed one another for three years after we left China in 1959.

4) Rocket research has confirmed a strange fact that had already been suspected there is a "high temperature belt" in the atmosphere, with its center roughly thirty miles above the ground.

1.6 Word order

5) 政府主导的医疗改革如果仅仅意味着加大对医疗市场的限制的话,那我们可要三思而后行了。

6) 她每天清晨在室外高声朗读。 7) 救死扶伤,实行革命的人道主义。 8) 英国是第一个承认人民中国的西方大国。 9) 如蒙早日寄来样品或产品册,不胜感激。

1.7 Function words Function words are articles, prepositions, auxiliaries, coordinators, s

ubordinators and so on. 1) a fish / a hill / a well / a book / a marriage / a limited view / a good i

ntention 2) He has an eye for beauty / an ear for music. 3) Johnson is the man for the job. / This is the drink for hot weather. 4) To the Chinese, theirs was not a civilization, but the civilization.

( 中国人认为他们的文化不是文化中的一种,而是唯一的文化。 ) 5) This was the period when Einstein began the research which result

ed in the creation of his famous Theory of Relativity. 6) 我们应当逐步消灭城乡差别。 7) 晚霞映红了半边天。 8) 老人走南闯北,去过的地方很多 9) 群众齐心了,一切事情都好办。 10) 耳朵是用来听声音的器官,鼻子用来嗅气味,舌头用来尝滋味。

从词类使用的频率上分析 * 汉语多用动词而英语多用名词 * 英语中代词、介词、连词的使用频率高 * 汉语的数词使用得多 , 因为汉语的成语及缩略语靠数词构成

* 汉语的量词使用频率高 , 正如英语的冠词一样

1.7 Function words

汉英词类划分的理据比较 及对汉译英的意义

1. 汉英词类划分的理据 汉语词类的划分主要依据词义,即词义的

实与虚、动与静、具体与抽象等; 英语的此类划分依据是语法,此类与句子

成分有严格的对应关系,词义倒在其次。 结果 : 汉英词类名同实异 , 同名异质 语言现实中 : 形异实同 因此 : 转类法

2. 对汉英翻译的意义 (启示) * 由于汉英词汇意义存在不对应现象 , 翻译时

应通过各种手段对译入语加以补充或限定 , 技巧上表现为词语的增减阐释借用音译等手段的运用 ;

* 由于词汇使用频率不对应 , 翻译是时不能拘泥与字面的对应 , 而应该以整体意义为重 ,灵活变通 .

* 由于词类的性质不同 , 词类转换便成了汉英翻译中经常使用的技巧 .

英语中词类转换 , 一词兼几 类的现象比较普遍

“You can happy your friends, malice or foot your enemy, or fall an axe on his neck.”

--- Shakespeare

Who chaired the meeting?It can seat 1000 people. We should shoulder these

responsibilities. I hope we can room

together. They breakfasted at the


第二节 汉英句子对比

汉语语法呈隐含性 (covertness) 英语语法呈外显性 (overtness)

Contrastive Analysis of English & Chinese (II)

I. Hypotaxis vs. Parataxis Hypotactic: the dependent or subordinate construction or re

lationship of clauses with connectives Paratactic: the arranging of clauses one after the other with

out connectives showing the relation between them English ---- a grape-cluster structure (All clauses grow from

the main stem ----the SV structure); architecture style; overt cohesion

Chinese ---- a bamboo-shaped structure (The Chinese sentence can develop in depth along with the flow of thought or the necessity of narration without worrying about the bounding of subject); chronicle style (streamline the thoughts) / linear expansion; covert coherence

Examples: 1) Fred takes it home with him and returned it a few days later beautifully

bound. 2) He was puzzled that I did not want what was obviously a “step” toward what all Americans are taught to want when they grow up: money and power. 3) The isolation of the rural world because of distance and the lack of transport facilities is compounded by the paucity of the information media. 4) Coming out while you were poised unsteadily on the icy, springy brush they made difficult shooting and I killed two, missed five, and started back pleased to have found a covey close to the house and happy there were so many left to find on another day. 5) With the third party acting as an intermediary, to take the interest of the

whole into account we strongly demanded with frankness and sincerity many times at the end of the autumn of the same year that you should compensate all of our losses. 6) Before my graduation from Columbia, the family met with severe financial reverses and I felt it my duty to leave college and take a job. Thus was I launched upon a business career ---- which I always think of as the wasted years.

