coaching as aspect of leadership -example of nobuu design

Post on 20-Nov-2014






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selected slides - example of nobuu design


Coaching 3.0

Katarina Emma Schapiro

Coaching as Aspect of Leadership

There are more unquestioned answers than unanswered questions.

Research storyline Research findingsCritical themes

© Katarina Emma Schapiro, 2008-2010, Research for Dissertation HEC/ Oxford University

Leaders of 8 nationalities operating in 4 European countries (CZ, SK, UK, FR) were interviewed

The scope

29 (70.7%) 12 (29.3%)






© Katarina Emma Schapiro, 2008-2010, Research for Dissertation HEC/ Oxford University

Leadership experience and position

Currently CEO/ GM

36 (87.8%)

Years in senior executive

position incld. senior director

Average years in senior

(VP or CEO) position

Currently VP/ Board member

5 (12.2%)

The seniority

© Katarina Emma Schapiro, 2008-2010, Research for Dissertation HEC/ Oxford University

No, I do not coach


Yes, I coach others


Leaders’ coaching of subordinates and colleagues in their organisation

The extent to which coaching is used in company/ organisation

Yes, occasionally

Yes, regularly No, not at all

© Katarina Emma Schapiro, 2008-2010, Research for Dissertation HEC/ Oxford University

Surprising findings

Peopleinteraction time 3/4 -1/5

Total time 1/2 - 2/3

1/5 – 1/4

1/3 – 1/2

Time spent in direct interactions with people and coaching activities


Specific coaching skills and activities leaders use whilst coaching

Relational skillsQuestioningFeedbackListening

People interactionsOther Coaching time

The Interaction

© Katarina Emma Schapiro, 2008-2010, Research for Dissertation HEC/ Oxford University

Participant experience with 1-1 coaching (any type or duration) and desire for future coaching experiences

No28 (68.3)

Yes13 (31.7%)

Yes, would like to experience coaching again


No, would not liketo experience



Yes, would liketo experience



experience with 1-1 coaching

© Katarina Emma Schapiro, 2008-2010, Research for Dissertation HEC/ Oxford University

Surprising findings

Questions on ‚coaching in action‘ answered automatically with little deep thought

© Katarina Emma Schapiro, 2008-2010, Research for Dissertation HEC/ Oxford University

Surprising findings

Limited view of how coachingskills can be used & limited scope of situations in which leaders use coaching

Personal one-to-one coaching with a professional coach in a business


Peer coaching in a management team

Coaching talents and high potential individuals Coaching subordinates and

colleagues in an organisational context

Leaders’ coaching experience/ interaction

Surprising findings

Almost unanimous agreement that coaching could change the basic mental and habitual metabolism of the organization, when appliedwith a clear strategic intent

OutcomesWhere is the way ?

© Katarina Emma Schapiro, 2008-2010, Research for Dissertation HEC/ Oxford University

The top four characteristics held by admired leadersincluded honesty (88%), forward-looking (75%), inspiring (68%), and competent (63%).

(understand the mental model which guides your thinking)

Who am I? On leaders

(look to broaden your line of sight) What is discussable and what is not? On learning and change

Confronting undiscussables usually opens the way for a new, highly productive dialogues

(new ways of doing and new ways of looking at things) What am I searching for? On coaching in organisations

Coaching is more an art of discovery than technology of delivery

(look to broaden your line of sight) How can I know myself better? On feedback

Conversation is a meeting of minds with different memories and habits.

(invest in ability to think in grey space) How do I deal with uncertainties? On anxieties

The challenge of leaders today is not only to manage the present but also to create the future.

(look for varied scenarios of the future) What do I want to create ? On organisation and leadership

Safe space , where we can experiment with fresh perspectives, without having to commit to it immediately

(check and recheck for hidden assumptions) What do I want to make visible? On coaching skills and competencies

Cultivate full range of people potential.Ask people what kind of experiences and challenges they want to explore and experience in their life and career

What kind of coaching for leaders? Leading from a different place

Don't hide from the truths you need to hear, often from what you already know.

Where are we going ?

Coaching brings deeper meaning to companies by connecting the heads and hearts of people.

Katarina Emma Schapiro

Between stimulus and response there is a space.

In that space lies our freedom and power to choose your own response

In our response lies our growth and freedom Viktor Frankl

design by nobuu

all the pictures sourced from

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