coldplay poster deconstruction

Post on 18-Dec-2014






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Poster deconstruction


ColoursThe quirky and random colours is a recurring theme throughout the poster, to match their new approach in their MYLOXYOLOTO album. See below in their digipak, to emphasise this point.

The colours being bright and in your face, as a result represents that the album which they’re promoting is different to their previous music, this is evident in the contrast between their earlier albums.

The colours are significantly bright, but yet all different colours, which as a result emphasises that this album they’re promoting is appealing to everyone from all different cultures and ethnicities. This message is further portrayed by the use of colour, (see below) as all four band members are wearing different colours of clothing, but yet showing that they are unified. It could be interpreted that the band are trying to show that all different people can unify in listening to their music, as it is versatile.

Maintaining their egoThere is a significant amount of graffiti over the poster which cannot be properly understood, whereas the Coldplay and MYLOXYLOTO labels are Bold and stand out to the audience. AS a result Coldplay have maintained a global status, since the audience are drawn to Coldplay and their new album, whilst being influenced by bright colours.

This poster portrays the band in a way where their ego is maintained, as they are in control of the graffiti, (which is evident as the man is holding the can of graffiti.) It could be argued that this promotes the band to be superior to the audience and the music industry, as they are essentially writing the future of this craze.

As a result of their ego being maintained, the band have gained a significant relationship with the audience, which enables merchandise with this craze.

Binary oppositionsThe poster is constructedIn a way that the bright colours stand out which conforms to Claude Levi Strauss binary oppositions, in reference to light v dark. As a result the darkness is almost forgotten. This could be interpreted that Coldplay are trying to promote that the good times over power the bad times, thus, society should stop mourning over the dark times and embrace the good times.

Binary oppositions, could be interpreted in a rare good way in reference to this poster. As the only thing it is trying to portray as inferior is the bad times. Thus, Coldplay are promoted in a positive manner and thus gain a positive relationship with the audience.

Equality in the band

The four members are portrayed in a way that all four members are equal. Whereas, in some band posters, the front man/woman are depicted in a way that they are superior to the rest of the band.

This could also be interpreted by the use of colour, as no particular colour outshines each other, they colours work in an harmonious bright manner. And as a result all colours are unified, just like the band.

The poster could promote a Marxist approach on society, as everything is unified; highlights that when everything is equal then life becomes brighter and more unified.

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