conifer regeneration after forest fire in the klamath-siskiyous: … · 2007-12-03 ·...

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Conifer Regeneration after ForestFire in the Klamath-Siskiyous: HowMuch, How Soon?

J.P.A. Shatford, D.E. Hibbs, and K.J. Puettmann

The increasing frequency and extent of forest fires in the western United States has raised concerns overpostfire management actions on publicly owned forests. Information on ecosystem recovery afterdisturbance is lacking and has led to heated debate and speculation regarding the return of forestvegetation after disturbance and the need for management actions. One critical question emerges, willthese ecosystems recover on their own, and if so, over what time frame? We report on one aspect ofrecovery, the spatial and temporal variation of natural conifer regeneration evident 9 –19 years afterforest fires in California and Oregon. In contrast to expectations, generally, we found natural coniferregeneration abundant across a variety of settings. Management plans can benefit greatly from usingnatural conifer regeneration but managers must face the challenge of long regeneration periods andbe able to accommodate high levels of variation across the landscape of a fire.

Keywords: natural regeneration, fire ecology, early succession

T he rugged mountains of northernCalifornia and southwest Oregon,also known as the Klamath-Siskiy-

ous ecoregion, support productive forest, areunusually diverse biologically, geologically,and topographically and have a history offrequent wildfire of low and mixed severity(Whittaker 1960, Agee 1993). Between1970 and 2004, more than 600 wildfiresburned over 2 million ha in Oregon andover 6 million ha in California. In 2002, theBiscuit Fire alone encompassed some

200,000 ha of mixed conifer forests of theRogue/Siskiyou National Forest and was thelargest fire in Oregon’s recorded history.The US Forest Service has since become em-broiled in a controversy over salvage loggingand forest recovery (Nazzaro et al. 2006). Askey components of ecosystem recovery, theregrowth of trees and other vegetation afterdisturbance is a focal point in this contro-versy.

Fire has long played a role in shapingplant communities across the Klamath-

Siskiyous ecoregion (Agee 1993, Taylor andSkinner 1998). Plentiful winter rains fol-lowed by summer drought and lightningstorms set conditions for dry fuels, ignition,and fire spread. Extensive evidence indicatesthat forest fires and natural regenerationhave been recurring events, following in re-peated fashion decade after decade across awide range of forest types (Atzet et al. 1992,Agee 1993, Sensenig 2002). The presence offorests blanketing the mountainous land-scape attests to the ability of the vegetationand its individual species to survive or regen-erate after fire. An agent of destruction, butalso an agent of renewal, fire plays a domi-nant role in the forests of the Klamath-Siskiyous region, making them, practicallyspeaking, “born of fire.”

Considerable evidence from fire scars,tree ages, and tree growth patterns suggeststhat frequent low and moderate severity fireshave been common in the Klamath-Siskiy-ous (Agee 1993, Taylor and Skinner 1998),resulting in low-density, multiaged stands(Sensenig 2002). Fire suppression effortsduring the 20th century have altered the fire

Received March 28, 2006; accepted January 31, 2007.

J.P.A. Shatford ( is senior faculty research assistant, D.E. Hibbs ( is professor community ecology;silviculture, and K.J. Puettmann ( is associate professor silviculture; forest ecology, Department of Forest Science, Oregon StateUniversity, Corvallis, OR 97331.M The research was funded by the Joint Fire Science Program with logistical support from the Klamath, Rogue River-Siskiyou andUmpqua National Forests. Additional financial and logistical support was provided by the Cooperative Forest Ecosystem Research Program including the USGSForest and Rangeland Ecosystem Science Center, the Oregon Department of Forestry and Oregon State University. S.B. Smith ably assisted with data collection. Wethank our many colleagues who provided encouragement during the development of this study as well as three anonymous reviewers for their constructive comments.The authors claim full responsibility for the statements and conclusions presented in this article.

Copyright © 2007 by the Society of American Foresters.

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forest ecology

regime and have led to changes in foreststructural characteristics (Agee 1993,Sensenig 2002). High-severity, stand-re-placing fires also have been known in thisregion, where complex topography and firebehavior typically resulted in a patchy distri-bution of canopy openings, intact stands,and scattered surviving trees (Wills and Stu-art 1994, Alexander et al. 2006).

