computer networking multiple choice questions

Post on 07-Feb-2017






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Computer Networking Multiple Choice

By Abhishek Jaguessar

(Bsc Computer Networking)

1. Frames from one LAN can be transmitted to another LAN via the device

A. RouterB. BridgeC. RepeaterD. Modem

2. Which of the following condition is used to transmit two packets over a medium at the same time?

A. ContentionB. CollisionC. SynchronousD. AsynchronousE. None of the above

3. You have a class A network address with 40 subnets, but are required to add 60 new subnets very soon. You would like to still allow for the largest possible number of host IDs per subnet. Which subnet mask should you assign?


4. What is the default subnet mask for a class C network?

A. None of the above

5. Which of the following is used for modulation and demodulation?

A. modemB. protocolsC. gatewayD. multiplexerE. None of the above

6. Which of the following is not a disadvantage of wireless LAN?

A. Slower data transmissionB. higher error rateC. interference of transmissions from different

computersD. All of the above

7. The Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP)

A. allows gateways to send error a control messages to other gateways or hosts

B. provides communication between the Internet Protocol Software on one machine and the Internet Protocol Software on another

C. reports error conditions to the original source, the source must relate errors to individual application programs and take action to correct the problem

D. All of the aboveE. None of the above

8. Your company has a LAN in its downtown office and has now set up a LAN in the manufacturing plant in the suburbs. To enable everyone to share data and resources between the two LANs, what type of device(s) are needed to connect them? Choose the most correct answer.

A. ModemB. CableC. HubD. Router

9. The term 'duplex' refers to the ability of the data receiving stations to echo back a confirming message to the sender. In full duplex data transmission, both the sender and the receiver

A. cannot talk at onceB. can receive and send data simultaneouslyC. can send or receive data one at a timeD. can do one way data transmission onlyE. None of the above

10.Which of the following technique is used for fragment?

A. a technique used in best-effort delivery systems to avoid endlessly looping packets

B. a technique used by protocols in which a lower level protocol accepts a message from a higher level protocol and places it in the data portion of the low level frame

C. one of the pieces that results when an IP gateway divides an IP datagram into smaller pieces for transmission across a network that cannot handle the original datagram size

D. All of the aboveE. None of the above

11.Contention is

A. One or more conductors that serve as a common connection for a related group of devices

B. a continuous frequency capable of being modulated or impressed with a second signal

C. the condition when two or more stations attempt to use the same channel at the same time

D. collection of interconnected functional units that provides a data communications service among stations attached to the network

E. None of the above

12.When you ping the loopback address, a packet is sent where?

A. On the networkB. Down through the layers of the IP architecture and then up

the layers againC. Across the wireD. through the loopback dongleE. None of the above

13.Which of the following TCP/IP protocol is used for transferring electronic mail messages from one machine to another?

A. FTPB. SNMPC. SMTPD. RPCE. None of the above

14.Which of the following device is used to connect two systems, especially if the systems use different protocols?

A. hubB. bridgeC. gatewayD. repeaterE. None of the above

15.The synchronous modems are more costly than the asynchronous modems because

A. they produce large volume of dataB. they contain clock recovery circuitsC. they transmit the data with stop and start bits.D. they operate with a larger bandwidthE. None of the above

16.A distributed network configuration in which all data/information pass through a central computer is

A. bus networkB. star networkC. ring networkD. Point-to-point networkE. None of the above

17.Which of the following TCP/IP protocol allows an application program on one machine to send a datagram to an application program on another machine?

A. UDPB. VMTPC. X.25D. SMTPE. None of the above

18. A remote batch-processing operation in which data is solely input to a central computer would require a:

A. telegraph lineB. simplex linesC. mixedband channelD. All the aboveE. None of the above

19.What part of is the Network ID, assuming a default subnet mask?

A. 192B. 192.168.10C. 51E. None of the above

20.The slowest transmission speeds are those of

A. twisted-pair wireB. coaxial cableC. fiber-optic cableD. microwaves

21.A noiseless 3 KHz Channel transmits bits with binary level signals. What is the maximum data rate?

A. 3 KbpsB. 6 KbpsC. 12 KbpsD. 24 Kbps.

22.Carrier is

A. One or more conductors that serve as a common connection for a related group of devices

B. a continuous frequency capable of being modulated or impressed with a second signal

C. the condition when two or more sections attempt to use the same channel at the same time

D. a collection of interconnected functional units that provides a data communications service among stations attached to the network

E. None of the above

23.What can greatly reduce TCP/IP configuration problems?

