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Classical Homoeopathy

Book One


Douglas Jesse D.C.,D.HOM.,M.HOMI.

Electronic Edition. 2011

Copyright © Light Communications Pty Ltd

This Book is devoted to the study and practice of homoeopathy, and intended for personal study only. However, you will also be able to integrate this knowledge with the study of Ionictherapy. You will understand how the Ionictherapy equation will point to those areas of energy loss in the body, which are disrupting the orderly flow of the vital force. Finally, it must be pointed out that this book does not attempt to diagnose or treat specific illness. It is written for students and professionals in the healing arts. It is advisable to seek professional advice in every case when you are in doubt about your health, particularly when you have persistent pain or any other continuous symptoms. The Publisher takes no responsibility for the reader’s health or use or misuse of the information contained herein.

Chapter One

In 1790, Samuel Hahnemann, a scholar, physician and chemist was dissatisfied with the state of medical practice of his day. One of the few bright spots in medicine at that time was the treatment of Ague with Chinchona bark.

He questioned how this form of treatment could be extended to other diseases and medicines. It occurred to him to try the affect of Chinchona bark in a health situation, and as such, experimented on himself. He saw that it set up a fever similar to the one it cured, thus he found that the relationship of its properties of disease-producing and disease-curing, was that of similarity.

Its operation coincided with that of Similar Similibus which Hippocrates had occasionally recognised as sometimes holding true for some of the diseases of his day.

Hahnemann reasoned that it must then be possible that other cures, like that of the bark with ague, might rest upon such relationships between a drug and a disease. If this reaction was seen occasionally in the past, then why not continuously in the future?

The answer to this required observation and experimentation by reviewing those cures on the medical record, and endeavouring to obtain new ones. Hahmenann's Organon of Medicine first published in 1810, contained a copious list of the cures of diseases affected by drugs which were declared capable of causing similar conditions in healthy people.

In 1806 he confidently declared similar, similibus, currunta as the cardinal principle of therapeutics.

With the development of the homoeopathic system Hahnemann progressed through several stages of trial and learning.

First he found that to apply the initial principle successfully, he required a greater knowledge of pathogenetics than that possessed at that time.

Records of poisoning and overdosing were scanty, nonetheless, they only referred to a small number of active substances, and then only to the large and crude effects of them.

He at once set to work to prove medicines on his own body and that of healthy people. In 1805 he had collected sufficient material to publish his findings.

Secondly he administered these substances in the full dose, that is, he did not dilute them. It was not surprising that his patients' symptoms, even though ultimately removed, were initially severely aggravated.

For instance, he used a small dose of arsenic which increased the irritation of an already inflamed stomach. He then sought further to establish a more gentle cure.

To allow the cure to take place without irritation, he found he had to dilute the original medicine in definite proportions in some menstrum such as water and alcohol, and saw this

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attenuation could take place to an extent hitherto undreamed of without disturbing the remedial action of the substance.

Initially the majority of homeopaths at that time were converts from the recognised modes of practice. As such, they used the homoeopathic remedies but still maintained other aspects of practice of which they were accustomed with, and they did not reject the pathology of their day.

Hahnemann did not disallow this type of practice as long as they recognised and used the homoeopathic method of similar similibus.

However, in America, the homoeopathic adherents had formed their practice strictly on the teachings of Hahnemann, and some were reported to be more Hahnemannian than Hahnemann.

They rejected those who did not completely follow the classical tradition, and used harsh words like "mongrel homeopaths" to debase these practitioners.

However the great bulk of homeopaths even today do not follow the pure classical viewpoint as propounded by the early American homeopaths.

Hahnemann stated that all diseases were due to the derangement of the vital force. This derangement was recognised by symptoms.

It is this principle basically by which allopathic medicine rejects homoeopathy. Allopathic medicine relies on symptoms to name a disease rather than looking at the individualisation of the patient.

It is pointed out that while a few leading symptoms are sufficient to enable a diagnosis of the case, it cannot be so when we treat using the method of similarity.

Every appearance the patient presents; every sensation he experiences, every circumstance of amelioration or aggravation must have some basis, and must be taken into account in the choice of a remedy.

Just in proportion as a substance has been found capable of causing all these symptoms, will it be the rapid and certain cure of the case in which they occur.

If it is otherwise, then, although the substance may have produced the actual disease, it may not essentially be homoeopathic to the form of the disease being treated.

Adherence to the totality of the symptoms will keep the homoeopath on the correct course of treatment. The individualisation of each case, by the totality of its symptoms, is the only method of arriving at the true similium.