The prognosis of forest recovery afterhigh-severity forest fire is uncertain. A his-tory of regeneration failures after fires andlogging raised concerns over the long-termsustainability of conifer forests in the region(Hobbs et al. 1992). Large brushfields dom-inated extensive areas in southwest Oregonin the mid-20th century and may have re-sulted from fires set by early settlers, ranch-ers, and miners (Hayes 1959). Limited coni-fer regeneration over long periods (10–50years) fostered concerns that such areaswould remain unforested indefinitely (Grat-kowski 1961). Additional regeneration fail-ures occurred after clearcut harvesting, andattempts to improve the regeneration envi-ronment through shelterwood cutting hadmixed results (Stein 1986). Given this his-tory of uncertainty, questions arose as towhether conifers would regenerate after thehigh-severity forest fires of recent times.Fears emerged that the brushfields commonto the Klamath-Siskiyous highland in theearly 1900s (Hayes 1959, Gratowski 1961)would become a dominate feature of the for-ests of the 21st century as well (Sessions et al.2004).

Of particular concern was the compet-itive advantage of broad-leaved shrubs andhardwoods that may result after the removalof the conifer overstory by fire. Hardwoods,particularly tanoak (Lithocarpus densiflora),madrone (Arbutus menziesii), and oaks(Quercus spp.), resprout vigorously after fire(Brown and Smith 2000). The rapid growthof seed-bank species such as Ceanothus andtheir association with nitrogen-fixing bacte-ria can lead to extensive shrub cover in earlysuccessional communities in the region(Hanson and Stuart 2005). Without activereforestation, conifers may have little or nowindow for regeneration amid the rapidlygrowing shrubs and hardwoods (Hobbs etal. 1992, Sessions et al. 2004). Along withcompetition for moisture and growingspace, high levels of seed predation and highsurface soil temperatures result in high mor-tality rates within the 1st year (Minore andLaacke [1992] and references therein). Ex-tensive research has documented the advan-

tage of planting conifers and controllingshrubs to increase tree density and growthover the early years of stand development(Hobbs et al. 1992, Zhang et al. 2006).

Today, many postfire action plans re-gard treeplanting and vegetation control as arelatively straightforward and effective solu-tion to the problem of forest renewal (Lin-denmayer 2006). Little is known about howburned areas will recover on their own, howthey might differ from stands managed afterfire, or how these differences relate to therate of forest recovery after fire over the shortterm (1–2 years) or longer (1–2 decades)time frames. The lack of information con-cerning ecosystem recovery, specifically nat-ural conifer regeneration after wildfires, hasallowed speculation on complex ecologicalprocesses. For example, in a recent 2-yearstudy of conifer survival with and withoutsalvage logging in southwest Oregon, Do-nato et al. (2006) concluded that postfiremanagement activities 2 years after a firekilled most natural tree regeneration andmay be counterproductive to forest recov-ery. This conclusion contradicted recom-mendations of a recent policy analysis forsouthwest Oregon, which argued that

burned areas can develop into unproductiveshrub fields that persist for “decades, per-haps centuries” and that postfire salvage log-ging and treeplanting would speed the re-covery of complex conifer forests andprovide revenue from timber extraction(Sessions et al. 2004).

We report here on the abundance ofnatural regenerating conifers occupying sites9–19 years after stand-replacing wildfires innorthern California and southwest Oregon.Our findings redefine concepts of the roleand reliability of natural regeneration inhigh fire frequency systems in the context ofecosystem management (Christensen et al.1996). Additionally, they highlight the roleof temporal and spatial variation as an inher-ent feature of forest development. Forestmanagers relying on natural regenerationshould feel increased confidence and need todevelop plans that can accommodate highlevels of variation and accept the prolongedtime line of the regeneration process.

MethodsWe conducted a stratified random sam-

pling of natural regeneration at locationsthat burned at high severity within fires that

Figure 1. Variation in climate and topography contribute to the diversity of forest typesacross northern California and southern Oregon. Annual precipitation across the regionranges from less than 50 cm/year (yellow) to more than 200 cm/year (dark green). Redpolygons indicate wildfires dating back to 1970. Study sites (yellow crosses) were locatedwithin forest openings that resulted from forest fires between 1987 and 1996. The studyincluded parts of the Umpqua National Forest, Oregon, and the Klamath and Six RiversNational Forests, California.

