condottiere the dogs of war fate cards

Post on 03-Jan-2016






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Fate Cards



Appendix 1Fate CardsF

ate C



Fate Card

Local Guide One company may move through rough terrain or woods without having their movement halved, or move through swamp at half speed.


Fate Card

Passage of Ranks One company may interpenetrate another company without paying half movement cost.


Fate Card

Condottiere Rushes to Crisis Condottiere may move before order changes are resolved and then may move again in the movement phase.


Fate Card

The Honour of the Company One company with Hold order ignores daze results (but not panic).


Fate Card

Impassioned Speech One company treats all panic results as dazed.


Fate Card

Taunting Enemy Unit One enemy company (not their Condottiere) on Hold changes its order to Move.


Fate Card

Enemy Messenger Ambushed One enemy order change cancelled (though not the enemy Condottiere’s own order)


Fate Card

Sound Halt All friendly captains change to Hold order.


Fate Card

Sound Attack All friendly captains of non-missile or artillery companies change their order to Move, pointed towards the nearest enemy unit.


Fate Card

Ferocious Attack One enemy company treats all dazed results from melee attack as panic.


Fate Card

Inspired Leadership All dazed soldiers in one company shake off their confusion and return to the ranks.


Fate Card

The Plan Comes Together May issue one extra order change this turn. Treat the receiving captain as if he is visible to the Condottiere.


Fate Card

Iron Discipline One company ignores all black card hit results this turn.


Fate Card

Charge From Ambush One company may charge an enemy unit that it could not see at the start of its turn.


Fate Card

Recover Nerve One routed company recovers and converts its order to Hold.


Fate Card

Leader Arises From The Ranks Return one dead or wounded captain to his unit, and remove a soldier.

Over the following few pages are all the cards you’ll need to make up the Fate Deck. Photocopy or cut the cards out and stick them on some card for strength.


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Fate Card

A Deadly Volley One company is -1 to the number needed to hit for a single volley.


Fate Card

“Have At Them, You Rogues!” All dazed soldiers within 12 inches of their Condottiere return to the ranks.


Fate Card

Difficult Ground One enemy company subtracts 1D6 inches from its movement allowance this turn.


Fate Card

Easy Going One company adds 1D6 inches to its movement this turn.


Fate Card

Quick Reactions One company with a Hold order attacked in flank may turn some or all of its models to face the attacker before combat.


Fate Card

Skilful Skirmishers One skirmish company is -1 to the number needed to hit for a single volley.


Fate Card

A Thundering Charge One mounted company receives 2D6 inches of extra movement and is -1 to the number needed to hit in melee, provided it has a Move order.


Fate Card

Master Gunner One artillery company modifies the number needed to hit by an additional -2 at long range. At bucket shot range, add 2 to the dice roll for casualties.


Fate Card

Skilful Withdrawal One company with a Hold order may withdraw up to its full move and end facing the enemy.


Fate Card

Secret Ford Establish a ford anywhere on any river or stream on the table.


Fate Card

Excellent Drill One unit with a Move order may change formation at the start of its movement by paying half of its movement allowance.


Fate Card

Run Away! One skirmishing company charged by the enemy may move 2D6 extra inches to escape.


Fate Card

Treason! Examine your enemy’s Fate Cards and discard one of them!


Fate Card

The Pope’s Blessing Draw two extra Fate Cards (if played after the command phase, any extra cards may be held until the next turn.)


Fate Card

Local Levies Place one company of armed peasants (Cautious, Inexperienced, Poor Arms) in any village you currently hold. It is under your command and may start with any order desired. If you later plunder the village, the levies switch sides and come under command of your opponent.


Fate Card

Exploding Shell Roll 1D6 for an enemy company fired at this turn by artillery. The number rolled is the number of soldiers who panic (in addition to any caused by the fire itself).






Fate Card

Confusion of Battle No enemy order changes allowed this turn, except for Condottieri, who may change their own orders (only).


Fate Card

Lingering Smoke All enemy handgunners, arquebusiers, and artillery add +1 to the number needed to hit when conducting fire combat this turn. Artillery fire at bucket shot range subtracts 1 from the number of hits rolled.


Fate Card

Wind In Their Face One enemy bow or javelin unit (mounted or dismounted, crossbow or longbow) adds +1 to the number needed to hit when conducting fire combat this turn.


Fate Card

Free LanceA mercenary knight joins your army. Add him to any heavy cavalry unit. He has any three soldier skills of your choice.


Fate Card

Furious Assault One foot unit adds 1D6 to its movement and is -1 to the number needed to hit in melee, provided it has a Move order.


Fate Card

Fleet of Foot (or Hoof) One skirmishing unit may move double its normal rate this turn.


Fate Card

Sudden Downpour Rain wets powder and makes bow strings slack. No missile fire from either side this turn (except javelins).


Fate Card

Harassing Fire One enemy unit which was fired at by missile fire must fall back 12 inches.


Fate Card

FIRE!Fire breaks out in a house in an enemy-held village. All troops in the village receive an automatic move order and must leave the town next movement phase. No one may enter the village for the rest of the game. It may not be plundered, and no longer counts for victory.


Fate Card

Steady Lads One unit treats all panic results as dazed, and ignores regular dazed results.


Fate Card

Skirmish Rage A company in skirmish formation and with a Move order may move into melee contact with an enemy unit. If the skirmish unit has two ranks, the second rank closes up into the first rank (but reverts to 2 ranks after the combat).


Fate Card

Forlorn Hope A company in skirmish formation and with a Hold order will stand and fight against enemy formed units coming into contact. If the skirmish unit has two ranks, the second rank closes up into the first rank (but reverts to 2 ranks after the combat).