In the treatment of disease Hahnemann found that the similarity lay between the patient's symptoms and the primary symptoms of the drug used to treat the patient symptoms.

Then the secondary symptoms of the drug, which are seen as the symptoms of the patient's reaction, remove the disease.

Thus he named the system Homoeopathy from the Greek words, homios - meaning like, and pathos meaning suffering. This indicated that cure results from similarity between the symptoms of the patient and the primary symptoms of the drug. On this he wrote,

"If in the treatment of a disease we administer those medicines whose primary symptoms, or those of its positive action, present the greatest similarity to the phenomena of the disease, this is a positive or curative mode of treatment, that is to say, there occurs a rapid permanent amelioration."

The homoeopathic concept was born, and later Hahnemann wrote numerous volumes on the homoeopathic principle.

His two major works are The Organon, and Chronic Diseases. I suggest that the student should avail themselves of these two volumes which are readily available through homoeopathic

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It will also be necessary that you purchase a Homoeopathic Materia Medica, which you will need during your studies as well in practice. The most useful Materia Medica that I have seen is Materia Medica and Repertory by William Boericke, M.D.

When practising homoeopathy the student must follow certain steps which will be discussed at length during this study. When applying the procedures of classical homoeopathy the following steps must be applied.

1. Examination of the patient. 2. Recording the symptoms. 3. Selection of the correct remedy. 4. Administration of the remedy. 5. The dose and its repetition.

The first duty of the homoeopath is to clearly understand the nature of the disturbed functions of the patient, and to write down all symptoms that are found.

The examination that elicits the required information must be thorough and complete. The totality of the symptoms must be the sole indication to determine the choice of the correct remedy. On this Hahnemann wrote,

"It is then unquestionably true that, besides the totality of symptoms, it is impossible to discover any other manifestation by which diseases could express their need of relief; hence, it undeniably follows that the totality of symptoms observed in each individual case of disease, can be the only indication to guide us in the selection of a remedy."

He further states,"All that a physician may regard as curable in diseases consists entirely in the complaints of

the patient and the morbid changes in his health perceptible to the senses – that is to say, it consists entirely in the totality of the symptoms through which the disease expresses its demand for the appropriate remedy, while on the other hand, every fictitious or obscure internal cause and condition, or imaginary, material, morbific matter, are not objects of treatment."

The totality of symptoms consist in the systematic ascertaining of all the symptomatic facts necessary to determine the curative remedy. The totality of symptoms includes every change of state of body and mind that we can discover or have observed, or that has been reported to the practitioner – thus every deviation from health. It includes every subjective symptom that the patient can describe correctly, and every objective symptom that the practitioner can discover.

Once these symptoms are matched to a specific remedy, the potency must be selected, and the dose recommended. The guiding factors for this is found in the Materia Medica. The guidelines for the repetition of the dose is found in the remedy action period. For example, one remedy may react in the body for one hour, whereas another may react for thirty days

Therefore homoeopathy is the art of medicine based on the law of similars.

The homoeopathic system is founded on specific laws which we shall now study.

The correct study of any system of medicine can only be attained through an understanding of the basic philosophy behind the science.

Many people become lost in their attempt to practice homoeopathy because they follow the conventional methods of diagnosis. Attempts such as this often make practice impossible, and in such instances they blame their failure on homoeopathy, rather than their lack of knowledge.

The principles of homoeopathy are founded on natural laws, laws that have been applied to healing for thousands of years. However, it is only from the insight and determination of Samuel Hahnemann that these laws have been developed into a systematised form of healing.

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A definition of Homoeopathy is written as follows.

Homoeopathy is a method of therapeutic treatment which applies in a clinical situation the law of similars, and which used medicinal substances in infinitesimal doses.

SYMPTOMS: The homoeopathic physician views symptoms as being related to a disruption to the flow of the vital force, whereas allopathic methods use symptoms to denote a particular named disease state. In other words, homoeopathy looks at the morbid vital processes in living organisms which are represented by symptoms regardless of their causes.

The homoeopath is basically concerned with primary functional symptoms, which represent those symptoms relating to their cause.

Such causes may be a blockage to to the flow of the vital force (energy) through a particular organ such as the liver or pancreas. Homoeopathic treatment restores the energy balance to the affected organ or gland thus allowing health to ensue.