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burned 9–19 years earlier in southern Ore-gon and northern California. A Mediterra-nean climate predominates in the area: hot,dry summers and cool, moist winters. An-nual rainfall ranges considerably across thedistrict from 50 cm/year (Yreka, California)to 237 cm/year (Gasquet, California).Across the same area, January mean temper-atures range from 1 to 2° C and July meantemperatures range from 20 to 22° C. Ele-vation ranges from 200 to 500 m above sealevel (asl) within inland valleys and over2000 m on ridgetops and peaks.

Data were collected to assess natural re-generation across a range of sites stratified byelevation, aspect, and distance from seedsource. All field sampling took place in 2005in eight areas burned between 1987 and1996 (Figure 1). The fire areas ranged from350 to 28,000 ha (mean, 8,134 ha). Thirty-five plots were established across a broad gra-dient of productivity and forest types. Oursampling encompassed three broad foresttypes (hereafter plant series) ranging fromdry to wet (Atzet et al. 1992). Within theDouglas-fir series, sites ranged from dry,low-elevation interior valleys occupied bythe Douglas-fir/ponderosa pine series tomore mesic, transitional, and inland siteswithin the Douglas-fir/tanoak series (Atzetet al. 1992). In the drier Douglas-fir sites,oceanspray (Holodiscus discolor), trailingsnowberry (Symphoricarpos hesperius), anddeer brush (Ceanothus intergerrimus) werecommon and abundant (4–40% cover). OnDouglas-fir/tanoak sites, red huckleberry(Vaccinium parvifolium) and hairy manza-nita (Arctostaphylos columbiana) were com-mon. At higher elevations, we encounteredthe cooler and more mesic white fir series(Atzet et al. 1992). White fir understory as-sociates included snowbrush (Ceanothus ve-lutinus) and manzanita (Arctostaphylus vari-ous species).

Candidate sites were identified fromgeographic information system (GIS) dataon fire occurrence and management historyin the Klamath, Rogue/Siskiyou, and Ump-qua National Forests. Sample sites met threegeneral criteria: (1) canopy-replacing wild-fire, 9–19 years earlier, (2) more than 90%tree mortality due to fire, and (3) no postfiresalvage logging or treeplanting. For all sites,we obtained and evaluated aerial photo-graphs taken 1–3 years after fire. From thesewe identified openings from high-severityfires that were previously conifer dominated(snags present). Plot locations were assigned

randomly using a combination of photooverlays and random number allocations.All plots were located 50–400 m from a seed

source (a stand of mature conifers) to ex-plore distance effects. We avoided areas withserpentine substrate but did not adjust plot

Figure 2. A young stand of mixed conifer, Douglas-fir (P. menziesii), pine Pinus (various),and incense cedar (C. decurrens) seedlings and saplings regenerated after a high-severitywildfire in 1987 burned this area within the Douglas-fir plant series above Grider Creek,California. (Photo: J. Shatford, UTM 10 481034E 4619894N.)

Figure 3. Eighteen years after a high severity wildfire in the Klamath highlands of northernCA, the density of white fir (Abies concolor) seedlings ranged from 1,200 to 16,000/ ha.Tree ages indicated that seedling establishment may be limited for several years after firefollowed by multiple years of abundant seedling establishment. (Photo: J. Shatford, UTM 10470403E 4602356N).

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locations to avoid rock outcrops, poisonoak, or dense brush.

A 0.048-ha sampling plot was com-prised of 30 4 � 4-m (0.0016 ha) cells in agrid of 3 � 10 cells/plot. Each cell, roughlyequivalent to 1/600 ha (1/250 ac), provideda means to assess the dispersal of regenerat-ing dominant (defined later) conifers. A plotwith at least one conifer in each cell was con-sidered fully stocked. The percent cover andmedian height for each shrub and hardwoodspecies were estimated visually in each thirdof the plot (12 � 12 m) and then averagedfor the entire plot.

