classification unit vocabulary analysis and article summary s7l1.a

Post on 23-Dec-2015






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  • Slide 1
  • Classification Unit Vocabulary Analysis and Article Summary S7L1.A
  • Slide 2
  • Examine the words from the Wordle diagram below. Write 3-4 sentences (1 paragraph) utilizing as many of the words as possible. QUICK THINK: How do the various words relate to one another?
  • Slide 3
  • The Article: - Now begin reading the given article. - After reading the article, write a new paragraph reflective of the article and what you initially wrote after seeing the words in the previous Wordle slide. - Revise here, feel free to add new information based upon new perspective and insight given by reading the article.
  • Slide 4
  • Peer Review - When you are done reading the article and revising your paragraph, choose a partner to peer review each others paragraphs for quality in terms of: accuracy, grammar, missed information, and content specifics. - Discuss any similarities or difference in opinion and viewpoint on the article you may have between each other.
  • Slide 5
  • Final Draft Complete a final draft of your paragraph/article summary based upon peer review communication and feedback. (Your final writing may expand to more than 1 paragraph)
  • Slide 6
  • Exit Ticket: Analysis Questions [Complete on back of hand-out] 1. What was Carolus Linnaeus's argument as presented in the article? What was the major affect it had on the study of biology? 2. In the article, what is meant by standard nomenclature? How does application of this concept aid the work of scientists/naturalists? 3. Which Principle of Darwins Theory of Natural Selection/Evolution is benefitted directly by the system that Linnaeus developed? Please explain your answer.

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