A. WINS ServerB. WINS ProxyC. DHCP ServerD. PDCE. None of the above

24. Which of the following statements is correct for the use of packet switching?

A. the subdivision of information into individually addressed packets in conjunction with alternative routing arrangement enabled the transmission path to be altered in the event of congestion or individual link failure

B. the employment of additional intelligence within the network enabled more sophisticated error control and link control procedures to be applied

C. by employing wide bandwidth circuits for the trunk networks substantial economies through extensive sharing of capacity could be achieved.

D. All of the aboveE. None of the above

25. A front-end processor is

A. a user computer systemB. a processor in a large-scale computer that executes

operating system instructionsC. a minicomputer that relieves main-frame computers

at a computer centre of communications control functions

D. preliminary processor of batch jobs.E. None of the above

26.To connect a computer with a device in the same room, you might be likely to use

A. a coaxial cableB. a dedicated lineC. a ground stationD. All of the aboveE. None of the above

27.Internet-like networks within an enterprise.

A. IntranetsB. Switching alternatingC. Inter organizational networksD. Extranets

28.With an IP address of 100, you currently have 80 subnets. What subnet mask should you use to maximize the number of available hosts?

A. 192B. 224C. 240D. 248E. 252

29.Which of the following types of channels moves data relatively slowly?

A. wideband channelB. voiceband channelC. narrowband channelD. broadband channelE. None of the above

30.Which of the following is required to communicate between two computers?

A. communications softwareB. protocolC. communications hardwareD. access to transmission mediumE. All of the above

31.Which of the following does not allow multiple users or devices to share one communications line?

A. doubleplexerB. multipplexerC. concentratorD. controllerE. None of the above

32.The geostationary satellite used for communication systems

A. rotates with the earthB. remains stationary relative to the earthC. is positioned over equatorD. All of the aboveE. None of the above

33.Telecommunication networks frequently interconnect an organization with its customers and suppliers. Select the best fit for answer:

A. Bandwidth alternativesB. Switching alternatingC. Inter organizational networksD. Extranets

34.The _____ houses the switches in token ring.

A. transceiverB. nine-pin connectorC. MAUD. NICE. None of the above

35.What device separates a single network into two segments but lets the two segments appear as one to higher protocols?

A. SwitchB. BridgeC. GatewayD. Router

36. Which of the following refers to the terms "residual error rate"?

A. the number of bit errors per twenty four hours of continuous operation on an asynchronous line

B. The probability that one or more errors will be undetected when an error detection scheme is used

C. the probability that one or more errors will be detected when an error detection mechanism is used

D. signal to noise ratio divided by the ratio of energy per bit to noise per hertz

E. None of the above

37. The research and development department at your office has been experimenting with different technologies to help improve the performance of the network. One group has been examining the use of a broadband network versus a based band network. Select the correct statement about broadband and baseband.

A. Broadband networks carry several channels on a single cable, whereas in a baseband network several cables carry one channel

B. Baseband networks carry a single channel on a single cable, whereas broadband networks carry several channels on a single cable

C. Baseband refers to local area networks, and broadband refers to wide area networks.

D. Baseband operates at a standard bit rate, whereas broadband may operate at different rates as needed

E. Broadband and baseband refer to the different frequencies at which infrared operates then transmitting signals in certain conditions

38.An error-detecting code inserted as a field in a block of data to be transmitted is known as

A. Frame check sequenceB. Error detecting codeC. ChecksumD. flow controlE. None of the above

39. The cheapest modems can transmit

A. 300 bits per secondB. 1,200 bits per secondC. 2,400 bits per secondD. 4,800 bits per secondE. None of the above

40. Computers cannot communicate with each other directly over telephone lines because they use digital pulses whereas telephone lines use analog sound frequencies. What is the name of the device which permits digital to analog conversion at the start of a long distance transmission?

A. InterfaceB. ModemC. AttenuationD. TeleprocessorE. None of the above

41. Four routers have to be interconnected in a point-to-point Network. Each pair of root us may connected by a high-speed line, a medium speed line or a low speed line. Find the total number of topologies.

A. 12B. 81C. 48D. 729

42.Sending a file from your personal computer's primary memory or disk to another computer is called

A. uploadingB. downloadingC. logging onD. hang onE. None of the above

43. HMP (Host Monitoring Protocol) is:

A. a TCP/IP protocol used to dynamically bind a high level IP Address to a low-level physical hardware address

B. a TCP/IP high level protocol for transferring files from one machine to another.

C. a protocol used to monitor computersD. a protocol that handles error and control messagesE. None of the above

44.Which of the following is a voiceband channel?