Examples: 7) 抓住了主要矛盾,一切问题就可以迎刃而解。

8) 不吃苦中苦,哪知甜中甜? 9) 他为人善良,乐于助人,工作勤苦,深受

大家喜欢。 10) 招商代表团吸引了许多东南亚客商来新


11) 近年来,中、泰两国国民经济发展迅速,为两国的经济、贸易合作提供了良好的基础。

① In recent years the national economies of China and Thailand have quickly developed, providing a good foundation for economic and trade cooperation between the two countries.

② Recent years have witnessed the rapid development of the national economies in China and Thailand, which has prepared for good economic and trade cooperation between the two countries.

③ China and Thailand, with the rapid development of their national economies in recent years, have laid a good foundation for their economic and trade cooperation.

④ The rapid development of the national economies of China and Thailand in recent years has laid a sound foundation for economic and trade cooperation between the two countries. )

12) 中国政府将继续坚定不移地奉行独立自主的和平外交政策,同世界各国建立和发展友好关系,反对霸权主义和强权政治,维护世界和平,推动社会发展,促进人类进步。

The Chinese government will unswervingly pursue its independent foreign policy of peace by establishing and developing friendly relations with other countries and opposing hegemonism and power policies so as to safeguard world peace and promote social development and the progress of mankind.

II. Compactness vs. Diffusiveness English ---- SV structure & SV-concord (Subject-Predicate) : grammat

ical concord; notional concord; principle of proximity; formal cohesion Chinese ---- TC structure (Topic-Comment); semantic coherence. e.g. 警察抓住了小偷;三个小偷都抓住了;昨晚抓住了三个小偷;公共汽车

上抓住了三个小偷。 1) The strong walls of the castle served as a good defense against the

attackers. 2) That dirty old house is an offence to everyone who lives in the street. 3) My shock and embarrassment at finding mother in tears on Wednes

day was a perfect index of how little I understood the pressures on her. 4) Now the integrated circuit has reduced by many times the size of the

computer of which it forms a part, thus creating a new generation of portable minicomputer.

5) In the midst of the party comes unexpectedly over the radio the announcement of the President of the United States declaring a state of emergency for suspected enemy missiles approaching.

II. Compactness vs. Diffusiveness

6) 开车他没有经验。 / 婚姻的事我自己做主。 7) 全市到处在兴建新工厂。 / 现在正下着毛毛雨。

8) 我从乡下跑到城里,一转眼已经六年了。 9) 他有个女儿,在北京工作,已经打电话去

了,听说明天就能回来。 10) 他于是很快讲了下面的话,语调十分引


Suggested Reading:

*1. 孙致礼 《新编英汉翻译教程》 p.67-80 2. 陈宏薇 《新编汉英翻译教程》 p.33-53




汉语句子 : (parataxis) 语义型或意合型 依仗意义,即内在的逻辑关系组织语言


英语句子 : (hypotaxis ) 语法型或形合型 依仗形式(包括词的形态变化,词汇的衔接等)将语言符号由“散”(个体的词)到“集” (词组乃至语篇)的语言组织手段



Only my aunt, because the maids taken on afterwards turned out to be lazy or greedy, or both, none of them satisfied her, still spoke of Xianglin’s Wife.

