collaborative of saint francis of assisi & … 8 collaborative of st. francis of assisi...

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Collaborative of Saint Francis of Assisi & Collaborative of Saint Francis of Assisi & Collaborative of Saint Francis of Assisi & Collaborative of Saint Francis of Assisi & Saint Joseph Parishes Saint Joseph Parishes Saint Joseph Parishes Saint Joseph Parishes

Medford, MA Medford, MA Medford, MA Medford, MA

July 21, 2019 July 21, 2019 July 21, 2019 July 21, 2019 ---- 16161616thththth Sunday in Ordinary TimeSunday in Ordinary TimeSunday in Ordinary TimeSunday in Ordinary Time

Page 2 Collaborative of St. Francis of Assisi Parish & St. Joseph Parish, Medford, MA

July 21, 2019

Collaborative of Collaborative of Collaborative of Collaborative of St. Francis of Assisi Parish & St. Joseph ParishSt. Francis of Assisi Parish & St. Joseph ParishSt. Francis of Assisi Parish & St. Joseph ParishSt. Francis of Assisi Parish & St. Joseph Parish

Collaborative Staff

Pastor: Fr. Paul V. Sullivan 781-396-0423 x121 Parochial Vicar: Fr. Peter Shen 781-396-0423 x108 Priest In Residence: Fr. Daniel Moloney (Chaplain at MIT)

Director of Finance and Operations: Laura Powers 781-396-0423 x104 Director of Faith Formation & Youth Ministry: Doreen Breen 781-396-0423 x118 Faith Formation Coordinator: Nancy Albanese 781-396-0423 x105 Middle School Youth Ministry Email: High School Youth Ministry Email: Religious Education Email: St. Francis of Assisi Music Director: Jonathan Cote 781-396-0423 x115 Cell: 603-479-1276 Email: St. Joseph Music Director: Betsy Pesce 781-396-0423 x116 Cell: 617-335-8155 Email: Collaborative Office Manager: Alisa O’Dowd 781-396-0423 x111 St. Joseph Business Manager: Karen Sturniolo 781-396-0423 x114

Main Office: 781-396-3636 Early Childhood Learning Center: 781-395-7780

Tuition Office: 781-396-0423 x117


Principal: Mr. Robert Chevrier

Mass Schedule

St. Francis of Assisi 441 Fellsway West, Medford

Daily Mass: Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday - 8:30am Weekend Masses: Saturday - 4pm

Sunday - 9am & 11am

St. Joseph 118 High Street, Medford

Daily Mass: Monday, Wednesday & Friday - 8:30am Weekend Masses: Saturday - 4pm

Sunday - 8am, 10am & 12 noon

Contact Information

Collaborative Parish Office: 114 High Street, Medford, MA 02155

Office Hours: Monday - Thursday 9am - 3pm & Friday 9am - Noon

Phone: 781-396-0423 Fax: 781-391-2919

St. Joseph Email:

St. Francis of Assisi Email:

Page 3 Collaborative of St. Francis of Assisi Parish & St. Joseph Parish, Medford, MA

Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Welcome to New ParishionersWelcome to New ParishionersWelcome to New ParishionersWelcome to New Parishioners

No matter what your present status in the Catholic Church,

No matter what your current family or marital situation,

No matter what your current personal history, age, background, race, etc.,

No matter what your own self-image; you are invited, welcomed, accepted, loved

and respected here at The Collaborative of Saint Francis of Assisi Parish

and Saint Joseph Parish.

If you are new to the parish, please introduce yourself to a member of the

Parish Staff after Mass or at your convenience.

Remembering Our ParishesRemembering Our ParishesRemembering Our ParishesRemembering Our Parishes

Please consider remembering St. Francis of Assisi Parish, St. Joseph Parish or St. Joseph School when

drafting your estate plans. For more information, please call

Laura Powers at 781-396-0423 Ext 113. Thank you.

Sacrament of MatrimonySacrament of MatrimonySacrament of MatrimonySacrament of Matrimony Couples should make arrangements with one of our

priests or deacon at least six months before the wedding.

