combining olap and relational reporting

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OLAP and Relational Reporting

Product(s): IBM Cognos 8

Area of Interest: Report Design

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Copyright Copyright © 2008 Cognos ULC (formerly Cognos Incorporated). Cognos ULC is an IBM Company. While every attempt has been made to ensure that the information in this document is accurate and complete, some typographical errors or technical inaccuracies may exist. Cognos does not accept responsibility for any kind of loss resulting from the use of information contained in this document. This document shows the publication date. The information contained in this document is subject to change without notice. Any improvements or changes to the information contained in this document will be documented in subsequent editions. This document contains proprietary information of Cognos. All rights are reserved. No part of this document may be copied, photocopied, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, transmitted in any form or by any means, or translated into another language without the prior written consent of Cognos. Cognos and the Cognos logo are trademarks of Cognos ULC (formerly Cognos Incorporated) in the United States and/or other countries. IBM and the IBM logo are trademarks of International Business Machines Corporation in the United States, or other countries, or both. All other names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Information about Cognos products can be found at This document is maintained by the Best Practices, Product and Technology team. You can send comments, suggestions, and additions to .

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1 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................ 4

1.1 PURPOSE ............................................................................................................4 1.2 APPLICABILITY .....................................................................................................4 1.3 EXCLUSIONS AND EXCEPTIONS ..................................................................................4

2 OVERVIEW .................................................................................................... 4

3 JOINS ............................................................................................................ 5

4 SET OPERATIONS.......................................................................................... 9

4.1 USING REPORT STUDIO SET QUERIES .........................................................................9 4.2 DIMENSIONAL SET EXPRESSIONS ............................................................................. 11

5 MASTER-DETAIL ......................................................................................... 13

5.1 LINKING DATA ITEMS ........................................................................................... 14 5.2 USING PROMPTS TO PASS A MUN ............................................................................ 15 5.3 PASSING VALUES TO FUNCTIONS.............................................................................. 18 5.4 DETAIL FILTERS.................................................................................................. 19 5.5 VALID MASTER DETAIL COMBINATIONS...................................................................... 22

6 CONCLUSION .............................................................................................. 22

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1 Introduction

1.1 Purpose

There are many scenarios where reporting is required across multiple data sources. For example:

� A central data warehouse does not exist and data must be merged from multiple repositories

� The reporting solution operates on a mix of relational data sources for transactional data and OLAP sources for fast aggregate queries

� Multiple OLAP sources representing distinct business processes need

to be combined in a single report Creating these reports from multiple data sources will leverage several key concepts and techniques. This document outlines the basic approaches to several scenarios that will make this multi-source reporting easier to accomplish.

1.2 Applicability

The techniques listed below leverage functionality introduced within IBM Cognos 8.

1.3 Exclusions and Exceptions

Listed where applicable below.

2 Overview

The following table outlines the matrix of available methods for combining

different data sources in Report Studio.

Joins Set Operations (unions, etc.)




No Yes Yes Yes


No Yes Yes Yes


Yes Yes Yes Yes

This document focuses on the methods that will allow reporting from multiple data sources within a single report: Joins, Set Operations, and Master-Detail.

Drill through is not covered within the scope of this document.

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In the table above, RDBMS refers to relational data which may or may not be modelled dimensionally. Dimensionally Modelled Relational, DMR, packages have specific behaviours that bridge between OLAP and relational reporting.

The differences regarding DMR will be highlighted in the appropriate sections below.

3 Joins

Joins in Report Studio are a graphical means to create joins between two derived tables or query objects where those joins do not already exist in the

Framework Manager model. Typically the joins would be defined in the Framework Manager model so that report authors would not need to identify data cardinality and appropriate join keys. Framework Manager allows joins to be defined between relational queries only.

However, it is difficult if not impractical to model every conceivable join scenario in Framework Manager. Also, in some situations a report author may need to generate and join custom data sets in Report Studio that should not

be incorporated into the model due to their single-application nature.

Joins in Report Studio can only be defined between relational queries; other

constructs exist for OLAP queries.

The join cardinality can be used to define outer or inner joins exactly as in

Framework Manager as outlined in the following table*:

Left Table Right Table ANSI Join Expression

1..n or 1..1 1..n or 1..1 INNER JOIN

1..n or 1..1 0..n or 0..1 LEFT OUTER JOIN

0..n or 0..1 1..n or 1..1 RIGHT OUTER JOIN

0..n or 0..1 0..n or 0..1 FULL OUTER JOIN

The difference between 1..1 and 1..n is a matter of how many matching records are in the opposite table, either a maximum of one or a maximum that can be one or more respectively. The choice will depend on the data

being used. For example, if a report were created with the following data sets

* Cardinality also plays a role in determining appropriate aggregate rules when querying multiple fact tables but this topic is outside the scope of the current document. See the

Framework Manager documentation for additional information.

