conexion digital no. 558

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Número 558 Edición 28 de Febrero de 2010 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SUMARIO 1. EDITORIAL 2. SERVICIOS Y PRODUCTOS DEL GRUPO RADIOESCUCHA ARGENTINO 3. POR TODOS LOS MEDIOS EN LA ONDA MEDIA 4. SINTONIZANDO EL DIAL 5. APARTADO QSL 6. ABORDAJE DEL DIAL / REPORTE CLANDESTINO 7. SIN FRONTERAS 8. CONTACTO VHF 9. UTILITARIAS 10. MISCELANEAS 11. LA PROPAGACION 12. FOR READERS IN ENGLISH 13. COLABORADORES Y FUENTES 14. REVISTA CONEXION GRA 15. SUSCRIPCION CONEXION DIGITAL --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. EDITORIAL Y en este segundo mes de 2010 les damos una cordial bienvenida a una nueva edición de Conexión Digital! La Rosa de Tokyo, el programa semanal de DX y medios de comunicación irradiado a través de LS11 Radio Provincia de Buenos Aires (AM1270 Khz; y una importante red de emisoras de frecuencia modulada, amplitud modulada y onda corta de la Argentina y el resto del mundo) La Rosa de Tokyo se irradia los sábados desde las 0900 hasta las 1000 hora de la Argentina (1200 a 1300 horas UTC).- En caso de querer escuchar el programa en cualquier momento pueden visitar la excelente página programas DX en El programa del día 27 de Febrero de 2010 lo dedicaremos a revisar el pasado, presente y futuro de dos emisoras de onda corta en Nigeria. También visitaremos La Voz de Nigeria, la estación oficial de ondas cortas y analizaremos la radiodifusión

en este rico país africano. No se pierdan los archivos de audio con los cuales se “ilustrará” la emisión. Recuerden que los días subsiguientes podrán volver a escuchar este programa haciendo click en Un cordial saludo del staff editor 73

Todas las colaboraciones deben ser dirigidas a CONEXION Digital: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2. SERVICIOS Y PRODUCTOS DEL GRUPO RADIOESCUCHA ARGENTINA LA REVISTA CONEXION GRA Nuestra publicación gráfica denominada "Conexión GRA" es editada seis (6) veces al año por el Grupo Radioescucha Argentino, y contiene información vinculada al mundo del diexismo y las comunicaciones en general. El boletín se edita cada dos (2) meses y tenemos prevista la aparición de cada ejemplar durante la tercera semana de los meses de febrero, abril, junio, agosto, cctubre y diciembre de cada año.- SUSCRIPCION: Los valores de las suscripciones simples, dobles y triples son las siguientes: A partir del 1º de Noviembre de 2009, los valores de las suscripciones simples, dobles y triples para aquellos interesados en recibir nuestra publicación gráfica “Conexión GRA” son los siguientes: ARGENTINA: Ejemplares Simple Doble Triple 3 Números $ 20 $ 35 $ 50 6 Números $ 40 $ 70 $ 100 PAISES LIMITROFES: Ejemplares Simple Doble Triple 3 Números US$ 10 US$ 16 US$ 20 6 Números US$ 18 US$ 28 US$ 32

RESTO DE AMERICA: Ejemplares Simple Doble Triple 3 Números US$ 11 US$ 17 US$ 21 6 Números US$ 21 US$ 32 US$ 36 RESTO DEL MUNDO: Ejemplares Simple Doble Triple 3 Números US$ 17 US$ 22 US$ 28 6 Números US$ 30 US$ 35 US$ 42 Quien desee solicitar suscripciones dobles o triples deberá manifestarlo expresamente al enviar su pago, pudiendo figurar el nombre de 2 o 3 personas como socios, quienes recibirán el envío en la dirección postal que se indique.- FORMA DE PAGO: El pago de la suscripción podrá efectuarse de la siguiente manera: En efectivo, para la Argentina en Pesos, y para el exterior en Dólares Estadounidenses. Se aceptan giros postales nacionales e internacionales, que deberán ser emitidos a nombre de Marcelo Aníbal Cornachioni y serán enviados a la dirección postal de Conexión GRA exclusivamente (Alvarez Thomas 248, B1832DNF Lomas de Zamora, Argentina). En estampillas, para los lectores de la Argentina, sin uso y preferentemente de $ 1,00 o $ 2,00, correspondientes al CORREO ARGENTINO únicamente. No se aceptarán sellos postales de otros correos privados que funcionan en el país. Pagos en IRC (Cupones de Respuesta Internacional): Se aceptan los cupones equivalentes al valor indicado en US$ para todas las suscripciones al exterior. Los IRC se venden y se canjean en las oficinas de correo y deben contener el sello de la misma (legible) en su parte izquierda o central, de otra manera no son válidos. No se aceptan IRC con matasellos argentino. Depósitos en Cuenta Bancaria: Disponemos de la Caja de Ahorro en Pesos Nro. 323 704733/8 perteneciente al BBVA Banco Francés (CBU: 01703236 40000070473386), cuya titularidad se encuentra a nombre de Marcelo Aníbal Cornachioni, donde los lectores de Argentina podrán depositar el dinero de la suscripción. Rogamos nos hagan saber por carta o e mail, la fecha y monto depositado a fin de imputarlo a su cuota social. EJEMPLARES DE CORTESIA: Si desea un ejemplar gratuito del boletín "Conexión GRA", no tiene más que solicitárnoslo y a vuelta de correo le enviaremos el último número editado. Para ello debe remitirnos una carta mencionando su nombre y dirección postal, adjuntando una estampilla de $4 (para residentes en la Argentina), o bien 2 IRCs (para residentes en el exterior) , a fin de solventar los gastos del envío postal. CONTACTO: Las cartas, colaboraciones y suscripciones para "Conexion GRA", deberán ser remitidas a la siguiente dirección: Postal: Conexión GRA

c/o Marcelo Aníbal Cornachioni Alvarez Thomas 248 (B1832DNF) Lomas de Zamora Buenos Aires - Argentina E Mail: Página Web: Teléfono: +54 (011) 4245-5697 (De 21:00 a 23:00 Hs LU) SERVICIOS Y PRODUCTOS DEL GRA Queremos compartir con ustedes otros productos del GRA: Disponemos por fotocopiado de una serie de folletos y material sobre diexismo y temas de radio. Salvo cuando se aclara, todo es en español. Cada pedido de fotocopias deberá hacerse por escrito, indicándose el número y tema requerido. Para abonar este servicio se debe tener en cuenta el precio de cada copia ($ 0,15), el valor del sobre tipo oficio ($ 0,50), y el costo del envío postal, el cual varia de acuerdo al peso de las copias solicitadas y el destinatario. Sugerimos consultar por vía postal o e-mail acerca de estas condiciones antes de efectuar un pago. Los temas a disposición de nuestros socios son: Nº 001: Diexismo de TV y FM. Curso de Radio Nederland. (23 fcts) Nº 002: La Recepción de Ondas Cortas, de la Deutsche Welle. Contenidos generales sobre todo el hobby. Muy recomendable para principiantes (10 ftcs) Nº 003: Diseños de Antenas de OC y Montajes Técnicos. Folletos en inglés de Deutsche Welle y RSA. (25 ftcs) Nº 004: DX AM, FM, TV y Tropicales. Selección de artículos aparecidos en CXN. (13 ftcs) Nº 005: Receiver Shopping List. Manual en inglés de Radio Nederland que reseña con datos, comentarios y fotos a la mayoría de los receptores de onda corta en el mercado. Edición 1993. (37 ftcs) Nº 006: Bibliografía sobre Antenas. Teoría y diseños varios sobre distintos tipos de antenas para OC. (54 ftcs) Nº 007: Casi Todo en Diexismo. Curso de Radio Nederland sobre conceptos básicos sobre el hobby. (28 ftcs) Nº 008: Propagacion de OC y Espectro de Radioondas. Cursos de Radio Nederland preparados por Jim Vastenhoud. (28 ftcs) Nº 009: 25 Simple Tropical and MW Band Aerials. 25 Diseños de antenas para DX tropical y de onda media. En ingles. (30 ftcs) Nº 010: MW Loop Compendium. Diseños de antenas para onda media, tanto para receptores de ferrite y de comunicaciones. En inglés. (25 ftcs) Nº 011: Modelos de Informes de Recepción. Modelos en Español, Inglés, Francés, Portugués, Alemán, Italiano, Indonesio y Dutch. (16 ftcs) Nº 012: Loop direccionales para OC. Artículo publicado en el WRTH'90. Antenas para radios tipo portátil. En inglés. (4 ftcs)

Nº 013: Uso de Balun. Aplicable para antenas multibanda y supresión de ruidos locales y atmosféricos. En inglés. (9 ftcs) Nº 014: Catálogo "Practical Wireless". Indice de infinidad de diseños de antenas de todo tipo y bandas, sintonizadores, filtros, etc. Con el catálogo podrán pedir luego lo que desean. (9 ftcs). Todos los artículos de la revista "Practical Wireless" suman 230 ftcs. Asimismo contamos con las siguientes publicaciones digitales que serán enviadas por e-mail a quien lo solicite: D-01: Lista de Emisoras Tropicales del GRA. Con datos de emisoras de OC comprendidas entre 2310-7800 KHz. ($ 25,00) D-02: Lista de Emisoras de Onda Media Argentinas. Completo directorio de emisoras conteniendo todos los datos conocidos de c/u de ellas. ($ 10,00) D-03: Directorio de Emisoras de Onda Corta. Direcciones postales de estaciones de OC, incluyendo E-mail y página Web, cuando estos datos son conocidos; la cual es actualizada permanentemente. ($ 10,00) [Grupo Editor] Todas las colaboraciones deben ser dirigidas a CONEXION Digital: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3. POR TODOS LOS MEDIOS EN LA ONDA MEDIA por Rubén Guillermo Margenet

*Los horarios corresponden al Tiempo Universal Coordinado (UTC). ESCUCHAS DESDE AMERICA ESCUCHAS DESDE EL RESTO DEL MUNDO Captaciones de Roberto Pavanello, desde Italia

1550 19/2 22.30 R. Nac. Sahauri - Tindouf Arabo talk OM buono 1566 19/2 22.50 T.W.R. - Parakou Vern. talk OM suff. Captaciones de Carlos L. R. de Goncalvez, desde Portugal

ICELAND 189 RÚV, Gufuskálar, 1213-1309, 22 Feb'10, pops, talks, news (p) 1300; 23452, adj. QRM de D 183. 207 RÚV, Eiðar, 1214-1235, 22 Feb'10, cf. \\ 189; 13441, QRM de D (MRC still off).

NOTICIAS ARGENTINA Provincia de Chaco Firmaron un convenio de cooperación entre la Legislatura chaqueña y Radio Nacional Resistencia. El acuerdo incluye la emisión a través de la frecuencia de Amplitud Modulada de las sesiones ordinarias, especiales y extraordinarias y la divulgación de las actividades parlamentarias. En la Sala de Labor Parlamentaria “Manuel Magno López, el Presidente de la Cámara de Diputados Juan José Bergia y el titular de Radio Nacional Resistencia Pedro Rettori Lovera concretaron la firma de un convenio de de cooperación entre ambas instituciones, con el objeto de propiciar actividades de colaboración, intercambio y divulgación de temáticas de interés mutuo comprendidas en el ámbito de la actividad legislativa. Asimismo, este convenio comprende la emisión a través de la frecuencia de Amplitud Modulada de este medio, de las sesiones ordinarias, especiales y extraordinarias y la divulgación de las actividades parlamentarias, las que serán adecuadas al formato radial para su emisión que se hará de manera semanal. En referencia a esta firma, el titular del Poder agradeció a las autoridades radiales por esta rúbrica en nombre de la Presidencia del Poder, de los legisladores que conforman el Cuerpo y el personal de la casa por esta iniciativa que posibilitará “un trabajo conjunto para mejorar la imagen de la Legislatura ante la sociedad chaqueña, que podrá conocer en tiempo real lo que sucede en este Poder, como ser las discusiones que se producen en el Recinto y la posición de cada uno de los bloques políticos sobre los distintos temas”. Bergia valoró nuevamente esta iniciativa de Radio Nacional que “hoy por hoy no va a ser tan reconocido por la gente, pero que seguramente más adelante será gratificado por la sociedad chaqueña, que debe conocer el trabajo que sus representantes hacen a diario”. “La Legislatura – enfatizó – estará a disposición de las autoridades de la Radio Nacional para llevar adelante estas transmisiones, con la colaboración de la Dirección de Prensa y del personal del Poder, y seguramente ellos tendrán un rol que será fundamental en esta nueva etapa”. En tanto, el Director de Radio Nacional destacó que forma parte de la política de Radio Nacional adoptar la modalidad que tienen las radios públicas, “las que deben estar al servicio de la gente”, consideró, a la vez que añadió “esto significa que debe adoptar el espíritu de lo que implica el concepto “público” y que se encuadra en lo normado por la nueva ley de medios, intentando instalar la idea de lo que implica una radio estatal no gubernamental, y esto involucra la apertura de la emisora a los sectores de la comunidad que quieran expresar sus ideas, resguardando lo que hace a la cuestión de derechos humanos y de crímenes de lesa humanidad que en ámbito público y en la difusión pública no tienen cabida”. “Dentro de este marco del perfil que se le quiere dar a esta emisora - remarcó Réttori – es que iniciamos las conversaciones con el Presidente de la Cámara de Diputados para que se puedan transmitir las sesiones del Poder para que puedan llegar a la provincia a través de la radio”. Paralelamente, el titular de Radio Nacional destacó que la aplicación de este convenio no tiene costos, es gratuito” dijo y “tiene el objetivo de lograr que la gente se informe de lo que pasa en el Recinto Legislativo, y para esto la idea es que la transmisión sea difundida por la radio de amplitud modulada a todo el territorio provincial y con un formato adecuado que facilite su comprensión, con personal competente que tenga a su cargo esta actividad”. (tomada de DataChaco) Provincia de Santa Fe

Reclaman desde ayer los 29 empleados el pago completo de haberes, recategorizaciones, e incluso condiciones esenciales como la contratación de una ART. En una asamblea realizada días asados, los 29 empleados de la radio LT 28 decidieron iniciar un paro indeterminado hasta conseguir la liquidación total de los sueldos adeudados de diciembre y enero, incluido el aguinaldo. Con pancartas colocadas sobre el frente de la emisora en bulevar Lehmann, locutores, periodistas y operadores se manifestaron durante toda la jornada, llegando incluso a tirar bombas de estruendo y a encender cubiertas. Lo cierto es que el reclamo consiguió la cancelación de deuda correspondiente a diciembre, con aguinaldo incluido, monto que había contado con adelantos esporádicos de no más de 300 pesos a lo largo de estos meses, pero la medida de fuerza no se levantará hasta que todos los empleados perciban sus sueldos completos. Según denunció la delegada local del Sindicato Argentino de Locutores, Marina Bertone, los trabajadores no cuentan con aseguradora de riesgos de trabajo, aportes jubilatorios a pesar de los descuentos en las liquidaciones de sueldo y en varios casos reciben el destrato de los empleadores, existen amplias deudas con las obras sociales y sindicatos, además de tener fuera de categorización a muchos de los contratados. A esto se añade que la emisora tiene desmantelada la sala de redacción periodística, no hay aire acondicionado en algunos estudios, el mobiliario se denuncia como deteriorado, e incluso se habla de desinversión a nivel técnico y tecnológico. Son múltiples los compromisos asumidos ante la delegación en Rafaela del Ministerio de Trabajo, pero así también el incumplimiento, es por eso que los empleados piden desde el día de ayer, que de no poder afrontarse las obligaciones económicas y contractuales, la radio sea vendida para su aprovechamiento y utilización, teniendo en cuenta que es uno de los medios de comunicación más importantes de la región. (La Opinion) VENEZUELA El programa de opinión "Aló Ciudadano" regresó este miércoles a la radio caraqueña a través de la emisora Radio Caracas Radio (dial 750), anunció su conductor, Leopoldo Castillo al reincorporarse al frente de este espacio de radio y televisión. "A partir de hoy nosotros estamos transmitiendo por RCR 750, es decir todo lo que es Caracas, y me siento muy contento porque nuevamente vamos a tener para a la gente de Caracas información de transito, etc", señaló el conductor del programa en la apertura de la edición de este miércoles. Asimismo, Castillo informó sobre la próxima unión de emisoras radiales del interior del país en la transmisión del programa tras la salida del aire de las emisoras que conformaban el Circuito Nacional Belfort, que llevaba el programa a los hogares venezolanos. Por otra parte el "ciudadano" denunció lo que denominó como un trato en su contra al no serle renovada la licencia como Productor Nacional Independiente pese a realizar todos los trámites pertinentes. "No he sido renovado, tampoco he sido rechazado estoy en una especie de purgatorio de limbo y yo voy a pelear (…) se me está negando el derecho a trabajar", aseguró el conductor del programa. "El argumento es que tengo un procedimiento abierto, pero definan de qué se trata este procedimiento abierto", agregó Castillo. (tomada de El Universal)

Todas las colaboraciones deben ser dirigidas a CONEXION Digital:

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 4. SINTONIZANDO EL DIAL por Miguel Castellino *Los horarios corresponden al Tiempo Universal Coordinado (UTC).

