common childhood illnesses

Post on 10-Apr-2017






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Chickenpox is a common illness that children get. Chickenpox are likely to appear on the face, ears, arms, chest, stomach and legs. Chickenpox can be spread through airborne droplet and direct contact.Treatment for chickenpox: drink more fluid, rest, apply calamine to the affected area, and to cut the child's nails to prevent second infection. Inclusion period: Five days from the start of the skin eruption. Signs and symptoms of chickenpox• Fever, itchy rash, feels ill, headache


Meningitis is an infection that covers the brain and spinal cord. Exclusion period: Until the child has fully recoveredSigns and symptoms of meningitis:• Fever, headache, drowsiness, stiff neck, refuse to eat,

drowsiness and also dislikes to bright light. To seek medical advice immediately (take to hospital), the room/environment temperature has to be reduced. It might lead to deafness, brain damage or even death. Meningitis can vary up to 2-10 days.


Measles is a illness (virus) that is very unpleasant and it can lead to serious condition. Measles can last up to 7-15 days. Signs and symptoms of measles: • High temperature, runny nose, red eyes, sensitive to light

white spots in the mouth and throat, muscle ache, cough, Treatment for measles: • More rest, close curtain to help reduce light sensitivity or a

shaded room, take paracetamol or ibuprofen and also to have plenty of water.

Exclusion period: Four days from the onset of the rash.


Tonsillitis is a infection of the tonsils. The process of tonsillitis lasts up to 2-4 days. There is not set a exclusion period for tonsillitis. Tonsillitis can be spread through direct contact and airborne dropletSigns and symptoms of tonsillitis:• Sore throat, having difficulty in swallowing, fever, headache,

aches and pains around the body and might vomit and pains in back and limbs.

Treatment • Fluids should be taken, pain relief should be given to the

child such as paracetamol and antibiotics Tonsillitis might lead to kidney infection and temporary deafness.


Rubella is an infection which is being caused by rubella virus. It is a illness causing a rash. Signs and symptoms of rubella: • Cold, sore throat, fever, pains in small joints and swollen glands

behind the ears. • Rubella can be spread through direct contact. If pregnant women

have direct contact with someone who has rubella in the first three months, it can cause a serious effect in the unborn baby.

Treatment of rubella The treatment for rubella is to; rest whenever possible and to treat the symptom. Exclusion period: six days from the start of the rash

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