A. Telephone lineB. Telegraph lineC. Coaxial cableD. Microwave systemsE. None of the above

45.Demodulation is a process of

A. converting analog to digital signalsB. converting digital to analog signalsC. multiplexing various signals into one high speed line signalsD. performing data description.

46.Internet-like networks between a company and its business partners. Select the best fit for answer:

A. Bandwidth alternativesB. Switching alternatingC. Inter organizational networksD. Extranets

47.An example of an analog communication method is

A. laser beamB. microwaveC. voice grade telephone lineD. All of the aboveE. None of the above

48.Which of the following layer protocols are responsible for user and the application programme support such as passwords, resource sharing, file transfer and network management?

A. Layer 7 protocolsB. Layer 6 protocolsC. Layer 5 protocolsD. Layer 4 protocolsE. None of the above

49.What frequency range is used for FM radio transmission?

A. Very Low Frequency : 3 kHz to 30. kHzB. Low Frequency : 30 kHz to 300 kHzC. High Frequency : 3 MHz to 30 MHzD. Very High Frequency : 30 MHz to 300 MHzE. None of the above

50.Transmission of computerised data from one location to another is called

A. data transferB. data flowC. data communicationD. data managementE. None of the above

51.Compared to analog signals, digital signals

A. allow faster transmissionB. are more accurateC. both (a) and (b)D. All of the aboveE. None of the above

52.FDDI is a

A. ring networkB. star networkC. mesh networkD. bus based networkE. None of the above

53.A central computer surrounded by one or more satellite computers is called a

A. bus networkB. ring networkC. star networkD. All of the aboveE. None of the above

54. If delays are recorded as 10 bit numbers in a 50 router network, and delay vectors are exchanged twice a second, how much bandwidth per fill duplex line is occupied by the distributed routing algorithm?

A. 500 bpsB. 1500 bpsC. 5 bpsD. 1000 bps

55.HOSTS file entries are limited to how many characters?

A. 8B. 255C. 500D. UnlimitedE. None of the above

56. Which of the following statement is incorrect?

A. The Addresses Resolution Protocol, ARP, allows a host to find the physical address of a target host on the same physical network, given only the target IP address.

B. The sender's IP - to- physical address binding is included in every ARP broadcast; receivers update the IP-to-Physical address binding information in their cache before processing an ARP packet.

C. ARP is a low-level protocol that hides the underlying network physical addressing, permitting us to assign IP-addresses of our choice to every machine.

D. All of the aboveE. None of the above

57.Which of the following best illustrates the default subnet mask for a class A,B, and C Network?

A.,,,,,,,, None of the above

58. Modulation is the process of

A. converting analog signals to digital signalsB. converting digital signals to analog signalsC. Multiplexing various signals into high speed line signalsD. performing data encryption.

59.Devices interconnected by the LAN should include

A. Computers and terminalsB. mass storage device, printers and plottersC. bridges and gatewaysD. All of the aboveE. None of the above

60.On a class B network, how many hosts are available at each site with a subnet mask of 248?

A. 16,382B. 8,190C. 4,094D. 2,046E. 1,022

61.Which of the following technique is used for encapsulation?

A. a technique used in best-effort delivery systems to avoid endlessly looping packets.

B. a technique used by protocols in which a lower level protocol accepts a message from a higher level protocol and places it in the data portion of the low level frame.

C. One of the pieces that results when an IP gateway divides an IP datagram into smaller pieces for transmission across a network that cannot handle the original datagram size

D. All of the aboveE. None of the above

62.You are working with three networks that have the network IDs,, and What subnet mask can you use to combine these addresses into one?


63.With an IP address set starting with 150, you currently have six offices that you are treating as subnets. Plans are in place to open 10 more offices before the end of the year. What subnet mask should you use to satisfy the needed number of subnets and maximize the number of hosts available at each site?

A. 192B. 224C. 240D. 248E. 252

64.A machine that connects to two or more electronic mail systems and transfers mail messages among them is known as

A. GatewaysB. mail gatewayC. bridgesD. User AgentE. None of the above

65.Error detection at a data link level is achieved by

A. bit stuffingB. cyclic redundancy codesC. Hamming codesD. equalization

66.When the computer provides the manager with a multiple choice of possible answers, the prompting technique is

A. question and answerB. form fillingC. open-ended questionD. menu selectionE. None of the above

67.Which network topology is considered passive?