ESCUCHAS DESDE AMERICA Captaciones de Rafael Rodriguez R., desde Colombia 5014.4 RADIO ALTURA. Cerro de Pasco, Perú. 1110-1203 febrero 21 Reactivacion. Musica folclorica y programa bilingue quechua-español ID: "...desde la ciudad mas alta del mundo , Cerro de Pasco, capital minera del Perú, Cuna del ilustre hidalgo Daniel Alcides Carrion transmite Radio Altura triple frecuencia..."! No la escuchaba desde Agosto del 2008 5485.6 RADIO FRECUENCIA POPULAR. Olmos, Perú. 2306-0202* febrero 20 Nueva emisora. Musica folclorica peruana."...Para todo el norte peruano somos Frecuencia Popular..." Anuncios de Electronica Echeverry. Mencionan onda media en 1320 Khz. Al dar la hora: "...7 de la noche con 07 minutos, 7 de la noche con 07 minutos, la hora que te informa Radio Frecuencia Popular que transmite desde sate distrito de Olmos...." Cierre a las 0200 Mas detalles y audio en 15550u WJHR. Milton FL, USA 2154-2201* febrero 20 Usual predicacion en ingles, a las 2200 melodia y cierre : "...this conclude day of broadcast WJHR Radio International; remenber all your questions and comments are welcome, please send a e-mil to;" continua la melodia hasta off a las 2204 Rafael Rodriguez R. Bogota D.C. COLOMBIA SONY ICF 2010 Hilo de 15 metros Captaciones de Rudolf W. Grimm, desde Brasil Rx: SDR-IQ + MFJ1026 Ant.: H 20 m Captaciones de Jorge Freitas, Brasil 6020 14/Feb 0910 AUSTRALIA, R Australia, in Pidgin. OM talk and pop mx. In // 5995 kHz, but with much weaker signal. The 0913 UT OM conversation with other outside the studio. Signal degrade. 25332 (Jorge Freitas-B)

9265 19/Feb 0210 USA , WINB Red Lion, EE. OM with preaching emphasis. Many references to God. 35433 (Jorge Freitas-B) 9370 19/Feb 0157 GERMANY, VOA Radio Deewa, in Pashto, from relay via Lampertheim. OM and YL present news. The 0159 UT OM announces site and end tx. The new transmission the 0200 UT with another azimuth and signal is weak. This transmission is overlapping the WTJC, which always comes here. 33433 (Jorge Freitas-B) 9380 19/Feb 0148 CHINA, Firedrake ON SOH. At least on this day of listening, I do not think a good choice of the VOA broadcast on this frequency. In the background you hear comments from YL and OM that I seem to be the VOA Radio Deew, completely compromised. (Jorge Freitas-B) 12105 19/Feb 0124 GREECE, Voice of Greece, in Greek. A man who seems to speak on the phone, gives an interview to YL. The 0125 UT end of the interview with the man and YL is interviewing a woman in the studio. YL back to interview another man outside the studio. In / / with 7475 kHz, this with strong QRM. In 12105 kHz signal with no QRM. 0133 UT the signal begins to suffer moderate fading. 34433 (Jorge Freitas-B) 14970 19/Feb 0218 CHINA, Firedrake active with moderate signal. (Jorge Freitas-B) 15720 19/Feb 0140 NEW ZEALAND, R New Zealand Int., EE. OM and YL talk, seems they are presenting news. Continues to be received here with good signal . 35433 (Jorge Freitas-B) 3200 20/Feb 2008 TWR, EE. Pop gospel mx. 2010 UT OM talk, vignette, ID and more mx. Regular signal. (Jorge Freitas-B) 3810 20/Feb 0750 ECUADOR, Time Signal, HD2IOA Guayaquil. Signal Regular. (Jorge Freitas-B) 4775 21/Feb 0712 USA, WWCR NASHVILLE, EE. In the new frequency. OM with religious sermon. Good. The 0716 UT OM with ID. Very good signal. (Jorge Freitas-B) 6105 21/Feb 0731 UNID, in Spanish. Pop mx, OM Talk. Speaks very fast, you can not understand, also with the weak signal. It would be the XEQM - Candela FM XEMH? I recorded on my blog, I would like the help of colleagues in the ID. The 2043 UT the signal is overlapped with the transmission of TWR. (Jorge Freitas-B) 7100 20/Feb 2049 NORTH KOREA, Voice of Korea, in Korean. Closing the program with the national anthem. End tx the 2050 UT. Regular signal (Jorge Freitas-B) 7175 20/Feb 1946 ERITREA, Vo Broad Masses 2, in Vernacular. YL and OM talk between musical background of orchestral music. The 1952 UT pop mx of Eritre. The 1955 UT end of transmission while OM talk . Good reception (Jorge Freitas-B) 7510 20/Feb 1959 UKRAINE, R Ukraine Int., in Ukrainian. Signal ID. The 2000 UT OM with ID and beginning transmission. Regular Signal. (Jorge Freitas-B) 9480 20/Feb 2045 USA, WTWW, EE. OM with religious lecture. Be the Pastor Pete Peters, according to information from Glenn? So the programming is religious? Good reception. (Jorge Freitas-B)

Jorge Freitas Local time -3 UT Feira de Santana Bahia Brasil Degen 1103 Dipole antenna, 19 meters - east/west - Balun 4:1 “Rx: SDR-IQ + MFJ1026, ant.: Horiz 20 m cordoalha” Skype: jorge.freitas.fsa Escutas (listening): Rx: SDR-IQ + MFJ1026, ant.: Horiz 20 m cordoalha. Captaciones de Lúcio Otávio Bobrowiec, Embu, SP, Brasil Embu SP Brasil - Sony ICF SW40 - dipole 18m, 32m. Captaciones de Charles Bolland, desde Estados Unidos Bolivia, 3310, Radio Mosoj Chaski, 1015-1030 Noted a few bars of music until a male and female converse in Spanish language. The conversation continues during the period. Signal was poor. (Chuck Bolland, February 15, 2010) Peru, 3329.52, Ondas Del Huallaga, 1124-1135, Noted a very weak signal here mixing with CHU with a male in brief Spanish comments followed with music. A difficult catch since CHU's carrier needed to be notched out. Best heard in LSB this morning. (Chuck Bolland, February 15, 2010) Bolivia, 4699.92, Radio San Miguel, 0920-0930, Noted a female in Spanish comments until 0921 when music is presented. This format continues during the period while the signal remained at threshold. (Chuck Bolland, February 18, 2010) Bolivia, 3310, Radio Mosoj Chaski, 0932-0945, At tune in, noted typical music for a few minutes then a male comments in Spanish briefly before going back to music. Signal was poor. (Chuck Bolland, February 18, 2010) Diego Garcia, 4319, AFRTS, 2330-2359 News and features in English language. Signal was good and solid signal. Listed on AOKI as Diego, but sounds too good? Looking at the DX Edge, Florida and Diego Garcia are sharing the grey line at this time. As I listen to the signal from Diego Garcia, I can anticipate it will be fading in a few minutes as Diego Garcia awakens to morning Sunlight. (Chuck Bolland, February 18. 2010) China, 7325, China Radio International, 1010-1020 Noted a male and female giving news and comments in Japanese language. Signal was at a fair level. (Chuck Bolland, February 19, 2010)

Lithuania,(Relay) 9690, Radio Free Asia, 1032-1050, At tune in, noted a male and female in Tibetan(listed) language comments. Later while a male talks in Tibetan, noted English language comments presented from an earlier English spot. Signal was fair. (Chuck Bolland, February 19, 2010) Peru, 3329.53, Ondas de Huallaga, 1050-1100, Noted a female in Spanish language comments. Of course ODH is mixing with CHU here. Best heard when a gradual tuning is accomplished on the weaker carrier until a null is hit, then notch out the stronger carrier from CHU. The Spanish comments continue. Signal was poor. (Chuck Bolland, February 19, 2010) 4500 20/Feb 0002 CHINA, PBS Xinjiang, in Mongolian. OM and YL talk, short mx. In // 6190 kHz. Weak signal and degrading (Jorge Freitas-B) 5835 20/Feb 0105 USA(?) VOA, in Creole. OM presents news. Constants interviews and commentators by phone. Signal moderate. In // 5960, 7465 kHz. Best sign at 7465 kHz. (Jorge Freitas-B) 5895 20/Feb 0121 TADJIKISTAN, Vatican Radio , in Malayalam(?). OM and YL alternate talks, probably news of the Church. Weak signal, no QRM. The 0138 UT noted a canned ID of Radio Vatican. (Jorge Freitas-B) WinRadio G305e 26.27N 081.05W Captaciones de Dave Valko, desde Estados Unidos INDONESIA 9525.97 V.O. Indonesia Strong signal but deadair to 1015. Audio suddenly brought up at 1015 w/W in middle of cmntry in EG. 1016 brief mx bridge, then W w/ID "You're tuned to the Voice of Indonesia in Jakarta." and into another feature. (20 Feb) THAILAND 6765.1U Bangkok Meteorological R. *1159-1210 IS of a pleasant melody starting at 1159, but sounded like there may have been some mx before. Unreadable M at 1201. Then IS again at 1209. Very poor but clear. (20 Feb) LAOS 7145 Lao National R.?? 1140-1203+, almost fair signal strength but modulation extremely low w/just strains of audio. No chance. Splatter from huge Ham signals on 7153 net. (20 Feb) MYANMAR 7185.77 R. Myanmar?? 1150-1203, sufficiently strong signal, but like 7145, extremely low modulation lvl. Really impossible to get any decent details. (20 Feb) NORTH KOREA 7140.02 V.O. Korea Usual IS start at 1200 played twice, ID in lcl lang by M, IS twice again, W briefly, then fanfare. Fairly good but blasted by Ham on 7143. (20 Feb) MEXICO 6104.79 Candela FM 1157 lively LA mx, 1200 choral NA, 1202 M anncr in SP for abt 30 sec., then canned canned anmnt, and into Opera-like mx. Splatter by 6110 Cuba. (20 Feb) MEXICO 6185 R. Educacion Classical mx from 1157, 1159 full canned ID by M in SP w/call, addr, and ending w/ment of what sounded like 55 years on the air. Back

to Classical mx. Good but splatter from 6180 Cuba. Seems like RHC has it in for the Mexicans. (20 Feb) Captaciones de Robert Wilkner, Pompano Beach, FL, Estados Unidos Logs with 746ProDL and Drake R8 **Antenna modified for roof repair. 60 meter band with one leg up and the other on the ground. Seems to still work well on 60 -- 15 February 2010 quick band scan from 0750 to 0830 -- 4700 Bolivia, R San Miguel, Riberalta noted with om en espanol at 0815 to 0820. Very early for them? 4790 Peru Radio Visión Chiclayo 4894.94. Brasil Radio Novo Tempo, Campo Grande PR 4905.08 Brasil Radio Anhanguera, Araguaína 4915 Brasil Radio Daqui -ex Anhanguera-- Goiânia, GO 4935 Brasil Radio Capixaba, Vitória, ES 4985 Brasil Radio Brasil Central, Goainia 4990 Suriname, Radio Apintie, Paramaribo 5044.95 Brasil Radio Cultura Ondas Curtas, PP very strong signal ---------------------------------------------------------- 15 February 2010 3309.98 Bolivia Radio Mosoj Chaski, Cochabamba 2355 fair to poor with the noise reducing antenna packed away for roof repair [Wilkner] 4700 Bolivia, R San Miguel, Riberalta 2340 local noise covered signal [Wilkner] 4716.19 Bolivia Radio Yura, Yura, 2340 rather well received, good CP music [Wilkner] 4774.9 Peru, Radio Tarma. Tarma 2335-2345 male vocal followed by ID by om en espanol, good signal, music. [Wilkner] 4800 Mexico XERTA, Radio Trans. 2350 om vocal en espanol, weaker than a month or two ago but regular [Wilkner] 4805 Brasil Radio Difusora do Amazonas,Manaus 2352 yl vocal [Wilkner] 4835.38 Peru, Radio Marañon Jaen 2345 OS music, good strong signal [Wilkner] 4857.34 Peru, Radio La Hora, Cusco, om dj with ments de Universidad San Marcos, "hoy en ?..." [Wilkner] 4985 Brasil Radio Brasil Central, Goainia 0000 16 February, Pop music, excellent signal, om with full ID "onda tropical...Radio Brasil Central", mention of frequency and kilowatts [Wilkner] 5460.36 Peru Radio Bolivar Cd. Bolivar 0010 16 February noted with music, fair signal [Wilkner] 5485.45 Peru, Radio Reina de la Selva, Chachapoyas 0005 16 February with mention of station, not ID good signal...seems back with a decent

transmitter. [Wilkner] David Sharp---------------New South Wales, Australia ** ARGENTINA, 11710.629, RAE, 0226, weak and warbly carrier, sounded like English service but really difficult copy. Starting to peak just prior to 0300 with interval signal and multi-lang ID's. First time noted on this freq here. 13 February. (David Sharp, NSW Australia, NRD-535D, FT-950 etc) ** BOLIVIA, 3309.976 Radio Mosoj Chaski, 0938, fair with Andean flute music, mention of "Cochabamba." Also noted het against CHU (3330) around this time (and wonder if it was Peruvian, Ondas del Huallaga.) 12 February. (David Sharp, NSW Australia, NRD-535D, FT-950 etc) 4716.746 Radio Yura, 1031, almost too late for this one, but still readable on peaks with nice local music and occasional talk. Tried for R. San Miguel (4700v) but not even a carrier. 12 February. (David Sharp, NSW Australia, NRD-535D, FT-950 etc) 5952.350, Radio Pio XII, 1012, presumed with Quechua talks, very difficult, as sandwiched between two powerhouses, some copy possible in LSB. 12 February. (David Sharp, NSW Australia, NRD-535D, FT-950 etc) 6155.264 Radio Fides, 1020, tough copy in USB, against presumed China (on nominal, lowside). Brief snippets of Andean flute music but no ID, so tentative. 12 February. (David Sharp, NSW Australia, NRD-535D, FT-950 etc) ** BRAZIL, 10000.000 PPE, 0810, continuous announcements by a woman with "Observatorio Nacional" prior to time checks. Weak, under WWVH and WWV. First time I have heard this. 9 February. (David Sharp, NSW Australia, NRD-535D, FT-950 etc) ** CYPRUS, 9760.000 CBC, 2214, guitar interval signal, announcements, into radio drama or similar. Plug pulled mid-sentence at 2244. Surprised to hear 7210 parallel (though it was much weaker). 13 February (David Sharp, NSW Australia, NRD-535D, FT-950 etc) ** ECUADOR, 6050.000 HCJB, carrier on at 0825, comments by man at 0830 and into lang (Quechua listed). Modulation seemed a bit low. All alone on freq 'till 0900. (David Sharp, NSW Australia, NRD-535D, FT-950 etc) ** GUINEA, 7125.000 RTVG, 0752, good with continuous hilife, ID by French man just after 0800, brief comments and more music at 0803. First time heard at this time here, similar signal strength to 1900+ (averages about S9+30 on peaks). 9 February. (David Sharp, NSW Australia, NRD-535D, FT-950 etc) ** LAOS, 7145.000 Lao National Radio, 1215, Vietnamese (listed) woman announcer with nice local music. Frequent breaks in transmission. 12 February. (David Sharp, NSW Australia, NRD-535D, FT-950 etc) ** THAILAND, 6765.100 USB Bangkok Meteorological Radio, 2005, music box interval signal, then into reports by Thai man. Parallel to 8743 USB, which was much stronger. 13 February. (David Sharp, NSW Australia, NRD-535D, FT-950 etc)

