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Post on 02-Feb-2022






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Introduction� 2

Chapter�1:�Basics�of�Building�a�Personal�Brand� 3Why Create a Personal Brand? 3Creating Your Personal Brand Vision 3

Chapter�2:�Defining�Your�Target�Audience� 5The Person that Pays You 5The Person that Influencers the Person that Pays You 7Your Supporters 7

Chapter�3:�Building�Your�Personal�Brand�Assets� 9Social Communities 9Securing a Domain 10Building Your Personal Website 10

Chapter�4:�Content�Marketing�as�a�Personal�Brand� 12Developing Your Blog Strategy 12Content Syndication 12

Conclusion� 14



Taking your affiliate marketing revenue from four or five figures and turning that into a six or even seven figure business is an impressive feat. Most marketers are never able achieve this status and that is solely for one reason. They stop learning, building, creating and doing. They reach a certain level that is acceptable for their lifestyle and decide that it is not worth pushing any further. If you are currently at that level where you are not sure where to go next or want to increase the leverage you have to make an even larger impact within your niche then you are in the right place, it is time to build your personal brand.

If you are unsure of what a personal brand is, take a look at some of highest earning bloggers, youtubers and Instagram influencers in the social media space. Look at what they are doing, what are they selling? Personal brands are an absolute must in today’s marketplace. People no longer trust a faceless corporation or online business as much as they do a person they read from, listen to or watch on a daily basis. Having a personal brand means you can take your business with you wherever you go. Your name is an authority in a particular niche and those products that you are promoting and deeply connected with your own personal vision. Having a target audience aligned with that vision means you can tap into that influence and make some serious commissions.

In this brief guide, we will explore the basics of building a personal brand and why this is so important for increasing your Clickbank revenue. We will then take a look at how to get started by defining your target audience followed by building a social media network that connects you with the type of people you will serve with products and services. From there we will build the core of personal brand, your own website. Finally, we will go explore how to set up a content marketing system to drive traffic back to your site and increase your personal brand awareness.  


Chapter 1: Basics of Building a Personal Brand

If you really want to supercharge your affiliate commissions and drive massive traffic, building a personal brand can create a substantial amount of leverage. An example of a personal brand is someone who is passionate about fitness, selling fitness products through their social media channels. They are able to amass a following by attracting likeminded people to their cause by creating content that resonates with that type of audience. This person might enjoy working out, so they upload videos to social media of certain exercises that keep them in shape. Every now and then they will promote a product through an affiliate and effortlessly drive sales.

Why�Create�a�Personal�Brand?By creating a personal brand, you are able to effectively leverage what you have built to create future opportunities for you and your business. This could be in the form of providing you with new contacts that will help you in other areas of your business, greater industry recognition in an area you are passionate about and of course far more sales since you are positioning yourself as an authority within that niche.

A personal brand extends much further than just a simple affiliate marketing campaign. You are essentially creating assets that will serve you for a long period of time meaning this is something that you can rely on again and again. You can use your personal brand to take your affiliate career much further than you normally would by just using the direct linking strategy. This allows you to build up a base of passionate followers and provides you with the opportunity to earn a sizable income in an area that you are deeply passionate about.

Creating�Your�Personal�Brand�VisionBefore you get started building your personal brand assets, you first need to consider your personal brand vision. The reason why this is important is that you will be putting in a lot of work over a long period of time and over this time, your reason why can start to feel a little foggy. You might get started wanting to work within the music space and sell music education products to your followers only to later discover you actually don’t enjoy promoting music affiliate products but instead you want to be playing your own music. You can still make this happen but the more you focus on the


fact that you are not doing what you really love, the harder it might be to continue building your personal brand since there is a disconnect between you and your overall vision.

The way you can solve this is by creating a personal brand vision. This is essentially where you see yourself in 10, 20 or even 30 years from now. It is a long time to think ahead but keep in mind this is something that you will be giving attention over the course of a long period of time and the rewards can be incredibly lucrative providing you keep expanding what you have created.


