computer programming 1. evolution of computers components of computers programming languages...

Post on 16-Jan-2016






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Computer Programming 1

Evolution of


Components of Computers

Programming Languages

Important People


100 100 100 100 100

200 200 200 200 200

300 300 300 300 300

400 400 400 400 400

500 500 500 500 500

Round 2


Computer Componen


Language Timeline


200 200 200 200 200

400 400 400 400 400

600 600 600 600 600

800 800 800 800 800

1000 1000 1000 1000 1000

Final Jeopardy

Evolution of Computers - 100

First generation mechanical devices relied on these to functions?– Transistors– Gears – Vacuum Tubes– Integrated Circuits

Evolution of Computers – 200

Which of the following early machines was never built?– Mark 1– Pascaline– Analytical Machine– Stepped Reckoner

Evolution of Computers - 300

This first generation computer was 30 tons, 1500 square feet, and used more than 17,000 vacuum tubes?– Atanasoff-Berry– ENIAC– EDVAC– Model 650

Evolution of Computers - 400

This generation of computers stored data on magnetic tape and reel-to-reel tape machines.– Mechanical Devices– First Generation– Second Generation– Third Generation

Evolution of Computers – 500

• The Intel Corporation, this device enabled an entire CPU to fit on one chip.– Transistor– Mainframe– Integrated Circuits– Microprocessor

Computer Components - 100

This is the “Brain” of the computer which is responsible for all calculations and operations.– CPU– Hard Drive– Cache– Optical Drive

Computer Components - 200

High speed memory within the CPU itself and stores instructions executed over and over. – RAM– Cache– Flash– ROM

Computer Components - 300

The unit used to measure memory and storage on a computer.– RAM– Bits– Bytes– Pictures of Kittens

Computer Components - 400

• This part of the computer contains the expansion boards, clock rate and memory – CPU– Mainframe– Monitor– Motherboard

Computer Components - 500

This uses magnetic impulses in order to store information. – Flash Drive– Optical Drive– Hard Drive– Microprocessor

Programming Languages– 100

• The Further away from machine language (0,1) a programming language is, it is said to have a higher ____.– OOP– Assembly Language– Abstraction– Instruction Capability

Programming Languages - 200Developed in 1943, this was the first modern programming; but was not implemented until 1998?– Java– C – Plankalkul– FORTRAN

Programming Languages– 300

• This language was used for writing Microsoft Windows and Web applications.– COBOL– Basic– Python– Javascript

Programming Languages - 400

• A program written in Java on a Windows system an run on a Mac, Windows, Linux, etc. as long a the proper software (a Java complier) is installed. This is an example what kind of language?

– Binary– Low Level– Plankalkul– High Level

Programming Languages - 500

This is a programming paradigm using data structures consisting of data fields and methods together with their interactions to design applications and computer programs.– SQL– Machine Language – OOP– Pascal

Important People - 100

Called the first programmer.– Grace Hopper– Von Neumann– Ada Byron (Lovelace)– John McCarty

Important People - 200

Helped develop LISP in 1958– Grace Hopper– John McCarthy– Herman Hollerith– John George Kemeny

Important People - 300

• Developed the Tabulating Machine.– Herman Hollerith– Grace Hopper– Steve Wozniak– Gottfried Leibniz

Important People - 400

Worked on the Harvard Mark 1, and helped develop the COBOL language.– Grace Hopper– Ada Lovelace– John Backus– Konrad Zuse

Important People - 500

• Designed the first “Modern” Language– Ada Byron– Herman Hollerith– Konrad Zuse– Eugene Kurtz

Javascript - 100

This box will pop up if you use which javascript code?

– console.log– confirm– var– alert

Javascript- 200

• In order to “print” a string, which code would you use?– .length– boolean– console.log– function

Javascript- 300

Which part of this code names the function?var javaScript = function (code)

– var– (code)– function– javaScript

Javascript- 400

Which code is using a parameter– var javaScript = function(code)– confirm(“What code is this?”);– console.log(“What code is this?”.length);– prompt(“Code!”);

Javascript- 500

• Which symbol is the modulo?– >–

– %– ===

Javascript Outputs - 200

console.log(“Hello”.length > 4);– True– 5 > 4– False– Syntax Error

Javascript Outputs - 400

If (8 < 7){console.log(“Yay, quiz day is soon!”);

} else {console.log(“Can we not have a quiz and say we did?”);


– Syntax Error– Yay, quiz day is soon!– True– Can we not have a quiz and say we did?