Captaciones de Arnaldo Slaen, Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina ESCUCHAS DESDE EL RESTO DEL MUNDO Captaciones de Artem Prokhorov, desde Moscu, Rusia February, 06 – 2010 4319usb AFRTS (Diego Garcia, Indian Ocean) 2130-0010 YL in English, jingles at 2145 and 2200, program "Market place" at 2340, clear ID: "American Public Network", "This is AFN" afterwards 3/2 3343 at the end better 4/5 4454 7125 RTV de Guinee 2232* afropop, OM comments in French 55 4/3 5/4 4 February, 7 – 2010 4885 Radio Clube do Para ? (Brazil) 0030-0130 in Portuguese very weak 13331 5045 Radio Cultura Ondas Tropicais ? (Brazil) 0035 just a trace 5025 Radio Rebelde (Cuba) 0040 OM/YL in Spanish, mentioned "hospital", "provincia", "Santiago de Cuba", clear ID: "Rebelde – La Emisora de la Revolución" at 0045 weak, but clear 2/3 3433 February, 8 – 2010 6030 IRIB (Iran) 0130 in Urdu (according to Aoki) under Cuban jammer for Radio Marti on the same frequency 5045 Radio Cultura Ondas Tropicais (Brazil) 0150-0235 music nonstop, no usual Brazilian ID at 0200 2/1 4 221 February, 10 – 2010 5765usb AFRTS (Guam) 1705- in English 43444 //4319usb from Diego Garcia but this one is much weaker February, 12 – 2010 5025 ABC-Katherine (Australia) 2134-2220 in English 3/4 34344 February, 13 – 2010 6030 Radio Oromyia (Ethiopia) 1820 traditional African Horn music 3/4 34344 4976 UBC (Uganda) 2050-2055* with African music, abrupt closing down right in the middle of the song 45444 February, 14 – 2010 6220 Radio Playback Intl (pirate, Italy?) 1550-1700 onwards music, clear IDs as "Playback International", internet adress, some electroniс QRM 33443 February, 15 – 2010 5045 UNID (Brazil) 0210-0300 Brazilian pop music nonstop, no IDs, Radio Cultura Ondas Tropicais or Radio Guaruja Paulista 4/5 4444 February, 19 – 2010 4775 UNID 0315 too weak to ID, only music TWR-Swaziland? 24322

4880 SW Radio Africa (South Africa) 1720-1810 Something about Zimbabwe in English, noisy, QRM from AIR-Lucknow on the same frequency and jamming which could be almost eliminated using LSB, web-address and ID as "Short Wave Radio Africa" at 1729 33233 4895 Zimbabwean Community Radio (South Africa) 1807-1820 YL in English, two clear IDs at 1812 2/3 342 2/3 Strong noise over all the band since 1815 6030 Radio Oromyia (Ethiopia) 1850-1900* local music, announcements in local language 44444 Much better in LSB Captaciones de Manuel Mendez, desde Lugo, España Escuchas realizadas en Friol Grundig Satellit 500 y Sony ICF SW7600G Antena de cable, 10 metros, orientada WSW ALEMANIA, 6140, European Music Radio, 1007-1100*, 21-02, música pop, identificación, locutor: "European Music Radio on 6140". A las 1030 programa Mail Box, leyendo cartas de los oyentes, e-mail address: Cierre a las 1100. 45444. (Méndez) BRASIL 9695, Radio Rio Mar, Manaus, 1100-1105, 21-02, locutor, portugués,comentarios, locutora. 24322. (Méndez) 11735, Radio Transmundial, Santa María, 1036-1040, 21-02, locutora, comentario religioso, locutora. 24322.(Méndez) 11750, Voz Missionaria, Camboriú, 1005-1050, 21-02, locutor, portugués, comentario religioso. 24322. (Méndez) 11765, Radio Tupi, Super Radio Deus e Amor, Curitiba, 1033-1042, 21-02, locutor, portugués, predicaciones. 24322. (Méndez) 11915, Radio Gaucha, Porto Alegre, 1021-1037, 21-02, locutor, portugués, comentarios. 24422. (Méndez) 11925, Radio Bandeirantes, Sao Paulo, 1023-1032, 21-02, canciones brasileñas. 24322. (Méndez) GUINEA ECUATORIAL, 15190, Radio Africa, 1450-1510, 21-02, locutor, inglés, comentario religioso, canciones religiosas. 34433. (Méndez) MEXICO 6010, Radio Mil, México D. F., 1003-1030, 21-02, canciones latinoamericanas, al as 1011: locutor" cuatro con diez minutos", locutora: "Vive México en Radio Mil", luego anuncios de programas de la emisora. Débil. 14321. (Méndez) 6185, Radio Educación, México D. F., 1001-1045, 21-02, música clásica. A las 1002 identificación por locutor: "Transmite Radio Educación", locutora, comentarios. 24322. (Méndez) Captaciones de Roberto Pavanello, desde Italia 3912 19/2 22.10 Voice of the People - Seoul Coreano talk OM suff. 4915 20/2 23.25 R. Difusora - Macapà PP NX suff. 5045 20/2 23.10 R. Cultura do Parà - Belem PP calcio buono 6060 19/2 22.20 PBS Sichuan - Chengdu Cinese talk YL suff. 7145 20/2 23.45 Lao National R. - Vientiane Vietnamita ID e MX buono 10000 20/2 23.30 BPM - Lintong Cinese ID e pip pip buono

Captaciones de Carlos L. R de Goncalvez, desde Portugal ANGOLA 4949.8 RNA-Canal "A", Mulenvos, 2225-..., 21 Feb'10, Portuguese (p), talks, music, but everything so weak as if they were putting an empty carrier. What on earth are they doing with the modulation/audio - saving the modulator stage? ARGENTINA 6060 R.Nacional, General Pacheco, 2231-2246, 21 Feb'10, Castilian, f/ball match rpt. Argentina Júnior vs. Atlético de Tucumán; 45433. AUSTRALIA 2310 VL8A, Alice Springs NT, 1942-1954, 19 Feb'10, English, [unreadable] talks; 25331. 2485 VL8K, Katherine NT, 2117-2128, 19 Feb'10, English, [unreadable] talks; 25331. 4835 VL8A, 2212-2227, 20 Feb'10, cf. \\ 4910; 34332, CODAR QRM. 4910 VL8T, Tennant Creek NT, 2211-2224, 20 Feb'10, English, chatter, Aus. country music, ABC news bulletin at 2215; 24332, CODAR QRM, deteriorating. 5025 VL8K, 2214-2222, 20 Feb'10, cf. \\ 4910; 33331, QRM de CUB, deteriorating, best rec'ed. via the K9AY loop to decrease R.Rebelde's signal. 6020 R.Australia, Shepp. VIC, 1122-1153, 20 Feb'10, English to PNG, talks on the Philippines; 35433. BOLIVIA 4865.04 R.Logos, Stª Cruz de la Sierra, 2236-2245, 18 Feb'10, Castilian, talks, songs; 23331, QRM e uty. + B stns. BRAZIL 4775 R.Congonhas, Congonhas MG, 2157-2216, 21 Feb'10, classical music during rlgs. propag. prgr, chorus; 35322. 4815 R.Difª, Londrina PR, 2149-2212, 21 Feb'10, pathetic rlgs. propag.; 34322, adj. QRM de CHN 4820. 4865.05 R.Verdes Florestas (t), Cruzº do Sul AC, 2303-2323, 20 Feb'10, prgr of messages & infos; 33441. This is most probably the said stn as it was rec'ed. via the CeAm Bev at 270º. 4894.9 R.Novo Tempo, Cpº Grande MS, 2238-2253, 18 Feb'10, A Voz do Brasil, part 2; poor audio; 24331, CODAR QRM. 4915 R.Daqui, Goiânia GO, 2220-2235, 21 Feb'10, preacher; 54444, QRM de B. 4935.3 R.Capixaba, Vitória ES, 2131-2153, 18 Feb'10, A Voz do Brasil, part 2; 34332, adj. uty. QRM, and deteriorating. 4985 R.Brasil Central, Goiânia GO, 2313-2334, 20 Feb'10, music prgr "Ritmos de Todos os Tempos", advertisements, chatter about their 60th anniversary; 45433; \\ 11815 good.

6120 R.Globo, São Paulo SP, 2308-2315, 19 Feb'10, IPDA [rlgs.] propag.; 23441, adj. QRM; \\ 9584.8. 6135.1 R.Aparecida, Aparecida SP, 2310-2323, 19 Feb'10, "Campanha dos Devotos", a usual feature within the "Com a Mãe Aparecida" rlgs. propag. prgr; 44433; \\ 5035, 9630, 11855. 9515 R.Novas de Paz, Curitiba PR, 2001-2026, 21 Feb'10, newscast; 35422; \\ 11724.9. 9694.92 R.Rio Mar, Manaus AM, 1200-f/out 1239, 21 Feb'10, talks, seemingly during a mass; 14431. 9819 R.Nove de Julho (p), São Paulo SP, 2221-..., 20 Feb'10, empty carrier, het. w/ CHN 9820; ditto on 21 Feb'10 at 2220; 34433. The signal was coming via the 225º Beverage, the fq fits, so it's almost surely Brazil and this stn in particular. 11724.9 R.Novas de Paz, Curitiba PR, 2003-2027, 21 Feb'10, newscast; 34443, QRM de NZL; \\ 9515. 11765 SRDA, Curitiba PR, 2124-2152, 19 Feb'10,A Voz do Brasil start of part 2,..., pathetic rlgs. propag. prgr after that relay, at 2200; 44433. CHAD 6165 RD. Nationale Tchadienne, Gredia, 1309-1506, 20 Feb'10, French, newscast, Afr. pops at 1347,..., news (p) at 1500; 25432, QRM at 1400. CLANDESTINE 1550 Polisario Front, Rabouni, ALG, 2304-..., 21 Feb'10, Castilian, songs, talks; 55544; \\ 6297 silent for days. 3912 Voice of the People, Goyang, KOR, 2144-2206, 19 Feb'10, Korean to KRE, talks; 44443, best rec'ed. via the K9AY loop CHINA 4460 Voice of China, Beijing, 2207-2219, 21 Feb'10, Mandarin, talks; 34443, CODAR QRM; \\ 4750 vy. poor, 4800 good. 4940 Voice of the Strait, Fuzhou, 2230-2239, 18 Feb'10, IS, ID in English, Mandarin, talks; 25331. ERITREA 7175 Voice of the Broad Masses, Asmara, 1851-1921, 20 Feb'10, Arabic, talks, HoA music & songs; 55444. EQUATORIAL GUINEA 5005 RNGE/"R.Bata", Bata, 1813-1829, 19 Feb'10, Vernacular, talks, Afr. pops; 35433, variable audio quality. ETHIOPIA 6890 R.Fana, Geja Dera (or Geja Jawe?), 1901-1938, 20 Feb'10, Vernacular, talks, interviews; 35433; vy. good on 21 Feb'10 at 1830. 7110 R.Ethiopia-Home Sce., Geja Dera, 1818-1846, 20 Feb'10, Vernacular, local pops; 54444, sporadic amateur stn QRM.

9560.4 R.Ethiopia-Ext. Sce., Geja Jawe, 1444-1511, 22 Feb'10, Arabic, Ar. songs, talks; 23431, adj. QRN; \\ 7165 weak but QRM free. GREENLAND 3815 Grønlands R, Tasiilak, 2153-2212*, 19 Feb'10, Danish, music, announcements, newscast 2200, classical music excerpt followed by more anns. and pops till abrupt closure as usual; 35443 INDONESIA 9680 RRI, Cimanggis, 1158-1223, 21 Feb'10, Indonesian, songs, talks; 24432. JAPAN 9595 R.Nikkei, Nagara, 2218-..., 20 Feb'10, Japanese, talks; 25422. KOREA, North 3250 Voice of Korea, Pyongyang, 2233-2251, 19 Feb'10, Japanese to Japan, music, talks; 35332. 4450 KCBS, Pyongyang, 2245-2258, 18 Feb'10, Korean, songs; 45333. MALAYSIA 7295 Traxx FM via RTM, Kajang, 1101-f/out 1155, 22 Feb'10, English, news bulletin until 1110, advertisements, pops; 25422. MALI 9635 R.Mali, Kati, 1155-1315, 22 Feb'10, Vernacular, tribal songs, French at noon for a 1 hr prgr of modern Malian music, newscast at 1300; 35444; \\ 7285v still silent. MEXICO 6009.98 R.Mil, Cd. de Méjico, 1055-f/out 1120, 22 Feb'10, Castilian, rlgs. propag., advertisements, songs; 15431. 6185 R.Educación, Cd. de Méjico, 1051-f/out 1125, 22 Feb'10, Castilian, Cuban (p) rhythms, songs; 25432. MONGOLIA 7260 Mongoliin R, Khonkhor, 2322-2330 when blocked by CHN, 17 Feb'10, Mongolian, light music, talks; 34432, adj. QRM; \\ 4895 Murun, not 4830 Altay. NEW ZEALAND 15720 R.NZi, Rangitaiki, 2240-0000, 22 Feb'10, English, cook recipe, songs, interview on books, news at 2300, prgr announcements, weather rpt. at 2315, "Business" feature on Midday Report, weather again at 2330 followed by World Watch and news at mid night; 25433. I was not expecting that such a high fq would provide this quality signal given the circumstances. They were also vy. good on 16 Feb'10, 1904-1937, rated 44444, adj. QRM only. NIGERIA 6089.8 R.Nigeria, Kaduna, 2218-..., 21 Feb'10, Vernacular, talks; 43442, QRM de VoRUS in Portuguese 6090, DRM signal 6085. RUSSIA 7140 R.Rossii, "Sakha", Yakutsk, Siberia, 2334-2344, 17 Feb'10, Russian, talks, reports; 23431; \\ 7200.

SURINAME 4990 R.Apintie, Paramaribo, 2234-2247, 18 Feb'10, Dutch, talks; 24342, QRM de uty. + splatter de B 4985. SWAZILAND 3200 TWR, Mpangela Ranch, 2012-2024, 20 Feb'10, English, songs, rlgs. propag.; 45343, best 90 m band signal from the region at the obs'ed. time. UGANDA 4976 R.Uganda, Kampala, 1919-1933, 18 Feb'10, English, talks, hard to copy to to a somewhat muffled audio; 34343, adj. QRM de VoRUS 4975 via TJK. Todas las colaboraciones deben ser dirigidas a CONEXION Digital: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5. APARTADO QSL por Nicolas Eramo

BRASIL: 10000 KHz, PPE, Observatório Nacional – Rio de Janeiro QTH: Divisão Serviço da Hora; MCT, Observatório Nacional; Rua General José Cristino, 77; CEP 20921-400 Sao Cristóvão; Rio de Janeiro, RJ; Brasil. Carta QSL con datos completos e información sobre la emisora, y folletos informativos con datos del servicio. V/S: Ricardo José de Carvalho, Chefe (E-mail: <>) Demora: 48 días. (Marcelo A. Cornachiomi, Argentina) PIRATA R. Geronimo 6265 Khz - c/o SWR Germany - Postfach 101145 - 99801 Eisenach -Geremania con QSL + lettera in 68 giorni. v/s Chris Watson & Dave Scott. Si 1 IRC. (Roberto Pavanello, Italia) CONEXION Digital: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6. ABORDAJE DEL DIAL / REPORTE CLANDESTINO por Gabriel Iván Barrera

*Todos los horarios corresponden al Tiempo Universal Coordinado (UTC).

