consolidated financial summary fy2012 fy2011...2013/04/30  · fiscal 2012 consolidated operating...

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Kobe Steel, Ltd. Tokyo, Japan Tokyo Stock Exchange No. 5406 April 26, 2013

Kobe Steel's Consolidated Financial Results for Fiscal 2012 (April 1, 2012 – March 31, 2013)

TOKYO, April 26, 2013 – Kobe Steel, Ltd. announced today its financial results for fiscal 2012, ended March 31, 2013. Consolidated financial summary (In millions of yen)

FY2012 % change FY2011 % change

Net sales 1,685,529 (9.6%) 1,864,691 0.3%Operating income 11,234 (81.4%) 60,555 (51.4%)Ordinary income (loss) * (18,146) --- 33,780 (62.1%)Net loss (26,976) --- (14,248) --- Net loss per share (8.98 yen) (4.74 yen)

Note: * Also known as pretax recurring profit

Segment sales (In millions of yen)

FY2012 FY2011

Iron & Steel 742,841 854,236 Welding 82,216 84,416 Aluminum & Copper 262,201 289,927 Machinery 167,117 152,813 Natural Resources & Engineering 46,493 55,872 Kobelco Eco-Solutions 72,656 71,196 Kobelco Construction Machinery 267,821 307,159 Kobelco Cranes 45,501 48,005 Other Businesses 73,236 69,185 Adjustment (74,556) (68,121)

Total 1,685,529 1,864,691

1. Analysis of Operating Results Fiscal 2012 Consolidated Operating Results Japan’s economy in the first half of fiscal 2012 (April 1, 2012-September 30, 2012) was slowly following a recovery trend on the back of rising demand for reconstruction work from the Great East Japan Earthquake. However, in the second half of the fiscal year, although the yen became weaker, the economy remained sluggish due to the ending of eco-friendly car subsidies and other factors. Overseas markets saw a gradually recovering economy in the United States, but continuation of the financial turmoil in Europe and growing sluggishness in China’s economic growth. Against this economic environment, the sales volume (in terms of tons sold) of steel products and aluminum and copper rolled products in the Kobe Steel Group declined in comparison to the previous year. Although domestic demand from the automotive industry continued to be strong until the second quarter, demand decelerated from the third quarter. In addition, the sluggish overseas market for steel products and the high yen led to a worsening in the export environment. Aluminum and copper rolled products also saw continued sluggish demand from the IT-related sectors. Unit sales of hydraulic excavators fell in comparison to the previous year. Although domestic demand increased owing to reconstruction work from the Great East Japan Earthquake and demand increased in Southeast Asia, China experienced a large decrease in demand. As a result, Kobe Steel’s consolidated net sales in fiscal 2012 decreased 179.1 billion yen in comparison to the previous year to 1,685.5 billion yen, largely affected by the low sales volume of steel products, the


decrease in sales prices, and low unit sales of hydraulic excavators. Operating income went down 49.3 billion yen in comparison to the previous year to 11.2 billion yen due to a loss on inventory valuation for steel, aluminum and copper rolled products. Ordinary income, also known as pretax recurring profit, decreased 51.9 billion yen in comparison to the previous year to an ordinary loss of 18.1 billion yen. Net income went down 12.7billion yen in comparison to the previous year to a net loss of 26.9billion yen despite an increase in deferred tax assets. Conditions in the business segments for fiscal 2012 were as follows. Iron & Steel Business The sales volume of steel products in fiscal 2012 decreased in comparison to the previous year. Although demand was strong in the domestic automotive industry until the second quarter, demand from the shipbuilding industry was sluggish throughout the year. The export environment worsened due to the weak overseas market and high yen. Sales prices declined in comparison to the previous year as demand for steel products did not improve in the significantly relaxed Asian region and raw material prices declined. Sales of steel castings and forgings declined in comparison to the previous year due to sluggish demand in the shipbuilding industry and resulting drop in sales prices. Sales of titanium products also declined due to a decrease in overseas demand. As a result, consolidated segment sales in fiscal 2012 decreased 13.0 percent in comparison to the previous year to 742.8 billion yen. Ordinary income went down 35.5 billion yen in comparison to the previous year to an ordinary loss of 50.2 billion yen. Welding Business The sales volume of welding materials in fiscal 2012 was at the same level as last year. Although demand was strong in Southeast Asia and North America, demand from Japan’s shipbuilding industry decreased. Sales of welding robot systems went down in comparison to the previous year due to lower demand from Japan and China’s construction machinery sector. As a result, consolidated segment sales in fiscal 2012 decreased 2.6 percent in comparison to the previous year to 82.2 billion yen. Ordinary income decreased 0.9 billion yen in comparison to the previous year to 2.1 billion yen. Aluminum & Copper Business The sales volume of aluminum rolled products in fiscal 2012 decreased in comparison to the previous year. Demand was strong in the domestic automotive industry until the second quarter, but decelerated from the third quarter. Demand continued to be sluggish in IT-related sectors. Sales of aluminum castings and forgings also declined in comparison to the previous year due to low demand for LCD and semiconductor manufacturing equipment. The sales volume of copper rolled products declined in comparison to the previous year. Although copper tube showed recovery from the flooding in Thailand, demand was weak for copper sheet and strip used in semiconductor applications. In addition to these conditions, decreases in ingot prices were reflected in lower sales prices for products. As a result, consolidated segment sales in fiscal 2012 decreased 9.6 percent in comparison to the previous year to 262.2 billion yen. Ordinary income went down 2.1 billion yen in comparison to the previous year to 3.9 billion yen, due to a worsening in inventory valuation and other factors. Machinery Business Competition from overseas manufacturers heated up on the back of the high yen, leading to a worsening in the business environment. As a result, consolidated orders in fiscal 2012 decreased 24.5 percent to 109.5 billion yen. The backlog of orders at the end of fiscal 2012 stood at 116.6 billion yen. However, consolidated segment sales in fiscal 2012 increased 9.4 percent in comparison to the previous year to 167.1 billion yen owing to the posting of sales from large domestic and overseas orders for plastic processing machinery and other products. Ordinary income increased 2.1 billion in comparison to the previous year to 12.0 billion yen. Natural Resources & Engineering Business Consolidated orders in fiscal 2012 increased 14.7 percent in comparison to previous year to 33.5 billion yen,