My aunt was the only one who still spoke of Xianglin’s Wife. This was because most of the maids taken on afterwards turned out to be lazy or greedy, or both, none of them giving satisfaction. (杨宪益、戴乃迭译)



①I have come across a great many young friends, ②bright and diligent, ③do exceedingly well in studies, ④but they are rather weak in Chinese, ⑤even can’t write a smooth Chinese letter. ⑥When asked why, they’ll say they are not interested in Chinese.

I have come across a great many bright and diligent young friends who have done exceedingly well in their studies, but are rather weak in Chinese. They cannot even write a letter in correct Chinese. When I asked them why, they said they were not interested in the Chinese language.

The isolation of the rural world, because of distance and the lack of transport facilities, is compounded by the paucity of the information media.


Because there is a great distance and there are not enough transport facilities, the rural world is isolated. This isolation has become more serious because there are not enough information media.

It is a curious fact, of which I can think of no satisfactory explanation, that enthusiasm for country life and love of natural scenery are strongest and most widely diffused precisely in those European countries which have the worst climate and where the search for the picturesque involves the greatest discomfort.

AIdous Huxley: The Country

Basic sentence structure of modern English 1) SV (主-谓) 2) SVO (主-谓-宾) 3) SVC (主-谓-主补) 4) SVA (主-谓-状) 5 SVOD (主-谓-间宾-直宾) 6) SVOC (主-谓-宾-宾补) 7) SVOA (主-谓-宾-状)



4. 汉英语言特征比较 汉语:主题显著的语言 (topic-prominent langu

age), 采用主题 -述题 (topic-comment)的句式

“话语 ---说明结构” 汉语句子建立在意念主轴 (thought-pi

vot) 上


主语显著的语言 (subject-prominent language), 几乎都采用主语 -谓语 (subject-predicate) 的句式

“主语 --- 谓语结构” 英语句子建立在形式 (或主谓 ) 主轴 (f

orm-pivot) 上

译文主语的选择原文:这件事你不用操心。译文 1 : This you don’t need to worry.

译文 2:

You don’t need to worry about this.

3. This is not something you need to worry about.

4. It is unnecessary for you to worry about this.

5. There is no need to worry about this.


My head aches badly. My head is killing me. I have a terrible headache. I have a splitting headache. I have a migraine.


China’s per capita agricultural land cannot compare with that of many other countries in the world.

In its amount of agricultural land per capita, China compares unfavorably with many other countries.

China compares unfavorably with many other countries in terms of per capita agricultural land.


A lazy person will never succeed.

Laziness makes it impossible for one to succeed.

Laziness makes success impossible.


The mother is very proud to have an intelligent and pretty daughter.

The intelligence and beauty of the daughter makes her mother very proud.

5. 汉英句子结构比较汉语: “板块型” 或 “竹节型”

汉语句子往往是句子较短 , 结构紧凑 ,好似“万倾碧波层层推进”

“左分支” 结构 (left-branching)

“后重心”:重要信息放在后面。 “狮子头”(头大尾小)

英语 :“多枝共干型” 或“葡萄串型” 英语句子如“老树参天 , 枝杈横生” , 句子长 , 插入成分多 , 形成复杂嵌套结构 .

“右分支” 结构 (right-branching ) “前重心”:主要信息放在主句中,放在句首。前重后轻。



汉语:逆线性延伸 首开放性 (open-beginning) 尾封闭性 (close-ending)

英语:顺线性延伸 首封闭性 (close-beginning) 尾开放性 (open-ending)



不对。 他不对。 我认为他不对。 我告诉过你我认为他不对。 我明明告诉过你我认为他不对。 我开会时明明告诉过你我认为他不对。 我昨天开会时明明告诉过你我认为他不对。

句尾开放性(右分支) He is reading. He is reading a book. He is reading a book written by Mark Twain. He is reading a book written by Mark Twain in the reading-room. He is reading a book written by Mark Twain in the reading-room on the second floor of our library. He is reading a book written by Mark Twain in the reading-room on the second floor of our library which has just opened.



1 )原因和结果 We work ourselves into ecstasy over the two sup

erpowers’ treaty limiting the number of anti-ballistic missile systems that they may retain and their agreement on limitations on strategic offensive weapons.