Chapter 2: Defining Your Target Audience

Having a clear idea of where you would like to take your personal brand will align you with the next steps to take. From there, you will need to clearly define your target audience. You might have a clear idea of who you are promoting to, based on the product that you have selected but building a personal brand is a little different, you need to know exactly who you are marketing to and become the voice of that group of people. What do they want from you? What gives them pain or pleasure? What are they willing to spend money on and why what would make them trust you enough to hand over their cash for what you have to offer?

By asking these questions, you can get an understanding of who will be hanging onto your every word and give strength to your brand. When building a personal brand, you need to understand that your target audience is actually comprised of three groups of people. These are:

•� The person that will pay you for products or services•� The person that will influence others to pay for your products and services •� Those that support you

Notice that they are all similar yet have different roles? Those that support you may not necessarily be the people that hand over their money, yet they still play an important role in developing and expanding your personal brand. Just as those that have the power to influence others to purchase your goods and services have a key role yet are not actually handing over your money, they are still just as valuable.

The�Person�that�Pays�You�This is the person that you want to be focusing most of your efforts on. The person experiencing the problem your personal brand has made it a mission to solve. How does your vision align with bringing value to this person, so much so they will hand over their cash to purchase what you suggest will solve their issues and in turn create value for them?


Your next step is to build a profile of this target audience. What is going on inside their head? What motivates them and what do they really want from you. Be honest with yourself because it is not always as straightforward as “they want to make more money” or “they need more clients for their business”. This could be said by just about anybody, really focus in and put yourself in their shows, think about what they would have to go through to find you and what keeps them coming back to learn from you.

This is where you will need to identify their motivations. Think back to before you purchased this guide. You were most likely motivated by the opportunity to earn more money online or continue building your Clickbank business. Yet this isn’t the purpose of this guide. You most likely already knew about affiliate marketing before purchasing, you had read some articles and maybe heard from some experienced people that convinced you this was a lucrative business to get into and so you wanted to improve your marketing skills. This guide offered that opportunity. Your motivation was therefore to upgrade your affiliate marketing skills with the end result being that you make more money.

Your next step is to identify potential opportunities. Now that you understand what will motivate a person to follow your personal brand and hand over money to get what they want, you need to create an opportunity to make that happen. Begin to understand what their goals are and then create your personal brand around achieving these goals for other people.

If you are into fitness and want to create a personal brand around fitness, consider this example. Your target audience wants to get into shape, have a fit body with a chiseled six pack. Their motivation is that they want to look great, be healthy and feel confident. Their goal would be to lose 50 pounds, reduce their body fat and increase their muscle growth. How can you make that happen? You might find a product that offers a brief course on how this can be done. You can then structure your personal brand around those motivations with that end goal in mind. Your potential opportunity is by offering the course which will in turn get them the results they are looking for.


The�Person�that�Influencers�the�Person�that�Pays�You The second most important portion of your target audience are those that are influencers and have are able to hold the attention of those that will pay you for your products and services. These are generally others in your niche that have their own personal brand and are able to leverage their online assets to drive traffic to opportunities you create.

Your first step is to find these people. They would most likely have social media and their following will show how much influence they have within your niche. A good place to start is Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn and Facebook. The social media sites used by your influencers will vary depending on your niche. Those in professional, corporate settings such as finance, real estate, marketing and investment will be mainly found on LinkedIn while those that are more creative and artistic might be found on Instagram. Consider what is best for your niche and where your target audience would most likely hang out.

