conditions of isprs awards

Post on 26-Jun-2016






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128 ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 46 ( 1991 ) 128

Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., Amsterdam

Conditions of ISPRS awards

A condensed summary of all available ISPRS Awards. We invite any reader to make candi- dates known to the ISPRS Secr. Gen; Prof. Dr. S. Murai; Institute of Industrial Science; Uni- versity of Tokyo, 7-22 Roppongi, Minato-ku; Tokyo 106-Japan.

Conditions a. Field of contribution b. Number of the recipient c. Deadline of application d. Application to e. The jury

1. The Brock Gold Medal Award a. photogrammetry b. an individual c. 9 months before the Congress d. President of ISPRS e. The Council of ISPRS

2. The Samuel Gamble Award a. photogrammetry and/or remote sensing b. up to three persons c. not specified d. not specified e. President of CISM + 2 (Council) Members of ISPRS

3. The Otto von Gruber Award a. photogrammetry, photointerpretation or remote sensing b. maximum two persons c. 6 months before the Congress d. President of ISPRS e. President ofISPRS, 3 (DGPF, PSGB, Rector of ITC)

4. The Schermerhorn Award a. photogrammetry and remote sensing b. Working Group member(s) c. not specified d. not specified e. President of ISPRS, Chairman of the Federation of RS and Geoinformatics, 3 (Delft Tech.

Univ., Agr. Univ., + ITC)

5. The Schwidefsky Medal a. photogrammetry and remote sensing b. two persons at the most c. not specified d. not specified e. President of DGPF, President and Secretary General of ISPRS

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