Fate Card

The Dogs of War All units, friendly and enemy, modify the number needed to hit in melee by -1 this turn.


Fate Card

The Surgeon’s Hand One unit recovers half (rounding up) of all soldiers wounded this turn.


Fate Card

Hold That Pose The artist accompanying an opposing Condottiere sketches him for a marble statue. The Condottiere’s own order changes to Hold, and he may not move or change any orders this turn. This cancels the effects of the card Condottiere Rushes to Crisis.


Fate Card

Excellent Cover The number of missile attack dice rolled against any one unit skirmishing in cover are halved (rounding up).

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Fate Card

Deserters One enemy company, which is not in melee contact after the movement phase, loses men to desertion. Roll 1D6 for a foot company or 1D6-2 for a mounted company. The number rolled is the number of soldiers removed from the company (by the owning player) as if killed in battle.


Fate Card

Chop Off The Points! Any one unit of briganti or halberdiers engaged in melee against a pike-armed unit attacks first this combat phase.


Fate Card

Reinforcements - For A Price A company of mercenary cavalry offers its services. Immediately pay 4+1D6 x 100 florins to hire them. 1 heavy cavalry company (no skills or liabilities) appears on your table back edge at the start of movement, with a Move order. If not hired, the enemy may hire them next turn at same price, and they appear on opposite table edge. The company remains in your (or your opponent’s) employ only until the end of this battle.


Fate Card

Maddened Horse Breaks Enemy Ranks Any one mounted unit engaged in melee attacks first this combat phase, regardless of enemy weapon length. If facing a pike unit, the pike unit receives no benefit from extra ranks.


Fate Card

Caltrops Any one infantry unit has sown the ground in front of it with caltrops. One enemy mounted unit charging it suffers 1D6 hits before combat. Turn cards normally for hit results, but all wounds are on horses.


Fate Card

Hidden StakesAny one unit of missile-armed foot steps back to reveal rows of sharpened stakes planted in the ground. If charged by cavalry, treat the missile-armed foot as if pike-armed for the first turn of melee, and they may both fire and melee that turn.


Fate Card

Bribery Change the order of any one of your opponent’s captains (but not his Condottiere) to any order you prefer.


Fate Card

Enraged Peasants Place one company of Armed Peasants (Cautious, Inexperienced, Poor Arms) in any village which has been plundered by the enemy. The company is under your command and may start with any order desired.


Fate Card

It’s Just A Scratch Ignore any one wound suffered this turn.


Fate Card

Wind At Our Back One javelin or bow unit (mounted or dismounted, crossbow or longbow) adds 6 inches to its range this turn.


Fate Card

Gun Bursts One enemy cannon which fires blows up. Do not roll a fire dice. Remove it from play and turn 1 hit card for each crew member.


Fate Card

Forged Orders Change any one enemy order marker except that of the Condottiere.


Fate Card

Momentary Truce Play during the enemy movement phase. All enemy units (including units in melee) within six inches of units on your side move six inches to the rear and change their orders to Hold. No other enemy movement is allowed. The enemy may not conduct any attacks during his player turn.


Fate Card

Fog Rolls In Maximum visibility (and firing range) reduced to 18 inches. All missile fire has the number needed to hit raised by +1. Lasts for the remainder of the game.


Fate Card

Pillage, Loot and Burn! One enemy company’s order is changed to a Move toward the closest friendly (to it) unpillaged village. In the movement phase it must move full, or all the way to the village (whichever is less) If its move takes it to the village, it pillages it.


Fate Card

Cattle Herd! Place a herd of cattle of half a dozen or more models anywhere on the table. Cattle herds are moved through as if friendly units. Each movement phase, roll a dice to determine the direction the cattle wander, and then roll 2 dice for the distance moved in inches).

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Fate Card

Hidden Bog!Place an impassable bog (4 inches across and 8 inches wide) anywhere on the table at least 3 inches from a ford, bridge, road, or town.


Fate Card

Dust on the Horizon Your mounted scouts drag brush to fool the enemy into believing you have reinforcements at hand. All enemy units with Move orders advancing them toward your units have their orders changed to Hold.


Fate Card

Mistress Arrives Your opponent’s mistress arrives, and he is momentarily distracted. His Condottiere’s order is changed to Hold, and he may not make any order changes this turn.


Fate Card

Enemy Driven To CoverChange any one enemy order marker to a Move in the direction of the nearest covering terrain not occupied by your troops.


Fate Card

Gypsies Place a gypsy band of one wagon and six armed peasants anywhere on the table. Gypsy bands are moved through as if friendly units. In addition, the Condottiere owning the unit moving through the gypsies loses 100 florins. They may be attacked instead of moved through, treating them as armed peasants. Each movement phase, roll a dice to determine the direction the gypsies move, and then roll 2 dice for distance moved in inches. If they contact a unit, the owner of that unit loses 100 florins.


Fate Card

Enemy Withdraws In ConfusionChange any one enemy unit’s order from Hold to Move away from the closest hostile unit.


Fate Card

Using Their Initiative One company of light cavalry may be given a new order.


Fate Card

Using Their Initiative One company of light cavalry may be given a new order.


Fate Card

Using Their InitiativeOne company of light cavalry may be given a new order.


Fate Card

Using Their InitiativeOne company of light cavalry may be given a new order.


Order Marker


Order MarkerCondottiere Condottiere Condottiere Condottiere

Fate Cards

Order Marker Order Marker Order Marker Order Marker



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