With the Ionictherapy Equation, the disruption to the energy for the liver or pancreas is seen when there is an adversity between the sugar and saliva pH numbers. When conducting a test it is advisable to look at patient symptoms and then when analysing the test try and see where they are represented by the numbers. In this way you begin to apply the homoeopathic principle to the patient as a whole.

Secondary symptoms are viewed by allopathic medicine through the observation of the gross effects of a disease, or, in other words, the pathological end products of disease.

Gross pathology may view kidney stones as a disease state, whereas in reality they are the end product of disease. Similarly, headache treatment involves ending the pain rather than treating the cause behind the headache.

A homoeopath must prescribe for the patient and not the condition. Symptoms therefore guide the practitioner to the base cause which has prevented the flow of the vital energy, which would have perverted the flow of the vital energy and would have preceded the active kidney stones.

The Test Equation measures the energy disturbance and provides the physician with a symptom pattern that measures energy loss. It is easy to understand just how essential a working knowledge of the Equation is required for homoeopathic treatment. The understanding of symptomology from the homoeopathic standpoint allows accurate prescribing for the individual patient.

Therefore symptoms are the outward visible signs of the disturbance to the vital force. The homoeopath must focus his or her skills upon the individual that they are treating, which are on the purely functional side of disease.

Disease simply stated is the constant change of functions and transformations throughout the individual's life. This has been expressed by Hahnemann as follows in the Organon,

"The unprejudiced observer, well aware of the futility of transcendental speculation which can receive no confirmation from experience - be his power of penetration never so great - takes note of nothing in every individual disease, except the changes in health of the body and mind (morbid phenomena, accidents, symptoms) which can be perceived externally by means of the senses; that is to say, he notices only the deviations from the former healthy state of the diseased individual, which are felt by the patient himself, remarked by those around him and observed by the physician. All these perceptible signs represent the disease in its whole extent, that is, together they form the true and only conceivable portrait of the disease."

Full health is only achieved after the removal of all the symptoms.

From the interpretation of the symptoms, Hahnemann accumulated data thorough

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observations, and produced interposing conditions with named results. From this he realised that the old writings of Hippocrates, Paracelsus, and others, which stated that diseases are cured by the medicines that have the power to excite similar affects, could be demonstrated clinically.

Thus his experiments that followed showed that the cure of diseases were possible when using remedial substance which produced similar symptoms when applied to healthy individuals.

Such tests on healthy individuals were called provings. These same tests when applied today produce the same symptom pattern as recorded in the Homoeopathic Materia Medica for a particular remedy.

From this he soon deduced that by decreasing the dose, that is using less of the original substance, many of the drug effects differed from the remedial effects sought.

Such a decrease in dose developed according to a definite scaled formula, and these dilutions led to the discovery of the principle of potentisation, or energy release.

What Hahnemann achieved here was the synchronisation of energy similar to what occurs in the body during the process of digestion, where the anionic digestive juices breakdown and bond with the cations in the food freeing energy for the body.

Hahnemann was working at the electron level of energy, and had discovered this principle empirically using experimentation.

The ionization process within the human digestive tract breaks down the electron bonds which hold together the food. In other words, the elements in the food are put on that specific frequency through the reactions between the bile, enzymes and stomach acids.

Depending on the strength or weakness of any of these factors, the frequency of the elements will be increased or reduced. This may be likened to a change in potency which makes them available for the liver to transform them into use for all the other organs and glands in the body. Thus energy is freed for the body's use.

This study integrates the principles of homoeopathy and ionization. Both systems are based on the electromagnetic forces that constantly occur throughout the Universe.

Symptoms, Hahnemann stated, produce the recognition of those factors which we term disease. The homoeopath through observation of the patient's symptoms, establishes a diseased pattern to which a particular remedy can be chosen which matches the displayed symptoms. This is the principle of similars.

Allopathic practice tends to group together several symptoms which enables them to "name" a disease and be able to match the drug to treat the named disease, rather than treating the patient.

Homoeopathy, on the other hand, treats the individual by observing those symptoms that deplete the flow of the vital force. The Ionictherapist must also follow the same procedures of analysis by observing alteration to the individual metabolism as seen with the test equation.

Chapter Two

DISEASE CLASSIFICATION:Samuel Hahnemann was the first person to actually broadly classify diseases relative to their original causes. He developed four classifications.

Division 1. This embraced all diseases that would follow mechanical and exterior sources. For example, fractures, sprains, diet, pollution and extremes of climate such as sunburn, frostbite, and work related injuries, such as repetitive stress injuries.