due to the rise in recovery demand for waste treatment from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station. The backlog of orders at the end of fiscal 2012 amounted to 63.7 billion yen. However, consolidated segment sales in fiscal 2012 declined 16.8% percent in comparison to previous year to 46.4 billion yen, due to the posting of sales in the previous year for a direct reduction plant. Ordinary income declined 1.6 billion yen in comparison to the previous year to an ordinary loss of 1.3 billion yen. Kobelco Eco-Solutions Consolidated orders in fiscal 2012 declined 6.7 percent in comparison to the previous year to 73.5 billion yen. Although orders for large-scale projects were received in the waste treatment business, demand went down in the water treatment business and the chemical and food equipment businesses. The backlog of orders at the end of fiscal 2012 was 43.5 billion yen. Consolidated segment sales in fiscal 2012 increased 2.1 percent in comparison to previous year to 72.6 billion yen owing to progress in construction work of previous orders. However, ordinary income went down 0.3 billion yen in comparison to previous year to 3.9 billion yen due to a change in the types of projects undertaken. Kobelco Construction Machinery Unit sales of hydraulic excavators in fiscal 2012 decreased in comparison to the previous year. Domestic demand was strong owing to reconstruction work from the Great East Japan Earthquake and demand increased in Southeast Asia. However, unit sales fell considerably in China. Although the Chinese government implemented economic stimulus measures, amid slow economic growth, demand did not recover. As a result, segment sales in fiscal 2012 decreased 12.8 percent in comparison to the previous year to 267.8 billion yen. Ordinary income decreased 16.0 billion yen in comparison to the previous year to 6.8 billion yen. Kobelco Cranes Unit sales of crawler cranes in fiscal 2012 increased in comparison to the previous year. In addition to higher domestic demand from reconstruction work after the Great East Japan Earthquake, overseas demand was on a recovery trend centered in North America and Southeast Asia. However, due to changes in the types of cranes sold, consolidated segment sales in fiscal 2012 decreased 5.2 percent in comparison to the previous year to 45.5 billion yen Ordinary income decreased 2.4 billion yen in comparison to previous year to an ordinary loss of 2.2 billion yen. Other Businesses At Kobelco Research Institute, Inc., demand on the whole was on a recovery trend for the testing and research businesses, target material for LCDs, and other segments. However, demand was sluggish in the testing and research business for the electronics sector. At Shinko Real Estate Co., Ltd., the number of property handovers increased and the leasing business remained strong. As a result, consolidated segment sales in fiscal 2012 increased 5.9 percent in comparison to the previous year to 73.2 billion yen. Ordinary income increased 0.3 billion yen in comparison to the previous year to 7.5 billion yen.

Forecast for Fiscal 2013 The world economy in fiscal 2013, ending March 31, 2014, is unclear. Although the domestic and overseas economies are anticipated to continue to gradually recover, Europe will continue to be plagued by financial problems. The external environment surrounding the Kobe Steel Group is not anticipated to quickly improve despite the lower yen and other signs of progress. Amid this background, although it is difficult to see a sharp recovery in demand for steel, aluminum and copper rolled products, some increase is anticipated. A certain degree of undetermined factors including steel raw material prices and some steel products prices can be projected. As a result, consolidated net sales for the Kobe Steel Group are anticipated to reach 1,790.0 billion yen. Ordinary income is forecast to be approximately 45.0 billion yen and net income is forecast to be 35.0 billion yen, owing to an improvement in inventory valuation and a change in the method of depreciation.


Anticipated conditions in the business segments are as follows: Iron & Steel Business Demand for steel products in the shipbuilding industry is anticipated to remain sluggish. However, steel demand from the automotive industry in North America is projected to be strong, and demand in China is expected to recovery. As a result, steel demand is anticipated to remain steady. Although the oversupply of steel in the Asia region is not anticipated to be resolved, the export environment is expected to show some improvement due to the weaker yen. Owing to expanded overseas sales, shipments of steel products are anticipated to increase in fiscal 2013. Gaining the understanding of its customers, Kobe Steel will continue to negotiate for higher prices of its steel products to improve the margin between sales prices and raw material costs. Sales of steel forgings and castings are anticipated to decrease in fiscal 2013 due to sluggish demand from the shipbuilding industry, accompanied by lower sales prices. Sales of titanium products are anticipated to decrease slightly due to continued weak demand. Due to these factors, segment sales in fiscal 2013 are expected to be similar to fiscal 2012. Welding Business Demand for welding products is anticipated to be strong in Southeast Asia. However, demand from the shipbuilding industry in Japan and South Korea will decrease further. It is also difficult to see demand in China drastically improving. As a result, the sales volume of welding products in fiscal 2013 is anticipated to remain similar to fiscal 2012. Demand for welding robot systems is anticipated to continue being weak in Japan and in China’s construction machinery sector. As a result, segment sales in fiscal 2013 are anticipated to be lower than in fiscal 2012 sales. Aluminum & Copper Business Demand for aluminum rolled products is anticipated to see a recovery in competitiveness among domestic customers and an increase in exports owing to the lower yen. As a result, sales volume in fiscal 2013 is anticipated to increase. Demand for copper rolled products is also anticipated to benefit from the same economic conditions as aluminum rolled products, leading to higher sales volume in fiscal 2013. Owing to these factors, segment sales in fiscal 2013 are anticipated to increase in comparison to fiscal 2012 sales. Machinery Business Demand for compressors used mainly overseas in the oil refining and petrochemical sectors is anticipated to continue being strong. Demand for tire and rubber machinery is expected to recover. As a result, Machinery segment orders in fiscal 2013 are expected to be higher than in fiscal 2012. Segment sales in fiscal 2013 are anticipated to be higher than in fiscal 2012. Natural Resources & Engineering Business (Currently the Engineering Business) In the ironmaking plant field, capital investments are anticipated to recovery owing to high demand for steel products in developing countries. Shale gas development is growing in the United States. As such, demand for direct reduction plants that use natural gas and noncoking coal as reductants, which are on the menu of the Kobe Steel Group, is anticipated to be high. In the nuclear power field, recovery demand for waste treatment from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station is expected to continue. As a result, segment orders are anticipated to be higher in fiscal 2013 than in fiscal 2012. Segment sales in fiscal 2013 are anticipated to be higher than in fiscal 2012. Kobelco Eco-Solutions Domestic private-sector capital investments in the water treatment business and the chemical and food equipment business face continued uncertainty, although there is hope for economic recovery. Domestic public works projects are anticipated to continue being weak, although there are signs of an upswing in some areas. As a result, segment sales in fiscal 2013 are anticipated to be lower than in fiscal 2012. Kobelco Construction Machinery Demand in China is anticipated to gradually recover in the second half of fiscal 2013, but domestic demand is forecast to be strong on the back of recovery efforts after the Great East Japan Earthquake and stricter exhaust gas regulations. Following the dissolution of its global alliance with CNH Global N.V., Kobelco has


reentered the U.S. market and anticipates demand for construction equipment increasing from shale gas development. Unit sales of excavators are anticipated to increase in fiscal 2013 in comparison to fiscal 2012. Segment sales in fiscal 2013 are anticipated to increase in comparison to fiscal 2012. Kobelco Cranes Unit sales of cranes are anticipated to increase in fiscal 2013, compared with fiscal 2012. Higher recovery demand in Japan is anticipated following the Great East Japan Earthquake. In overseas markets, demand on the whole is anticipated to continue recovering. Segment sales in fiscal 2013 are anticipated to increase in comparison to fiscal 2012. Other Businesses At Kobelco Research Institute, Inc., demand is anticipated to be flat in the testing and research businesses and for target materials for LCDs. At Shinko Real Estate Co., Ltd., the leasing business is expected to be strong, but the number of property handovers in the real estate business is anticipated to decrease. Due to these factors, segment sales in fiscal 2013 are anticipated to decrease in comparison to fiscal 2012.