Captaciones de Jorge Freitas, Brasil 11530 21/Feb 0942 UKRAINE. Denge Mezopotamya, in Kurdish. The 0945 UT instrumental music. The 0946 UT a female speaks eloquently and people applaud, as if in a rally. Good reception. (Jorge Freitas-B) Captaciones de Roberto Pavanello, desde Italia 1645 20/2 23.35 R. Kristal - EE ID e MX buono 3912 19/2 22.10 Voice of the People - Seoul Coreano talk OM suff. 5815 21/2 09.30 Orion R. - EE ID e MX buono 6200 21/2 10.00 R. Borderhunter - EE ID e MX buono 6280 21/2 09.45 R. Merlin Int. - EE ID e MX buono 6425 21/2 09.35 R. Pioner - EE ID e MX suff. Captaciones de Carlos L. R. de Goncalvez, desde Portugal 1655.8 UNID Dutch, 2253-..., 12 Feb'10, talks, folk music; carrier+LSB; 25342. 1656 R.Calypso (p), HOL, 2346-..., 13 Feb'10, Dutch, pops; 35332. 1665 Oldtimer R (p), HOL, 2357-..., 13 Feb'10, Dutch, pops; 35343. 1674 R.Technische Man, HOL, 2359-..., 13 Feb'10, Dutch, pops, oldies; 25331. 3888.8 Free R. Victoria, HOL?, IRL?, 2300-...,12 Feb'10, pops, oldies 3905 R.Skyline Int'l., HOL, 2258-..., 12 Feb'10, Dutch, pops, oldies, polkas; 35433. 3932.2 UNID, 2309-...,12 Feb'10, pops; 14331, QRM de NAm amateurs. 6220 Mystery R, I, 1322-..., 14 Feb'10, English, pops; 25432. 6295 Reflections Europe, IRL,1642-..., 14 Feb'10, English, canned rlgs. propag. prgrs & related advertisements; 45444. \\ 12255, 3910 silent. No adj. QRM de CLA stn Polisario Front, ALG, as they've been silent on 6297 for a few days' time (while active on \\ 1550). 6304.8 R.Merlin, N.Ireland, 1636-..., 14 Feb'10, English, pops; 35433.

6400.5 R.Star Int'l, IRL?, 1311-..., 14 Feb'10, English, pops; 25432. 12255 Reflections Europe, IRL, 1650-..., 14 Feb'10, cf. \\ 6295. Todas las colaboraciones deben ser dirigidas a CONEXION Digital: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 7. SIN FRONTERAS por Marcelo Aníbal Cornachioni

NOTA: Salvo indicación en contrario, los esquemas seguidamente publicados corresponden al período B-09, vigente desde el 25/10/2009 al 28/03/2010: ESTADOS UNIDOS: Este es el actual esquema de la emisora religiosa WWCR, World Wide Christian Radio, en idioma inglés, vigente hasta el próximo 08/03/2010: HORA UTC KHZ 0100-0200 3230, 5070, 5935, 9980 0200-1000 3215, 5070, 5935, 5890 1000-1200 5935, 5070, 5890, 9985 1200-1300 5935, 9980, 15825 1300-1700 9980, 13845, 15825 1700-2100 9980, 12160, 13845, 15825 2100-2300 7465, 9980, 12160, 13845 2300-0100 3230, 5070, 9980, 13845 Cabe señalar que existe un espacio en idioma español de Lunes a Viernes. QTH: WWCR, 1300 WWCR Avenue, Nashville, TN 37218, USA. E-mail: Web: (Marcelo A. Cornachioni, Argentina) GUINEA ECUATORIAL: Esquema de la estación religiosa Radio Africa, operada desde Bata, por la Pan American Broadcasting Ing. (USA): HORA UTC KHZ 0800-1300 15190 1700-2300 15190 La emisora emite de forma irregular. QTH para QSLs: Radio Africa; Pan American Broadcating Inc.; 7011, Koll Center Pkwy; Suite 250; Pleasanton; CA 94566-3253; USA. E-mail:

Web: (Marcelo A. Cornachioni, Argentina) INDONESIA: La Voz de Indonesia transmite en español con destino a Europa de 1800 a 1830 UTC por los 9525 KHz, la cual puede ser alternada con la de 11785 KHz. QTH: La Voz de Indonesia, P.O.Box 1157, Jakarta 10001, Indonesia. E-mail: Web: (Marcelo A. Cornachioni, Argentina) ISRAEL: La única emisión en OC de Radio Kol Israel, se irradia en idioma persa, de acuerdo al siguiente esquema: HORA UTC KHZ DIAS 1500-1600 11595* Diario 1600-1630 11595* Dom a Vie Nota: (*) Frecuencia alternativa: 13850 KHz. QTH: KOL Israel, P.O.Box 1082, 91010 Jerusalem, Israel. E-mail: Web: (Marcelo A. Cornachioni, Argentina) KUWAIT: Esquema de Radio Kuwait con destino a Norteamérica: HORA UTC KHZ IDIOMA 1505-1755 13620 Arabe 1745-2100 11990 Inglés 2200-0300 11675 Arabe (DRM) QTH: Radio Kuwait, P.O.Box 193, Safat 13002, Kuwait. (Marcelo A. Cornachioni, Argentina) MARRUECOS: Radio Mediterranée Internationale (Radio Medi 1), transmite las 24 horas en idioma árabe y francés por la frecuencia de 9575 KHz (250 Kw). QTH: Radio Mediterranée Internationale (R. Medi 1), 35 Rue Lamsallah, B.P. 2055, Tanger, Marruecos. E-mail: Web: (Marcelo A. Cornachioni, Argentina) OMAN: Completo esquema de la estación Relay de la BBC en A'Seela (250 Kw): HORA UTC IDIOMA KHZ 0000-0200 Inglés 5970 0100-0130 Hindi 6065

0130-0200 Urdu 6065 0200-0230 Pashto 5985 0200-0300 Inglés 9410 0230-0300 Hindi 11760 0230-0330 Farsi 7400 0300-0400 Inglés 12095 0300-0600 Inglés 15310 0400-0500 Arabe 13660 0400-0600 Inglés 15360 0500-0600 Arabe 15790 0700-1200 Inglés 17790 0700-1400 Inglés 11760 0830-0900 Dari 13820 0900-0930 Pashto 13820 0930-1030 Dari 13820 1030-1130 Pashto 13820 1200-1300 Inglés 17790 1300-1330 Kyrgyz 12095 1300-1500 Inglés 9410 1400-1500 Dari 7425 1400-1500 Hindi 9505 1500-1530 Urdu 6175 1500-1530 Nepalí 9595 1500-1600 Inglés 9855 1545-1615 Tamil 6135 1600-1700 Farsi 6090 1600-1700 Inglés 7355 1630-1700 Sinhala 5955 1700-1730 Hindi 6155 1700-1800 Inglés 5975 1700-2100 Arabe 6195 1800-1830 Dari 6180 1800-2000 Inglés 5955 1830-1900 Dari 6180 2100-2300 Inglés 5965 2200-2300 Mandarín 7325 2200-2330 Mandarín 6020 La estación verifica los reportes directamente con tarjeta QSL del sitio emisor. QTH: BBC Eastern Relay Station, P.O.Box 40, 422 Al Ashkarah, Omán. (Marcelo A. Cornachioni, Argentina) *Los horarios corresponden al Tiempo Universal Coordinado (UTC). Todas las colaboraciones deben ser dirigidas a CONEXION Digital: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 8. CONTACTO VHF por Arnaldo L. Slaen

*Los horarios corresponden al Tiempo Universal Coordinado (UTC). ARGENTINA Provincia de Buenos Aires Corría el veranos de 1985, y Santa Teresita no tenía una radio local, sin embargo tres hombres de la radiofonía provincial, Omar Maulín, Alberto Morel y Ricardo Giménez, apostaron con toda su juventud y sueños a que la comunidad estuviera comunicada y así salió al aire un 2 de enero de 1985, Radio de La Costa Santa Teresita. Contra viento y marea, porque en aquella época se debían instalar los parlantes en cada comercio o vivienda , para que fuera escuchada la emisora, la apuesta era fuerte, porque había que tender el cableado para que las voces llegaran a todos a través de los parlantes instalados en los comercios y hogares, sin embargo, no le tuvieron miedo al desafío. Se lanzaron en el Partido de La Costa a instalar por primera vez una radio que pudiera cubrir las necesidades, actividades y acontecimientos políticos de toda la comunidad. Comenzaron por Mar de Ajó, le siguió Santa Teresita y finalmente se instalaron en San Clemente. Por entonces, solo existía como medio de comunicación gráfico, diario Pionero, pero a nivel radial nadie cubría la extensa franja marítima, desde San Clemente a Mar de Ajó. Pasaron los años, las tres radios se convirtieron en FM y si bien todas permanecen en el aire, así es como este 2 de enero radio de la Costa Santa terestia, cumple sus primeros jóvenes 25 años, pore so qeuremos saludar a todos por el esfuerzo y tesón de los muchos que pasaron por la radio, pero especialmente del dueño y director Ricardo Giménez y a quien siempre le puso el hombro, su esposa y compañera Estela. Entre los primeros periodistas, estuvieron Rubén Rubisntein, Jorge Esnauz, Jorge Cabrera, Susy Barracosa y muchos mas. Algunos de ellos continúan en la emisora, como Susy Barracosa -en forma ininterrumpida desde hace 23 años - y Rubén Rubinstein. En la actualidad, el plantel de Radio de La Costa ha crecido en relación a los que empezaron aquel 2 de enero de 1985. Muchos fueron los periodistas y conductores que han pasado por los micrófonos de ésta radio pionera, pero hoy, el objetivo es hacerle llegar nuestras felicitaciones a su director y a todo el equipo por la trayectoria ininterrumpida que llevan adelante como medio de comunicación siempre al servicio de la comunidad. (tomado de Pionero Diario) PUERTO RICO Radio Universidad celebra 30 años de existencia con programación especial Radio Universidad (WRTU-FM 89.7), emisora de la Universidad de Puerto Rico (UPR), celebrará el próximo lunes tres décadas de existencia con una programación especial que reafirmará la excelencia que la ha caracterizado desde su lanzamiento en 1980, informó hoy su directora, la periodista Yolanda Zabala. "Por 30 años Cadena Radio Universidad de Puerto Rico ha sentado pauta con una programación de visión internacional, tanto en la música como en los informativos", destacó Zabala al recordar que la emisora ha sido taller de periodistas y trabajadores de la radio que hoy ocupan puestos en medios comerciales. La directora de Radio Universidad apuntó que "nuestro compromiso con la radio pública nos lleva a continuar ofreciéndoles todo un mundo de música e información". Recordó que la programación de Radio Universidad se compone de una amplia variedad de espacios de música clásica, popular, folclórica y jazz. "Incluye además noticias locales e internacionales, y programas especiales sobre eventos políticos y culturales de Centro y Sur América y el Caribe, la que se complementa con los servicios informativos de la BBC de Londres, Radio Francia Internacional, Radio Nederland y además está afiliada a National Public radio y Satélite Radio Bilingüe", detalló.

Zabala indicó que desde 1999 Radio Universidad amplió su área de cobertura a través de la repetidora WRUO 88.3FM en Mayagüez, año en que también pasó a formar parte de la Escuela de Comunicación del recinto de Río Piedras, sirviendo sus facilidades como centro de práctica para los futuros profesionales de las comunicaciones. Como pionera de la tecnología digital en la radio puertorriqueña, Zabala aseguró que la Cadena Radio Universidad se puede escuchar también por Internet a través de (Primera Hora) Todas las colaboraciones deben ser dirigidas a CONEXION Digital: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9. UTILITARIAS por Enrique Wembagher LU8EFF

*Los horarios corresponden al Tiempo Universal Coordinado (UTC).

Fin de Semana de los Faros Sudamericanos

Viernes 26 al Domingo 28 de Febrero de 2010

Pais Faro o Baliza

Licencia ARLHS

# Confirmacion QSL Observaciones Web Mail

Argentina Faro Punta Mogotes


Via Web Mail

Argentina Faro San

Jorge LU2WA/W


R.C. Comodoro Rivadavia, PO BOX 6, 9000 Comodoro Rivadavia, Argentina

SASE, Not Bureau Web Mail

Argentina Faro Punta Medanos

LU7EO/D (*) ARG-008

Avellaneda Radio Club, CC 41, 1870 Avellaneda Pcia

Web Mail

de Buenos Aires Argentina

Argentina Faro Rio Negro

LU2VC/V (*) ARG-012

Hildeman 390, 8500, Viedma, Rio Negro, Argentina

SASE con franqueo mínimo o 1 IRC

Web Mail

Argentina Faro Cabo Guardian



Via LU2CRM Web Mail

Argentina Faro

Campana LU2CRM/XA



Via LU2CRM Web Mail

Argentina Faro

Chubut LU1WCR/W


Cristian Hugo Rossler, Mendoza 779, 9103, Rawson, Chubut

Web Mail

Argentina Faro Isla




GDXBB, P.O.Box 709, 8000, Bahía Blanca, Buenos Aires, Argentina

IOTA SA-065 Web Mail

Argentina Faro Martin

Garcia LW5DFR/D


Grupo DX Norte, Via LW4EF Guillermo Castelnuovo, Anibal Ponce 1239, 1828, Banfield, Bs. As.

SASE con franqueo mínimo o 1 IRC

Web Mail

Argentina Faro

Miramar LU1YY/D


Radio Club Neuquen

Web Mail

Argentina Faro Punta

Lobos LU1WJY/W


Laura Fanelli, El Ceibo 805 - 9100 Trelew, Chubut, Argentina

Web Mail

Argentina Faro

Segunda Barranca

LU9DF/D (*) ARG-067

Coronel Suárez Radio Club, P.O.Box 7, 7540 Coronel Suárez (Bs.As.) Argentina


Web Mail

Argentina Faro Belen LU5VAT/V

(*) ARG-069

Grupo Patagonia Norte, Guatemala 495, 8500 , Viedma, Río Negro, Argentina

Web Mail

Argentina Faro Punta Hermengo

LU1YY/D (*) ARG-075

Radio Club Neuquen

Web Mail

Argentina Faro Atalaya LU6DRN/D (*) ARG- Grupo DX San SASE con franqueo Web Mail

076 Miguel, El Zonda 2691, B1663CSA, San Miguel, Buenos Aires, Argentina

mínimo o 1 IRC

Argentina Faro Stella

Maris LU5JU/J


Radio Club Concepción del Uruguay, Juan Perón 205 - E3264CJE, Concepción del Uruguay - Entre Ríos

Web Mail

Argentina Baliza Punta Flecha


89 Radio Club Puerto Madryn

Web Mail

Argentina Baliza Puerto Rosales


Punta Alta Radio Club, 2 de Julio 793, 8109, Punta Alta, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Web Mail

Argentina Baliza Punta


LU6DRN/D (*)


Grupo DX San Miguel, El Zonda 2691, B1663CSA, San Miguel, Buenos Aires, Argentina

SASE con franqueo mínimo o 1 IRC

Web Mail

Argentina Baliza Km

0,900 LU9DPD/A


Avellaneda R.C. , CC 41, 1870 Avellaneda, Pcia de Buenos Aires. Argentina

Operación Conjunta con integrantes de LU7EO Avellaneda Radio Club y Grupo DX Norte

Web Mail

Argentina Baliza Las

Grutas LU3DR/V , LU9EY/V


Grupo Mistongo, CC: 184, 7000, Tandil, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Web Mail

Argentina Baliza Interior Olivos

LU6DDG/D (*)


Grupo DX San Miguel, El Zonda 2691, B1663CSA, San Miguel, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Web Mail


Baliza Escollera Anterior Puerto



R.C.Miramar, CC 102, 7607, Miramar, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Web Mail


Baliza Escollera

Sur Rawson


Mario Tartaglione, CC 10, 9103, Rawson, Chubut Argentina

Web Mail

Argentina Baliza Olivos

LW4EIN/D (*)


Grupo DX San Miguel, El Zonda 2691, B1663CSA, San Miguel, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Web Mail


Baliza Escollera Posterior Puerto



R.C.Miramar, CC 102, 7607, Miramar, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Web Mail


Baliza Escollera Norte Mar del Plata


Ricardo Suarez, La Rioja 3179 1er Piso, 7600, Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires , Argentina

SASE con franqueo mínimo o 1 IRC

Web Mail


Baliza Escollera

Sur Mar del Plata


Ricardo Suarez, La Rioja 3179 1er Piso, 7600, Mar del Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina

SASE con franqueo mínimo o 1 IRC

Web Mail

Argentina Baliza

Escollera SW

LU3DXG/D (*)


GDXBB, P.O.Box 709, 8000, Bahía Blanca, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Web Mail

Argentina Baliza San

Isidro LU5DA/D (*)


Radio Club Río de La Plata, Juan de Garay 2258, B1636AFF, Olivos, Buenos Aires, Argentina

SASE con franqueo minimo o 1 IRC

Web Mail

Argentina Baliza

Camarones LU5DEM/W



GDXBB, P.O.Box 709, 8000, Bahía Blanca, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Web Mail


Baliza Muelle Piedra Buena

LU8DWR/D (*)

ARA-1149 (1)

GDXBB, P.O.Box 709, 8000, Bahía Blanca, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Op: Osmar LU8DWR, Gerardo LU1EUU, Walter LU5DRV y Dani LU9DLA (1) Por excepción con referencia de la Armada Argentina

Web Mail


Faro Ilha de Santa


ZZ6Z (*) BRA-001


Team: PY6HD José Hamilton, PY6RT Beto, PY6AWU Nilzo IOTA SA-019; WLOTA L-043; DIB BA-01; DFB BA-014 . 80 to 10 m, phone

Web Mail

Brasil Faro Cabo

Branco ZV7C


PR7JP - P.O.Box 04, 580010-970 Joao Pessoa, (PB) Brasil

DFB PB-01 Web Mail

Brasil Faro Itapua PY6KY/p BRA-058

Ramón Sepúlveda PY6KY, Rua Clínio de Jesus, Lot. Lanat 29/202, 40301-200 Salvador (BA) Brasil

Web Mail

Brasil Faro Macae



PY1VLF (*)



PT2OP, SHIGS 706, Bloco L, casa 22, 70350-762 Brasilia DF, Brasil. PY1NEZ via QRZ.COM PY1LVF via QRZ.COM

NOTA: Se confirmaran ambos faros ya que en el mismo lugar estaba el BRA-271 que paso a ser Historico.