A. CrossB. RingC. StarD. MeshE. Bus

68.Which address is the loopback address?

A. None of the above

69.Intranets and extranets can use their network fire walls and other security features to establish secure Internet links within an enterprise or with its trading partners. Select the best fit for answer:

A. Network ServerB. Virtual Private NetworkC. Network operating systemD. OSI

70.Which of the following is an advantage to using fiber optics data transmission?

A. resistance to data theftB. fast data transmission rateC. low noise levelD. few transmission errorsE. All of the above

71.Communication network is

A. one or more conductors that serve as a common connection for a related group of devices

B. a continuous frequency capable of being modulated or impressed with a second signal

C. the condition with two or more stations attempt to use the same channel at the same time

D. a collection of interconnected functional units that provides a data communications service among stations attached to the network

E. None of the above

72.Which of the following technique is used for Time-To-Line (TTL)?

A. a technique used in best-effort delivery system to avoid endlessly looping packets.

B. a technique used by protocols in which a lower level protocol accepts a message from a higher level protocol and places it in the data portion of the low level frame

C. One of the pieces that results when an IP gateway divides an IP datagram into smaller pieces for transmission across a network that cannot handle the original datagram size.

D. All of the aboveE. None of the above

73. Which of the following statement is incorrect?

A. if a host moves from one network to another, its IP address must change

B. routing uses the network portion of the IP address, the path taken by packets travelling to a host with multiple IP addresses depends on the address used.

C. IP addresses encode both a network and a host on that network, they do not specify an individual machine, but a connection to a network.

D. All of the aboveE. None of the above

74.Bandlimited signal is

A. transmission of signals without modulationB. a signal all of whose energy is contained within a

finite frequency rangeC. simultaneous transmission of data to a number of

stationsD. All of the aboveE. None of the above

75.Computers in a LAN can be interconnected by radio and infrared technologies.

A. Wireless LANsB. Network TopologiesC. MultiplexerD. Modem

76.How many digits of the Network User Address are known as the DNIC (Data Network Identification Code)?

A. first threeB. first fourC. first fiveD. first sevenE. None of the above

77.Which of the following is the address of the router?

A. The IP addressB. The TCP addressC. The subnet maskD. The default gatewayE. None of the above

78.A devices that links two homogeneous packet-broadcast local networks, is

A. hubB. bridgeC. repeaterD. gatewayE. None of the above

79.Identify the odd term amongst the following group:

A. Coaxial cableB. Optical fibreC. Twisted pair wireD. MicrowavesE. None of the above

80.Which of the following divides the high speed signal into frequency bands?

A. t-switchB. modemC. frequency-division multiplexerD. time-division multiplexerE. None of the above

81.What is the first octet range for a class C IP address?

A. 192 - 255B. 192 - 223C. 192 - 226D. 128 - 191E. 1 - 126

82.Which of the following conditions is used to transmit two packets over a medium at the same time?

A. ContentionB. CollisionC. SynchronousD. Asynchronous

83. Distributed Queue Dual Bus is a standard for

A. LANB. MANC. WAND. Wireless LAN.E. LAN and MAN

84. A teleprocessing system may consist of

A. user systemsB. communications systemsC. computer center systemsD. All of the aboveE. None of the above

85.If the ASCII character G is sent and the character D is received, what type of error is this?

A. single-bitB. multiple-bitC. burstD. recoverable

86.Which layer of OSI determines the interface of the system with the user?

A. NetworkB. ApplicationC. Data-linkD. SessionE. None of the above

87.The transfer of data from a CPU to peripheral devices of a computer is achieved through

A. modemsB. computer portsC. interfacesD. buffer memoryE. None of the above

88.What is the number of separate protocol layers at the serial interface gateway specified by the X.25 standard?

A. 4B. 2C. 6D. 3E. None of the above

89.Many data communication networks have been established which provide a wealth of on-demand information services to people at home. What is the name of the system which provides an interactive, graphics-rich service that permits user to select what they want?

A. Teletex systemB. Fax systemC. Videotex systemD. Microwave systemE. None of the above

90.Which of the following statements is correct?

A. Terminal section of a synchronous modem contains the scrambler

B. Receiver section of a synchronous modem contains the scrambler

C. Transmission section of a synchronous modem contains the scrambler

D. Control section of a synchronous modem contains the scrambler

E. None of the above

91.Because the configuration information for a DHCP client is received dynamically, you must use which utility to read the current configuration to verify the settings?