2. Analysis of Financial Condition While inventories decreased, cash and time deposits and investments in securities increased. As a result, total assets at the end of fiscal 2012 increased 67.4 billion yen compared with end of fiscal 2011 to 2,226.9 billion yen. Net assets at the end of fiscal 2012 decreased 1.3 billion yen compared with the end of fiscal 2011 to 569.9 billion yen. Although foreign currency translation adjustments increased, retained earnings decreased. As a result, the net worth ratio at the end of fiscal 2012 was 23.0%, a decrease of 0.9 points compared with the end of fiscal 2011. As for cash flows, net cash provided by operating activities came to 45.4 billion yen after posting loss before income taxes of 25.2 billion yen and depreciation of 106.7 billion yen. Net cash used in investing activities amounted to 123.5 billion yen due to the purchase of fixed assets and other items. Net cash used in financing activities was 127.6 billion yen mainly due to proceeds from borrowings. At the end of fiscal 2012, outside debt, which includes IPP project financing, increased 149.0 billion yen, compared with the end of fiscal 2011, to 959.1 billion yen. Consolidated cash flow Indicators

FY2008 FY2009 FY2010 FY2011 FY2012

Net worth ratio 20.9% 23.0% 24.6% 23.9% 23.0%

Stockholders' equity ratio at market price 17.1% 27.8% 30.2% 19.3% 15.2%

Ratio of cash flow to interest-bearing debt (years) 7.9 5.4 4.8 20.5 21.1

Interest coverage ratio (times) 6.3 8.1 8.6 2.0 2.3 Notes: * Net worth ratio = Stockholders' equity/total assets

* Stockholders' equity ratio at market price = Market capitalization/total assets (Market capitalization is calculated by multiplying the share price at term-end by the number of outstanding shares at term-end.) * Ratio of cash flow to interest-bearing debt = outside debt/operating cash flows

* Interest coverage ratio = Operating cash flows/interest payments

Media Contact: Publicity Group Kobe Steel, Ltd. 9-12 Kita-Shinagawa 5-chome Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141-8688 JAPAN

Tel +81 (0)3 5739-6010 Fax +81 (0)3 5739-5971 Website


3. Management Policy (1) Basic Management Policy The Kobe Steel Group aims to continuously improve its corporate value by striving to fulfill its social responsibilities to its various stakeholders, including shareholders, investors, customers, business partners, employees and local communities, based on the following corporate philosophy:

Kobe Steel Group Corporate Philosophy

1. We provide reliable and advanced technologies, products and services that satisfy customers. 2. We support each employee in developing his or her abilities, while respecting mutual cooperation within the Kobe Steel Group. 3. Through continuous efforts for innovative change, we aim to enhance our corporate values.

(2) Medium- to Long-Term Business Vision and Issues Facing the Company Issues Facing the Kobe Steel Group

In April 2010, the Kobe Steel Group launched its medium- to long-term business vision KOBELCO VISION “G” to create new value and further grow in the global market. The Group has been working to achieve this vision. Since that time, various changes in the external environment surrounding the Kobe Steel Group have been taking place including large-scale natural disasters in Japan; changes in overseas economies; drastic fluctuations in exchange rates; and other factors. Although some conditions in the external environment have become favorable, such as a weaker yen, the outlook continues to be unclear. At the Kobe Steel Group, profitability has seriously declined, especially for steel products, due to the sluggish overseas market caused by oversupply as steelmakers in China and Korea increase steel production capacity, and also due to lower cost competitiveness in the market. For Kobe Steel to achieve its medium- to long-term business vision under these conditions, it is necessary to improve profits and financial performance. Kobe Steel must also go on the offense and defense in conducting its business, so that it can further grow in the future. An urgent issue of priority is improving profits and financial performance. In October 2012, Kobe Steel established the Structural Improvement Committee, which is carrying out various measures. As a short-term measure to improve profits, Kobe Steel reduced the monthly salaries of its directors, officers and managers. Other operating expenses were reduced. As for medium-term measures, fixed costs and procurement costs were reduced. Through these measures, Kobe Steel intends to quickly and steadily build a stable profit base. Reducing inventories, reviewing investment projects, and making careful choices are anticipated to improve cash flows and improve the financial performance of the company. While proceeding to strengthen its business base, Kobe Steel realizes that the Group will not grow unless it aggressively bolsters its business operations. The issues Kobe Steel faces are meeting demand in developing countries and other growth markets and meeting demand in the energy sector and other growth fields. Taking into account the conditions to improve profits and financial performance, the Kobe Steel Group will continue to make use of its diverseness as a tool to undertake various approaches to achieve future growth. From this perspective, in fiscal 2012 Kobe Steel has begun considering plans to construct a gas-fired power plant in Moka, Tochigi Prefecture and supply electricity on a wholesale basis. Kobe Steel intends to implement various measures that will contribute to a stable profit base and future growth. Major activities by business segment are as follows:

Iron & Steel Business Kobe Steel anticipates that the harsh business environment will not change greatly in the future as domestic demand will decrease due to manufacturing industries moving overseas and as overcapacity continues in the Asian region. Rebuilding its steel business is of primary importance. Kobe Steel believes it is essential to meet demand by implementing drastic improvements in the cost structure and meeting customer demand for local


production overseas, centered on the automotive industry. With regard to drastic improvements in the cost structure, Kobe Steel is proceeding with increasing the capacity of hot metal treatment at the Kakogawa Works and Kobe Works; increasing the heat treatment capacity for steel plate at the Kakogawa Works; and installing high-efficiency power generation equipment for in-house use. Profitability is expected to improve as the company benefits early on from these projects. In overseas markets, Kobe Steel is working to meet the growing demand from the automotive sector. Some examples are: ● Supplying special steel wire rod in China (establishment of Kobelco Spring Wire (Foshan) Co., Ltd. to make

high-quality spring wire) ● Technical alliance with voestalpine Krems to supply automotive cold-rolled high strength steel sheet ● Construction of a continuous annealing line at PRO-TEC Coating Company, a joint venture with United

States Steel Corporation Welding Business The Welding Business anticipates that the domestic market will decline due to sluggish demand mainly from the shipbuilding industry and rising imports of welding materials. This severe business environment is anticipated to continue. In overseas markets, it is difficult to expect high demand growth in China. However, in Southeast Asia, marine structures and the energy sector are anticipated to generate strong demand. Under these conditions, the Welding Business is undertaking a shift to an optimum production system that meets the size of demand to strengthen the competitiveness of its domestic operations. An important issue is to maintain stable profits from overseas markets. The Welding Business has three locations in China and four in Southeast Asia, with one company in China and another in Southeast Asia responsible for overseeing business activities in each respective region. In China, the Welding Business is building a new marketing network and strengthening its marketing activities. Through these measures, the Welding Business aims to become the world’s most reliable welding solution enterprise. Aluminum & Copper Business Although domestic demand is expected to decline, world demand centered on Asia is expected to grow as the demand for aluminum rolled products increases to meet the growing need for lighter vehicles. However, the aluminum and copper sectors are anticipated to face tough competition as the industry restructures, both in Japan and overseas, and due to aggressive investments by other companies. Under these conditions, the Aluminum & Copper Business must improve the competitiveness of its products by reducing costs and implementing other measures. In addition, it must expand its supply network in growing markets overseas. For aluminum forgings for automotive suspensions, the Aluminum & Copper Business has established supply networks in Japan, the United States and China. In the United States, it is increasing production capacity for aluminum forgings. For aluminum extrusions, it has formed a technical transfer agreement with Sweden’s Sapa AB, the world’s largest manufacturer of aluminum extruded products. The Aluminum & Copper Business is also looking into the possibility of establishing a manufacturing and sales company in China to supply aluminum sheet to Japanese, U.S. and European automobile manufacturers with production bases in that country. Machinery Business Demand for compressors, a major product of the Machinery Business, is anticipated to continue being strong in the oil refining and petrochemical sectors. Demand for tire and rubber machinery is forecast to gradually recover as automobile production increases. Under these conditions, the issues facing the Machinery Business include aggressively building overseas manufacturing and supply networks for its products and business development in the energy sector, which is expected to further grow in the future. In the compressor business, the Machinery Business has increased the production capacity at U.S. location and has taken an equity share in a Chinese compressor manufacturer. For tire and rubber machinery, Kobe Steel’s joint venture with Larsen & Toubro Limited is currently in operation. Kobe Steel is also promoting products that utilize the company’s compressor technology to recycle surplus energy and products that make use of power-generation technology, such as SteamStar and the Microbinary power generation system. Looking at the future, the Machinery Business is actively expanding into growth markets and growth fields. Natural Resources & Engineering Business (Currently the Engineering Business) High demand for steel products in developing countries is anticipated to increase capital investments, and