Web Mail

Brasil Faro

Aracaju ZW6SE


Qsl via PP6PP, Rua Acre 585 (Bairro Siqueira Campos) 49075020 Aracaju (SE) Brasil

Op.: PP6PP Fernando, PP6JC Jose Carlos, PP6DA Braz, PP6MM Mericles, PU6BCV Luiz, PU6FBI Adevailton, PU6FAB Paulo, PU6ADH Marcelo. ARACAJU/SE/BRASIL

Web Mail

Brasil Faro

Mundaú PT7ZT/p y PT7BI/p


Rua Pamela Loren 59, Mangabeira, 61760-000 Eusebio CE, Brasil

DFB CE-04 Web Mail

Brasil Faro Velho (Sergipe)

PU6ZAA/p (*)


Rua Alú Campos, 107 Barrio Farolândia, Aracaju-Sergipe-Brasil-49032-350

Op.: PU6ZAA/p PP6QR/p PP6YI/p PP6PF/p PP6YB/p

Web Mail

Chile Faro Punta Angeles

XR2A CHI-001

Via Web Mail

Chile Faro Punta Dungenes


Radio Club Punta Arenas, P.O.Box 885, Punta Arenas, Chile

Web Mail

Chile Faro XR2M CHI- Radio Club Web Mail

Peninsula Los Molles

022 Carabineros de Chile, Casilla 50314-1, Correo Central, Santiago, Chile

Chile Molo de Abrigo

Antofagasta XR1A


Nicolás Herrera XQ1IDM,P.O.Box 345, Antofagasta, Chile

Web Mail

Chile Faro Punta Angamos

CE1Z (*) CHI-096

P.O. Box 911, Antofagasta, Chile


Web Mail


Faro Castillo

Grande de Cartagena

HK1X COL-037

Via EA7FTR , Francisco Liañez, Asturias 23, 21110 Aljareque, España

Web Mail

Ecuador Faro

Jambeli HD3LRC


Loja Radio Club, PO.Box. EC1101-416 Loja- Ecuador

Web Mail

Peru Faro Isla Chilca


Radio Club Peruano, P.O.Box 538, Lima 100, PERU

Web Mail

Peru Faro La Marina


Radio Club Peruano, P.O.Box 538, Lima 100, PERU

Web Mail

Peru Faro Ancon OC4FA PER-038

Radio Club Peruano, P.O.Box 538, Lima 100, PERU

Web Mail

Peru Faro Cerro

Azul OC4FZ


Radio Club Peruano, P.O.Box 538, Lima 100, PERU

Web Mail

Uruguay Faro

Farallon CX2FAA


GDXBB, P.O.Box 709, 8000, Bahía Blanca, Buenos Aires, Argentina

SA-057, Expedicion Bi Nacional Sacramento Radio Club y Radio Club Grupo DX Bahia Blanca

Web Mail

Uruguay Farola Punta Negra

CW3R URU-015

Radio Club Uruguayo

Web Mail

Venezuela Faro Piritu

Island YW6IP


Eduardo Armas, P.O.Box 32041,


Web Mail

Ante numerosas consultas de colegas de distintos países interesados en participar del "Fin de Semana de los Faros Sudamericanos" del viernes 26 al domingo 28 de febrero, ya sea en su calidad de "cazadores de faros", así como integrantes de los equipos expedicionarios, informamos que las frecuencias sugeridas para las operaciones son las siguientes:


80 metros 3700 MHz +/- 20 80 metros 3515 +/- 5 80 metros 3580

40 metros 7120 MHz +/- 20 40 metros 7015 +/- 5 40 metros 7037

20 metros 14280 MHz +/- 20 20 metros 14022 +/- 5 20 metros 14071

15 metros 21280 MHz +/- 20 15 metros 21022 +/- 5 15 metros 21071

10 metros 28480 MHx +/- 20 10 metros 28022 +/- 5 10 metros 28071

Todas las colaboraciones deben ser dirigidas a CONEXION Digital: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 10. MISCELANEAS por Arnaldo Slaen *Los horarios corresponden al Tiempo Universal Coordinado (UTC). LA ROSA DE TOKYO PARA ESTA SEMANA La Rosa de Tokyo, el programa semanal de DX y medios de comunicación irradiado a través de LS11 Radio Provincia de Buenos Aires (AM1270 Khz; y una importante red de emisoras de frecuencia modulada, amplitud modulada y onda corta de la Argentina y el resto del mundo)

6022, Puerto Píritu, Anzoategui, VENEZUELA

YY4DEA IOTA SA-090, FK70mb

Resumen a la fecha por paises y por cantidad de activaciones:

Argentina: 31

Brasil 8

Chile 5

Colombia 1

Ecuador 1

Peru 4

Uruguay 2

Venezuela 1

Total: 54

La Rosa de Tokyo se irradia los sábados desde las 0900 hasta las 1000 hora de la Argentina (1200 a 1300 horas UTC).- En caso de querer escuchar el programa en cualquier momento pueden visitar la excelente página programas DX en El programa del día 27 de Febrero de 2010 lo dedicaremos a revisar el pasado, presente y futuro de dos emisoras de onda corta en Nigeria. También visitaremos La Voz de Nigeria, la estación oficial de ondas cortas y analizaremos la radiodifusión en este rico país africano. Recuerden que los días subsiguientes podrán volver a escuchar este programa haciendo click en No se pierdan los archivos sonoros históricos con los cuales se ilustrará el programa. Omar Somma y Arnaldo Slaen ARGENTINA Dentro de una gran gama de géneros, se pueden elegir entre doce canales, como Rock argentino, Rock pesado, Rock y pop internacional, Hip hop & dance, Reggaetón y Electrónica, entre otros. Sólo hay que hacer clic en 10Musica Continuando con la vocación de ofrecer el mejor contenido, 10Música lanza su sección de radios, en las cuales se podrán encontrar todos los estilos que representan el gran abanico de la música popular. Desde movidas nuevas como el reggaetón, hasta la nostalgia que acarrean aquellas canciones inolvidables de los ochenta, el site musical número uno de internet, acompaña a toda hora y hasta da la posibilidad de que, con un sólo clic, el usuario pueda seleccionar los sonidos que más le gustan. Dentro de esta amplia gama de géneros, se pueden elegir entre doce canales: Rock argentino, Rock pesado – hard rock, Rock y pop – internacional, Hip hop & dance, Reggaetón – urbana, Electrónica, Cantautores, Soft, Latina, Hits de los 80’s, Exótica y Rock clásico. Solo ingresando a, desde ahora cada uno puede musicalizar su día Fuente: Via Yimber Gaviria, Colombia DRM-NUEVA ESTACION The Disco Palace, es una emisora que coloca musica disco, ha anunciado que emiten musica disco en stereo a traves de la onda corta y usando la tecnologia DRM (Digital Radio mondial). Para cubrir las zonas de Norteamerica y Europa con las siguientes emisiones: Para Europa de 1400 a 1500 horas UTC en 6015 KHz. Hacia Norteamerica de 2000 a 2100 horas UTC en 17755 KHz The Disco Palace ( El Palacio del Disco ), esta ubicado en la ciudad de Miami, Florida y el dueño es Alyx & Yeyi, LLC.

Es la primera y la unica emisora que emite musica disco en DRM en la onda corta. Cabe recordar que TDP con sede en Belgica es la que presta el servicio de proveedor de DRM en la onda corta. Para informacion adicional visitar tambien: -La pagina web de The Disco Palace Fuente: The SWLing Post Via Yimber Gaviria, Colombia MATERIAL DIEXISTA (I) El muy activo colega colombiano Rafael Rodriguez presenta su nuevo (y muy bueno) blog. Lo presenta así: “Hola Colegas Con mucho por hacer y todo por aprender, he comenzado la realizacion de un blog personal sobre nuestra aficion; el interes es dar a conocer algo de mi labor en el DX y del material grafico y sonoro que he recopilado durante 23 años de recorrer el mundo a traves de la radio. Confío en poder actualizarlo varias veces cada mes, y por este medio brindar la informacion y novedades que la sintonia de la radio siempre nos depara. Buen DX Rafael Rodriguez R. Bogota D.C. – COLOMBIA” MATERIAL DIEXISTA (II) Relato de viaje y listados

Ho completato il racconto dettagliato della visita realizzata in Catalunya- Castellon- Costa Brava- Baleares delle scorso anno (maggio-giugno). Lo trovate pubblicato sulla WEB : Trovate anche tutte le foto fatte durante il viaggio : Su YOU-Tube trovate il bellissimo Video di Jordi Brunet girato sul Garraf ed a Begur : Complete Revised detailled Report with all the FM Bandscans is now pubblished in the LINK : Photos of the Travel are in the Link : On YOU-Tube you may see the beautiful Videos of Jordi Brunet at Garraf and Begur : Dario Monferini MATERIAL DX (III)

A traves de Radioactivity del Colega Hindu Alokesh Gupta, nos informa sobre las ultimas actualizacion en PDF del Manual Mundial de Radio y Television (WRTH), el cual esta disponible en el siguiente enlace: El archivo pesa 234Kb y contiene actualizaciones para las entradas de las emisoras Internacionales y de las clandestinas ademas de tres nuevas emisoras. Mensaje enviado por Sean Gilbert, Editor internacional del WRTH a Alokesh Guptan. Fuente:

Pero aqui lo podran leer en linea o si prefiere descargarlo de aqui: (recuerde dar clic derecho al enlace y guardar como...) o del mismo scribd. ir a la informacion: Via Yimber Gaviria, Colombia MATERIAL DX (IV) Video: Una introducción en video al DXismo de Onda Media - por Nils Shiffhauer DK8OK De que se trata todo esto? Si Ud. sueña con o es dueño de un receptor SDR (definido por software) "Perseus" y nunca antes ha explorado el DX en Onda Media, Nils Schiffhauer DK8OK presenta un breve video que trata sobre las técnicas básicas de como sintonizar las interesantes emisoras que se encuentran en o entre la frecuencias de su dial local. En Europa la separación es en 9 kHz y en America cada 10 kHz, decisión tomada en la Conferencia de UIT de Bruselas en 1928 : (Nota: textos en el video están inglés) (Tomado, traducido y adaptado de, página del blog del reconocido DXista norteamericano Guy Atkins, posteado en Feb 7, 2010) (Horacio A. Nigro, Montevideo Uruguay) CONCURSO DE RADIO ESLOVAQUIA INT. Estamos preparando el concurso: Maravillas de Eslovaquia, en el que les presentaremos monumentos únicos, colecciones, fenómenos naturales, y la herenda de nuestros antepasados. Valiosos premios en cada ronda. Premio principal, una estancia en Eslovaquia. Que va desde Octubre 2009 a Julio del 2010. URL: Radio Eslovaquia Internacional (Publicado por Yimber Gaviria Blog 9/27/2009 05:53:00 PM)

Todas las colaboraciones deben ser dirigidas a: CONEXION DIGITAL: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 11. LA PROPAGACION por Enrique Wembagher LU8EFF

Todas las colaboraciones deben ser dirigidas a CONEXION Digital: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 12. FOR READERS IN ENGLISH by Victor Castaño

NEWS BY IMBER GAVIRIA, COLoMBIA NIGERIA The Ekiti State Broadcasting Station (BSES), with its three outfits, has been shut down over faulty power generating set, the source of electricity of the station, the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports. The broadcasting outfits run by the station are the AM Radio (Voice of Ekiti), FM Radio (Golden Voice of Ekiti), and the television station (Channel 41 UHF), all located at Ilokun-Ekiti. Confirming the closure, the Director General of the station, Segun Aderiye, said in Ado-Ekiti on Thursday, that the station, launched on May 22, 1999 was shut seven days ago because its only electricity generating set was faulty. He could neither confirm when the generator would be repaired nor when the radio and television channels would resume transmission, but described the problem of the generator as a “major fault.” Source: (Via Yimber Gaviria, Colombia) PAKISTAN

The Pakistan Broadcasting Corporation (PBC), the state-run radio service of Pakistan, initiates South Asian Broadcast Service to air programmes in three languages. The News, Pakistan’s leading English newspaper, has reported that an inaugural ceremony was held in the capital of Pakistan, Islamabad, to mark the beginning of this new service by PBC. The programmes would be aired in Nepali, Sanhali and Tamil for the South Asian Broadcast Service. At the inauguration ceremony, the Minister of State for Foreign Affairs, Pakistan Nawabzada Malik Ammad Khan remarked that the commencement of such a service by the nation marks a major milestone for the promotion of relations with neighbouring countries. Emphasising the role played by the media in building cordial relation with the neighbouring nations, the Minister also mentioned that Pakistan’s foreign policy focuses on strengthening relations with South Asian countries and Radio Pakistan has been playing a significant role in this regard. “Media should play its due role in the country’s image building abroad to counter the menace of terrorism and extremism, and establish peace,” he added. Speaking on the occasion, Director General Radio Pakistan Murtaza Solangi commented that it was PBC’s effort to reach out to the neighbours of Pakistan�in the dissemination of information, focusing on the message of peace and cooperation. Source: Via Yimber Gaviria, Colombia NEWS AND LOGS BY GLENN HAUSER FROM USA ** ARGENTINA [and non]. Just like the good old days, an audible het of about 200 Hz between two obstinate stations which refuse to move apart and eliminate the problem, despite plenty of open frequencies just above and below. Yes, RAE has drifted off-channel again to 15345.2 or so, but around 2115 Feb 14 the dominant audio is Arabic from MOROCCO. Next check 2219, Morocco is off, leaving very weak and fluttery RAE, or rather R. Nacional relay on weekends via same General Pacheco transmitter, in the clear. By 0010 Feb 15, 15345.2 signal has surged to good level but still heavy flutter in live play-by-play of some SBG (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA. 11760, RHC in French, Sunday Feb 14 at 2139 with Le Monde de la Filatélie. Naturally, the stamp subjects are yet more fodder for revolutionary political propaganda. Then tuned up 10 kHz to RHC Spanish on 11770, and they were just upwrapping equivalent El Mundo de la Filatelia. The variably-timed DX program, En Contacto, began at precisely 2144:30 this week, also on 11730, 11800, etc., starting with birthday greetings. At 0013 on 13820, DCJC pulses against nothing since R. Martí quits this frequency at 2200. But propagation from Cuba must be very good. Checking some other jammers, 9810 obliterated R. República at 0014, and contained beeps. At 0033, 5890 VOA under heavy jamming without beeps, but // 9885 well over jamming with beeps during an innocuous discussion about teaching children. 13770 Spanish and 13790 weekly Esperanto both inbooming UT Monday Feb 15 at 0022, seem equal level tho 13770 is normally much weaker here; must have changed antennas. Also had heard Esperanto earlier Sunday just after 1500 on 11760; was not copying the announced schedule, but am fairly certain there was

no mention of the 13790 transmission at 0000, just the 2330 one on two frequencies, which I doubt still exist. They are mainly concerned with promoting and anticipating the 95 Universala Kongreso de Esperanto, Havano, 17-24 Julio, 2010 --- that is, if armed counter-revolution has not broken out by then. I continue to be amused by one of the announcers, obviously not a native-speaker of Esperanto, who cannot break himself of saying ``Amériko`` instead of ``Ameríko`` as invariable Esperanto rules require penultimate stress. 3445 at 0058 Feb 15 with weak Spanish talk, sure sounds // RHC 6060 et al., but only one receiver handy at the moment so can`t be positive. Plus weaker second audio source. Definitely not // Rebelde 5025. Since it ends in -5, can`t be a leapfrog or difference mix of any regular RHC or CRI relay frequencies since they all end in -0, except 17705 which goes off at 0030. For the same reason, it could not be a mix with any local MW station. Could be a mix with an equally strong spy transmitter at same site but punching numbers into the calculator, I have not come up with anything recognizable (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ECUADOR [non]. HCJB via CVC CHILE 11920 spurs containing mushy distorted // audio in Portuguese, Feb 15 at 0026 centered on about 11900.5 and 11939.5 = plus and minus 19.5 kHz, while 25+ hours earlier they were circa 11904 and 11936 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** EQUATORIAL GUINEA. 15190, R. Africa at 2220 Sunday Feb 14 with evangelist Tony Alámo, convicted and sentenced to 175 years for child sex abuse, rambling about baptism and resurrexion, from a station and a broker, Panamerican Broadcasting in Cupertino CA, which have no compunxion about diffusing this monster with money. WINB broadcasts him only Monday-Friday so this is a much-needed Sunday fix; Saturday too? Whew, he`s out of Oklahoma after being transferred thru OKC on the way to his permanent prison, or at least the next one, which is in Tucson AZ. Now officials are trying to figure out how many ``wives`` still under his influence will be allowed to visit him, altho not conjugally. See (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** TIBET. 4820, at 0030 Feb 15 in Chinese, vs CODAR and some SSB on one side, and a SAH of about 8 Hz. We may confidently list-log this as Lhasa, and Kolkata, as they are the only two stations in the world on 4820 and both could be propagating near grayline (unlike Aoki, forget about Botswana and Honduras). 4800 had a weaker tentative Chinese at 0033, which would be Geermu, on the same frequency as Chennai; discounting XERTA which I see is missing from Aoki (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also UNIDENTIFIED 4895 ** U S A. 600 kHz, good signal looping NE/SW with nostalgia music, at 0052 UT Feb 15, a love song for VD, soon outroed as by Mary Jo Stafford, and the Phil Weston Orchestra, on ``Musical Memories`` for a Sunday afternoon, mentioning current hour 6-7 pm, so apparently live DJ somewhere in the CST zone, also giving weather forecast for what ``we`` could expect, including snow and below-freezing temps, but never a geographical hint as to exactly where ``we`` are, for those yearning for an ID.