92.Which of the following characteristic(s) is/are suited to the PSS applications?

A. bursty traffic and low communications intensityB. widely dispersed terminals and access to international

packets switched servicesC. Multiple remote host or applications accessed by a single

local access circuit terminal and circuitD. All of the aboveE. None of the above

93.Which of the following is separated by a subnet mask?

A. DHCP scopesB. Network ID and host IDC. DomainsD. Subnets

94.The signal to noise ratio for a voice grade line is 30.1 dB (decibels) or a power ratio of 1023:1. The maximum achievable data rate on this line whose spectrum ranges from 300 Hz to 4300 Hz is

A. 6200 bpsB. 9600 bpsC. 34000 bpsD. 31000 bpsE. None of the above

95. TCP is:

A. Operates at the Data Link layerB. Connection orientated and unreliableC. Connection orientated and reliableD. Connectionless and unreliable

96. An encyclopedic database

A. is an information utility that specializes in storing and searching information

B. is generally freeC. is easy for beginners to useD. All of the aboveE. None of the above

97.Which of the following statements is correct?

A. Protocol converters are the same as multiplexersB. Protocol converters are the same as TDMsC. Protocol converters are usually not operated in pairs.D. Protocol converters are usually operated inE. None of the above

98.Examples are packet switching using frame relay, and cell switching using ATM technologies. Select the best fit for answer:

A. Bandwidth alternativesB. Switching alternatingC. Inter organizational networksD. Extranets

99.The physical layer, in reference to the OSI model, defines

A. data link procedures that provide for the exchange of data via frames that can be sent and received

B. the interface between the X.25 network and packet mode device

C. the virtual circuit interface to packet-switched serviceD. All of the aboveE. None of the above

100.A required characteristic of an online real-time system is:

A. more than one CPUB. offline batch processingC. no delay in processingD. All of the aboveE. None of the above

101.How many class A, B, and C network IDs can exist?

A. 2,113,658B. 16,382C. 126D. 128E. None of the above

102.Messages from one computer terminal can be sent to another by using data networks. The message to be sent is converted to an electronic digital signal, transmitted via a cable, telephone or satellite and then converted back again at the receiving end. What is this system of sending messages called?

A. Paperless officeB. Electronic mailC. Global networkD. Electronic newspaperE. None of the above

103. HDLC (High-level Data Link Control) is

A. a method of determining which device has access to the transmission medium at any time

B. a method access control technique for multiple-access transmission media

C. a very common bit-oriented data link protocol issued by ISO.D. network access standard for connecting stations to a circuit-

switched networkE. None of the above

104.The first step in troubleshooting many problems is to verify which of the following?

A. The subnet mask is validB. TCP/IP is installed correctly on the clientC. The WINS server is runningD. The BDC is operableE. None of the above

105.What protocol is used between E-Mail servers?


106.If you configure the TCP/IP address and other TCP/IP parameters manually, you can always verify the configuration through which of the following? Select the best answer.

A. Network Properties dialog boxB. Server Services dialog boxC. DHCPINFO command-line utilityD. Advanced Properties tab of TCP/ IP Info.E. None of the above

107.In a PC to telephone hookup for long distance communication, modem is connected between the telephone line and

A. PCB. synchronous portC. crossover cableD. asynchronous portE. None of the above

108.A hard copy would be prepared on a

A. typewriter terminalB. line printerC. plotterD. All of the aboveE. None of the above

109.Arzeenah is in charge of a small network and wants to make it simple but secure. The users want to have full control over their data and still be able to share data with the rest of the office. The networking knowledge of the office staff is basic. Which network(s) would be the best for Arzeenah to set up?

A. Peer-to-peerB. Master domainC. Server-basedD. WANE. Share-level

110.When UPC is used, the price of the item is located

A. on the itemB. on the item and on the shelfC. in computer storageD. on the shelf and in computer storageE. None of the above

111. Error control is needed at the transport layer because of potential errors occurring

A. from transmission line noiseB. in routersC. from out-of-sequence deliveryD. from packet losses.

112.The transport layer protocol is connectionless.

