community service report

Post on 13-Mar-2016






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Venus FBLA Chapter Stefany Maldonado Maria Guillen




Stefany Maldonado, Maria Guillen


Table of Contents

Statement of Purpose…………………………………………………3

Statement of chapter goals

Defining the problem

Planning and Development………………………………………….5

Steps of Implementations…………………………………………...7

Striving for Success………………………………………………….9

Impact and benefits…………………………………………………11

Evidence of Publicity………………………………………………..13


Statement of Purpose

“There is not an age limit in having goals and success”

Have you ever experienced that depressing moment when your parents get home, screaming

about how they hate their jobs, but have nothing better available due to their lack of education?

As teenagers proficient in technology, the Venus FBLA Chapter members came up with a way to

make it possible for adults to succeed in learning new skills in this technological era making it,

our goal to help adults work towards better futures and jobs.

Coaching areas:

Computer skills

Money Management

Job Interview skills

Organizational skills

Time Management skills

Communication/Public Speaking skills

Resume Building

Personal Image

Statement of Project Goal

“The purpose of the project is to help as many adults possible in our community to succeed in

the workplace”

Defining the Problem

According to the Institute for Supply Management, there are 300,000 jobs going unfilled because

employers are unable to find men and women with advanced science, math and technology

abilities that modern manufacturers need.


As Future Business Leaders of America, we decided to try something different from our

previous projects which were originally geared towards children, by teaching adults. The

education we have received in FBLA has changed the lives of many students. Now is the

time for us to share what we’ve learned with the rest of our community.

FBLA members can help those adults who are not able to pay to get tutored or take

classes for technological skills. Our goal is to help as many adults as possible succeed in

gaining new skills towards a better career.

Jobs today often rely on computer modeling and high-tech tooling. People are actually

losing their jobs due to a lack of computer skills, or an inability to communicate well. We

decided to help our candidates achieve the skills they need to either maintain their current

jobs or even get better ones. It has been proven that more educated workers have lower

unemployment rates and higher participation rates than those without as much education.


Planning and Development

Letter to Parents:

Dear Parents,

Please fill in the attached survey, if interested. Future Business Leaders of America are helping

the adults of our community in trying to pursue their dream jobs, which have seemed beyond their

reach in the past. Help with Computer Concepts, Interviewing Skills, Resume Building, and how

to Dress for Success will be provided. Please turn in interest surveys by November 18.

1. Are you currently employed? Yes/No

2. If yes what is your occupation?

3. Are you happy about your current job? Yes/No

4. What is your dream job?

5. What do you think might help you achieve this job?

6. What days are you available to attend career building

workshops? Monday-Saturday

7. What times are available to attend the career building


8. What career skills would you like to have?

•Computer Skills

•Money Management

•Job Interview Skills

•Organizational Skills

•Time Management Skills

•Communication/ Public speaking skills


•Personal Image

We created a simple eight question survey for

the adults that are interested in striving for

success in their job field. First, we had to

receive an approval from our principle to be

able to pass out the surveys at school. We

attached a letter to the parent or guardian for

each Venus High School student to take home.

The Problem

Venus Texas is a small town with 2500

residence; our fear was that we will not receive

any surveys. Therefore we had to come up with

reaching out to our fellow citizens and let them

know about this great opportunity.

We reached out to our GED and ESL students to explain to them about FBLA and about the great

benefits we are providing. This was the solution to our problem.

FBLA members all had a part to this community service; each member had a skill they needed to teach

to our trainees. Each member had to get an approval of our chapter president before the tutoring.


The Meeting

Our small FBLA chapter spoke of our upcoming project on November 18, 2013 to set up

a timeline.

Plan: We decided to help adults in our community to learn skills and knowledge that they

couldn't while they were in school. We needed to set up a goal and career path for our

trainees. Here is an example:

Rosemary Hernandez

Job Interviewed: 12-11-13

Time in: 3:50 P.M

Time: 4:00 P.M

Job interview went great and even started working on computer skills.

Our Goal

Create more confidence

Write a Resume

Computer skills (Microsoft, PowerPoint, and excel)

Eye contact

Strive for success in her job field

Next tutoring: December 17, 2013 at 4:00 P.M

Process to Success

1st day of tutoring

Typing skills: Taught her the proper position to sit at a computer and how to type.

2nd day of tutoring

Resume and Job Interview skills: Online quiz to see what areas we need to work on before we wright a

resume. Read tips online on performing a successful job interview.

3rd day of tutoring

Resume: Wrote a resume.

4th day of tutoring

Public Speaking/ Computer skills: Created a “Dress for Success” presentations therefore, then she was able

to learn how to dress at interview and be able to present an idea or presentation to a group of people.

The red stars represent success in each goal she has accomplished. We started off with a

mock job interview just to see if she has time management, job interview, resume and

professionalism. Then we continued our timeline and hoped to accomplish all our goals.


As a first order of business, the plans of any project conducted under a school

organization must receive approval from the school administration to ensure that no

discrepancies exist between the proposed project details and certain restrictions which are

placed upon the school organization are defined by school policy. On November 13, 2013

the approval was received and then Venus FBLA chapter could commence action.

Step 1: We first scheduled a chapter meeting to organize and name our project. We

planned which members would teach the skills we provided training for.