Once you identify your influencers, it is time to start networking. It can be an uphill battle creating a personal brand online without having help from those who carry weight in the industry. Create a contact plan that will keep you on top of reaching out and making contact with influencers. Keep in mind that all you want to do at this stage is create a relationship with this person. Think about what motivates them and what their goals might be. They would be very different from the goals of the people that pay you yet equally important. Start following the blogs and other content created by these influencers and start engaging with them. Make yourself and your own personal brand known without coming off as spammy or in it for the promotion. Remember these influencers are motivated by totally different factors so keep in mind they will switch off if you start trying to promote yourself or your products on their platforms. They want to keep their audience engaged and interested so help them make this happen by providing value to both the influencer and their audience.

Your�SupportersFinally, you have your supporters. These are people who might know you personally and will do everything they can in their power to make your goals achievable. These


people might include friends, family, work colleagues, business partners and mentors. They have their own resources that can assist you and can provide you with advice along the way.

Your support team is there when times get tough, they keep you aligned to your goals and will keep you accountable to continue making progress. Once you have identified your support team, keep them aware of your goals. Show them what you have been working on and provide them with regular updates either monthly or even once a quarter just to exchange ideas and to reenergize you if you start to lose sight of where you want to be.


Chapter 3: Building Your Personal Brand Assets

The next step in building your personal brand is to start building your personal brands assets. These assets allow you to communicate your brand’s message to your target audience. An example of an asset would be your website, blog and social media profiles. These are all elements of your personal brand that, once again, will create leverage in which you can influence large numbers of followers.

In this chapter we will cover how to build these assets and how you can develop and maintain them to scale them over the long term. This is the key to taking a five or six figure affiliate marketing operation and expanding it into a seven figure business online.

Social�CommunitiesToday, your most valuable assets are your social communities. These are your platforms for creating content and engaging with those who are followers of your personal brand. Here you can gain the trust of your target audience and implement product launch strategies to sell large volumes of Clickbank products within your niche.

To get started, you first need to claim social profiles under your chosen username. There are tools which can help with this, saving you a lot of time and avoiding the chance that you will need to have different usernames across several platforms.

The first tool is knowem. This a tool that performs a search to see how your username or brand is being used across social media, website domains and even to see whether it is currently registered as a trade mark with the USPTO.

Once you found a name that is available to be used as a personal brand name, you will need to check to see whether it is available on your social media platforms. You can do this through NameChk. This tool will scan hundreds of social media communities and networks to determine whether it is being used on any other account. You don’t have to find a name that is available on every single one of these networks, but you do want to make sure that your chosen name is available on the


largest social media sites that you will be using.

Securing�a�Domain�Your personal website is going to be your most important asset. While your social media profiles will help accumulate followers and build leverage, your personal website is where most of the action will go down. This is a website that you have full control of and can dictate what type of content you would like to appear, providing you with the freedom to set up your personal brand as you see fit. Your personal website is the core of your personal brand and where you would want a majority of your traffic to be redirected. Social media sites can often change their algorithm and ultimately decide what their users will see on their platform. This can affect the performance of your brand and in some cases, can have a detrimental effect on your growth. For this reason, we want 80 percent of your focus to be on your personal website, your most valuable asset.

Your first step here is to check to see if your chosen domain name is available. This can be done through Check Domain. It is best to secure a domain name closely matching your personal name or the name of your business. Keep it simple so people know what to expect from you. If you can’t get your own name, consider names that are closely aligned with your niche for best results.

Building�Your�Personal�WebsiteThis is usually where most people get overwhelmed, lost or simply give up because they realize they don’t want to push themselves as far as creating a website. This mentality is what will keep you locked in a state of chasing commissions like a majority of affiliate marketers who aren’t ready to take the leap. It cannot be overstated that your personal brand website is what will put you above the rest of the crowd.

Your own website can be molded in any way you see fit. Everything is up to you, unlike social media where you must conform to a certain template, you can really let your creative juices flow. There will be hundreds of different ways to build a website so for this guide we will keep it simple to get you off the ground.


Firstly, download and install WordPress. This is one of the most powerful content management systems and offers an incredibly high level of customization. You have all the power here. Next you will need a host and a domain. You should have your domain picked up from the earlier step. Now go over to Go Daddy to purchase your domain. This is quite easy to do, just follow the instructions and integrate your domain with WordPress.