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The results are driven by the same fact tables to produce the Quantity values

so the summary total is identical but the results on the right are at a lower level of granularity.

The natural join key for this data is on the Order year column. From the data above we can see that each record in the table on the left will match to multiple records on the right (1..n) while each record on the right will match

to only one record on the left (1..1). However, if the two queries are joined and the cardinality is incorrectly specified as 1..1 on both sides of the join then the query engine will not be able to detect the different levels of granularity and aggregate the values to build the appropriate summary value for the Quantity measure from the query on the left.

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We can see that the results are counting the higher level Quantity values multiple times and the summary total is inflated from the expected results as in the original data set. If the cardinality is specified according to the actual

data being used (1..n on the left and 1..1 on the right) then the query engine can make the proper data associations and aggregate the values (with the same minimum aggregate function applied to the projected data item) to

generate the correct summary for the higher grain data.

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4 Set Operations

There are two ways to apply Set Operations. The first is with the Set Query

Operators available from the Toolbox of the Report Studio Query Explorer. The second method is to use the Set Expressions available for dimensional

data sources.

4.1 Using Report Studio Set Queries

The second approach to combining data via Set Operations is to use the Union, Intersect, and Except operators between query objects. These constructs are available from the Toolbox when using the Query Explorer in Report Studio.

When using dimensional data sources the set operators use the results of each query and project multi-dimensional result sets into a set of columns defined based on the data items which make up the query itself. This means that if a custom MDX statement is being used then the relationship of rows and columns will be lost when the data is projected onto a single axis.

The standard SQL rules for unions between queries will apply at this point so the queries must meet the following criteria:

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� Data items in each query must occur in the same order. i.e. The first data item from Query1 will be merged into the column results of the first data item from Query2.

� Data items in each query must have matching data types. i.e. A character data item cannot be used in a set operation with corresponding data item which is numeric.

� There must be the same number of data items in each query.

� Additional rules or restrictions may apply when using an RDBMS depending on the brand and version of the product. Refer to your software documentation or vendor for additional information on these topics.

When using OLAP data sources the union operation will be performed locally rather than within the OLAP data source itself as there is no corresponding operation that will match the above union, intersect, or except operators. This will also be the case when using multiple queries against a single OLAP source.

However, Relational and Dimensionally Modelled Relational (DMR) data sources may be processed within the RDBMS if the queries are created using the same data source connection (although schema and owner qualifications

may vary). Queries using DMR that do not use the same data source connection will incur local processing as the combined query cannot be sent to a single RDMBS for processing the union of results outside of it’s own data scope.

As an example of the Report Studio set operations one query may be defined to report Revenue for 2004 while a second query may report the Quantity sold for each Product line over all years.

The two queries could be combined via a Union operator as follows:

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The result of this union is the following output where the Year and Product Line information are reported in the same resulting set along with the

respective Revenue or Quantity sold values:

Note that the projection of the result sets into a new query via a Union will

not preserve the formatting of the individual data items in the source queries. Formatting must be applied to the appropriate layout objects to separate the formatting properties for the unique data values in the merged results.

The use of a UNION in this manner is only really applicable for purely

relational models or when using different data sources.

Note that it is not recommended to use a union query when creating disjoint

crosstabs in IBM Cognos 8. When using DMR or a single data source it is possible to generate disjoint crosstabs simply by dragging the relevant member or set into the appropriate position of the crosstab.

4.2 Dimensional Set Expressions

The set functions are only available when using dimensional data sources such as an OLAP data source or a Dimensionally Modelled Relational data source. These functions are only applicable within a single hierarchy of a single OLAP data source. The union, intersect, and except functions rely on the OLAP query engine to process the results and return a single set object within the results.

An example of the union function is as follows:



The result of this function would appear as in the following image:

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When using these OLAP functions the hierarchy information and detail member properties can be leveraged later because the processing is

performed within the OLAP data source query engine rather than locally by the IBM Cognos 8 Report Server. When using the union operator between individual query objects these properties would be lost when the result set is

projected onto a single axis (to generate a tabular result set).

as identifying the top selling products from this year which were also top

selling products last year (an intersect within the Product hierarchy). Similarly, a union would serve to combine the detail sales figures at the store

level for a single state with the aggregated sales figures at the state level for all other states in a specific country (although the same output can be more easily generated using multiple member sets in IBM Cognos 8).

Other relevant functions using union sets are Hierarchize and Order. Hierarchize will reorder the results of the union into the order of the members

from the original hierarchy and will display the highest level member first followed by the associated descendants. The Order function can be used to sort the union set according to the value of a Measure or text attribute. The

Order function can also leverage the hierarchy information when sorting the individual members. See the Report Studio User Guide for additional details

or the function tip text in Report Studio for syntax examples.