Pastoral Care of the Sick and ElderlyPastoral Care of the Sick and ElderlyPastoral Care of the Sick and ElderlyPastoral Care of the Sick and Elderly Please contact the Parish Center Office to make

arrangements, if you are going into the hospital, or have a family member who is homebound and would

like to receive the Sacrament of the Sick.

If a family member cannot come to church and would like to receive Communion at home,

please notify us.



Events Summer Family Fun Nights Thursdays, July 25 - August 15 from 6pm - 7:30pm July 25 - August 8 at St. Francis Parish Center August 15 at St. Joseph Cafe Collaborative Book Club Tuesday, September 10 at 7pm at St. Francis Dining Hall

Disciples in MissionDisciples in MissionDisciples in MissionDisciples in Mission

In the first reading, we hear that Abraham,

saw three men standing nearby, “… he ran

… to greet them” Not only did he greet

them warmly, he provided water to bathe

their feet, Sarah prepared a meal, and he

“waited on them”. We call this Radical

Hospitality, an attitude that many parishes

are intentionally adopting. We are all called

to make the strangers in our pews feel

welcome. This may mean stepping out of

our comfort zone to assist a newcomer.

Who is the stranger that God is putting in

your path today? How will you respond?

Page 4 Collaborative of St. Francis of Assisi Parish & St. Joseph Parish, Medford, MA

July 21, 2019

St. Joseph Summer Choir

Have you ever thought of joining the St. Joseph choir but are not sure whether you are able to make the commitment?

Then consider this: each Sunday this summer, we would like to invite anyone who is interested to come to the St. Joseph choir loft at 11:15AM for coffee, a rehearsal and to join members of the St. Joseph adult choir in singing at the Noon Mass.

The summer provides a "low-commitment" approach to finding out how you might fare as a choir singer. The response has been great these last few years, and the summer has gained us some wonderful new choir members!

As your schedules permit, we would love to see many of you there! And please feel free to bring your family members, neighbors and friends - spread the word!! Thanks!

St. Joseph School is a Catholic Community

dedicated to a partnership among school, home, and parish with a goal towards academic

excellence. We strive to enrich our student’s experiences by fostering a love an understanding

of our Catholic faith by being models of Jesus Christ through service to others. By being responsible and productive members of society,

our students promote the values and traditions of their faith while encompassing the diversity and

change that is an integral part of our school.

We are currently enrolling Pre-School - Grade 8.

For registration information, please call 781-396-3636 or email us at:

“Let Us Be Your Catholic School”

Saint Joseph School in Medford has an a�er school program for children ranging from Pre-Kindergarten to

the 8th grade. The program is growing! We are looking for candidates to join an exci"ng team of

professionals that are dedicated to the safety, care and well-being of our students.

Hours: 2:00pm – 5pm (flexible shi�s/days available), Monday-Friday.

Responsibili�es: Leading organized games, storytelling, homework help, cra�s, and supervision of children

at all "mes (ac"vi"es vary by age group). Provide a nurturing and engaging atmosphere for students.

Job Requirements: Experience working with children of various ages, in a classroom or camp se5ng, and

the ability to support the Catholic mission of the school are preferred. Ci"zenship, residency or work VISA in

United States required.

Start Date: September 2019

Send Cover Le�er and Resumé (with references) to:

St. Joseph School, 132 High Street, Medford, Massachuse@s 02155

E-mail: Phone: 781-396-3636

Page 5 Collaborative of St. Francis of Assisi Parish & St. Joseph Parish, Medford, MA

Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Page 6 Collaborative of St. Francis of Assisi Parish & St. Joseph Parish, Medford, MA

July 21, 2019

Missionary Appeal in the Parishes this Weekend - July 20/21

To all parishioners: Greetings and best wishes from the Archdiocese of Nyeri, Kenya. Through the Office of the Propagation of the Faith of the Archdiocese of Boston and the generosity of your Pastor, Fr. Paul Sullivan, we have been invited to come to preach in your parish. We have a lot of needs in our Archdiocese related to evangelization and the church’s ministry of healing the sick and feeding the hungry.