shale gas development in the United States is expanding. In the ironmaking plant field, demand for ironmaking processes that use natural gas and noncoking coal as reductants is anticipated to increase. In the nuclear power field, demand for waste treatment from the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station is expected to continue. Under these conditions, the major issue is obtaining the largest volume of orders to meet rising demand. In the ironmaking plant field, to meet the needs of regions around the world, Kobe Steel is marketing the MIDREX Direct Reduction Process, which uses natural gas as the reductant. Other types of ironmaking technologies are the ITmk3 Process and FASTMET Process. The Engineering Business also offers iron ore pelletizing technology. In the nuclear power field, the Engineering Business is focusing on meeting the demand for nuclear spent fuel storage casks, transport casks and other related equipment and facilities. In

collaboration with Group company Kobelco Eco-Solutions Co., Ltd.、which is knowledgeable on waste

treatment, Kobe Steel is developing its radioactive decontamination and waste treatment-related businesses. Kobelco Eco-Solutions Domestic public works investments for water treatment and waste treatment are recovering to some extent. However, demand is sluggish at the present time. There are also expectations that economic recovery will increase domestic private-sector capital investments, but the future outlook is unclear. In overseas markets,

investments in social and industrial infrastructure are anticipated to have bottomeds.

Under these conditions, Kobelco Eco-Solutions believes it is necessary to enter and expand sales in overseas markets and strengthen its domestic business base. Overseas, the company is focusing on increasing orders for and sales of water treatment facilities in Vietnam. It has also begun construction of a plant to make glass-lined equipment. In Japan, Kobelco Eco-Solutions is expanding orders for after-sales services such as long-term commissioned work for water treatment plants and municipal waste treatment facilities. It is also strengthening its design- build-operate (DBO) offering. Kobelco Construction Machinery Although it is difficult to expect demand in China to quickly improve, domestic demand is anticipated to be firm owing to reconstruction after the Great East Japan Earthquake and stricter exhaust gas emission standards. Demand is also forecast to gradually recover in developing countries, mainly Indonesia. After Kobelco Construction Machinery and CNH Global N.V. dissolved their global alliance, the KOBELCO brand is once again reentering the U.S. market, where demand for construction equipment is anticipated to rise owing to shale gas development. Under these conditions, the issues for Kobelco Construction Machinery are expanding sales in Japan and establishing business bases in North America and Europe. Centered on its Global Engineering Center and a new plant in Itsukaichi, Hiroshima Prefecture, Kobelco Construction Machinery is promoting its technical capabilities and “monozukuri-ryoku” (or manufacturing capabilities). On its own, Kobelco Construction Machinery is setting up sales and service networks in North America, Europe, South America and other regions. The company aims to build a strong KOBELCO brand around the world. Kobelco Cranes Domestic demand is anticipate to be firm due to reconstruction from the Great East Japan Earthquake. Overseas demand, too, is expected to continue being strong in North America and Southeast Asia. Demand in China and India is forecast to be on a gradual recovery trend. Under these conditions, Kobelco Cranes intends to expand sales in Japan, North America, Southeast Asia and other regions of strong demand. At the same time, it intends to improve its performance by undertaking thorough cost reductions. Kobelco Cranes will strengthen the manufacturing capabilities of its Okubo Plant which serves as the “mother plant.” Kobelco Cranes also intends to make the plants it constructed in India and China profitable. The Kobe Steel Group is currently drawing up the second phase of the medium- to long-term business vision KOBELCO VISION “G,” which will begin in fiscal 2013. Kobe Steel will make an announcement once the drafting of the plan is completed. Medium- to Long-Term Business Vision The Kobe Steel Group’s medium- to long-term business vision KOBELCO VISION “G” combines the knowledge and technologies cultivated from its various materials and machinery businesses. Kobe Steel’s


vision of the Group is to attain the following three aims in the coming five to ten years: ● Maintains a presence in the global market ● Has a stable profit structure and a strong financial foundation ● Prospers together with its shareholders, business partners, employees and society Thoroughly implementing safety measures and compliance programs, the Kobe Steel Group is carrying out the five policies below as it develops its various businesses. Basic Policies of KOBELCO VISION “G” 1. Thorough pursuit of high-end “Only One” products 2. Further improvement of manufacturing strengths 3. Expansion into growth markets 4. Harnessing the comprehensive capabilities of the Kobe Steel Group 5. Contributions to society


Kobe Steel's Consolidated Financial Results Summary for Fiscal 2012 (April 1, 2012 – March 31, 2013)

April 26, 2013

Company name: Kobe Steel, Ltd. Code number: 5406 Stock exchanges where shares are listed: Tokyo, Osaka and Nagoya, Japan Website: President & CEO: Hiroya Kawasaki General shareholders' meeting: June 26, 2013 "Yukashoken hokokusho" (Annual Securities Report) issued: June 26, 2013

Dividend payments begin: --- Supplemental information available: Yes IR briefing Yes (in Japanese only)

(Sums of less than 1 million yen have been omitted.)

1. FY2012 Consolidated financial results (April 1, 2012 – March 31, 2013) (1) Consolidated operating results

(In millions of yen) FY2011 % change FY2012 % change

Net sales 1,864,691 0.3% 1,685,529 (9.6%)

Operating income 60,555 (51.4%) 11,234 (81.4%)

Ordinary income (loss) 33,780 (62.1%) (18,146) ---

Net loss (14,248) --- (26,976) ---

Net loss per share (4.74) yen (8.98) yen

Diluted net income per share --- ---

Return on equity (2.7%) (5.2%)

Ratio of ordinary income to total assets 1.5% (0.8%)

Ratio of operating income to net sales 3.2% 0.7% Comprehensive income in FY2012: 4,645 million yen FY2011: (12,208 million yen) Equity in income of affiliates in FY2012: 1,437 million yen FY2011: 7,877 million yen

(2) Consolidated financial position

(In millions of yen) FY2011 FY2012

Total assets 2,159,512 2,226,996 Net assets 571,258 569,922 Net worth ratio 23.9% 23.0%Net assets per share 171.84 yen 170.63 yen

Shareholders' equity at the end of FY2012: 512,051 million yen FY2011: 515,679 million yen

(3) Consolidated cash flows

(In millions of yen) FY2011 FY2012

Net cash provided by operating activities 39,486 45,401 Net cash used in investing activities (85,267) (123,513) Net cash used in financing activities (40,233) 127,644 Cash & cash equivalents at the end of year 101,900 162,037