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5 Master-Detail

The concept behind master-detail queries is that one (master) query supplies

a value or member reference that is used to drive a second (detail) query. The detail query is executed iteratively for each matching value from the master query. The exception to this process occurs when using a single query

to populate a sectioned list. In this case the grouping of the single query can be leveraged to section the output for Master-Detail reporting.

There is no interaction between the two queries within the relational or OLAP data source itself. The interaction of the master-detail queries is handled by IBM Cognos 8. This processing by IBM Cognos 8 provides the ability to combine multiple different data sources, as in the table at the start of this document, with master-detail queries.

There are a few items that need to be covered in order to properly leverage master-detail queries between different data sources

� A report is based on a single model package connection so all the data

sources (and required query subjects for relational sources) must be defined in a single package.

� There must be common data values to relate different queries or different data sources. i.e. if an OLAP source has Country data that uses uppercase country names then these will not match directly to

relational data that contains mixed case country names and additional manipulation of the data will be required. Similar considerations apply when matching the Business Key of an OLAP source to the Key column of a relational source. If the key values differ then additional work must be performed to ensure proper alignment of the data.

The selection of the common data values to relate the master and detail queries may have many possible candidates. For example, the business key

of an OLAP data source may match an ID field in a relational data source or a business key in a second OLAP data source. Similar relationships may be built using other attributes such as a member caption, member description, or

other custom property/role defined within the data.

When planning the creation of new data sources (i.e. a new Data Warehouse or OLAP data source) there should be some consideration for relating the data to other existing data sources in the environment. With some foresight, the appropriate keys can be built into the new data source and allow for easy creation of master-detail queries within Report Studio.

There are several main methods for generating a link between queries for your master-detail relationships.

� Linking Data Items

� Detail Filters

� Passing Values to Functions

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� Using Prompts to Generate MUNs

5.1 Linking Data Items

The dialog for managing master-detail relationships can be accessed by selecting an item in your detail query on the layout and selecting “Master Detail Relationships…” from the Tools menu.

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The link between the data items is established by clicking the “New Link” button and then selecting the appropriate matching data items in each query.

Care must be taken to match both data type and data values between the

master and detail queries.

5.2 Using Prompts to Pass a MUN

With the OLAP prompting capabilities we can also pass a Member Unique Name reference from the master query to the detail query. To enable this method the detail query needs to be designed with a prompted member data item. The basic syntax examples of a member prompt are as follows:

Hierarchy Prompt

[Namespace/OLAP Source].[Dimension].[Hierarchy]->?Prompt?

Level Prompt

[Namespace/OLAP Source].[Dimension].[Hierarchy].[Level]->?Prompt?

The difference between a Hierarchy prompt and a Level prompt is that the Level prompt will restrict the valid selections to the members of the defined

Level while a Hierarchy prompt will allow members to be chosen from any level within the single hierarchy.

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If the Great Outdoors Company sample PowerCube is used to generate a data item in the detail report called “Target Year” an expression such as the following might be used:

[great_outdoors_company].[Years].[Years].[Year]->?Current Year?

The master query would also need to use the Year level in its own query so that the link in the master-detail dialog could be established as below:

In the image above we can see the link from the master query to feed the MUN reference to the parameter used within the Target Year data item expression. Note that the link is not established to the Target Year data item

itself. Applying the link to Target Year would define a filter condition to restrict the entire set of Year members to just one selection. By using the prompted MUN expression and providing the link to the Current Year prompt

the query is only required to generate the required data set rather than evaluate all the data and filter out the unwanted results.

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Also in the example above we can see the Target Year used in the Rows of the detail query crosstab. This is not explicitly necessary. The Target Year data item can be used for any operation within the detail query and does not

necessarily need to be included on the layout at all. In fact, the most common use for the Target Year would be to define a context filter or slicer within the detail query. This would be accomplished within the Query view by

dragging the Target Year data item into the slicers area of the query.

This would constrain the data displayed within each instance of the detail

query without having to display Target Year

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5.3 Passing Values to Functions

Another method of using parameters is to pass individual values rather than a MUN object reference. To pass a value the master query must first be able to provide a value and the detail query must have a function which will accept the value. Considerations for the master query will be addressed in later sections of this document.

The most common operation for a master-detail relationship is to constrain the data for the detail query based on the information from the master query. With dimensional queries this can be accomplished by using the FILTER function. Briefly described, the filter function syntax is as follows:

filter ( set_exp , boolean_exp )

Here the set_exp is the set of members that you want to filter and boolean_exp is the set of criteria which will include or exclude members from set_exp. The boolean_exp is the location where a value can be leveraged within the detail query. Using the Great Outdoors Company sample PowerCube an expression such as the following could be constructed to filter the Year in the detail report according to the text label (the member caption) of each year member.

