conclusion essay the crucible

Post on 07-Sep-2015






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my part for the crucible by Arthur Miller. The concluding paragraph


Conclusion: People feed off of each other, especially when tensions or emotions are running high during a difficult time

Conclusion: People feed off of each other, especially when tensions or emotions are running high during a difficult time. Arthur Miller makes this a major point in his play, the Crucible, showing it especially in the characters Abigail, Mary Warren, Rebecca Nurse, Goody Proctor, and Anne Putnam. These characters are essentially good at heart, but when put under extreme pressure or their well being is threatened; they lash out at others, even those that they have grown up with for their entire life. This example in a small town of Salem and the surrounding area is a parallel for the rest of the human race; when put to the test humans will either snap and go to extremes to get revenge for the wrong that has been done to them or give up on themselves and others. The wish to get revenge keeps piling up, and that person is suddenly so consumed by it that nothing else in their life matters anymore; they are a different person now, a Jekyll and Hyde character of sorts. This then leads to snap decisions that can change a persons life forever in an instant that can never be taken back or changed, all for the sake of an unfortunate event far in the past or hard feelings that were never resolved. In conclusion, the feeling of vengeance is part of every human being, but it is up to the individual to control whether that feeling surfaces anytime or what to do about it if it does.

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