But must be WMT Cedar Rapids IA. Soon confirmed it`s Jim Doyne at which says his show starts at 2 pm = 2000 UT: ``Relive your Musical Memories every Sunday with Jim Doyne --- Jim provides his listeners with the great songs of the 40’s, 50’s and early 60’s every Sunday afternoon from 2 to 7 pm.`` Companion show before it at 7:30 am-2 pm [1330-2000 UT] is: ``Leo Greco's Variety Time --- Leo has been a musician and entertainer in Eastern Iowa since the mid 1940’s. He show features a special blend of polkas, standards, country and other musical favorites. He’s been waking up Iowans on Sunday morning for over 35 years.`` WMT must be a ``full-service`` station daring to play music as well as news/talk the other six days of the week. Well, axually a disservice as their `news` comes from Fox, and Rash Limburger is on the roster, along with anti-administration stuff plastered all over their homepage. Besides the nostalgic music, I`ll give them some credit for carrying Jim Bohannon --- since our local KGWA has dropped Jimbo, WMT is a possible source for him here at 0307-0559 UT Tue-Sat, tho hardly QRM-free (Glenn Hauser, Enid OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 4895, Feb 15 at 0033 had a weak fluttery signal at same time I was getting Tibet/China on 4820, 4800. Could be Mongolia, especially if AIR Kurseong was not on the air; normal sign-on is 0055, and Jose Jacob monitoring in late January said it had been off the air lately (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 5955, trying to pull something out of this weak unID again Feb 15 at several chex between 0000 and 0057, but just too much WYFR splash from 5950, and also from RRI Spanish 5960 especially when it`s playing music, which is often. Dave Valko`s third report on this 25 hours earlier says he heard Radio República IDs, and it was previously logged by him in Oct 2007. Here`s a pertinent log from 2008y: ``CUBA [non]. 5955, *0100-0125, CLANDESTINE, 25+28.06, R. República, via Nauen, Germany, Spanish ID, talk about Cuba and Colombia, interview about internet, 54554; still on 5955 until 30.06! Different program on 6155! (Anker Petersen, AOR AR7030PLUS with 28 m longwire in Skovlunde, Denmark, via Dario Monferini, playdx yg via DXLD 8-075)`` So has that relay started again, or is it now a peanut-whistle in Central America like 11600? No sign of jamming, so the DCJC must not have heard 5955 yet; and if DXers really have to dig for it, hard to imagine it having any impact among general Cuban listeners (Glenn Hauser, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ### ** CUBA. 5025, Feb 16 at 1408 playing song in English, ``Sultans of Swing`` by Dire Straits, momentarily making me imagine I was hearing VL8K in a rare coincidence of day-frequency-at-night and Cuba off --- but signal was too good and 1412 outro in Spanish. R. Rebelde does it again; baseball overrides politix (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** KOREA NORTH [non]. 5985, Shiokaze is back here on alternate frequency ex-several weeks on 5910, for its daily 1400-1430 broadcast via JSR, JAPAN, in Korean, Japanese, Chinese, English, or occasionally French. First noted Feb 15 by

Ron Howard and Hiroshi/S. Hasegawa, a day I did not look for it, but Feb 16 at 1404 talk in Japanese at first with non-piano march music background I wondered might be QRM, but then unimpeded talk. No jamming or co-channel from Myanmar audible here (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MOROCCO. Signal levels are generally degraded this morning, and local noise level is high, so while munching my raisin bran around 1500 Feb 16, with BFO on and tuned 1 kHz away, I amuse myself by monitoring how long it takes RTM to QSY 4 kHz from 15341 to 15345: 15341 goes off at 1500:45*, and 15345 comes on at *1504:22. This is carrier, not paying attention to whether there be a further delay in modulating. That totals 3 minutes and 37 seconds = 217 seconds, or approximately 54 seconds/kHz. Now we know. The change is for no particular reason, and really ought to be after 1530 in the opposite direxion to avoid colliding with HCJB Australia and later, RAE Argentina (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SWAZILAND [non]. 11640, at 0609 Feb 16, African-accented preacher in English, S9+18 signal, but quite undermodulated. This is via SENTECH, SOUTH AFRICA, 0600-0645, 500 kW, 320 degrees favoring NAm tho intended only for Nigeria, and often audible here. It`s incredible how many SW transmitters in the world are running with inadequate modulation. Don`t stations understand the necessity for good modulation as well as carrier power? Apparently not. As tubes are failing, they back off modulation as a precaution or out of necessity, and try to keep them on the air, meanwhile no doubt charging full price for fraxional service (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A [non]. 7575, VOA with talk (editorial?) on George Washington setting excellent precedents for how the US government should operate, Feb 16 at 1356 but cut off abruptly incomplete just after 1358*. Until that, reception was VG. This was via TINIAN. Because of such pervasive lack of coördination between programming and transmission, VOA is its own worst enemy. This is NOT ``good enough for government work`` (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 15550-USB, WJHR at 1931 Feb 15, peaking S9+8 with what else? Overconfident preacher. Can`t say signal has improved significantly after a month off in January for antenna work. Nothing there at 2116 recheck, so apparently still on limited test schedule (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENNG DIGEST) ** U S A. 4050, Feb 16 at 0624 check, country music, no-strain level at peaks, no doubt presumed KWMO Washington MO, 3 x 1350 as usual (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. Altho WINB was on the 13570 air in Spanish before 1600 on Thursday Feb 11, and with English between 14 and 16 Friday Feb 12, missing Saturday Feb 13, still vacant on Monday Feb 15 at 1523 check. Maybe Spanish was on again today, but no recheck until 1603 when it bore a distorted Tony Alamo singing, 1605 mailbag with sidekick Sharon reading a letter allegedly from a Kolkata admirer. Very wobbly carrier, obvious with BFO on (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) [item in last report with corrected references to previous logs] UNIDENTIFIED. 6074, 8GAL check Feb 16 at 1400: V/CQ marker started slightly before the Russian 6075 timesignal ended, and 8GAL was just barely audible. Could

not really copy the ID this time, but presumed, altho on at least one rare occasion in the past, a different tactical CW ID came thru (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ### ** ARGENTINA. 15345v, RAE not only is off-frequency around 15345.2 but wobbles producing a non-constant tone against weaker Morocco, Feb 16 at 2149 when fluttery RAE could be made out as in German. One can hear the same wobble with BFO after 2200 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CHINA [non]. 9590, something in Arabic at 0635 Feb 17 with Celtic-sounding music, later Brahms, koto, quite a mix. It`s CRI via ALBANIA at 05-07 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** COSTA RICA. 15170, REE missing at 1419 Feb 17, allowing Romania unimpeded, which before 1500 normally happens only on Saturdays, but this is Wednesday. REE relay still going on 9765 // 11815. Such anomalies make us wonder if caused by installation of new DRM-capable transmitter (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA [non]. 9490, new frequency for R. República, apparently Sackville ex-9810, Feb 17 from *0003, VG signal at first with several dumps off and on, then stays on with sign-on, program summary including in EST = UT -5, i.e. 0000-0500: 8:00 pm, Frente a Frente 8:30 pm, Bloqueo 9:00 pm, La Revista de Ciencia y Tecnología 9:30 pm, Espacio Plural 10:00 pm, Atrévete, juvenil 10:30 pm, Palabra --- 11:00 pm, La --- Cubana, to interview Lincoln Díaz-Belart y de inmediato [7:05 pm], Recuento Informativo which followed at 0005:30. 9810 was still being jammed, and no jamming yet on 9490. If 9490 is Sackville, why is it stronger here than RCI English on 9755, 268 degrees? 31m signals from Europe at this time were all much weaker than 9490, except Portugal 9455, which always has a propagational advantage from the southwest corner. By 0015, 9490 was weakening a bit; 0019 still announcing old schedule of 6-11 pm on 9810, lunes a domingo. Retune at 0057 they were announcing a different schedule but missed first part, including 9955, i.e. via WRMI, but at 0058 repeated ``9810 at 6-11 pm``, outdated info. At 0100 Frente a Frente [Butting Foreheads] started as I ceased monitoring. Jeff White tells me the new R. República schedule is: 0000-0300 on 9490 UT Tue-Sat, and 0300-0500 on WRMI 9955 daily I also heard WRMI 9955 just before 0000 UT with R. República theme music; Jeff says WRMI is also informally running R.R. at 22-24 UT weekdays, which amounts to an earlier sign-on than before, ex-WRN programming, but subject to change. At 0000 WRMI switched to Radio Libertad, another Cuban clandestine, as scheduled, announced as via WRMI at 7-8 pm, ``contacto con el pueblo de Cuba``. República at 03-05 UT bumps off another Libertad hour to one hour later to 05-06 replacing English programming.

No jamming audible on 9955 until next check at 0058, by when WRMI was about to go back into English, totally blocked. This could be a problem UT Friday at 0130, rescheduled time for WORLD OF RADIO, but Richard Lemke in AB reported no interference at our other new time, UT Wednesday at 0230. WRMI`s NW antenna is still out of service. Jeff later gave me some background on R. Libertad, including QSL info, which will be on WOR 1500 and DXLD 10-07 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** EQUATORIAL GUINEA. 6250, RGE active with YL in Castilian news, Feb 17 at 0618, ute QRM on low side (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SAUDI ARABIA. 13m doing nicely Feb 17 at 1430, HQS on 21460, other service on 21505 // 21640. Checked 15435 at 1456 and carrier was already on, but forgot to modulate it until 1516:50, joining Arabic talk in progress, soon more Qur`an. 15435 replaces either 21505 or 21640, as 21460 continues another hour. At 1509, as normal, one service on 15225 and the other on 21460 // 13710 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SWAZILAND [non]. 11640, TWR via SOUTH AFRICA, with low modulation the night before, back to normal Feb 17 at 0625 with African-accented preacher in English. Unusually, this was the SSOB = strongest signal on 25m band; Cuba e.g., on 11760 strength varies widely, and the `skip was long` tonight, making RHC JBA (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** TUNISIA. 7275, RTT checked again for exact time of cutoff during Arabic music, Feb 17: 0626:30 modulation stops, 0626:40* carrier off. Must be on a timer. But why? There is no pressing need for this transmitter on another frequency that we know of, at least not for broadcasting. Meanwhile same program continues on // 7335 until 0810v (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A [and non]. VOA and jamming chex early UT Feb 17: VOA Spanish at 0015 on 5890, 9885: nothing but jamming audible on both. A Fondo, at 0102: good with no jamming on 9415 and 7340, nothing on 11625, but the latter was also on, loud and clear at 0108 check. Meanwhile the old R. Martí frequencies supposedly carrying same joint-produxion hour, were nothing but jamming, 6030, 7365, 9825. Lavwadlamerik at 0104 reconfirmed on 5835, 5960, 7465, but not on 7590 which had secretly been on at 23-01. 5835 also remains secret, missing from the Creole schedule at (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DGIEST) ** U S A. WRMI: see CUBA [non] ** U S A. 15550-USB, WJHR, Milton FL, strongest yet heard, Feb 16 at 2135, S9+20 so maybe the new antenna is in use, or sporadic E is boosting signal, tho not up to VHF. Usual preacher railing against a hundred Bible translations since the KJV, which ``bomb out`` within a few years, just done for profit, and not sufficiently fundamental. Needed attenuation to avoid pumping; 2157 had switched to gospel music and stopped promptly at 2200* Maybe they had an ID or sign-off before the music. I

see that Mock has QSLed some P-mail reports with his ham card adapted, but not by E-mail? At the moment, 2148, this was stronger than WBCQ 15420-CUSB which attained only S9+5 at modulation peaks by the androgynous anapaestic preacher (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 17775, KVOH, Feb 16 at 2146, music at S9+22 level which should be enough to audiblize the spurs: yes, whine and noise blobs on fading 17920v and weaker 17630v; at 2153 could match talk modulation peaks on 17775 with 17920 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. 1040.2, het on WHO, Feb 17 at 0632, first time noticed here, but source of it was quite a mystery started by Fred Schroyer in PA, eventually leading to ID by Barry McLarnon, Ont., as WJTB, North Ridgeville (Elyria) OH (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) UNIDENTIFIED. Absolutely regular carriers cutting on and off every five seconds in this pattern, as monitored Feb 17 at 0612: 6719.5 at 00-01 second, pause half a second, 6720.4 at 01:30-02:30, pause for two and a half seconds, resume. With BFO one can choose whatever pitch of alternating tones is most satisfying. So what is this all about? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ### ** CHINA [non]. 9690, CRI in Chinese at 0204 Feb 19, VG signal but noticeably distorted, the usual situation with the Noblejas, Spain relay which has no problem with modulating its own REE broadcasts; must be a feed input problem. Past log had it extremely distorted, so must have been improved (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** COSTA RICA. 3350, REE relay, another ailing transmitter, Feb 19 at 0211 with S9+20 signal but very undermodulated with hum (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA [non]. 9490, R. República, still loud and clear on third night of new frequency, UT Feb 19 at 0105. No jamming audible, but it was still grinding away against nothing on ex-9810. 9490 also still much stronger than RCI 9755, which doesn`t make sense if it`s also Sackville but on a southward antenna. Maybe 9490 is on the 240 degree beam for some reason, which is right toward us rather than Cuba. 0205 RR was talking about Arctic peoples and nims, seemingly off-topic, but they do have a variety of general informational programming (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** DJIBOUTI [and non]. Looking for signs of RTD, 4780, a bit before nominal *0300 but no luck Feb 19 before *0259 of WWCR 4775. Why? FCC told me Feb 16: ``We have received an interference complaint from a foreign government's fixed operation concerning WWCR's 5070 operation. We are currently communicating with that government agency concerning this; meanwhile, WWCR is operating on 4775 pending the outcome of this matter.`` --- so possibly the change is not permanent (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** EGYPT. 9915, at 0118 Feb 19, Spanish talk about the CIA, making me wonder at first if it were something out of Cuba. Awful audio with distortion and only modulating at spixe, of which Habana is certainly capable, but also a typical Cairo problem. 0121 into music, and yes, with some strain decided it was // 6270 Cairo with good modulation. I also tried 9390, something there but unseemed //. That must be