Next you will need to pick out a theme. There are several free themes which are recommended if you are just getting started. From there, you will need to start adding content to your website. Start with the home page and go from there. What would you want your visitors to see as soon as they reach your page? It is best to give them an idea of exactly what your personal brand vision is and what problems you have set out to solve for them.

Next, step up the about page. This is where you can be a little more personal. Remember, this brand is tied to you so tell them a bit about yourself and how you came to be an authority on your niche. Don’t be shy here, the more information the more your audience will know and trust you. Detail your experiences learning about the niche and why you feel compelled to help people. It doesn’t have to be overly detailed, but you do want to let people know how you got here and where you are going from here.

Once the about page is done, complete the rest of the pages such as the contact page, case studies and testimonials if they apply and create a professional email, tied to the site, that people can contact you on if they have any questions or inquiries. You are now ready to start making some noise in your niche.


Chapter 4: Content Marketing as a Personal Brand

Now that we have our assets established, we want to start generating a return and that means creating content that will appeal to our target audience and keep them coming back to our page. The easiest and most straightforward way of doing this is to create a blog. Your blog will work alongside other social strategies implemented through your social media platforms create a complex web of content that will market your brand, cultivate your influence and position your affiliate products to your target audience.

Developing�Your�Blog�StrategyHave a think about the kind of content you would be publishing to your audience. Bring your mind back to your personal brand vision and your target audience. Remember that they are coming to you to solve a problem or learn more about something that you have information on. To better understand what kind of content your audience wants, take a trip over to Quora.

Here you will find people asking questions related to certain topics. By creating a Quora account and highlighting the topics that are aligned with your personal brand, you are better able to understand the kind of information your audience is searching for. You can then start formulating ideas related to these types of questions.

Other content ideas might be industry news, events, influencer related content and articles. You can either share this content from other sources across your social platforms or you can have an opinion and critic this content through your own blog.

Content�SyndicationOnce you have a strategy for your content, start batching articles, videos and other pieces of content you feel your audience will enjoy. You can then start sharing this content on a regular basis across social media, linking back to the original content on your website. The purpose of this to increase the traffic returning to your own site, bringing further awareness to your personal brand.


This means that while you will ideally be redirecting traffic, that is not your main goal. Your primary goal here is to become recognized in that niche and this means being prolific across your social media to build up your exposure.

There are additional tools which help you achieve this. One example is Buffer. This tool is designed to easily share content from your blog across your various social media accounts all within the one app. You can also schedule these posts meaning you don’t need to be focusing every day on what you will put publishing next but instead spend some time building up a library of content that is scheduled out across the month.



Is building a personal brand easy? Not quite. It is straightforward? Mostly. Does it have unlimited potential for growth? Absolutely. It may feel like an uphill struggle to build your personal brand and this guide only scratches the surface of how far you can go when cultivating influence and constructing a powerful personal brand.

Leverage is key in business. The greater your leverage, the more value you can deliver with less energy. Understanding this is the ticket to staying in the affiliate marketing space and outgrowing your competition. Once you have installed your personal brand and found a voice on social media, you are able to better understand the products and services required by your audience to achieve their own goals.

This all starts with knowing who you are serving. This may change overtime so if you don’t get it exactly right the first time don’t let this be your final attempt. Continue engaging with your audience and asking them what they want. They will tell you and extend you the respect and courtesy of being genuine to them.

Once you have fully understood who you will be serving through your personal brand, you can start claiming your territory online. Try acquiring domains suited to your name and niche as well as creating social media profiles on relevant platforms. These will act as the branches of your personal brand.

The trunk or core of your personal brand is your website. This is where you will have your best content and a unique platform that is entirely under your control. Use your influence on both inform, educate and bring awareness to products that will serve your audience and get them closer to their own goals.

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