conrad goldilox.pptx

Post on 16-Apr-2017






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There was once 3 bears living in the wood and one day they wanted to go

for a walk in the forest.

After they left there was a strange woman that appeared at the door and

her name was goldilocks.

She went into the bear’s home and saw three bowls of porridge.

And she ate one and it was way to hot so she tried another one and it was to cold, and she

tried the last one and it was just right.

And then after that she felt like her legs were tired and she wanted to go sit down and she found three chairs all lined up

and she sat on the first one was way to hard, then she sat on the second one and it was way to soft, then she sat on the third one

and it was just right for her.

After she had a sit down she was like “I got to have a nap” so she went upstairs and saw three beds lined up, so she sat on the first one and it was way to hard, then she sat on the second one and it was way to soft, then she sat on the third one and it was just


When she went for the nap, the three bears came back to their home, and saw the three porridges, saw that two of them were eaten slightly but one of them was

all gone.

Then they went over to the hallway and saw three chairs and noticed that

all three of them have been sat on.

Then the three bears went upstairs and saw the two beds have been used but the

third bed had a sleeping girl on it.

Then the girl woke up saw the three bears standing there and went running for the

door and was never seen again.

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