Many of these conditions are self healing in that often they do not require specific medication. However it has been seen that even in these instances specific homoeopathic remedies will hasten the healing process.

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In his treatment of acute conditions, Hahnemann found that many patients returned after their treatment with recurring symptoms at different times. From this he deduced that there were some deeper conditions underlying the acute symptoms.

This led him to investigate further and he then divided the chronic underlying stages into three further divisions. He called these three divisions "Miasms".

Of these three Miasms Hahnemann wrote,

"In Europe, and also in other continents, so far as it is known, according to all investigations, only three chronic miasms are found. The diseases which result manifest with localised symptoms, and from these disease patterns all of the chronic diseases ensue. The first, Syphilis, or figwort disease, and finally that chronic disease which brings out the eruption of the itch, that is, Psora, which I shall treat as the most important."

Division 2.Psora. "Psora is that most ancient, most universal, and most destructive, and yet most misapprehended chronic miasmatic disease, which for many thousands of years has disfigured and tortured mankind, and which during the last centuries has become the mother of all of the thousands of incredibly various (acute and) chronic (non venereal) diseases by which the whole civilised race race on the inhabited globe is being more and more afflicted."

"Psora is the oldest miasmatic chronic disease known to us, just as tedious as syphilis and sycosis (the other two divisions), and therefore not to be extinguished before the last breath of the longest human life, unless it is thoroughly cured. Since not even the most robust constitution is able to destroy and extinguish it by its own proper strength. Psora, or the itch disease, is beside this, the oldest and most hydra-headed of all the chronic miasmatic diseases."

In the thousands of years during which Psora has afflicted the health status of mankind, it has now increased its depth of pathological manifestation that its secondary symptoms are difficult to list. If we leave out those diseases which have been created by perverse allopathic practice, then this increase of symptoms would still be of a large magnitude.

Except those diseases that result from syphilis and sycosis, all the remaining natural chronic diseases, whether named or not, (having in mind that many that do not fit the allopathic model are called syndromes) have their source from psora.

In his work on chronic diseases Hahnemann traced psora from the time of Moses, through the Middle Ages manifesting as a malignant Erysepelasis (St.Anthony's Fire) which led to the world wide spread of leprosy.

Later in the 15th. century, with the increased awareness of hygiene. Psora began to manifest generally as an "itch", the pustules of which were concealed as the disease deepened within the bloodstream.

To date, latent psora is recognised by many specific symptoms which manifest as follows,

Frequent inflammation of the eyes.

Swellings of the cervical lymph glands. (Scrofula) Perspiration of the head after going to sleep. Cold, dry, or ill smelling sweaty feet. Long continued obstruction of one or both nostrils. Disagreeable sensation of dryness in the nose. Predisposition to catching cold. Twitching of the limbs when going to sleep. Much phlegm in the throat. Bad smell from the mouth, especially in the morning. Nausea in the morning. Itching of the anus. to name a few of the more common examples.

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Division 3. Syphilis. The second miasm was called syphilis by Hahnemann. He held that those who suffered from the syphilis miasm acquired it from exposure to syphilis, or by an inherited factor. The trait being transmitted from generation to generation.

Division 4. Sycosis. The third miasm was called sycosis, meaning "fig". This disease state resulted from gonorrhoea due to direct contact, or through the hereditary chain by one of the patients ancestors.

This was the method by which Hahnemann defined disease states. However, they do not follow simple patterns, that is , they are never found as singular entities in any one individual. Most diseases are the combination of all three miasms. Usually one will predominate more than the others. In degenerative diseases all three are present and this makes the law of cure both difficult and precise in its application.

Chapter Three

The Vital Force. We shall now look at the concept of the Vital Force which was not unique to homoeopathy. The term "vital force" has been given different terminology in different systems of healing..

Ionictherapy considers the vital force as that energy which animates all matter whether animate or inanimate.

This vital force, be whatever name implied, is considered as that all pervasive force which animates all biological life forms. The study of particle chemistry and ionization does not provide any clear explanation of the function of the vital force, rather it provides us with a further understanding of that principle of how it is carried into the blood creating life and consciousness as we know it in the human body.

It should now be understood that the test equation measures the available energy in the body through gauging the metabolic efficiency of the digestive tract. The equation measures the extent of the energy which is virtually being "leaked" out of the body through little or no resistance, as well as that being blocked against the energy flow by high resistance.

To have such an accurate measuring guide as the equation, we are able to assess the status of anyone's immune responses. Also, after initiating homoeopathic treatment and nutritional changes, we are able to monitor the returning energy or vital force.