Javascript Outputs - 600

console.log(“Indubitably”.lenght);– True– False– Syntax Error– 11

Javascript Outputs - 800

var javaCode = function (string) {console.log(“The correct string of code is “+ string)

};javaCode = (“console.log(8);”);– The correct string of code is string– The correct string of code is console.log(8);– console.log(8);– Syntax Error

Javascript Outputs - 1000var dinnerTime = function (food) {

If (food.length = 5) {console.log(“Tonight, I would like “+ food);

} else {console.log(“No, I don’t want “ + food + “tonight”)

}dinnerTime = (“pizza”);

– Syntax Error– Tonight, I would like pizza– No, I don’t want pizza tonight– False

Computer Components - 200

Data is read through the use of a laser– Optical Drives– Hard Drive– External Hard Drives– Super Microprocessor

Computer Components - 400

Performs logic and arithmetic operations– CPU– ALU– Base Unit– Data Bus

Computer Components– 600

Determines the speed at which a CPU can execute instructions– Control Bus– Base Unit– Expansion Boards– Clock Rate

Computer Components Computer Components – 800

The Transfers data between the CPU, memory and other hardware addresses that indicate where the data is located and where it should go– Data Bus– Control Bus– Base Unit– Motherboard

Computer Components Computer Components - 1000

Circuit boards that connect to the motherboard to add functionality.– Control Bus– Expansion Board– Hard Drive– Magic Electric Thing

Memory - 200

High speed memory that is also known as cache– Random Access Memory– Read Only Memory– Flash Memory– Static Random Access Memory

Memory Memory - 400

This means the computer reads data from the RAM at least two time per cycle. – Double Mint Machine (DMM)– L2 Cache – PC Squared – Double Data Rate (DDR)

Memory Memory - 600

Means by which the speed of RAM is measured– Petabyte/sec– Megahertz– Bits per minute– Miles per hour

Memory Memory - 800

The slower larger version of cache:– Cache Cow– Cold Hard Cache– L1 Cache– L2 Cache

Memory Memory - 1000

This type of memory can store memory for up to 10 years– Optical– ROM– Flash– RAM

Language Timeline - 200

Which of the following is in the correct order from oldest to most recent?– FORTRAN, LISP, COBOL, BASIC– LISP, COBOL, FORTRAIN, BASIC– FORTRAN, COBOL, LISP, BASIC– COBOL, FORTRAN, LISP, BASIC

Language Timeline Language Timeline - 400

Which of the following is in the correct order from oldest to most recent?– Python, Pascal, C, Java– C, Pascal, Python, Java– Pascal, Python, C, Java– Pascal, C, Python, Java,

Language Timeline Language Timeline - 600

Which of the following is in the correct order from oldest to most recent?– ML, C, SQL, B– SQL, B, ML, C– C, B, ML, SQL– B, C, ML, SQL

Language Timeline Language Timeline - 800

Which of the following is in the correct order from oldest to most recent?– Delphi, RPG, PHP, Javascript– RPG, PHP, Javascript, Delphi– RPG, Javascript, PHP, Delphi– PHP, Javascript, RPG, Delphi

Language TimelineLanguage Timeline- 1000

Which of the following is in the correct order from oldest to most recent?– Binary, C, Plankalkul, PHP– Binary, Plankalkul, C, PHP– Binary, C, PHP, Plankalkul– Binary, PHP, C, Plankalkul

Storage – 200

• A gigabyte is equal to how many bytes?– 1,000,000,000– 1,000,000,000,000– 1,000,000– 1,000,000,000,000,000

Storage Storage - 400

• A byte is equal to how many bits?– 2– 4– 6– 8

Storage Storage - 600

• A kilobyte is not actually equal to 1000 bytes, what is the approximate value?– 994– 1004– 1014– 1024

Storage Storage - 800

Exa is the metric prefix for:– Quintillian – Quadrillion– Trillion– Billion

Storage Storage - 1000

• How many Megabytes is a Terabyte– 1,000– 1,000,000– 1,000,000,000– 1,000,000,000,000

Final Jeopardy


Final Jeopardy Answer


Round 1 Round 2


Round 1 Round 2

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