construction of magazine

Post on 24-May-2015






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The process of making my music magazine


Construction of Music Magazine

Front Cover

First started off with a A4 page with a Black Background.

I then took the photo from my photo shoot and cut her from the background ( using the magic lasso) , because I didn’t like the foreground so placed her onto the black background instead, which I like better than what I had in mind, as it puts the focus on her.

I then resized the picture so that it would cover most of the blank areas, and make the page fuller.

I started to add my mast head by using the font Farcry from in a white colour as it contrasts with the black background.

I then resized it to fill across the top of the page.

I then moved the layer below the picture layer so it would go behind the head, as this emphasises the importance of the picture to the rest of the magazine.

I then added to the masthead ‘magazine’ in a Ariel font in red, as this colour stands out with the white and black. These are my main colour palette.

Like the mast head I moved it the left and put this layer behind the picture, as this is part of the masthead and follows the same principle.

I then edited the picture by putting a lighting effect on it contrast with the black background. And also added a selling line; which I have done in Ariel font, in white to contrast with the mast head.

After that I decided to add a white box were the skyline will be, as this makes it stand out and contrast with the masthead.

I then added the main pull quote, which I have don’t in white and red in large Ariel font. This is the same sort of style I have used for the masthead so that they contrast with each other.

I then added to this pull quote with more white text.

Then going back to the skyline I resized the white box to give a more defined border to the cover.

I put the ‘free CD inside’ bigger than the text so that it stands out and will be seen as its on the third left.

I then added a pull quote from the interview which will be on the double page spread. I put the text in black but added a white glowing effect so that it could be seen on the black background.

I then put all the rest of the information about the magazine at the bottom to give the reader a more of an in sight to what they can find in the magazine.

The added a bar code price and date and issue number to give it a more of an effect for a magazine.

I then did a few touch ups to the magazine. I first added some effects to the main quote line; this really makes it stand out and really makes it emphasis. I made the ‘free’ red just so it can stand out to catch the eye and also shortened the selling line to make it snappier. I also made the bottom text bigger just so it balances the magazine.

Contents Page

Like the front cover I started off with a plain black background A4 size.

I then added a white box for the heading of the contents.

Using the same style of font from the mast head on the front I have created the header for the page.

I also added the name of the magazine under the header contents to give it a more distinguished house style and also got this idea from some inspired magazine Kerrang which I like.

I then began to add the contents of the magazine. The numbers are in red and the writing in white in the font of Ariel the sub heading of the magazine is in a bigger bolder style than the little description I have added in a smaller style.

I then added more to the third left.

I then started to add more in another column.

I then aligned the columns.

I then added a picture which was also inspired from Kerrang magazine also I changed the layout of the contents one column is overlaying the picture as the attention is dragged from the picture.

I then added the page number a sub heading to match the picture and also another picture, I gave it a Polaroid effect.

I then added more pictures to the side of the contents over lapping each other and slightly rotated to give it a rebellious look and not so organised like they have been thrown onto the page.

I then added a white boarder around the pictures to make them more defined.

Double Page Spread

Following on with the constant house style again I have used a plain black background A3 size instead for the double page spread.

Like the main pull quote on the front cover I have used the same style but have added a outer glow to it to make it stand out more and different. Also I have placed this on the right of the page as I want to put a picture on the left to capture the readers attention to the story.

I also added the love which is in the same style from the cover.

Also I added the detailing filling up half the page in big text and the ‘back’ in bolder type to stand out.

I then took another picture from the shoot and cute her from the background so that the consistency from the cover from the contents through to the dps. Also I have added a drop shadow in the same colour to the heading to contrast and make it stand out. The colour that I have chosen for this compromises with her skin ton and the basic neutral colours.

I then added some brushes to the background and minimised the opacity of the brush so that it isn’t so harsh.

Also I added some leaves in an autumn colour palette so that it contrasts with the ‘unatural’ and makes the background more fuller so that it isn’t so plain.

After that I added white boxes which I put the opacity down to 17%, this also cuts the arm off in the picture so it doesn't look unfinished or cut off.

I have started my story with a big ‘T’ as this begins the story and stands out, also the story is left unfinished so I have put an arrow hinting there is more to be read. The text is in white which stands out from the boxes.

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