In the Organon of Medicine, sixth edition, Hahnemann introduced the Homoeopathic understanding of the vital force.

¶ 9.

"In the healthy condition of man, the spiritual, vital force, the dynamis that animates the material body, rules with unbounded sway, and retains all parts of the organism in admirable, harmonious, vital operation, as regards both sensations and functions, so that our indwelling, reason gifted mind can freely employ this living healthy instrument for the higher purposes of our existence.


"The material organism, without the vital force, is capable of no sensation and performs all the functions of life solely by means of the immaterial being which animates the material organism in health and disease.

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"When a person falls ill, it is only this spiritual, self acting vital force, everywhere present in his organism, that is primarily deranged by the dynamic influence upon it, of a morbific agent immical to life; it is only the vital principle, deranged to such an abominable state, that can furnish the organism with its disagreeable sensations, and incline it to the regular processes which we call disease; for, as a power invisible to itself, and only cognizable by its effects on the organism. Its morbid derangement only makes itself known by the manifestation of disease in the sensations and functions of those parts of the organism exposed to the senses of the observer and physician, that is, by morbid symptoms, and in no other way can it make itself known."


"It is the morbidly affected vital energy alone that produces diseases, so that the morbid phenomena, perceptible to our senses express at the same time all the internal change, that is to say, the whole morbid derangement of the internal dynamis; in a word, they reveal that whole disease; also, the disappearance under treatment of all morbid phenomena and all the morbid alterations that differ from the healthy vital operations, certainly affects and necessarily implies the restoration of the integrity of the vital force and, therefore, the recovered health of the whole organism."

From the above quotations of Hahnemann it is seen that the only way that we are able to recognise any disturbance to the flow of the vital force is by observing morbid symptoms that are seen with the patient. Thus he based homoeopathic analysis on the observation of symptoms.

To correctly practice and apply homoeopathy we must develop the power of observation.

During your daily activities try and look beyond what is just under your nose. Try and look for what is hidden. Learn to match up physical changes observed with people with their mental and emotional behaviour. Remember physical derangement of a postural nature is a reflection of mental and emotional disorder.

HEALTH AND HARMONY: Health is considered as being the harmonious function of the energy relationships of the various organs and glands of the body. This harmony is accentuated by the rhythm of the uninterrupted flow of the vital force. When this flow is interrupted by the disrupted lifestyle of individuals, then disease ensues.

Generally, allopathic medicine treats the effects rather than the cause of disease. The manifestation of pain does not necessarily denote the cause. Any disturbance to the rhythm and flow to the vital force will either raise or lower the energy in the body.

An example of the energy changes within the body is recognised when we record the varying changes to the blood sugar levels. Either excessively high or low sugars will cause personality changes. To treat the personality changes by using sedatives is not the answer, although this is the preferred treatment process of the allopaths.

RESONANCE: The homoeopathic treatment of disease involves an understanding of the the role of the dynamic force in the body. This force may be starved or blocked from the organ concerned, or else the organ may be so weak that it cannot contain the energy. In either case the body becomes deficient in energy. Homoeopathy uses remedies that have a similar vibrational pattern as does the organ itself. It is this similar vibrational pattern which resonates to produce an alteration in the dysfunction of the organ itself.

If we take a pair of tuning forks, we can make one vibrate in harmony with the other fork. Thus when applying the law of similars, we will prescribe a remedy at a particular level of potency. At the required potency level there will be a vibratory field of a similar frequency as that of a healthy organ.

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When such an organ is out of frequency, the homoeopathic remedy will resonate to alter the disordered frequency of the diseased organ restoring its energy level. It may either slow down or speed up the frequency depending on whether the pattern is anionic or cationic.

The disturbance to the flow of the vital force manifests as a lack of harmony or frequency, and is recognised as symptoms.

A disease pattern presents the homoeopathic practitioner with pictures that illustrates the patient portrait, which in turn, will provide us with that specific information to select a particular remedy for the patient.

Homoeopathy is noted for its gentleness of action on the body during its healing phase. On this Hahnemann wrote,


"Therefore disease considered, as it is by the allopaths, as a thing separate from the living whole, from the organism and its animating vital force, and hidden in the interior, be it ever so subtle character, is an absurdity, that could only be imagined by minds of a materialistic stamp, as has for thousands of years given to the prevailing system of medicine all those pernicious impulses that have made it truly a mischievous art."

