conspectus, conspect ūs, m

Post on 02-Jan-2016






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conspectus, conspect ūs, m. sight, view; appearance; contemplation. tellus, telluris, f. ground, land, earth, country. velum, veli. sail, sheet, awning, cloth. spuma, spumae. foam, froth. sal, salis. salt, wit. aes, aeris, n. bronze, a bronze implement. ruo, ruere, rui. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


conspectus, conspectūs, m.

sight, view; appearance;contemplation

tellus, telluris, f.

ground, land, earth, country

velum, veli

sail, sheet, awning, cloth

spuma, spumae

foam, froth

sal, salis

salt, wit

aes, aeris, n.

bronze, a bronze implement

ruo, ruere, rui

to rush; to rush wildly, charge;to collapse; to rush through/over

aeternus, -a, -um

endless, eternal, everlasting,enduring


under, beneath;down in, down to;up to; deep down in

inceptum, incepti

undertaking, enterprise;attempt, intention

desisto, desistere, destiti

to leave off, desist, cease (from)


of course, naturally; for, indeed,to be sure

exuro, exurere, exussi, exustus

to destroy by fire,burn completely, incinerate

classis, classis, f.

fleet, naval force;class (of citizens)

summergo, summergere,summersi, summersus

to (cause to) sink, submerge,

pontus, ponti


noxa, noxae

injurious behavior, wrongdoing

furia, furiae

avenging rage, fury; goddess of vengeance, Fury

rapidus, -a, -um

swiftly moving, rapid, quick

iaculor, iaculari, iaculatus sum

to throw a javelin; to shoot at,strike; to hurl, throw

disicio, disicere, disieci, disiectus

to break up and scatter,disperse; to dispel

ratis, ratis, f.

raft, boat, ship

exspiro, exspirare, exspiravi,expiratus

to breathe out, exhale;to expire, die, perish

transfigo, transfigere,transfixi, transfixus

to pierce through, puncture

turbo, turbinis, m.

spinning object, top;whirlwind, tornado; whirlpool

corripio, corripere,corripui, correptus

to seize hold of, snatch up,seize and carry off; to hasten upon, hasten over; to attack, overcome

scopulus, scopuli

projecting rock, crag, cliff, peak;boulder

infigo, infigere, infixi, infixus

to drive in, implant; to transfix, impale

acutus, -a, -um

pointed, sharp, tapering;high-pitched


but, but if; and if

divus, divi


soror, sororis, f.


quisquam, quicquam, quidquam

any person, anyone, anything

adoro, adorare, adoravi, adoratus

to plead with, to approach as a suppliant, pray to , worship

supplex, supplicis

making humble entreaty,(as a) suppliant

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