because the third frequency changed to 9360 sometime since B-09 began as in DXLD 10-03 from DX Mix News: 0045-0200 on 9915 ABS 250 kW / 252 deg Spanish SoAm 0045-0200 on 6270 ABZ 250 kW / 315 deg Spanish NoAm 0045-0200 on 9360 ABZ 250 kW / 245 deg Spanish SoAm Aoki still shows 9915, 9390 and 7540 for this Spanish. Boo, Abis! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** HONDURAS. 3290, extremely distorted FMy broadcast signal, Feb 19 at 0210, mixing music with talk which I eventually decided was Spanish. Slope detexion did not help much. I forced myself to listen to this garbage for almost an hour in hopes of something identifiable. At 0213 music with a heavy beat, more Spanish talk. What could this be? It`s obviously not a spur from a proper 90 mb frequency such as REE/Costa Rica 3350, not //. BUT, Radio Misiones Internacional, 3340 is missing. Not unusual, as they are quite sporadic, but it`s my prime suspect, with #2 possibility being the other 90 mb Honduran, HRPC, Radio Luz y Vida, which is also missing from its frequency 3250. It was mostly a feminine voice doing the distorting. At 0220 heard dios mentioned, and tentatively at 0226 Misiones Internacional[es]. Long talk-only segment followed, presumably sermon until 0248 announcements and music. Could not make out any ID even at hourtop 0300 as it went on. At times I was trying to detect if English was inmixed, as we know this station sometimes does, but just too distorted. ASAP I asked dxldyg monitors to check it, especially anyone who has NBFM-receive capability which might audiblize it better. Please keep an ear on 3290 in case it happen later in the night or subsequently. 3340 used to be known by calls HRMI, but WRTH 2010y shows HREZ, with merely the slogan Radio MI. Unfortunately, no chance this is GUYANA, which is supposed to be reactivating shortwave any time now with new transmitter and antennas (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** ROMANIA. 9800 at 0133 UT Fri Feb 19, discussion in English about the EU, some distortion; 0136 it`s the Network Europe program, as in --- Confusing matters was recheck at 0156 when I found 9800 in Spanish with English accent, but 0158 mentioned and 0159 RCI IS and IDs, and more Spanish from RCI. Was RCI carrying Network Europe? Surely not, but then you would not expect RCI to be carrying domestic programming for immigrants either. Trouble with Network Europe is that being on multiple stations lacking individual IDs within, we have no idea which station it really is, until consulting references, so soon found that RRI is on 9800 at 0100-0200 in English, 300 kW, 310 degrees from Galbeni, and RCI is on 9800 at 0200-0300 in Spanish, 70 kW, 227 degrees from Sackville. But apparently that starts several minutes early, and we know RRI normally finishes at 3 minutes before the hour, so RCI wastes no time in taking over (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SOUTH AFRICA. 3320, Feb 19 at 0211, fair signal with music; better at 0250 and clear, a blessed relief from the distortion on 3290, but did not stay with it long, as I knew it must be Radio Sonder Grense.

3255 weaker than 3320, at 0258 in English, 0302 BBCWS news. Both are 100 kW from Meyerton, BBC 3255 at 03-06 and 16-22, nondirexional? And 3320 at 18-05, 275 degrees (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SPAIN [and non]. See CHINA [non]; COSTA RICA ** SUDAN [non]. 5915, Feb 19 at 0313 a bit of English, quickly into Arabic voice-over, good signal, and perhaps our best chance to hear the Affia Darfur/Hello Darfur service of IBB, which at 0300-0330 is via VATICAN, of all places, 250 kW at 146 degrees. 5915 remains an interesting frequency, with CVC Zambia using it in English at 0400-0500 only, and Zambia NBC from 0515, if its transmitter gets repaired (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 9955, WRMI, UT Fri Feb 19 at 0110 with revived ``Eat Soccer`` show; 0124 English talk about Cuba, new 0115 time for CDHD Brigade 2506. So WORLD OF RADIO shifted to 0130. Signal was fading and by then I could just barely hear myself introducing #1500, but no jamming. WWCR still inbooming with PPP on 9980 causing some desensitization, no help. Meanwhile, on webcasts I confirmed that ACB Radio was running new WOR 1500 at 0100, but Area 51 was not, despite still being scheduled (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A [non]. 7595 at 0130 Feb 19 with VOA Yankee-Doodle jingle, fair in Farsi talk, but heavy RTTY QRM from about 7597 requiring side-tuning. This in absence of 7590 GB Lavwadlamerik which finishes at 0100 altho completely absent from Aoki listing. Which however says the 0130 language is really Dari, the Radio Ashna service to Afghanistan following an hour of Pashto, 334 degrees aus Iranawila, SRI LANKA. 7415, R. Farda presumed the station with music causing a SAH under stronger open carrier, no doubt WBCQ, Feb 19 at 0150. Earlier in the hour had noticed Brother Scare via WBCQ, a not especially strong signal, and the co-channel would certainly have been a bother if one really wanted to listen to him and WBCQ were still modulating. So here we have a USG service which deliberately co-channels a domestic US shortwave station; via Lampertheim, GERMANY, 100 kW, 108 degrees at 0030-0230. O, right, totally different target areas so could not possibly be any QRM back in the USA! It`s bad enough that China runs many hours on 7415 without IBB doing it too to `BCQ. The WBCQ online program guide shows BS on 7415 at 0100-0400 weekdays, 0200-0400 UT Sat & Sun (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 9975, no sign whatsoever of KVOH on this frequency at 0308 check Feb 19, despite having registered itself here season after season, currently in B-09 per FCC at 01-08 and 13-15, 50 kW, 100 degrees like 17775 in between. I challenge anyone to axually hear KVOH on 9975; otherwise delete all listings for it on that frequency (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. WTWW on the air again, first time heard in February, 0313 Feb 19 with S9+20 open carrier on 5755; next check at 0319, classic rock music test had started and at least one of the old IDs mentioning a river bank. Computer noise

back on as I tried to keep monitoring, but either off or considerably weakening by 0335. I expect they are about ready to start regular talk programming of religion and/or politix (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 4050, KWMO Washington MO third harmonic can also be heard earlier than my usual 06-07 UT logs: Feb 19 at 0219 M&W talking, probably an ad; 0304 music, so not much news if any on the hour. Quite weak and presumed as per previous definite IDs, no other 1350s harmonicizing like this (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** VATICAN [non]. 9660, Feb 19 at 0310, news of South Africa, Nigeria in English, OM with accent I was trying to place, maybe Channel Africa? No, soon IDed as ``the daily African service of Vatican Radio``, 0312 into a cultural talk. Good signal, and no wonder: it`s via MADAGASCAR, 335 degrees usward at 0300-0430, with more via there at 0430-0500 295 degrees, 0500-0530 more English at 265 degrees. At 0530 site switches back to Santa Maria di Galeria for another sesquihour, at 175, then from 0600, 200 degrees (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) See also SUDAN [non] ### ** AUSTRALIA. VL8 check Feb 19 at 1320: talk audible on 2310, but only weaker carrier on 2325, still weaker on 2485. Nothing detectable on 2368.5 R. Symban, which QSL manager Johno Wright says has powered up almost to 1 kW; but is it on the air constantly now? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CHINA. Firedrake Feb 19: 8400 at fair level with drumming segment at 1332 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** HONDURAS. After hearing the extremely distorted FMy signal in Spanish on 3290 past 0300 UT Feb 19, I next checked at 0628 but it was gone, just the usual ute noises. Still tentatively think it is HREZ, Radio MI. They used to run well past 0600 or perhaps all-night, but have not heard them on proper 3340 this late in months (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** INDONESIA. 9526-, VOI at 1335 Feb 19, YL speaking English undermodulatedly (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** KOREA NORTH. 2850, KCBS with steady S9+10 signal during pop piano concerto Feb 19 at 1318, shortly announced in Korean (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MEXICO. 6104.8, XEQM at 0635 Feb 19, M DJ giving phone 99-91-93-91-58 --- I think I copied that correctly, 2 x 5 = 10 digits, and soon answering caller as ``Candela, buenas noches``. DXers might want to call in (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** OKLAHOMA. 1120, KEOR Sperry was absent at 2153 UT check Feb 18 on the caradio. It`s been quite reliable from some weeks, simulcasting KJMU 1340. Next check at 1538 Feb 19 found it on the air with talk, and a strange thumping noise every few seconds, perhaps some kind of feedback (Glenn Hauser, Enid, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SPAIN [non?]. 24 hours earlier I heard REE IS at 1359 on 7220, unscheduled. Wasn`t certain of the frequency so recheck Feb 19 at 1359, and there it is again, definitely on 7220, so nix my previous speculation about Xi`an 7215 doing it by mistake. This time, 7215 went off at 1357*

The 7220 carrier stayed on past 1400, but just too weak vs the QRhaM to be certain of language. During a brief respite at 1405 I tried to // it to 17595 when REE was opening Españoles en la Mar with Morse code ID, but could not; at 1410 music while 17595 was talk. No foreign languages are on the REE schedule starting at 1400 on any frequency, so one would expect it to be a segment of their continuous Spanish service, if anything. Nor is there anything about Spain or 7220 in the WRTH Feb update. Nor any 7.220 in the B-09 frequency schedules on the REE website via (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U K [non]. My first chance to check BBCWS 9410 via WHRI during the time previously occupied by Connexion Haïti in Kreyòl which allegedly ended after Feb 12: a week later, Feb 19 at 1231, BBC headlines in English, and on into Newshour, first about Australia vs Japanese whaling, and then about stem cell research and the AAAS, past 1240. So this 12-13 UT transmission, also via Guiana French 11860 unchecked today, originally in Spanish only, has not gone back to that. I suppose it still starts in Spanish with new news for 15 (or 10 or 5?) minutes, and then switches to English for the rest of the hour instead of archival Spanish shows and alternating pop and classical music fill. It remains the ONLY BBCWS SW transmission in English from or to the Western Hemisphere (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. WWRB with Brother Scare at 1322 Feb 19 on BOTH 3185 and 9385, as he was talking about the times he can be heard in the New York area. We had thought a single transmitter switched from one frequency to the other, but since time is far from sold-out, WWRB has a spare so they may as well overlap them for a while (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A [and non]. 7490, WWCR Power Hower as the wacky YL tries to make a conspiracy out of the Austin crash, Feb 19 at 1328, and jamming noise audible underneath; later in the morning, WWCR is so strong that the jamming cannot be heard here, tho Eric Bryan in Washington state was complaining of it, wondering who`s jamming WWCR? It`s really against R. Free North Korea, inconveniently scheduled at 13-15 via Tajikistan. I also hear 9980 WWCR with PPP on 8590, but that`s a local mixing product with KCRC Enid, 1390 kHz away (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. As discovered by Dragan Lekic, the WTWW live stream is now funxioning, via We heard it after 1500 Feb 19 and it`s Pastor Pete Peters, also on WWCR 9980 but did not check to see how it matched. Did monitor around 1535 and WTWW was not on the 9480 air at the time, but it looks like PPP will be the programming, just what we need; or rather, just what WTWW needs (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 1540, China Radio International, Feb 19 at 0645 tune-in to ``Everyday Chinese`` language lessons, and IDed as such about once a minute. Not // CRI via Sackville 6115. Steady S9+20 signal atop multiple SAHs, occasional fades but remains dominant past 0700 UT despite using my unfavorably-oriented E-W longwire on the FRG-7. Modulation very good. 0653 changed to ``Tips of the Chinese Culture``, the very title of which suggests they need some English lessons. 0655 announcement as ``China Now, from CRI, Beyond Beijing``; song.

Kept listening to catch a local ID around hourtop, but there was none!! Violation!! 0700 into CRI news starting with denunciation of Dalai Lama being received at the White House and the ``harm`` that has done to Sino-American relations. Apparently this feed, as IDed above is different from what goes out on SW. Of course, 1540 is KGBC Galveston TX, which at the beginning of the year sold out to the ChiComs with a fulltime relay of CRI. Thank you, KGBC for advancing Chinese imperialist anti-Tibet propaganda. Yes, CHIN Toronto also relays CRI part-time, but it`s a rarity here. And besides, CHIN is running Rai in Italian at this time per I think I logged KGBC long ago, when it was a real local station, but not lately. It`s 2.5 kW day, 250 watts night, and with a null, tho not a deep one, at 350 degrees OKward at night. Daytime pattern is broader without such a null. Thus we suspect the latter was really in use at midnight. KGBC has an application to move to ``Dayton`` TX, closer to Houston, increase power to 5 kW day, reduce to 187 watts night, and with similar patterns from two different sites, but surely that is not on yet even to test, as a CP has not been granted, per FCC AM Query (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ### ** BELGIUM. Since RTBF and VRT are gone from SWBC, we must try other bands to DX this diminished country. After hearing SP1NL on 21290-USB, see POLAND, Feb 20 at 1442 I was getting another station saying ``oscar radio two radio`` several times, presumably meant to imply that was his own callsign and he wished to talk to someone else, probably not Poland due to skip distance. Later gave his name as John, which fits OR2R, John Lauryssen, Rotenaard 14, B-2650 Edegem, Belgium. BTW, the fonetik for R is Romeo, if for O you say Oscar (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CHINA. See last few reports: One more check of 7220 at 1359 Feb 20: there is the REE IS again and today reception is much better so I can tell that at 1400 it cuts to the CRI opening theme, ID as always first in Chinese, but second ID in language obscured by QRhAM, which continues almost without break from ragchewers, but at least they are off to one side. Continuous talk, no doubt opening newscast, in non-tonal South Asian language; 1410 music fragment and next show including bits of Chinese for voice-over translation. I also hear occasional beeps roughly once a minute but irregularly, not sure out of this transmitter or the hams, which sometimes emit beeps as they start or stop transmission. Still going past 1430. So it seems the REE IS is just a switching error at some CRI site, and has nothing to do with any intentional REE broadcast before or after. Probably the language to follow is on the same satellite feed channel from Beijing as the 12-14 UT REE relay in Spanish intended to be transmitted only from Xi`an on 11910. I`ll bet a satellite DXer such as Mark Fahey in NSW could hear the same thing on the appropriate transponder. IBB makes the same kind of mistake on SW with bits of R. Netherlands in English via Tinian. CRI broadcasts in all these Asian languages at 1400, per EiBi: Amoy, Bengali, Burmese, English, Japanese, Khmer, Mandarin, Mongolian, Russian, Sinhala, Tamil, Vietnamese, but there is one more which fits exactly on 7220:

Nepali, via Kunming. The Nepalis must be wondering why they hear the REE IS just before their hour. Aren`t the Kunmingis paying attention to what they outsend? I love a mystery, especially when I can solve it. At 1500, CRI 7220 switches language and site to Japanese via Jinhua, and that is a regular here, aimed 59 degrees and also USward, well heard at 1505 check (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA. 11880, DCJC pulses coming and going Feb 20 at 1512, probably spurs of 11930 jammer against Radio Martí, which has similar pulses best audible on the sides down to 11915. Often these only come out as clix on the spurs ~50 kHz away (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CYPRUS. OTH radar pulses, presumed from here, Feb 20 at 1436 at 21540-21565, bothering Spain on 21540 but not 21570. With all that vacant spectrum above 18 MHz, why does this have to be inside a broadcast band?!?! Same type of pulsing occupying 15150-15180 at 1524 but no broadcasters audible amid. There were several frequencies scheduled in use but strangely, all ending at 1500 except 15175, AIR Gujarati via Goa at 1515-1600, per Aoki (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MADAGASCAR [non]. Another weekend, and will R. Mada finally quit colliding with Miraya FM? I start checking 15670 at 1521 Feb 20, when the Miraya signal from Sudan via Slovakia is quite poor and fluttery, hard to tell if another carrier is involved. Nothing on 15680 or 15660, my suggested alternatives from Radio Mada. At 1527, 15670 Miraya has rapid flutter circa 10 Hz which I suspect is a SAH, but apparently not, because: At 1529 there is a stronger open carrier on 15660, but also with heavy flutter, peaking S9+5. Undermodulated talk starts late about 1530:25, brief jingle, and intonation sounds French; 1531 cut to better mod, YL maybe on phone line. Not sure if totally in French, mixed with Malagasy or French-accented Malagasy. Also has long/short-path echo, from Pridnestrovye site. Anyhow, both services are now on clear frequencies after more than a month of colliding, so a cause for celebration: R Mada on new 15660 Sat & Sun 1530-1600. We have been wondering how much longer this will last anyway as the post-coup political situation in Madagascar evolves (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** MOROCCO. Missing the day before, RTM is back on 15341, Feb 20 at 1420 with music, lite het presumably from HCJB Australia 15340 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** POLAND. 21290-USB, at 1438 Feb 20, SP1NL with curtailed contest-type contacts, gave his call repeatedly fonetically, and spelt handle; listed at as LESZEK BRANCEWICZ, KODRAB, 72-518 LADZIN, Poland. 13m has been open for several days with broadcasters, but not much activity until now on ``15m`` hamband, mostly below 21325 or so. See also BELGIUM (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SAUDI ARABIA. At the breakfast table with insensitive DX-390, as I was enjoying my semi-grapefruit primarily with my right hand, Feb 20 at 1455 I

punched up 21640 with my left hand in order to note exactly when that BSKSA Riyadh transmitter would go off: 1455:40* after a dekasecond of deadair. Then I retune to 15435 to note exactly when it would cut on: 1457:04, joining in progress Arabic talk which had been so rudely interrupted on 21640, tough for listeners who may have axually been attentive to the topic, missing a sesquiminute of it, assuming they knew where to retune, not announced. Can`t be sure it was the same transmitter, as 21505 also closes about the same time; as does 17895 but that`s the other service, HQ moving to 15225. After breakfast I write this down in my logbook with my right hand, and then transcribe it and embellish for this log report with ten fingers touch-typing (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SPAIN [non]. REE IS on 7220: see CHINA ** TURKEY. 15480, no sign of TRT or any signal here at 1425 Feb 20, lending credence to my theory that its presence Feb 18 past 1500 was an operational error long past scheduled 1400* (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 15610, WEWN with solid S9+12 signal tnx to sporadic E patch over Arkansas halfway between, Feb 20 at 1518. With BFO on, mushy parasitic spurs also audible around 15600 and 15620. Looking over the WEWN frequency schedule, I would say from numerous logs over the past months that these frequencies radiate the spurs: 15610, 13835, 11520, i.e. the English service. Have not noticed it from Spanish frequencies 5810, 7555, 11870, 12050. I think I have noticed it with other Spanish frequencies 11550, 13830 altho not logged lately. It seems the hash always accompanies one of the transmitters, but audibility depends on strength of the fundamental, and they are also more obvious when another station risks running only 10 kHz away, e.g. WYFR on 11530, 15600, WWCR on 13845 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. Correlating with lite 50 MHz skip activity as displayed on DX Sherlock, a bit later at 1550 UT Feb 20, Michigan to south Texas, I had been getting WEWN, q.v., with solid S9+12 signal on 15600, 15610 and 15620 at 1518 check; and also solid S9+15 from WWCR 15825 and 13845 at 1517. Another 6m ham contact was displayed between Colorado and the TX Gulf coast SW of Houston, which also correlates with large steady S9+18 signal thanks to that other Es patch over west Texas, from KJES NM, Feb 20 at 1537 on 11715, with adult reading verses in stilted 17th-century English, way over lite het from RVA via VATICAN which is on-frequency unlike KJES, Catholix vs pseudo-Catholix. KJES modulation somewhat distorted and low, but sufficient considering the signal strength. Is anyone else correlating SWBC signal levels in North America with sporadic E openings which may or may not reach VHF? I don`t see any such reports. This is quite obvious when stations normally too close, in their skip-zone by F2 layer, inboom instead. Altho it helps to have been a VHF DXer for 55 years. From before 1600 past 1800 UT I also monitored channel 2 for signs of analog TVDX from Mexico, but MUF did not make it, and 6m activity map also cleared up.

Zero activity also on the TV/FM Skip Log! (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. WWCR-3, 7490, Feb 20 at 1425 quick check, still running Musical Memories with Martha Garvin, the piano lady, instead of Country Crossroads with Bill Mack, as still appears on the February 1 pdf program guide for 1400 Saturdays (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 15550-USB, WJHR, poor signal Feb 20 at 1532 as the overconfident preacher references II Timothy: 3, with splatter from RDPI 15560 worst during applause and music. But Iran 15545 in Arabic weak and no problem today. WJHR still going at 1820 check, weak but now with no QRM (Glenn Hasuer, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 15420 at 1526 Feb 20, BBC had variable het on it, presumably WBCQ transmitter warming up for the Brother Scare Sabbath, but could not make out any modulation from him. This week did not keep listening to find when WBCQ would add the mod; unneeded anyway with plenty of BS on 9385 WWRB at 1534, and also one second before it on 17485 via GERMANY, R. G. screaming his lungs out, possessed as he is by the Holy Spirit (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. WTWW was allegedly going to test with Pastor Pete Peters all day Feb 20 from 1600 UT until 0400 Sunday, as heard by Thomas Nyberg, announced by PPP on WWCR 5890 --- but no show here from 1600 past 1800 on 9480; if on between 19 and 22 would be 9475, then back to 9480 or 5755 until 0400. Since he is already 24/7 via huge signals from WWCR, it beats me why PPP would want to be on WTWW also, same bands from same state, virtually same coverage. But the ego of Aryan gospel huxters can never be overestimated (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A [non]. Since BBCWS has quit its special Creole service to Haiti, that reverts 9410 to WHRI-available programming Sat & Sun 12-13. Once upon a time, DXing with Cumbre was scheduled both days at 1200, so I check Sat Feb 20 at 1207: not even on the air, just hearing the China radio war weakly between Fu Hsing, and CNR5 per Aoki (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ### ** BRAZIL. The 25 mb was hopping with stations Feb 21 at 0714-0730+, led in strength by RNA 11780, of course, with promo at 0727 ``Carnaval no Brasil é Nacional`` implying congruity, a somewhat excessive claim bound to be disputed by countless other stations and entities. 11815 was next, R. Brasil Central, with live DJ talk and music. I was wanting to catch a definite timecheck from any of them confirming that DST has just ended in the Brasilian states where it had been reigning, but at 0717 they said was 2:17 in Miami; yeah, so?? 0723 with some great music involving harmonica; 0730 greeting listeners around the country. 11925v, R. Bandeirantes also with live programming, and a TC I could not copy precisely. Not as strong as it often is. 11765, SRDA Curitiba, had wacky wailing preacher David Miranda, oblivious to Carnaval as he is to any remnant of reality. Well atop a bit of CCI, no doubt BBC English, 27 degrees from Ascension. 11749.9 weaker, mostly music from another transmitter turned over the gospel huxters, Voz Missionária.

11895 at 0719 the weakest one with song I am pretty sure was in Portuguese from R. Boa Vontade, Porto Alegre; Spain anyway is supposed to finish 11895 at 0700, and its // 12035 tho still on, was inaudible. With DST over, RNA should be signing on 6185 an hour later, anywhere between 0725 and 0800 UT, giving us back an hour of unimpeded XEPPM reception after Vatican finishes at 0620. We`ll see from Feb 22, as RNA runs all night on UT Sundays only (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CHINA. Firedrake, traditional music-only jamming, UT Feb 20 at 2337 found a number of `morning` frequencies, presumably inspired by Sound of Hope, the insignificant station which Must Be Jammed, as Ron Howard has also been hearing in California, much more than in the Asian evenings. First noted on 17970 where it really stix out in an aero band, but here rearranged into reverse frequency order rather than the exact chronological order tuned: 18180 at 2337, fair, a bit better than 17970 17970 at 2337, fair. No recognizable CRI/CNR signals on 16m unlike 19m 16700 at 2339, poor with heavy flutter 15970 at 2339, poor with worse flutter than 16700 14970 at 2339, fair with flutter. They like `970s, but no 13970 any more 9000 at 2345, very poor vs hets 8400 at 2345, just barely audible I see that the 20 Feb edition of Aoki has all these plus several more on the higher bands, except 15970 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CUBA. 6933, 5-digit Spanish YL spy numbers, Feb 21 at 0703, usual big signal but this one quite undermodulated, a Cuban trait normally reserved for RHC (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** CYPRUS. 18460-18485, OTH radar pulses, presumed from here, Feb 21 at 1500, just where they belong, far away from any broadcasters (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** EAST TURKISTAN. 4980, at 0049 Feb 21, Asian language talk with intonation resembling Korean, but that would have to be something new. The old `2009`, meaning 2008 PWBR by the radio showed only one possibility, Xinjiang PBS in Urumqi. Besides the imaginary Ecos del Torbes listing, Aoki Feb 21, 2010 agrees it can only be XPBS, and the language is Uighur, i.e. only what the imperialist Han ChiCom want their grossly outnumbered subjects to hear, while they jam external broadcasts in Uighur. After talk-only segment, from 0052 mixed in some music, 0056 more speech by YL, now much stronger signal than India 5010. Music overlapped 5+1 timesignal at 0100, fanfares and announcements. It`s also stronger than adjacent Brasil 4985, tho the latter is improving (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** GERMANY. Tnx to Kai Ludwig for reminding us of an unpublicized once-a-year broadcast, and to Wolfgang Büschel for more info about it, we were standing by Feb 21 at 1600 for Radio Öömrang, on 15245 or 15230. At 1600 it was inbooming S9+22 on 15245, just missed English ID but there would be more later. VG signal must be aimed USward, or rather toward New York, whose local time was mentioned. Mostly talk in a strange dialect of German, interspersed

every few minutes with halting English IDs, which had hum on them, and went approximately, including at 1629 and 1637: ``Hello, this is Radio Öömrang, the free voice of the Friesian people. Welcome to the new year 2010. Welcome to our broadcast on high nineteen FM via Juelich with the frequenz 1-5-2-3-0 k-h-zed`` Yeech, only once a year and they get the frequency wrong! Will they have it corrected by 2011y? Jülich? Guess it`s hard to keep up with the latest site demolitions. It also seems they have a very hazy idea about the difference between KW and UKW. At 1611 talking about megabits per second, etc. Just what is the purpose of this? At 1630 about the CDU and the SPD. Do these Friesians have some political ax to grind? At 1638 in English introduced segment, ``facts about the Friesian people`` --- but that was not in English! Obviously this effort is not really meant to reach the world at large beyond their minority dialect, but just a feel-good promotion for the insiders. Later plugged their Facebook site. Without the umlauts? No, the above does not work, I think, since I am not signed up with Facebook anyway. Someone please explain what the name means, and its cognate in High German. Is this Friesian dialect the same as the Plattdeutsch used e.g. by HCJB? At 1655, English closing: ``the producer says goodbye until 2011``; contact info with Niebüll postal address, no e-mail mentioned. Niebüll is a small town at the northern tip of Germany some 12 km from the Danish border. ``PS: if you want to sponsor this broadcasting, it`s only paid by Mr. ----``. Further production credits and ``Goodbye``, 1656 to open carrier, until off at 1659*. They wasted two precious sesquiminutes of expensive (?) 500 kW (?) airtime from Wertachtal! And of course they wasted the whole thing for people tuned to 15230 instead. Wolfgang Büschel later explained: ``Started in Friesian (lower German) language, which is similar to Dutch West Frisian language spoken in North Western Netherlands. The Kiel student Anna read the (local?) news and also a weather report of North Sea area could be traced.`` A weather report once a year just won`t do (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** INDIA. 5010, S Asian music, Feb 21 at 0048. Surely AIR Thiruvananthapuram, and it must have been close to grayline peak, gradually fading down noticeably by 0100 and weaker than 4980, see EAST TURKISTAN. Madagascar 5010 would propagate but normally not on air all night; Dominican Republic goes off by 2400, and has rarely been reported lately even before that. Also missing for a long time is HREZ`s sesquiharmonic of 3340 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** JAPAN [non]. 17605, NHK is still devoting a Sunday-morning hour to western classical music, at 2335 UT Saturday Feb 20 check, good signal altho 170 degrees, via Bonaire, 250 kW. Axually it`s a bihour transmission starting at 2200, following

a semihour of Japanese on same parameters from 2100 (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** NEW ZEALAND. 11725, as I tuned past around 0711 Feb 21, nothing there, but a minute later RNZI inbooming with old recording on Sounds Historical show, then cut off the air again. I quickly retuned to 9765, but not there either, whilst DRM noise was grinding away on 9865-9870-9875. According to current schedule, 11725 is supposed to QSY to 9765 at 0658-0659, and stay there (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** NORTH AMERICA. Plenty of piracy as I was casually tuning the prime band Saturday evening Feb 20: 6930-USB at 2330, immediately heard ID on the semihour as ``WBZO``. Good signal with rock music, still at 2346 recheck. 2350 with a speech of some sort; 2353 WBZO IDs again, Mr. Bozo. I see that a pirate with variations of this name has been reported for at least five years in Free Radio Weekly, most recently in January, but as CBZO/KBZO rather than WBZO. 6950-USB at 2333, another pirate here with rock music; local fifth harmonic of KCRC-1390 not a problem at the moment, which is easily recognizable with incessant sports-talk. 6951-AM, at 2346 next check some music here instead of 6950-USB, and then intermittent SSB QRM. 6925 USB, next tuneby at 0044 Feb 21 found only one pirate at the moment instead of 6930, 6950/6951, don`t know which (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** PORTUGAL. Following the terrible flooding and mudslides on Madeira, made a point of listening to RDPI`s weekly ``Abraço da Madeira`` show, Sunday Feb 21 on 15560, at 1435. Announcer from Funchal studio was trying to make phone contact with people, not always successfully, who needed to convey messages to relatives and friends; including someone in the Czech Republic. Excellent signal here as usual on weekends to NAm (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SAUDI ARABIA. 17660, R. Riyadh, French service of BSKSA, is usually audible here but marginally; poor with flutter Feb 21 at 1431 some kind of drama was playing funereal music led by bagpipes, then mixing French and Arabic with more dramatic music (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** SUDAN [non]. 17745, Sudan Radio Service via Portugal, Feb 21 at 1502 in English with usual pro-democracy and pro-elexion propaganda, re upcoming general elexions in the north and south, later refined to ``in the free areas``. Included music and SFX. Much of the talk had annoying echo on it just like long/short path, but seems really to be inserted into the audio produxion to make it cooler, and less intelligible. This frequency continued past 1600, while: 17700, new Sudan Radio Service frequency, Feb 21 at 1559 with VTC music fill/prélude, 1600 opening SRS in Arabic but pronouncing station name in English. Another English ID in passing amid Arabic at 1607. Not // 17745. It is totally unclear why they would add another non // frequency at the same time to compete with themselves, but this is registered as 250 kW, 65 degrees via Ascension, 1600-1700 daily except Saturdays, causing DX Mix News Bulgaria to assume it would be carrying the new service for Somalia from March 1, Radio Bar-Kulan/Meeting Place.

Maybe that will come true, with SRS just a place-holder till then? (Glenn Hauser, OK, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ** U S A. 5070, ``Ask WWCR`` started a minute or two earlier than 0245 UT Sunday Feb 21, so would be done in time for frequency change to 4775 before hourtop; as I tuned in at 0244, already in progress. Three-way discussion by Brady, Jerry and Phil, only about the recent frequency changes and management. An interference problem from Slovakia to WWCR 5935 is apparently being lessened by slightly changing their azimuth, i.e. on 5930. In A-10, RSI plans to use that instead of 6040 for NAm starting at 0100 with English. Here in CNAm, it`s RSI which will lose out by being that close to DGS, just like R. Prague at other hours. Those two don`t seem to get it that they must stay at least 10 kHz away from any US SW stations, when broadcasting to North America. WWCR guys congratulated selves on getting rid of 7095 mixing product after only one night (not mentioning who told them about it; and altho I did hear it again later, JBA). And said such things cannot be anticipated. Axually they can, as I explained previously with the formulae for possible mixes of any two frequencies, e.g. 5205 could appear if 4775 and 9980 are ever on air at same time, 5205 being the difference between them. It was all very positive, with no discussion of these changes` impact on other stations such as TWR on 4775, or Djibouti 4780. But they welcome comments to 4775 @ This edition should be audible on demand for another week via I also listened a bit to 4775 at 0606 UT Sunday as ``Into Tomorrow`` with Dave Graveline was starting, for the Valentine weekend!!! As they mentioned repeatedly. So what we get on WWCR is one-week delayed; why? (Glenn Hauser, OK, Feb 21, DX LISTENING DIGEST) ### Todas las colaboraciones deben ser dirigidas a CONEXION Digital:

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Febrero de 2010 – Buenos Aires - Republica Argentina.

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