It seems easy for us in this century to relate to matter being a vibrational energy pattern. It was not until the middle of the Twentieth Century that this information and theory began to be accepted. Prior to this the World and in fact, the Universe, was regarded as a mechanical machine. This too was the dominating thought of Hahnemann's time.

The current view of homoeopathy is that the energy potentials of homoeopathic remedies are low grade electromagnetic fields. It is interesting to realise that by purely empirical methods Hahnemann was able to produce these fields through dilution and succussion.

His writings never reflected any understanding of electromagnetic fields, or similar concepts in the science of the day.

THE LATENT PERIOD: All diseases have what may be termed a latent period prior to the manifestation of symptoms. It is important to recognise this submerged disease state prior to its manifestation. The test equation allows us to recognise this state.

The latent period is the time it takes from when the disease entity takes residence in the organism until it begins to breakdown the the cellular structure.

At this point symptoms become recognisable, and the vital force cannot flow at the required intensity. It is also termed the incubation period. Each disease has a different time span, and this has been recorded with the various infectious diseases such as mumps, measles, chicken pox etc.

In some instances diseases may have an incubation period of up to twenty years. AIDS has about a eight year period, and many different forms of cancer up to the twenty year mark.

It is that point where impressions from the outside, and that inside manifest to the consciousness of the individual.

Therefore outside events affect the inner workings and inner disruptions affect or colour our interpretation of the outside environment.

As you can see a disruption may occur at the mental level and begin to effect physical function, but does not have sufficient impact to display symptoms at a conscious level. However, it still disrupts the overall energy of the organism.

Another disturbance occurs on the emotional level and produces a problem which disrupts

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the vital force to such an extent that it produces gross symptoms and high energy loss. (Refer to the book, “The Ionic Body” Page 18.)

It is necessary for those people like yourself, who are interested in learning and developing healing for others, to understand these principles, and learn how to apply them for the benefit of those who seek your help.

The test equation will provide you with the understanding of how to perceive these latent periods prior to their gross manifestation.

Through observation and understanding you will be able to assess the potential slide, and once you have this information, you will be able to reverse the situation prior to its manifestation.

It is worthwhile quoting from “The Ionic Body” relative to some of these points described above.

"The zones of human potential exemplifies the basic levels of humanity co-existent in the individual. From this chart ( mentioned above) we may observe that disease ferments within, and has no direct manifestation to the worldly consciousness of an individual until it reaches the level of sensory being – the five senses. It is at this point the individual becomes conscious of symptoms."

"Negative space time refers to the physical manifestation of an effect in the world of substance, namely the realm of the five senses. Positive space time, on the other hand, refers to that state known as the Bioplastic or Etheric. Beyond these two fields exists mind."

"Disease begins in the field of mind and flows wavelike through the positive space time zone, and has a degree of manifestation. It breaks down into what may be termed a low gradient wave, and manifests materially as a disease state in the negative space time of the senses."

"This ultimately corresponds with the recognition of disease symptoms which we term disease itself. This is represented by the dotted line. It is the realm of objectivity and is attributed to the five senses."

"We must become aware of the alteration to the status of the bioplasmic realm of the individual if we are able to apply the preventative measure to the disease. This is, of course, prior to the sensory or objective knowledge of symptoms."

"Interpretation at the bioplasmic level will save the suffering of the individual if seen and treated at that level. However, this is where preventative medicine meets the wall of resistance. Human beings do not seek, nor do they care about preventing illness. The basic level of consciousness is ingrained in the belief that illness exists only in the manifestation of symptoms, pain or discomfort."

And homoeopathy is no different, as a system it treats only symptom manifestation. It is worthwhile to recognise the potential of homoeopathy in that it has limitations relative to prevention. It's powers of prevention lies only in its nosodes, which will be studied in the following books. However, nosodes are used when a known epidemic is present and we still do not have any particular reference to gauge the latent period without the test equation. Therefore the test equation fills the gap of understanding as it supplies the information that we are seeking from the chart.

THE IMMUNE SYSTEM: To understand the role of homoeopathy in the treatment of disease we should initially formulate the Ionictherapy concept of the immune function. Before doing so it is necessary to look at the scientific model for comparison.

The scientific model of the immune system is defined as being a mobile, trillion-cell network which flows through the body in the blood and lymphatic system. It is composed of many different types of cells, each with different functions. Two of the most important types are B-lymphocytes and T-lymphocytes. B-lymphocytes make the antibodies which can bind to and immobilise such foreign threats as bacteria and viruses that enter the body. T-lymphocytes can only recognise foreign molecules when these are on the outside of the cell, but not those on the inside.