For each plot, we tallied conifer seed-lings by species. Per-hectare conifer regener-ation density was estimated from sampleplots stratified by plant series. We aged thelargest (dominant) seedling in each cell bothby counting branch whorls and by cutting orcoring at the base and counting annualgrowth rings (Sheppard et al. 1988). Fordominant regeneration, we calculated (1)year of establishment, (2) live crown ratio,and (3) growth rate (seedling height dividedby total age). We used the age of the oldestseedling in each cell to determine when thecell was first successfully occupied. For eachyear after the fire we calculated the propor-tion of cells occupied by at least one seed-ling. Graphical comparisons of stockingrates were stratified by plant series and de-cade since fire (to avoid confounding firesfrom roughly 10 years ago with those �20years ago). Total tree density estimates werestratified only by plant series. We averagedthe number of dominant conifers originat-ing in a given year by time since fire andplant series. The average rate of establish-ment (dominant seedlings only) was plottedfor each year after the fire until the year ofthe survey. The hardwood and shrub cover(percent) and growth rate of the dominantcohort was calculated as the average for eachplot (n � 35).

Results and DiscussionPatterns of Seedling Establishment.

In 2005, we determined the spatial and tem-poral variation of conifer establishment aftereight wildfires that occurred between 1987and 1996 throughout the Klamath-Siskiy-ous region. Generally, conifer regenerationon our study sites was abundant and the pe-riod of establishment was surprisingly pro-tracted (extended) and variable.

Conifer density varied by plant series.Total conifer density ranged over three or-

ders of magnitude, averaging 1,694 trees/ha(tph; 83–8,188 tph; n � 24) in the lowerelevation Douglas-fir and Douglas-fir/tanoak series combined and 7,621 tph(688–16,771 tph; n � 11) in the higher el-evation white fir series. Within the Douglas-fir series, an average of 51% (�7.8 SE, n �24) of the seedlings were Douglas-fir(Pseudotsuga menziesii), 14% (�4.0 SE)were ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa), 17%(�6.7 SE) were knobcone pine (Pinus atten-uate), and 8% (�3.5 SE) were incense cedar(Calocedrus decurrens), with the remainder(�10%) consisting of sugar pine (Pinus lam-bertiana), western white pine (Pinus monti-cola), and white fir (Abies concolor; Figure 2).Among the white fir series, seedling countsaveraged 80.3% (�8.2 SE; n � 11) true firs(A. concolor and Abies magnifica) and 18.4%(�7.9) Douglas-fir with lesser amounts ofknobcone pine, incense cedar, sugar pine,and western white pine (Figure 3). The den-

sity of conifers was equal to or greater thantypical densities in 60- to 100-year-oldstands in this region (250–2,500 tph;Sensenig [2002]). Survival and growth ofonly a portion of seedlings would suffice todevelop forested conditions. Old-growthforests in the region, dominated by trees 250years or older, commonly contain 50–100tph (Sensenig 2002).

On all sites conifer density increasedover our study period. The establishment ofup to 30 well-distributed dominant seed-lings per plot was seldom synchronizedwithin an individual plot, fire, or across thelandscape in a given year (Figure 4). For ex-ample, the time required for seedlings to oc-cupy the 30 cells in a 12 � 40-m plot exhib-ited the full spectrum of possibilities:immediate and rapid filling, initially delayed(4–9 years) and then rapid filling, slow butconstant filling, and chronically limited(Figure 4).

Figure 4. Changes in conifer stocking over time since wildfire (stocking � proportion of1/600 ha cells in each plot containing one or more established conifers). The lack ofsimilarity among shape of curves or peaks in years after fire suggests the importance oflocal controls, i.e., plot level variation. (A) Establishment after fires of 1992–1996 onlow-elevation sites; (B) establishment after fires of 1987 on low-elevation sites (Douglas-firand Douglas-fir/tanoak series); (C) establishment after fires of 1987 on high-elevation sites(white fir series) in the Klamath-Siskiyous region. Red (single dotted), green (double dotted),blue (long dash), and black (solid) lines indicate quartiles of increasing total seedling density(as opposed to stocking) observed at the time of our survey. Because of variation in spatialdistribution of seedlings within a plot, a high seedling density did not always result in a highproportion of area occupied.