A. NVTB. FTPC. TCPD. UDPE. None of the above

113.The fundamental requirements of private-to-public network interconnection methods which need to be provided in gateways is/are

A. universal accessibility for private network Data Terminal Equipment (DTE)

B. adequate cost control mechanisms for administration of the private networks

C. to assign address to private network DTEsD. a and b bothE. None of the above

114.Communication between computers is almost always

A. serialB. parallelC. series parallelD. directE. None of the above

115.The difference between a multiplexer and a statistical multiplexer is

A. Statistical multiplexers need buffers while multiplexers do not need buffers

B. Multiplexer use X.25 protocol, while statistical multiplexers use the Aloha protocol

C. Multiplexers often waste the output link capacity while statistical multiplexers optimize its use

D. Multiplexers use Time Division Multiplexing (TDM) while statistical multiplexers use Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM)

E. None of the above

116.You are trying to decide which type of network you will use at your office, and you want the type that will provide communication and avoid collisions on the cable. Which of the following is the best choice?

A. Token-RingB. CSMA/CDC. EthernetD. CSMA/CAE. ARCnet

117.A decrease in magnitude of current, voltage, a power of a signal in transmission between points, is known as

A. AttenuationB. AmplitudeC. AlohaD. CarrierE. None of the above

118.The term "remote job entry" relates to

A. batch processingB. realtime processingC. transaction processingD. distributed processingE. None of the above

119.The modern enterprise is interconnected internally and externally by the Internet, intranets, and other networks. Select the best fit for answer:

A. Internetworked enterpriseB. Information super highwayC. Business applications of telecommunicationsD. Client/Server networksE. None of the above

120.When using the loopback address, if TCP/IP is installed correctly, when should you receive a response?

A. ImmediatelyB. Only if the address failsC. After the next host comes onlineD. Within two minutesE. None of the above

121. MAC is

A. a method of determining which device has access to the transmission medium at any time

B. a method access control technique or multiple-access transmission media

C. a very common bit-oriented data link protocol issued to ISO.D. network access standard for connecting stations to a circuit-

switched networkE. None of the above

122. Parity bit is

A. an error-detecting code based on a summation operation performed on the bits to be checked.

B. a check bit appended to an array of binary digits to make the sum of all the binary digits.

C. a code in which each expression conforms to specific rules of construction, so that if certain errors occur in an expression, the resulting expression will not conform to the rules of construction and thus the presence of the errors in detected

D. the ratio of the number of data units in error to the total number of data units

E. None of the above

123.Which of the following file retrieval methods use hypermedia?

A. HTTPB. WAISC. VeronicaD. ArchieE. None of the above

124.Which IP address class has few hosts per network?

A. DB. CC. BD. AE. None of the above

125. What is the port number for POP3?

A. 110B. 90C. 80D. 49

126.Which of the following provides a storage mechanism for incoming mail but does not allow a user to download messages selectively?


127.Ethernet and Token-Ring are the two most commonly used network architectures in the world. Jim has heard of the different topologies for networks and wants to choose the architecture that will provide him with the most options. Which of the following would that be? Choose the most correct answer.

A. Token-Ring because it currently can run at both 4Mbps and 16Mbps. This means that it can be used in any topology

B. Ethernet, because it is cabled using fiber-optic cableC. Token-Ring, because it uses a MAUD. Ethernet, because it can be set up with most topologies and can use

multiple transfer speedsE. Neither Token-Ring nor Ethernet is the proper choice. Only ARCnet

can be used in all topologies

128.Two devices are in network if

A. a process in one device is able to exchange information with a process in another device

B. a process is running on both devicesC. PIDs of the processes running of different devices are sameD. none of the mentioned

129.When collection of various computers seems a single coherent system to its client, then it is called

A. computer networkB. distributed systemC. both (a) and (b)D. none of the mentioned

130.Which one of the following computer network is built on the top of another network?

A. prior networkB. chief networkC. prime networkD. overlay network

131.In computer network nodes are

A. the computer that originates the dataB. the computer that routes the dataC. the computer that terminates the dataD. all of the mentioned

132.Communication channel is shared by all the machines on the network in

A. broadcast networkB. unicast networkC. multicast networkD. none of the mentioned

133. Bluetooth is an example of

A. personal area networkB. local area networkC. virtual private networkD. none of the mentioned

134.A list of protocols used by a system, one protocol per layer, is called

A. protocol architectureB. protocol stackC. protocol suitD. none of the mentioned

135.Which one of the following extends a private network across public networks?

A. local area networkB. virtual private networkC. enterprise private networkD. storage area network

136. The IETF standards documents are called

A. RFCB. RCFC. IDD. None of the mentioned




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