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1. MECHANICAL. These areas include the skin which acts as a barrier; the mucous membrane; and nerve reflexes.

2. CHEMICAL. These relate to bodily secretions such as the gastric juices.

3.BIOLOGICAL. This is the most common immune response which uses the blood cells to ward off and fight the introduced entities.

4. MENTAL. Our mental and emotional strength will assist the integrity of the previous three factors. The vital force is probably more than just the energy measured within the body. It is also the resident intelligence within the Universe which continually seeks to promote life within matter. It then is the supreme source of immunity against the unending changes to matter.

None of us understands the complex workings of life. Our understanding is generally gained from the observation of its manifestation. In health and disease we observe these changes, and with Ionictherapy, we are able through wise perception, to assist the restoration of the vital needs.

Hahnemann sums up his concepts on the vital force as follows,


"Our vital force, as a spirit-like dynamis, cannot be attacked and affected by injurious influences on the healthy organism caused by the external inimical forces that disturb the harmonious play of life, otherwise than in a spirit-like way, and in like manner, all such morbid derangements cannot be removed from it by the physician in any other way than by the spirit-like alternative powers of the serviceable medicines acting upon our spirit-like vital force, which perceives them through the medium of the sentient faculty of the nerves everywhere present in the organism, so that it is only by their dynamic action on the vital force that remedies are able to re-establish and do actually re-establish health and vital harmony, after the changes in the health of the patient cognizable by our senses have revealed the disease to the carefully observing and investigating physician as fully as was requisite in order to enable him to cure it."

The vital force is considered as that energy pattern which is found within the DNA of the cell. However, the pattern must become active, that is, it must be integrated to produce other patterns. These patterns may be likened to electromagnetic fields termed integrations. Such integrations compound in an organised fashion to produce conscious living organisms.

The vital force is that power which activates the body at birth to become a separate entity. It is active in building the foetus through the mother, however, when the birth process is finalised, the individual breath begins the animation of the life cycle of that being.

This vital force, which is constantly breathed in, is aligned to the ionic atmosphere, that is, the anions and cations found in our daily environment. The ions act as carriers of the vital force, and it maintains the frequency envelope that holds together the physical energies. These energies are broken down into light, heat, electricity, and magnetism within the body.

Our atmosphere contains moisture, oxygen and nitrogen. Approximately 68% to 75% of the air is nitrogen. Approximately 80% of the minerals that the body uses comes from the air that we breathe.

Many people seem to be amazed with statements such as this, however there are many of Nature's secrets that mankind is unaware of. The earth is mainly covered with water. When any metals come into contact with water especially, a process of oxidation occurs.

This a corrosive or breaking down process. Ths process of oxidation of metals causes gases to be released which are high in mineral content, and they bond with the atmospheric ions, which in turn are breathed into our bodies supplying a high level of minerals.

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Interestingly enough, some of the disciples of Eastern religions are able to actually concentrate the absorption of specific minerals through controlled breathing exercises.

The amount of ionized minerals in the air at any one time is dependent upon the phase of the moon. On the rise from the new moon to the full moon there is less mineral ionization in the air than from the full moon to the new moon. During either of these phases of the moon, the air temperature also has an effect on the concentration of the mineral ions available. The colder the air the higher the concentration. In other words the colder air the greater the mineral concentration available.

We breathe in the ions, and the nerve endings in the lungs attract the cations and distribute it for the further energy needs of the body. Walking outdoors is highly recommended. When walking we are moving through the anionic and cationic energy which is charged by the sunlight and moved about by the wind.

By walking daily we are able to pick up the needed 80% of mineral energy from the air. It is possible that we are not able to get all the minerals that we require from the air, or the various kinds that we need, but we will get 80% mineral absorption. I am being a little repetitive here, but you must realise that it is only possible to get 20% of minerals from your digestive tract. That is the maximum available through that process.

Many nutritionists today are pumping into their clients high levels of mineral supplements which is impossible for the body to assimilate.

It must be understood that if we consider that the vital force is an essential energy for life, and if we lose energy, then we lose life, that is we become ill. If the loss is great then we die.

The process of ageing is dependent on our ability to absorb the concentration and variety of minerals for cell growth. Any disease that we can name is to be regarded as premature ageing, which in a nutshell is a rapid loss of energy. It takes twice the amount of energy, and twice the amount of mineral absorption at the age of 40 than at the age of 20, to maintain the same mineral balance for the cells and their reproduction.

