college mentors for kids presentation

Post on 14-Nov-2014






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College Mentors For Kids

A Service Club at UD

What is College Mentors for Kids?

Brand new service organization on campus this semester

Mentors get paired with a “Little Buddy”

Dayton Public School System

Purpose: to inspire a desire for higher education and to educate students about college life

Uneducated, low income homes

History - National

Started by Heidi Schmidt and Kristin Huang at Indiana University in 1996.

-First chapters were started at Indiana University and Butler University in the fall of 1996

-The organization pairs undergrad students with first through eighth graders

-There are now 23 chapters located in Illinois, Indiana, and Ohio

-1,600 undergrad students helping about 1,400 children

History at UD

-President is Brittany Fritsch, and the Vice President is Louisa Mota

-Started the club when they found out it did not exist

-College Mentors for Kids wanted to make 2 new chapters in Ohio, and picked UD

-UD is paired up with Dayton Boys Prep Academy

Current Membership Information

Twenty-five mentors and twenty-five third and fourth grade students

Freshmen and sophomores

Many majors

Several officer positions: president, vice president, treasurer, general managers, activities directors, fundraising director, special event coordinator, and recruitment director.

Club Promotion

Word of mouth – asking friends

Up the Orgs

Facebook page

Talking in classrooms



Three focus ares: Higher education and career, cultural diversity, community service

Higher Education and Career:

Help children understand and prepare for college and different career opportunities.

Include areas in economics, health and wellness, science, and technology.


Culture and Diversity:

Help kids learn about the different heritages and cultures in a community. 

Learn about the different aspects of a culture, such as the many languages, food, visual and performing arts, and the histories.

Community Service:

Show kids how to help out in their surrounding community. 

Food drives or assemble toiletry kits for local homeless shelters

These activities help kids understand the challenges of the world and help them see how they can make a positive impact on their community. 

Annual Agenda

-College Mentors for Kids was established as official service club at the University of Dayton in Fall 2011; this club promotes higher education through a mentoring program that takes place weekly on UD's campus. 

- Weekly activities are revolved around the benefits of either higher education, community service and culture. It is the belief of College Mentors for Kids that through the children’s exposure to these topics, they will become interested in higher education and bettering their community. 

-  Brittany Fritsch's interest in the national College Mentors for Kids program inspired her to create a club on UD's campus. UD's club is one of the few in Ohio. 

- Currently the club mentors 25 boys from Dayton Boy's Prep School but hopes to expand this number in the future to include more schools and grade levels. 

- The club bases weekly activities and annual fundraisers through guidance of the national chapter and the faculty advisor.

- The club relies solely on donations and funding from the SGA and campus ministry.

Budget – Expected Income

MASS COLLECTION .............. 200.00

FUNDRAISERS – Friends and Family Campaign ............ 350.00

FUNDRAISERS– Bake Sale  .................. 200.00

FUNDRAISERS– Lemonade Stand ................ 150.00

DONATIONS TO CLUB: ................. 25.00

OTHER – Center for Social Concern Additional Funding ............. 400.00

Additional funding from the Student Government Association ......... undisclosed

Budget – Expected Expenses

ADDITIONAL GAS (Conference Travel) ............... 250.00

SUPPLIES/MATERIALS for activities (glue, markers, paper, ect.) ............... 85.00

FOOD/BEVERAGE-Weekly Snack for Little Buddies .............. 1250.00

OTHER SPECIAL EVENTS– T-shirts ............. 150.00

OTHER SPECIAL EVENTS– Mentor Recognition ................. 100.00

OTHER SPECIAL EVENTS– Little Buddy Recognition .............. 100.00

OTHER SPECIAL EVENTS– Awards Banquet ................ 250.00

OTHER SPECIAL EVENTS– Mentor Appreciation Night (food) ............... 150.00

DUES TO NAT’L ORGANZATION .............. 500.00

Future Goals

•Become a service group that models Christmas on Campus

•Similar group, but College Mentors for Kids is weekly occurrence

•Adding at least 10 more students to get 2nd grade involved

Future Goals

•Show students at the University of Dayton what the group is all about by walking around campus

•Donations from local groups or organizations

•Add an all-girls local school to the group

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