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When averaged across sites, this diver-sity of patterns is reflected in a yearly accu-mulation of seedlings after fires, with aneventual and gradual decline of establish-ment rate (Figure 5). Surprisingly, up to 19years after a fire, some new and locally dom-inant regeneration still was appearing. Weobserved local incidents of seedling pulses(e.g., within a given plot), but there was nobroadscale synchronization of seedling re-cruitment for any given year (Figure 4).Thus, although there were undoubtedlysome good seed years during the period ofobservation (19 years), they did not result inpulses of established regeneration (Means1982).

Conifers are dependent on regenerationfrom seed that likely comes from nearbysources. Both conventional wisdom andseed dispersal graphs suggest that the major-ity of seed fall occurs near the seed sourcewith seed rain trailing off to very low seeddensities by 200 m from a seed source, al-though exact dispersal patterns vary withspecies, wind patterns, topography, andother factors (Isaac 1940, Minore andLaacke 1992, Greene and Johnson 1996).We observed as many as 84–1,100 tphgreater than 300 m from a seed source (Fig-ure 6), suggesting that at this scale, forestrecovery is not a simple function of distanceto surviving trees that act as seed sources(Nathan and Muller-Landau 2000). Therewas no significant effect of distance fromseed source on tree density for either theDouglas-fir series (F � 0.66; P � 0.42; n �24) or the white fir series (F � 1.89; P �0.20; n � 11). Our seed sources often weredense patches of trees providing abundantseed, thus increasing the probability of seedtraveling long distances (more than 350 m).These observations suggest that the mecha-nism(s) behind long-distance seed dispersalare not entirely clear and that models forlong-distance seed dispersal of conifers areincomplete.

Roles of Shrubs and Hardwoods. Amajor component of ecosystem recoveryconsisted of shrubs and resprouting hard-wood trees (25–95% aerial cover; 47 spe-cies). Across the range of Douglas-fir foresttypes (from the drier Douglas-fir throughDouglas-fir/tanoak series), abundance of co-nifers was positively associated with cover ofhardwoods and shrubs (Figure 7). Becausethis range of Douglas-fir associations de-scribes a continuum of increasing productiv-ity (Atzet et al. 1992), we interpret the pos-itive relationship between hardwood and

shrub cover and seedling abundance as a re-sponse to increased site productivity andavailability of resources to vegetation in gen-

eral (Whittaker 1960). In contrast, acrosssites within the white fir series, the oppositetrend was observed as conifer seedling abun-

Figure 5. Dominant conifer abundance by year of establishment. (A) Establishment afterfires of 1992–1996 on low-elevation sites; (B) establishment after fires of 1987 on low-elevation sites (Douglas-fir and Douglas-fir/tanoak series); (C) establishment after fires of1987 on high-elevation sites (white fir series) in the Klamath-Siskiyous region. Error barsindicate � SE.

Figure 6. Tree density (tph) in relation to distance to seed source (m) for two plantassociations, Douglas-fir and Douglas-fir/tanoak series (closed circles) and white fir series(open circles).

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dance decreased with hardwood/shrub cover(Figure 7). Seedling establishment was,however, conspicuously high on all siteswithin the white fir series; hence, competi-tion from broad-leaved species does notseem to present a serious obstacle to coniferestablishment there.

We found that conifer seedlings werefrequently overtopped by shrubs and hard-woods (Figure 8). Average height of themost common shrub species, deerbrush,snowbrush, and greenleaf manzanita (Arc-tostaphylos patula), were 1.9, 1.2, and1.1 m, respectively. However, there wasno evidence of recent conifer mortality orsuppression leading to death. Dominantconifers had live crown ratios averaging68% (n � 35) and moderate heightgrowth (10.2 cm year 1 over the last de-cade; �4.9 SD; range, 2.7–22.5 cm year1; n � 35). Over one-third of the coniferswere greater than 1.5 m in height with anaverage height for Douglas-fir of 1.2 m(�0.23 SE). It is quite likely that heightgrowth of shrubs has slowed after 9 –19years (Brown and Smith 2000) while treeheight growth continues to slowly in-crease. We predict that conifer mortalitywill remain low and height growth willaccelerate as individuals continue toemerge above the shrub layer (Conard andRadosevich 1982).