Archbishop Anthony Muheria has identified a very urgent need in the Archdiocese of Nyeri. The need has to do with the mental health of many young people who have been affected by abuse of alcohol and drugs. There has been an outbreak of this menace recently where so many young people’s lives have been damaged by substance abuse. The Archbishop would like to open a rehabilitation center where those who are affected can be offered treatment and guidance. He also wants to develop means of preventing substance abuse through outreach and education programs for families and young adults.

While our first commitment is evangelization, we realize that while offering the message of Our Lord Jesus Christ from the Gospel, we meet along the way those who are sick, needy and poor who still call to the Lord to have pity on them for a cure. It is for this reason that we come to your church asking that you help us with funds to accomplish this most urgent and important project. Thank you for your generosity toward our pressing need this at time. I look forward to meeting you on July 20/21.

Father Robert Vilgilio Mwai

Loved Ones In Service

Presently on active duty serving our country:

SPC Ryan Barry, US Army

Tyler Dion, US Army Specialist

Cameron Howard

Nicholas C. Lavery

1st LT Richard Neil Matta, US Army

Staff Sergeant 3rd Special Forces,

Cairo M. Prisco, US Army

Daniel Silva

Our prayers go out to all men and women who are serving our country. May God protect them.

Collaborative Book Club

September 10, 2019 at 7pm St. Francis of Assisi Dining Hall

Our next book to read

and share in discussion is:

The Ear of the Heart: An Actress’s Journey from Hollywood to Holy Vows

"A beautiful movie star gives up a successful Hollywood career to enter a traditional cloistered monastery. Can't happen? It did. In this heartfelt and moving memoir, Mother Dolores Hart explains how by listening with the 'ear of the heart' she heard God's call and dared to respond. Her journey powerfully demonstrates that we must be willing to lose our lives and forfeit our plans to discover our true purpose. The fascinating story of Dolores Hart also teaches us to seek God regardless of where we are-in a summer storm, in prayer, or even in front of a camera." -- Raymond Arroyo, New York Times Bestselling Author, Host of The World Over Live and EWTN News Director

We have a limited number of copies of the book available for purchase at our office at a discounted rate of $14.00 each.

If you are interested in joining the Collaborative Book Club, please contact the Parish Office to sign up. We look forward to seeing you!

Please remember the following people who are in need of prayers:

Libby Croce, Sr. Waltrude Dennis CSJ, Kim Dervishian, Pasqualina DeSimone, Kim James, Mike James, Jeffrey Morgan, Jeanne O’Brien, Theresa O’Brien Carew, Torbert Prior, Joel Rivera, Adelina Scarpelli, Donald & Ronald Sisson, Anna Sorgi, Rob Stengel, Valerie Stengal, Christine Tenaglia, Donna Trabucco, Pauline Vojtas & Denise Zero

Page 7 Collaborative of St. Francis of Assisi Parish & St. Joseph Parish, Medford, MA

Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Page 8 Collaborative of St. Francis of Assisi Parish & St. Joseph Parish, Medford, MA

July 21, 2019

Saturday 7/20/19 8:30 am 4:00 pm

For the People William Anderson

Sunday 7/21/19 9:00 am 11:00 am

Francesca DeStefano & Filomena DeCrescenzo Maria & Michele Moscaritolo

Tuesday 7/23/19 8:30 am

Special Intention

Thursday 7/25/19 8:30 am

Special Intention

Saturday 7/27/19 8:30 am 4:00 pm

Mass Anna Guglielmi & Ermelinda Franciose

Sunday 7/28/19 9:00 am 11:00 am

For the People Rosann Farrell

Sacrament of ReconciliationSacrament of ReconciliationSacrament of ReconciliationSacrament of Reconciliation Saturday morning after the 8:30 am Mass,

Saturdays from 3:00 pm to 3:45 pm in the upper church confessional or by appointment.

Sacrament of BaptismSacrament of BaptismSacrament of BaptismSacrament of Baptism Baptisms are held on the second

Sunday of the month at 12:30 pm. Instruction for first time parents and godparents is held at St. Francis of Assisi on the last Sunday of every

month after the 11:00 am Mass in the upper church (unless there is a schedule conflict).

Adoration of the Blessed SacramentAdoration of the Blessed SacramentAdoration of the Blessed SacramentAdoration of the Blessed Sacrament Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament takes place every Monday at 7:00 pm in the upper church.