生活中既有悲剧,文学作品就可以写悲剧。 Tragedies can be written in literature since there

is tragedy in life.


Desertions and defections are rife among the puppet troops as a result of low morale, and the puppet regime is torn by internal strife.

2) 结论和分析 The solution to the problem of Southern Africa can

not remain forever hostage to the political maneuvers and tactical delays by South Africa nor to its transparent proposals aimed at procrastination and the postponement of the solution.



A tremendous achievement of the May 4th Movement was its public exposure of the ugliness of old stereotype and the old dogma and its call to the people to rise against them.

3 )假设和前提


The people of a small country can certainly defeat aggression by a big country, if only they dare to rise in struggle, dare to take up arms and grasp in their own hands the destiny of their own country.


“屡战屡败” (He was repeatedly defeated though he fought over and over again.)

“屡败屡战” ( He fought over and over again though he was repeatedly defeated.)

Contrastive Analysis of English & Chinese (III)

I. Impersonal Style vs. Personal Style

Formal written language often goes with an impersonal style; i.e. one in which the speaker does not refer directly to himself or his readers, but avoids the pronouns I, you, we. Some of the common features of impersonal language are passive, sentences beginning with introductory it, and abstract nouns.

1. Inanimate Subject + Animate Verb 1) From the moment we stepped into the People’s Republic of

China, care and kindness surrounded us on every side. 2) Excitement deprived me of all power of utterance. 3) The thick carpet killed the sound of my footsteps. 4) Alarm began to take entire possession of him. 5) Friday started with a morning visit to the modern campus of

the 22,000-student University of Michigan in nearby Ann Arbor, where the Chinese table tennis team joined students in the cafeteria line for lunch and later played an exhibition match.

I. Impersonal Style vs. Personal Style

6) 一看到那棵大树,我便想起了童年的情景。 7) 我没有注意到她的暗示。 8) 他抿起隆肿的双唇,强作笑脸。 9) 她独处时便感到一种特殊的安宁。 10) 北京目睹过许多伟大的历史事件。

I. Impersonal Style vs. Personal Style

2. Impersonal Passive 1) Not only politeness but an attitude of reverence is

demanded in church. 2) My holiday afternoons were spent in ramble about the

surrounding country. 3) It has been noted with concern that the stock of books in

the library has been declining alarmingly. Students are asked to remind themselves of the rules for the borrowing and return of books, and to bear in mind the needs of other students. Penalties for overdue books will in the future be strictly enforced.

4) A current search of the files indicates that the letter is no longer in this Bureau’s possession. It is noted that the letter was received two months ago, and after study, returned to your office. In view of the foregoing, it is regretted that your office has no record of its receipt. If the letter is found, it would be appreciated if this Bureau was notified at once.

I. Impersonal Style vs. Personal Style

3. Subject-omitted Sentences / Passives with No Grammatical Marks

1) 发现了错误,一定要改正。 2) 看树看果实,看人看行为。 3) 只要知道电压和电流,就能确定电阻。 4) 当两个物体在一起摩擦时,电子便从一个物体转到另一个物体。

5) 未经审批机关批准,合同中不得规定禁止接受方在合同期满后继续使用技术的条款。

II. Abstraction vs. Concretization English ---- the tendency of nominalization (the excessive

use of abstract nouns) Chinese ---- high concretization in its notions and imagery 1) The stars twinkled in transparent clarity. 2) I marveled at the relentless determination of the rain. 3) He had surfaced with less visibility in the policy

decisions. 4) The growing awareness by millions of people of their

intolerable conditions of life had prompted them to revote. 5) The lack of figures may prove to be an obstacle to the

efficiency of the whole of the proposed statistical content of the exercise. 6) No year passes now without evidence of the truth of the

statement that the work of government is becoming increasingly difficult.