As the rate of forest development differsamong naturally regenerating and plantedareas, managers must decide what is mostappropriate for a given site. Several tradeoffswarrant consideration. The density of natu-rally regenerating conifers appears adequateto provide stocking across the forest types weinvestigated (but see Hayes [1959] and Stein[1986]). Although the density of conifer re-generation was not completely restricted bythe presence of broad-leaved species, in mostplaces their growth rate most certainly hasbeen (Hobbs et al. 1992, Tesch et al. 1993).A reduction in terms of timber productioncan be expected in the short term (Hobbs etal. 1992), but over the long run the resultsmay be less certain (Busse et al. 1996, Zhanget al. 2006). Although short-term gains maybe made from shrub removal, long-termbenefits of increased nutrient levels and ulti-mately sustained conifer growth warrantsadditional consideration (Busse et al. 1996).The appearance of broad-leaved speciesfrom stumps, roots, or seeds can stabilizesoils and reduce erosion hazards after fires.Where heat or drought may be limitingseedling establishment, shrubs facilitate nat-

ural tree regeneration and growth by provid-ing shade and conserving moisture (Minore1986, Kitzberger et al. 2000). The presenceof vegetation also may play a critical role inattracting birds and mammals that act asagents of seed dispersal (Vander Wall 1990).Areas of shrub and hardwood cover benefit avariety of wildlife species (Alldredge et al.2001).

ConclusionsOur study advances an understanding

of natural forest development after wildfirein the diverse Klamath-Siskiyous region(Minore and Laacke 1992). Clearly, naturalregeneration of conifers is an intrinsic re-sponse to fires in most locations (Turner etal. 2003), and forests are recovering acrossthe entire range of forest types we investi-gated and at considerable distances fromseed sources.

The establishment of conifers afterwildfire was highly variable from year toyear, and place to place, resulting in highvariation in tree density and size. Under-standing factors associated with this varia-tion warrants additional attention. Giventhe role of aspect, elevation, and climate onvegetation across this region (Atzet et al.

1992), evaluating their combined influencemay provide further insights.

Forest managers who use natural regen-eration will need to develop planning anddecision tools that can accommodate spatialvariability and include thresholds for regen-eration success with a much longer regener-ation phase than commonly accepted in theregion (Minore and Laacke 1992). In con-trast with previous observations (Hayes1959, Stein 1986), our findings suggest thatthe prognosis for achieving reasonable coni-fer densities are fair to excellent, even on siteswith high cover of broad-leaved shrubs andhardwoods. Although conifer growth maybe delayed by competition over the shortterm, benefits in terms of wildlife habitatand site fertility should be considered.

Viewing ecosystem recovery as a vari-able and dynamic process highlights the lim-itations of short-term studies (Donato et al.2006) that provide an incomplete picture ofthe regeneration process. In addition, asser-tions that burned areas, left unmanaged, willremain unproductive for some indefinite pe-riod (Sessions et al. 2004) seem unwar-ranted. A more complete understanding ofthe tradeoffs among management options is

Figure 7. Relationships between conifer seedling density and percent cover of broad-leavedperennials (hardwoods and shrubs) among plant associations, Douglas-fir and Douglas-fir/tanoak series (closed circles), and white fir series (open circles).

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necessary to resolve current controversies.To date, few studies evaluate outcomes ofdifferent management approaches across adiverse set of conditions and over extendedtime frames. Past research has shown thatsalvage logging after wildfire in the Klamath-Siskiyous can influence the abundance oftrees, shrubs, and herbaceous cover, evenyears later (Hanson and Stuart 2005). Inother parts of the region, natural regenera-tion after logging or other disturbance maymatch or exceed that achieved by reforesta-tion efforts (Bock et al. 1978, Miller et al.

1993), or it may lag behind. However, evenwith information from 20 years of forest dy-namics, successional development can notbe precisely predicted for specific locations.This highlights the challenge to integrate awide range of forest conditions across a land-scape to meet the diverse set of goals andneeds imposed by society (Christensen et al.1996, Nabuurs et al. 2001).

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146 Journal of Forestry • April/May 2007

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