All are welcome.

Weekly Prayer GroupWeekly Prayer GroupWeekly Prayer GroupWeekly Prayer Group The St. Francis of Assisi Marion Movement of Priests Prayer Group meets every Monday at

7:30 pm in the upper church to pray the Rosary. All are welcome.

Secular FranciscansSecular FranciscansSecular FranciscansSecular Franciscans The Secular Franciscans, formerly Third Order,

meet at St. Francis of Assisi on the fourth Sunday of every month at 2:00 pm in the Dining Hall.

All are welcome.

St. Francis of Assisi ParishSt. Francis of Assisi ParishSt. Francis of Assisi ParishSt. Francis of Assisi Parish

Mass IntentionsMass IntentionsMass IntentionsMass Intentions

July 13/14 Collection

Offertory including Online Giving: $3,281 Weekly Budget Requirement: $4,615

Monthly Collection: $1,761

Second Collection this weekend: Mission Appeal

A special THANK YOU to all those who share their talent, time, presence and support with

St. Francis of Assisi Parish.

Weekly Scripture ReadingsWeekly Scripture ReadingsWeekly Scripture ReadingsWeekly Scripture Readings

21 SUN Gn 18:1-10a/Col 1:24-28/Lk 10:38-42 22 Mon Sg 3:1-4b or Cor 5:14-17/Jn 20:1-2, 11-18 23 Tue Ex 14:21—15:1/Mt 12:46-50 24 Wed Ex 16:1-5, 9-15/Mt 13:1-9 25 Thu 2 Cor 4:7-15/Mt 20:20-28 26 Fri Ex 20:1-17/Mt 13:18-23 27 Sat Ex 24:3-8/Mt 13:24-30 28 SUN Gn 18:20-32/Col 2:12-14/Lk 11:1-13

Page 9 Collaborative of St. Francis of Assisi Parish & St. Joseph Parish, Medford, MA

Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Saturday 7/20/19 4:00 pm

Rose & Antonio Magazzu and Zielinski & Bertuccini Families

Sunday 7/21/19 8:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 noon

For the People Hugh MacIsaac Helen & Jack Cataldo

Monday 7/22/19 8:30 am

JoAnn Petroni

Wednesday 7/24/19 8:30 am

In Honor of St. Joseph

Friday 7/26/19 8:30 am

Bob Mondello

Saturday 7/27/19 4:00 pm

Keith Sweenie

Sunday 7/28/19 8:00 am 10:00 am 12:00 noon

For the People Marco Marchi Bob Patten

Mass IntentionsMass IntentionsMass IntentionsMass Intentions

St. Joseph ParishSt. Joseph ParishSt. Joseph ParishSt. Joseph Parish

Sacrament of ReconciliationSacrament of ReconciliationSacrament of ReconciliationSacrament of Reconciliation Saturday afternoon from 3:00 pm to 3:45 pm in the

upper church or by appointment.

Sacrament of BaptismSacrament of BaptismSacrament of BaptismSacrament of Baptism Baptisms are held on the third Sunday of the month at 1:30 pm. Instruction for first time

parents and godparents is held at St. Francis of Assisi on the last Sunday of every month after the 11:00 am Mass in the upper church

(unless there is a schedule conflict).

Adoration of the Blessed SacramentAdoration of the Blessed SacramentAdoration of the Blessed SacramentAdoration of the Blessed Sacrament Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament takes place on

Wednesdays, Thursdays & Fridays from 9:00 am to 8:30 pm in the lower church.

(Adoration will not be held on days Medford schools are closed due to weather.)

Legion of MaryLegion of MaryLegion of MaryLegion of Mary The Legion of Mary meets Wednesdays from

6:30 to 8:00 pm in the lower church meeting room. All are welcome!

July 13/14 Collection

Offertory including Online Giving: $5,266 Weekly Budget Requirement: $7,560

On-going Maintenance: $1,783 Second Collection this weekend: Mission Appeal

A special THANK YOU to all those who share their talent, time, presence and support with

St. Joseph Parish.

Virginia M. Cadigan Richard Kalbroy

and all our deceased parishioners and loved ones.

Readings: #975

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