2. Dividends

Date of Record 1Q 2Q 3Q End YearFY2011 --- 1.00 --- 0.00 1.00 3,005 --- 0.6%FY2012 --- 0.00 --- 0.00 0.00 --- --- --- FY2013 forecast Undetermined

Dividend per

net assets


Dividend per share (yen) Total dividend



payout ratio

* in millions of yen


3. Consolidated Forecast for fiscal 2013 (ending March 31, 2014)

(In millions of yen) First half Full year

Net sales 870,000 1,790,000 Operating income 30,000 75,000 Ordinary income 15,000 45,000 Net income 10,000 35,000 Net income per share 3.33 yen 11.66 yen

Notes (1) Changes in number of material subsidiaries in fiscal year

(Changes in specified subsidiaries due to changes in scope of consolidation): No (2) Changes in accounting policies, estimates and restatement on the preparation of consolidated financial

statements - Changes in accounting policies due to revised accounting standards: Yes - Other changes: No - Changes in accounting estimates: Yes - Restatement: No

(3) Number of issued shares

FY2011 FY2012Common stock (number of issued shares) 3,115,061,100 3,115,061,100 Treasury stock (number of shares) 114,135,266 114,187,811

Average number of shares 3,000,951,378 3,000,911,358

Explanation on the Appropriate Use of the Forecast and Other Special Items

The above forecast is based on currently available information as of today. Actual results may differ considerably due to various changeable conditions in the future. For preconditions on the forecast and other related factors, please refer to page 3 to 5.

The basis for dividend payments is continuous and stable distribution. Factors taken into overall consideration are the company’s financial condition, business performance, future and other issues. As the outlook for many of these factors is unclear at this time, Kobe Steel is unable to make a dividend forecast. When it is able to make a forecast, Kobe Steel will promptly do so.



Consolidated Balance Sheets (In millions of yen)



Ended Mar. 31, 2012

FY2012 Ended Mar. 31, 2013

Current Assets Cash and time deposits 95,378 114,103 Notes and accounts receivable 313,074 318,445 Lease receivables and investment assets 40,642 26,361 Merchandise and finished goods 160,972 161,431 Work in progress 127,017 109,902 Raw materials and supplies 120,555 129,184 Deferred tax assets 12,234 26,097 Other 73,950 108,667 Allowance for doubtful accounts (430) (2,276)

Total current assets 943,394 991,916

Tangible fixed assets Buildings and structures 283,792 290,571 Machinery and equipment 376,518 373,504 Tools, furniture and fixtures 10,046 10,959 Land 205,299 201,292 Construction in progress 29,181 31,506

Total tangible fixed assets 904,837 907,835

Intangible fixed assets Software 15,557 15,089 Other 4,936 5,095

Total intangible fixed assets 20,494 20,184

Investments and other assets Investments in securities 179,671 195,292 Long-term loans receivable 7,664 8,360 Deferred tax assets 16,258 17,403 Other 89,868 88,904 Allowance for doubtful accounts (2,677) (2,901)

Total investment and other assets 290,785 307,060

Total fixed assets, investments and other assets 1,216,117 1,235,080

Total assets






FY2011 Ended Mar. 31, 2012

FY2012 Ended Mar. 31, 2013

Current liabilities Notes and accounts payable 447,316 376,713 Short-term borrowings 204,719 377,087 Lease obligations 9,615 18,310 Bonds due within one year 35,176 20,000 Accounts payable - other 42,591 40,623 Income and enterprise taxes payable 7,204 4,704 Deferred tax liabilities 1,401 846 Provision for bonuses 17,696 15,362 Provision for product warranties 8,598 7,933 Provision for loss on construction contracts 12,089 8,507 Other 95,161 92,792

Total current liabilities 881,571 962,881

Long-term liabilities Bonds and notes 172,172 177,000 Long-term borrowings 394,579 385,039 Lease obligations 32,523 23,650 Deferred tax liabilities 11,979 19,682 Deferred tax liabilities on land revaluation 4,586 4,227 Employees' severance and retirement benefits 52,587 51,557 Provision for environmental measures 2,216 1,808 Other 36,038 31,226

Total long-term liabilities 706,682 694,192 Total liabilities 1,588,254 1,657,073

Stockholders' equity Common stock 233,313 233,313 Capital surplus 83,125 83,125 Retained earnings 280,582 253,199 Treasury stock, at cost (51,627) (51,615)

Total stockholders' equity 545,393 518,022 Accumulated other comprehensive income (loss) Unrealized gains on securities, net of taxes 13,020 21,147 Unrealized gains or losses on hedging derivatives, net of taxes

(1,013) (1,685)

Land revaluation differences, net of taxes (4,140) (3,346) Foreign currency translation adjustments (37,579) (22,086)

Total other comprehensive income (loss) (29,713) (5,971) Minority interests 55,578 57,871 Total net assets 571,258 569,922 Total liabilities and net assets 2,159,512 2,226,996


Consolidated Statements of Income (In millions of yen)

FY2011 Ended Mar. 31, 2012

FY2012 Ended Mar. 31, 2013

Net sales 1,864,691 1,685,529 Cost of sales 1,635,862 1,510,511

Gross profit 228,828 175,017 Selling, general and administrative expenses 168,273 163,782

Operating income 60,555 11,234

Non-operating income

Interest income 4,087 4,271 Dividend income 3,258 2,637 Seconded employees’ salaries, net of reimbursement

5,633 5,656

Equity in income of unconsolidated subsidiaries and affiliates

7,877 1,437

Currency exchange gain --- 4,093 Other 19,153 13,655

Total non-operating income 40,010 31,752 Non-operating expenses

Interest expense 19,776 20,119 Seconded employees' salaries 15,701 13,838 Other 31,306 27,175

Total non-operating expenses 66,785 61,133 Ordinary income (loss) 33,780 (18,146)

Extraordinary income

Gain on negative goodwill --- 1,922

Total extraordinary income --- 1,922 Extraordinary loss

Loss on write-down of investments in securities 6,022 6,650

Impairment loss --- 2,357

Total extraordinary loss 6,022 9,007

Income (Loss) before income taxes 27,758 (25,231)

Income taxes

Current 16,671 9,898 Deferred 11,371 (11,949)

Total income taxes 28,042 (2,050)

Loss before minority interests (284) (23,180)

Minority interests in income of subsidiaries 13,963 3,795 Net loss (14,248) (26,976)


Consolidated Statements of Comprehensive Income (In millions of yen)

FY2011 Ended Mar. 31, 2012

FY2012 Ended Mar. 31, 2013

Loss before minority interests (284) (23,180) Other comprehensive income

Unrealized gains or losses on securities, net of taxes (6,866) 7,774 Unrealized gains or losses on hedging derivatives,

net of taxes (1,706) (719)

Land revaluation differences, net of taxes 660 517 Foreign currency translation adjustments (4,791) 18,864 Share of other comprehensive income (loss)

related to affiliates 780 1,389

Total other comprehensive income (loss) (11,923) 27,826 Comprehensive Income (loss) (12,208) 4,645

Breakdown of total comprehensive income (loss) attributed to:

Equity holders of the parent (25,405) (3,521) Minority interests 13,197 8,167


Consolidated Statements of Changes in Net Assets (In millions of yen)