II. Abstraction vs. Concretization

7) 近来忙于其他事务,未能早些复信,深感抱歉。 8) 语言这东西不是随便可以学好的,非下苦功不可。 9) 他试图用热情的款待把他的窘态遮盖过去。 10) 他等着她来,急得象热锅上的蚂蚁。 11) 他这一阵心头如同十五个吊桶打水,七上八下,老是宁静不下来。

12) 在处理历史资料时,每选一项资料就是作出一种判断,因此不能说完全没有偏见。

Suggested Reading:

1. 孙致礼 《新编英汉翻译教程》 p.67-80 2. 陈宏薇 《新编汉英翻译教程》 p.33-53

第三节 汉英语体风格对比

1. 在词汇上的表现

1) 英语有丰富的同义词 * 英语本族词 (native words)

*外来词 (loan words)

* 习语同义词 (synonymous idioms)


本族词与外来词同义词组 固定短语与单词同义词组 英国英语与美国英语同义词组 原形词与缩短词同义词组

同义词辨析 词义轻重范围大小 语体色彩(口头语、书面语)感情色彩(褒、贬)具体和抽象搭配组合

Brave: (Italian) 坚定刚毅 Bold: (old English)勇猛,甚至肆无 忌惮 Courageous: (French)坚强不屈的性格 Valiant: (Latin)(雅 literary ) 用于人 (very brave, especially in a

difficult situation) Valorous: (Latin) (雅 literary )用于人、事迹或技艺 (full of valor---

great courage, especially in


postpone --- put off tolerate --- put up with extinguish --- put out raise --- put up

“Words are seldom exactly synonymous.”

---Samuel Johnson

“English is among the easiest languages to speak badly, but the most difficult to use well.”

---C.L. Wren

British Linguist

2) 一词多义和一词多用现象

No context, no text.



There are students and students.

2. 在句法上的表现

汉语句式 结构上:单句和复句其他: 主谓句、无主句、流水句、主题句散句: 长句、短句整句: 对偶句、排比句、顶真句、回环句

文体功能:整句多见于书面体;单句和 短句则多用于口语体。

英语句式 结构上:简单句( simple sentence) 并列句 (compound sentence) 复合句 (complex sentence)长度上:长句和短句修辞上: 松散句 (loose sentence) 平衡句 (balanced sentence) 圆周句 (periodic sentence) 完整句 片语句 (fragment sentence) 主谓先后上:正装句、到装句


1. 简单句、短句、松散句 : 多见于口语,给人自由、随意的感觉。

2. 复合句、长句:多用于阐述复杂的的思想,适用于逻辑严密、语意复杂的论证文体。

3. 平衡句、圆周句:节奏感强、琅琅上口、有气势,多见于演说类等具有感染力的文体。

3. 篇章语体对比 王治奎:事务文体、科技文体、政论文体 和文艺文体

王宏印:应用文体、科技文体、论述文 体、新闻文体和艺术文体

刘宓庆:新闻报刊、论述文体、公文文 体、描述及叙述文体、科技文体 和应用文体

应用文体:广告、启事、通知、通告、契 约、合同、公函、私信科技文体:科学论著、实验报告、情报资 料、设备和产品说明论述文体:社会科学论著、政治文献、演 说报告等 新闻文体:新闻报道、新闻电讯、新闻评 论、新闻特写等艺术文体:主要指文学作品(小说、散 文、 诗歌、戏剧等)

应用文体要求: 译文格式正确,内容简明,语言朴实

科技文体要求: 术语正确,数据、公式、图表 , 完整无误,语言明晰无歧义

论述文体要求 : 立场、观点、态度准确无误,逻辑清晰,语言庄重

新闻文体要求 : 格式正确 , 语言得体 , 行文流畅

艺术文体要求 : 准确达意 , 流畅生动 , 风貌尽出



1. 音节扩充


2. 词语重复

汉语为了追求音节的平衡和句法的完整 , 往往需要重复 ; 而英语以简洁为宗旨 , 尽量避免词语的重复 .

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