FILTER( [great_outdoors_company].[Years].[Years].[Year] , caption(

[great_outdoors_company].[Years].[Years].[Year] ) =?Current Year?)

Here the Current Year prompt would be supplying a text string while in the previous section the prompt would be supplying a member unique name reference. The caption function appears in the expression so that the Boolean

comparison can proceed using arguments of the same data type. If caption were not included then the comparison would fail as a MUN would appear on the left of the expression and a text value on the right.

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The creation of the master detail linkage is the same as we saw in previous examples where the master data item is linked to the parameter reference in the detail query.

The results are also the same as in the prior example when the Target Year is used to satisfy a slicer member set definition.

Using a Filter function is by no means the only option. There are many other functions and applications for which this technique will be applicable.

5.4 Detail Filters

Detail filters are primarily a relational query construct. The idea is that a tabular data set (single dimension/axis) is parsed in a linear fashion and the records are either included or excluded based on the Boolean filter condition.

As with prior examples, the Boolean condition must be a valid comparison between the same data types. If a value is passed from the master query to the detail query then the detail filter must compare another value to the

prompt. If a MUN is passed from the master query to the detail query then a MUN must be used in the comparison to the prompt.

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When using detail filters for dimensional reporting this process must be understood as the application of a detail filter to a multi-dimensional query may result in a more complex query than is absolutely necessary. Often other

OLAP functions or techniques, such as the ones above, can be leveraged to better effect than when using a detail filter.

Similar to prior techniques, a detail filter will also use a parameter to supply a value to an expression.

Here we can see the Current Year prompt being used within the detail filter. Again, the caption function is used to convert the member reference from Target Year to a text value.

If this were a purely relational model without any dimensional modelling applied then the use of the caption function would not be necessary. Also note that applying the caption function to a relational query will also return

an error message regarding the application of an OLAP function to a relational query. With a relational model all query item references will return values implicitly as there are no member constructs in this scenario.

On the other hand, if both the master and detail queries were OLAP sources then the caption could also be dispensed. This is because the data items will be using dimensional objects such as levels and sets to perform the comparison to the MUN provided by the prompt.

The master-detail relationship is established by linking the data item from the master query to the Current Year parameter in the detail query. The results will be the similar to prior techniques.

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One caveat when using a dimensional data source is that a slicer member set will not remove empty records resulting from the context filter while a detail filter will remove these empty intersections. For example, when using a slicer

to restrict data to 2005 the following data set might result

However, if a detail filter were used to restrict data to 2005 then the results would be

Notice that the empty columns are not returned when using the detail filter. Also keep in mind that this same behaviour can be obtained by using a prompted member unique name or supplying a value to a filter function to define the columns. Using this prompted MUN or a filter function a user could select 2005 and the results would be

This is the same result as with the detail filter although with a more direct approach to processing the required result set.

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5.5 Valid Master Detail Combinations

Linked Data Items

Prompted MUN

Passing Values to Functions

Detail Filter

OLAP Master – OLAP Detail

Yes Yes‡ Yes† Yes‡

OLAP Master – Relational Detail

Yes† No Yes†§ Yes†

Relational Master – Relational Detail

Yes No Yes§ Yes

Relational Master

– OLAP Detail Yes** No Yes Yes**

6 Conclusion

The presence of different data sources is no longer a limitation to reporting. The use of Joins, Set Operations, and Master Detail queries allow multiple data sources to be integrated into a single report.

Care must be take with these techniques to ensure that conformed data is being used. Conformed data simply means that the references or values from

one data source match up to the references or values from another data source. This is particularly so when merging data from both OLAP and relational data sources as. However, by leveraging appropriate functions

there are often ways to create or ensure that the data types and values will match between the different portions of your report.

The techniques in this document will allow you to create very sophisticated reports and will be highly applicable to many applications where data is not consolidated in a single warehouse or OLAP repository. Such applications include corporate dashboards, burst reporting, and reporting on both real-time transactional data and periodic summarized data, to name a few.

† The master query must contain a data item which defines a value rather than a MUN. This

can be accomplished in many ways but the roleValue and caption functions are some of the

more common options. ‡ If using different OLAP sources then the MUN references will likely not match and the

relationship will not succeed. In such a case the detail filter or function should be redefined to use values/attributes rather than MUNs. § The detail query is relational so the FILTER function cannot be used to restrict data.

However, the master detail relationship will still allow for the values to be used in other applications. ** The detail query must contain a data item which defines a value rather than a MUN. This can be accomplished in many ways but the roleValue and caption functions are some of the

more common options.

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