FY2011 Ended Mar. 31, 2012

FY2012 Ended Mar. 31, 2013

Stockholders’ equity Common stock

Balance at the beginning of fiscal year 233,313 233,313 Amount of change

Total changes -- --

Balance at the end of fiscal year 233,313 233,313

Capital surplus

Balance at the beginning of fiscal year 83,125 83,125 Amount of change

Total changes --- ---

Balance at the end of fiscal year 83,125 83,125

Retained earnings

Balance at the beginning of fiscal year 302,376 280,582 Amount of change

Cash dividends (7,514) --- Net loss (14,248) (26,976) Disposal of treasury stock (19) (16) Changes due to changes in scope of consolidation (31) (102) Changes due to reversal of land revaluation 20 (287)

Total changes (21,793) (27,383)

Balance at the end of fiscal year 280,582 253,199

Treasury stock, at cost

Balance at the beginning of fiscal year (51,627) (51,627) Amount of change

Purchase of treasury stock (29) (8) Disposal of treasury stock 30 20

Total changes 0 12

Balance at the end of fiscal year (51,627) (51,615)

Total stockholders’ equity

Balance at the beginning of the fiscal year 567,186 545,393 Amount of change

Cash dividends (7,514) --- Net loss (14,248) (26,976) Purchase of treasury stock (29) (8) Disposal of treasury stock 10 3 Changes due to changes in scope of consolidation (31) (102) Changes due to reversal of land revaluation 20 (287)

Total changes (21,793) (27,370)

Balance at the end of fiscal year 545,393 (518,022)


Accumulated other comprehensive income FY2011 Ended Mar. 31, 2012

FY2012 Ended Mar. 31, 2013

Unrealized gains or losses on securities, net of taxes

Balance at the beginning of fiscal year 19,742 13,020 Amount of change

Net changes other than stockholders’ equity (6,722) 8,127

Total changes (6,722) 8,127

Balance at the end of fiscal year 13,020 21,147

Unrealized gains or losses on hedging derivatives, net of taxes

Balance at the beginning of fiscal year 584 (1,013) Amount of change

Net changes other than stockholders’ equity (1,598) (672)

Total changes (1,598) (672)

Balance at the end of fiscal year (1,013) (1,685)

Land revaluation differences, net of taxes

Balance at the beginning of fiscal year (4,756) (4,140) Amount of change

Net changes other than stockholders’ equity 616 793

Total changes 616 793

Balance at the end of fiscal year (4,140) (3,346)

Foreign currency translation adjustments

Balance at the beginning of fiscal year (34,127) (37,579) Amount of change

Net changes other than stockholders’ equity (3,452) 15,493

Total changes (3,452) 15,493

Balance at the end of fiscal year (37,579) (22,086)

Total other comprehensive income (loss)

Balance at the beginning of fiscal year (18,555) (29,713) Amount of change

Net changes other than stockholders’ equity (11,157) 23,742

Total changes (11,157) 23,742

Balance at the end of fiscal year (29,713) (5,971)

Minority interests

Balance at the beginning of fiscal year 48,736 55,578 Amount of change

Net changes other than stockholders’ equity 6,841 2,293

Total changes 6,841 2,293

Balance at the end of fiscal year 55,578 57,871


FY2011 Ended Mar. 31, 2012

FY2012 Ended Mar. 31, 2013

Total net assets Balance at the beginning of fiscal year 597,367 571,258 Amount of change

Cash dividends (7,514) --- Net loss (14,248) (26,976) Purchase of treasury stock (29) (8) Disposal of treasury stock 10 3 Changes due to changes in scope of consolidation (31) (102) Changes due to reversal of land revaluation 20 (287) Net changes other than stockholders’ equity (4,315) 26,035

Total changes (26,109) (1,335)

Balance at the end of fiscal year 571,258 569,922


Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows (In millions of yen)

FY2011 Ended Mar. 31, 2012

FY2012 Ended Mar. 31, 2013

Cash flows from operating activities Income (loss) before income taxes 27,758 (25,231) Depreciation 118,037 106,725 Interest and dividend income (7,346) (6,909) Interest expense 19,776 20,119 Loss (gain) on sale of securities (389) (453) Loss on write-down of investments in securities 6,022 6,650

Equity in income of unconsolidated subsidiaries and affiliates

(7,877) (1,437)

Impairment loss --- 2,357 Gain on negative goodwill --- (1,922) Loss (gain) on sale of fixed assets (281) (161) Loss on disposal of plant and equipment 3,208 3,279 Decrease (increase) in trade receivables from customers (18,733) 10,495 Net decrease (increase) in lease receivables

and investment assets (14,645)


Decrease (increase) in inventories (29,381) 18,848 Increase (decrease) in trade payables to customers (24,761) (88,324) Other (1,628) 11,549

Subtotal 69,758 72,819

Cash received for interest and dividends 8,691 8,306 Cash paid for interest (19,951) (20,060) Cash paid for income taxes (19,011) (15,664)

Net cash provided by operating activities 39,486 45,401

Cash flows from investing activities Purchase of plant, equipment and other assets (83,284) (109,505) Proceeds from sale of plant, equipment and other assets 1,025 1,975 Purchase of investments in securities (5,790) (14,516) Proceeds from sale of investments in securities 3,333 2,089 Payment for investments in capital (1,382) (2,347) Decrease (increase) in short-term loans receivable 209 1,033 Payments for long-term loans receivable (1,347) (2,792) Proceeds from collection of long-term loans receivable 162 2,495 Proceeds from sales of investment in subsidiaries resulting in

change in scope of consolidation 157


Other 1,649 (1,832)

Net cash used in investing activities (85,267) (123,513)

Cash flows from financing activities Increase (decrease) in short-term borrowings 57,633 55,215 Proceeds from issuance of long-term borrowings 22,522 167,059 Repayment of long-term borrowings (91,611) (73,935) Proceeds from issuance of bonds 30,000 25,000 Repayment of bonds (35,836) (35,088) Repayment of finance lease obligations (6,580) (7,959) Payment of dividends (7,484) (14) Other (8,876) (2,633)

Net cash used in financing activities (40,233) 127,644

Effect of exchange rate changes on cash and cash equivalents (1,912) 8,850

Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents (87,926) 58,383

Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of fiscal year 189,707 101,900 Increase (decrease) in cash and cash equivalents resulting in

change in scope of consolidation 119


Increase in cash and cash equivalents resulting from merger with unconsolidated subsidiaries

--- 4

Cash and cash equivalents at the end of fiscal year 101,900 162,037


Notes (Notes on premise of a going concern) None

(Changes in accounting policies) (Changes in accounting policies, which are difficult to distinguish from changes in accounting estimates)

Due to a revision of the Corporate Tax Law, from the first quarter of fiscal 2012, Kobe Steel and some of its domestic consolidated subsidiaries posted depreciation of tangible fixed assets acquired on or after April 1, 2012 in accordance with the depreciation method prescribed by the revised Corporate Tax Law.

As a result, in comparison to the previous accounting method, depreciation decreased 1,629 million yen, operating income increased 1,359 million yen, and ordinary loss and loss before income taxes decreased 1,359 million yen.