Step 2: Our goal was to change the person from the “inside-out” by making her or him

feel more confident of themselves. It has been proven that people feel more confident by

the way they look and feel. Therefore, we reached out to local businesses to donate at

least one piece of business attire. We also used resources at the school like our

cosmetology class; they provided haircuts.

Step 3: In order to let the community know about this great opportunity, we created a

survey that was sent home with each student to have an adult in need of help with

technological skills fill it out, and return the survey to us. This way we were able to get

out the word and involve the students in making a difference. In the survey we asked

what skills they would like to learn and their dream job. Through this way we were able

to set a goal into motivating us and them. Refer to page 6 for an example of the survey.

Step 4: To promote our community service project, we had an announcement at school

about Striving for Success. We also reached out to the GED and ESL students to let them

know about this great opportunity.

Steps of Implementation


Step 5: To start off, the tutors held a job interview scenario for the trainee’s dream job.

These interviews have a before and after recording so that our trainees can see how

they’ve improved throughout the course.

Step 6: During the job interview sessions, we observed that the trainees were very

nervous and were dressed unprofessionally.. They had a difficult time with bringing out a

positive, confident attitude that gives off a good first impression. In light of this, we

helped our trainees find ways to project confidence for a good first impression as well as

how to write a resume. We even combined the skills. Each trainee had to make a Power

Point on how to dress properly. This allowed them to learn how to make a Power Point

and also know how to present before an audience. We combined the learning with fun

games and icebreakers.

Step 7: Once we saw that we were not getting responses from businesses in contributing

attire for each of our trainees, we had to find other options. We decided to email all of our

teachers in Venus ISD for help and ask them to donate clothes and shoes that were

considered “business-like.” A business attire is very useful, you want to look good at a

job interview.

Step 8: Once we were done with all the tutoring we were ready to give the person a

whole new look. We wanted to make the person feel more confident. We also wanted

their family to see their success and transformation so we provided a special dinner at

VHS. It was a life changing experience for us as teenagers to see how we can impact a

person’s life.


Venus FBLA was making a change to our community. Our assistant principle Mrs.Ramos

actually came up with this idea and inspired us to create this project.

It was a very life changing experience for us as teens because we were able to see the

impact and change of our trainees. We actually were able to help someone succeed in

life. It was an amazing experience for us and Rosemary Hernández, one of our


Rosemary, a woman filled with excitement when she first came in, was ready to learn. On

her survey, she actually said that she wanted to learn more computer skills due to our

technology changes. Her dream job was to become a better manager in which we

enforced by providing tutoring twice a week every other week.

During our mock interview, we noticed that our trainee needed job interview and resume

skills. We were able to help her write a resume in which she can actually use when she

needs to apply for a new job. After all the learning of resumes she toke a resume writing

quiz, and scored a 91%.

“Striving for Success”


Once we are available to teach all the skills, our plan was to transform our trainee from

the outside completely. This way she is prepared and ready to Strive for success. Our

FBLA member’s went out to clothing stores to ask for business attire donations therefore,

our trainees will be able to make a first impression.

The picture above the before and after is the transformation of Rosemary, we are working

on a completing this project at the end of the school year.

To be Continued…


The Venus High School Future Business Leaders of America Chapter first annual

community service project titled “Striving for Success” had and will continue to have

multiple impacts within the small town Venus, Texas and truly benefit the community

each and every year that the service project is ran. The project, striving for Success main

goal is to educate adults of skills that they can use in the modern career world. The

service project benefits the community at large as it continues to grow.

After handing out surveys to hundreds of students and GED adult students taking courses

at the high school; we received one trainee.

Rosemary Hernandez, a strong independent woman, with a dream to succeed in the


The first and most important benefit that the service project offers to better the

community is that it provides unemployed citizens of Venus, Texas to better their selves

by enrolling into free courses that teaches them valuable lessons to prepare them for a

career and skills that will help them keep their dream job.

With technology always advancing rapidly older adults tend to fall a little behind with

their knowledge on computers. Ms.Hernandez was not able to be use PowerPoint, Excel,

and had trouble typing properly.

There are always an overbearing number of tasks to do throughout the day in the

workplace and in personal settings. We believe that teaching our adults time management

and organizational skills (which tie together hand and hand) can help them succeed first

at home and then in the workplace. This in the long run can reduce anxiety and stress in

adults creating: a happy home, enjoyable job, and healthier environment.

Impact and Benefits


Additional benefits for our trainees taking our career skills courses include a free

professional outfit for an interview or first day of work. Our trainees will receive

completion certificates to award them for their hard work and dedication to better their

selves through our program. All in all the trainees will leave with a high sense of

confidence that will show in their performance at work.

Not only are we giving a business professional outfit, a completion certificate, and

career skills to our trainees but we are working with businesses to give an opportunity to

our trainees to actually get a job.

The main purpose, goal, and benefit of the Striving for Success is to no longer have

the small town Venus a low socio-economic community. We provide adults with many

free opportunities to grow as a successful employee and possibly employer.

Creating a community with more working citizens

We are still in the process of transforming our trainee into a well-rounded educated

adult prepared for the modern business world.


Approval to pass out surveys by Principle. Preparing our first day of tutoring!

Evidence of Publicity

510 surveys were passed out at Venus High School.




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