Segment Information (In millions of yen)

FY2011 Ended Mar. 31, 2012

FY2012 Ended Mar. 31, 2013

Sales to outside customers: Iron & Steel 816,784 710,420 Welding 83,155 81,509 Aluminum & Copper 288,641 260,809 Machinery

Natural Resources & Engineering 145,854


149,940 45,658

Kobelco Eco-Solutions Kobelco Construction Machinery

70,350 306,107

70,312 267,183

Kobelco Cranes 42,503 39,777 Other Businesses 53,150 57,549 Adjustment 2,700 2,368

Total 1,864,691 1,685,529

Intersegment sales: Iron & Steel 37,451 32,420 Welding 1,261 707 Aluminum & Copper 1,286 1,391 Machinery

Natural Resources & Engineering Kobelco Eco-Solutions

6,958 431 845

17,177 834

2,343 Kobelco Construction Machinery 1,051 638 Kobelco Cranes 5,501 5,723 Other Businesses 16,034 15,687 Adjustment (70,822) (76,924)

Total --- ---

Total sales: Iron & Steel 854,236 742,841 Welding 84,416 82,216 Aluminum & Copper 289,927 262,201 Machinery

Natural Resources & Engineering Kobelco Eco-Solutions

152,813 55,872 71,196

167117 46,493 72,656

Kobelco Construction Machinery 307,159 267,821 Kobelco Cranes 48,005 45,501 Other Businesses 69,185 73,236 Adjustment (68,121) (74,556)

Total 1,864,691 1,685,529

Ordinary income (loss): Iron & Steel (14,686) (50,212) Welding 3,119 2,154 Aluminum & Copper 6,081 3,912 Machinery

Natural Resources & Engineering Kobelco Eco-Solutions

9,899 341


12,039 (1,335)

3,918 Kobelco Construction Machinery 22,865 6,852 Kobelco Cranes 161 (2,250) Other Businesses 7,200 7,554 Adjustment (5,438) (780)

Total 33,780 (18,146)

Investor Relations: Tel +81 (0)3 5739-6045 Fax +81 (0)3 5739-5973

Kobe Steel, Ltd 9-12 Kita-Shinagawa 5-chome Shinagawa-ku, Tokyo 141-8688 JAPAN Website:

Media Contact: Publicity Group Tel +81 (0)3 5739-6010 Fax +81 (0)3 5739-5971


SUPPLEMENTAL INFORMATION (April 1, 2012 – March 31, 2013)

1. Consolidated Operating Results(In billions of yen)

FY2011 FY2012 % change

Net sales 1,864.6 1,685.5 (9.6%)

Operating income 60.5 11.2 (81.4%)

Ordinary income (loss) 33.7 (18.1) ---

Extraordinary income (loss) (6.0) (7.0)* ---

Net loss (14.2) (26.9) --- * Gain on negative goodwill 1.9 billion yen Loss on write-down of investments in securities 6.6 billion yen Impairment loss 2.3 billions yen

Year-end Dividend for fiscal 2012: None

2. Forecast for Fiscal 2013 (in billions of yen)

FY2012 % change

First half Second half Full year

Net sales 1,685.5 870.0 920.0 1,790.0 6.2%

Operating income 11.2 30.0 45.0 75.0 6.7times

Ordinary income (loss) (18.1) 15.0 30.0 45.0 ---

Extraordinary income (loss) (7.0) --- --- --- ---

Net income (loss) (26.9) 10.0 25.0 35.0 ---

FY2013 Forecast

3. Consolidated Sales & Ordinary Income by Segment (In billions of yen)

FY2011 FY2012

Sales 854.2 742.8

Ordinary loss (14.6) (50.2)

Sales 84.4 82.2

Ordinary income 3.1 2.1

Sales 289.9 262.2

Ordinary income 6.0 3.9

Sales 152.8 167.1

Ordinary income 9.8 12.0

Sales 55.8 46.4

Ordinary income (loss) 0.3 (1.3)

Sales 71.1 72.6

Ordinary income 4.2 3.9

Sales 307.1 267.8

Ordinary income 22.8 6.8

Sales 48.0 45.5

Ordinary income (loss) 0.1 (2.2)

Sales 69.1 73.2

Ordinary income 7.2 7.5

Sales (68.1) (74.5)

Ordinary loss (5.4) (0.7)

Sales 1,864.6 1,685.5

Ordinary income (loss) 33.7 (18.1)

Aluminum & Copper


Kobelco Cranes



Other Businesses

Kobelco Construction


Iron & Steel


Natural Resources &


Kobelco Eco-Solutions


4. Production, Sales & Orders (1) Steel Products (Nonconsolidated) Production & Sales Volume (In millions of metric tons unless otherwise indicated)

FY2011 FY2012

Crude steel 7.16 7.01

Sales volume 6.01 5.79

Export ratio (value base) 26.2% 27.6% Sales Price of Steel Products (In yen per metric ton)

FY2011 FY2012

Domestic & Export average 88,600 77,200 (2) Aluminum & Copper Rolled Products

Sales Volume (Nonconsolidated, in thousands of metric tons)

FY2011 FY2012

Aluminum rolled products 266 259

Copper sheet and strip 47 42

Copper tube* 79 79 *consolidated (3) Machinery Business Orders (Consolidated, in billions of yen) Orders

FY2011 FY2012

Domestic 60.7 54.2

Export 84.2 55.2

Total orders 145.0 109.5 Backlog of Orders (as of the end of each period)

FY2011 FY2012

Domestic 60.4 43.2

Export 100.0 73.4

Total backlog 160.5 116.6 (4) Natural Resources & Engineering Business Orders (Consolidated, in billions of yen) Orders

FY2011 FY2012

Domestic 10.1 28.1

Export 19.1 5.4

Total orders 29.2 33.5 Backlog of Orders (as of the end of each period)

FY2011 FY2012

Domestic 33.8 46.8

Export 36.1 16.9

Total backlog 70.0 63.7


(5) Kobelco Eco-Solutions Orders (Consolidated, in billions of yen) Orders

FY2011 FY2012

Domestic & Export total orders 78.8 73.5 Backlog of Orders (as of the end of each period)

FY2011 FY2012Domestic & Export total backlog 42.6 43.5

5. Factors Affecting Ordinary Income (Consolidated, in billions of yen)

FY2011 FY2012 Amount of Decrease

Ordinary income (loss) 33.7 (18.1) (51.9)

Factors Increasing Profits Factors Decreasing Profits

Raw material prices 62.0 Production & shipments (93.5)

Overall cost reduction 32.0 Effect of Steel inventory valuation* (18.5)

Effect of Aluminum & Copper inventory valuation* (4.0)

Consolidated subsidiaries & affiliates (21.0)

Other (8.9)

Total 94.0 Total (145.9) * Effect of inventory valuation includes effect from the average method and the lower-of-cost-or-market method

6. Forecast for FY2013 by Segment (Consolidated, in billions of yen)


First half Second half Full year

Sales 742.8 365.0 385.0 750.0

Ordinary income (loss) (50.2) 8.0 10.0 18.0

Sales 82.2 39.0 40.0 79.0

Ordinary income 2.1 1.0 1.5 2.5

Sales 262.2 135.0 140.0 275.0

Ordinary income 3.9 4.0 5.0 9.0

Sales 167.1 77.0 89.0 166.0

Ordinary income 12.0 1.5 3.5 5.0

Sales 46.4 25.0 35.0 60.0

Ordinary income (loss) (1.3) 0 0 0

Sales 72.6 30.0 36.0 66.0

Ordinary income 3.9 0.7 1.3 2.0

Sales 267.8 157.0 150.0 307.0

Ordinary income 6.8 4.0 8.0 12.0

Sales 45.5 26.0 29.0 55.0

Ordinary income (loss) (2.2) 0 0 0

Sales 73.2 32.0 38.0 70.0

Ordinary income 7.5 2.0 4.0 6.0

Sales (74.5) (16.0) (22.0) (38.0)

Ordinary loss (0.7) (6.2) (3.3) (9.5)

Sales 1,685.5 870.0 920.0 1,790.0

Ordinary income (loss) (18.1) 15.0 30.0 45.0


Natural Resources &


Kobelco Eco-Solutions



Other Businesses

Kobelco Construction


FY2013 Forecast

Aluminum & Copper


Kobelco Cranes

Iron & Steel


7. Factors Affecting Ordinary Income (Consolidated, in billions of yen)

FY2012 FY2013 Amount of increase

Ordinary income (loss) (18.1) 45.0 63.1

Factors Increasing Profits Factors Decreasing Profits

Overall cost reduction 31.5 Effect of the exchange rate (8.0)

Effect of Steel inventory valuation* 30.0 Other (15.9)

Effect of Aluminum & Copper inventory valuation* 3.5

Effect of the change in depriciation method 22.0

Total 87.0 Total (23.9) * Effect of inventory valuation includes effect from the average method and the lower-of-cost-or-market method

8. Other (1) Cash Flow and Outside Debt (Consolidated, in billions of yen) Cash Flow

FY2011 FY2012

Free cash flow (59.0) (92.1) (Excludes cash flow from IPP project financing) Outside Debt (as of the end of each period)

Outside debt * 746.4 907.6

D/E ratio (times) ** 1.37 1.75


* Excludes debt from IPP project financing ** D/E ratio: Debt (excluding IPP project financing)/stockholders' equity

(2) Exchange Rate (Nonconsolidated)

Exchange rate (1 U.S. dollar to yen) 79 yen 83 yen

Effect of exchange rate movement * 2.5 1.9


* Appreciation of 1 yen per U.S. dollar, in billions of yen

(3) Capital Investment (Consolidated, in billions of yen)

Capital investment (accrual basis) 96.0 114.9

Depreciation 118.0 106.7




Quarterly Information by Segment (Consolidated, in billions of yen)

1Q 2Q Subtotal 3Q 4Q Subtotal 1Q 2Q Subtotal 3Q 4Q SubtotalSales 195.6 224.4 420.1 222.2 211.8 434.1 854.2 192.2 191.3 383.6 178.9 180.2 359.2 742.8




3.3 0.1 3.5 0.1 (18.3) (18.1) (14.6) (18.9) (5.0) (24.0) (13.0) (13.1) (26.1) (50.2)

Sales 21.6 20.5 42.2 20.6 21.5 42.1 84.4 21.3 20.6 42.0 19.5 20.5 40.1 82.2Ordinary



1.3 0.8 2.1 0.3 0.5 0.9 3.1 0.5 0.5 1.0 (0.0) 1.1 1.0 2.1

Sales 79.3 76.0 155.3 69.3 65.1 134.5 289.9 71.9 65.7 137.6 61.3 63.1 124.5 262.2Ordinary



5.3 1.6 7.0 0.9 (1.8) (0.9) 6.0 1.7 (0.4) 1.3 1.8 0.6 2.5 3.9

Sales 41.1 38.9 80.1 32.7 39.9 72.6 152.8 39.7 41.1 80.8 33.8 52.4 86.2 167.1Ordinary

income3.3 2.3 5.6 3.2 1.0 4.2 9.8 2.4 1.9 4.4 3.5 4.0 7.5 12.0

Sales 12.4 17.8 30.2 12.9 12.6 25.5 55.8 7.1 10.7 17.9 9.2 19.3 28.5 46.4Ordinary



(0.6) 1.2 0.6 2.8 (3.1) (0.2) 0.3 (0.5) (0.2) (0.8) (0.2) (0.2) (0.5) (1.3)

Sales 12.4 17.4 29.8 18.8 22.5 41.3 71.1 13.6 15.5 29.1 17.9 25.4 43.4 72.6Ordinary



0.4 1.0 1.4 1.8 0.8 2.7 4.2 (0.1) 0.4 0.3 0.4 3.1 3.6 3.9

Sales 97.7 82.4 180.1 61.6 65.3 126.9 307.1 80.1 70.2 150.3 57.2 60.2 117.4 267.8Ordinary



11.1 7.4 18.5 1.6 2.6 4.3 22.8 3.9 1.7 5.6 1.8 (0.6) 1.2 6.8

Sales 11.8 11.1 22.9 11.6 13.4 25.0 48.0 9.5 12.5 22.1 10.5 12.7 23.3 45.5Ordinary



(0.4) 0.5 0.1 (0.0) 0.1 0.0 0.1 (0.4) (0.4) (0.8) (0.3) (0.9) (1.3) (2.2)

Sales 14.7 16.4 31.1 15.7 22.2 38.0 69.1 13.9 14.6 28.5 15.9 28.7 44.6 73.2Ordinary

income1.2 1.4 2.6 1.3 3.1 4.5 7.2 1.0 1.1 2.1 1.5 3.8 5.3 7.5

Sales (15.5) (16.6) (32.2) (16.3) (19.4) (35.8) (68.1) (15.6) (18.1) (33.8) (15.5) (25.1) (40.7) (74.5)Ordinary



(1.1) (2.0) (3.1) (0.7) (1.5) (2.2) (5.4) (0.0) (0.2) (0.2) (0.7) 0.2 (0.5) (0.7)

Sales 471.4 488.6 960.0 449.4 455.1 904.6 1,864.6 434.1 424.4 858.5 389.1 437.8 826.9 1,685.5Ordinary


(loss)23.9 14.5 38.5 11.6 (16.3) (4.7) 33.7 (10.4) (0.5) (11.0) (5.2) (1.9) (7.1) (18.1)

9.8 7.5 17.3 (4.7) (26.8) (31.6) (14.2) (32.2) (5.9) (38.1) 15.5 (4.2) 11.2 (26.9)





Net income (loss)


Resources &


Kobelco Eco-







Iron & Steel


Aluminum &




1st Half 2nd HalfTotal

1st Half 2nd HalfTotal


Quarterly Production and Sales of Steel Products (Nonconsolidated) Production and Sales Volume (in millions of metric tons)

1Q 2Q Subtotal 3Q 4Q Subtotal Total

Crude steel 1.75 1.88 3.63 1.77 1.76 3.53 7.16

Sales volume 1.44 1.54 2.98 1.56 1.47 3.03 6.01

Export ratio

(value basis)31.9% 26.9% 29.2% 23.3% 23.4% 23.3% 26.2%

1Q 2Q Subtotal 3Q 4Q Subtotal Total

Crude steel 1.66 1.86 3.52 1.73 1.76 3.49 7.01

Sales volume 1.43 1.46 2.89 1.47 1.43 2.90 5.79

Export ratio

(value basis)26.6% 25.5% 26.1% 27.8% 30.9% 29.3% 27.6%



1st Half 2nd Half

1st Half 2nd Half

Sales Prices (in yen per metric ton)

1Q 2Q Subtotal 3Q 4Q Subtotal Total Domestic &

Export average85,200 91,800 88,600 92,900 84,000 88,600 88,600

1Q 2Q Subtotal 3Q 4Q Subtotal Total Domestic &

Export average83,400 78,900 81,100 74,500 72,100 73,400 77,200



1st Half 2nd Half

1st Half 2nd Half


top related