This process continues over the following 20 year patterns. At 60 it is twice that of at 40, and at 80 twice that as at 60. Therefore as we age we have difficulty in maintaining the required mineralisation. It is essential that we daily help with the re-mineralization process.

We should drink the required amount of Catalyst Water daily because of the high colloidal minerals available in it. It is essential to add the required lemon juice to supply more enzymes. We must also get the correct balance of exercise for breathing.

It is not recommended that exercise should be done indoors in gyms where the air is devoid of essential minerals, especially if it is air conditioned.

If the energy loss reaches a point where we recognise that we are ill, then we are at a point of imbalance with our metabolism. Mostly we find that both allopathic and nutritional practitioners ascribe illness to the deficiency of nutrients. However, with Ionictherapy, we determine the degree of health with the equation. For the vital force to have free flow within the body the equation must be close to perfect.

1.5 6.4 / 6.4 6 to 7C 0.04M 3 / 3This is called perfect metabolic function or P.M.B.

Energy and Ionization - The Vital Connection. It is difficult to find a written concept which actually defines energy. We use this word constantly, like many others, without having a clear picture of what we actually mean. We can only understand energy by observing its actions and reactions in Nature. Energy has been viewed as a constant "ordering" between the positive and negative polarities of the particles of matter. This "ordering" may be more fully understood by studying the Periodic Table of the Elements. From this table we are able to appreciate that process

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which involves the building of the various elements caused by those reactions which involve the loss or gain of electrons in the outer shells of the atoms involved. Such reactions produce heat which is a by product of the energy exchange.

Although we do not have instruments to view these changes, we are able to apprehend them by the observation of the more dense reactions of energy release in the molecules and compounds as studied in the laboratories.

Ionictherapy considers the reactions of biological energy, of bio-energy, as seen in the human organism. It is broken down into two categories.

1. The energy that we use daily.2. Reserve energy within the cells.

A mineral deficiency in an organism will cause a loss of energy reserve in the whole body. This occurs because certain organs require specific minerals for their shape and efficiency. The liver requires the correct amount of iron for its cellular structure.

If the liver does not have the correct amount of iron for its needs, it will take the necessary mineral from another organ producing a less efficient energy converter there. This will reduce the overall energy reserve of the total organism.

This energy quotient is very important in its measurement because it is the key to assessing the deterioration to the body's health.

The test equation is a mathematical log which provides specific information as to the exact part of the body in which mineral loss is occurring as well as the energy reserve loss.

In conjunction with this cellular loss, any alteration to the pH status involves a change in the resistance level of the digestive tract. Here that individual will begin to burn more energy to maintain homeostasis.

The digestive tract produces energy by breaking down and reorganising the electrons from the food. As the body organises the mineral elements from the food at specific levels of frequency for use in cellular rebuilding, energy is released in the form of free electrons.

It is the electron release that provides energy for daily living. Those transformed mineral elements which have been made on frequency for cellular rebuilding provides the basis for energy reserve.

In the biological chain Nature chelates the minerals from the soil for absorption by more complex organisms. The plants chelate the minerals by coating them with protein, and this then allows them to pass through the cell membrane of animals and humans into the nucleus. Chelation causes the molecule to take on an additional electron thereby altering the frequency of the mineral.

When looking at the energy requirements of the body we must take into account these dual energy equations.

The mathematical formula for energy is E1 = MC2

Where E1 equals matter burned for heat.

M = E1 + E2C2

Here matter equals heat energy, plus electrical energy. If the two are converted or combined you have matter. Electrical matter equals the difference between heat energy E1 and matter.

The square is the process of ionization which is either anionic or cationic. The resistance between the anions and cations produce heat which is rated as energy.

The test equation, and especially pH, represents the degree that this occurs. The involvement of the hydrogen ion controls the resistance factor. The higher the percentage of hydrogen available,

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the more cationic the result. The reverse occurs when the hydrogen ion percentage is lessened. Energy holds things together, and if this does not occur, then things begin to break down.

Energy is released in the digestive tract from the mineral elements contained in the food. In "Choose Life or Death" Dr. Carey Reams wrote,

"The foods that go into our stomach are cationic, when the bile is released, it gives off heat and electrical energy in both anionic and cationic form. The energy from the digested food is taken into the liver, where it is mixed with oxygen, and also the natural calciums and many other elements in our diet." [pp.42]

We must consider that the function of the digestive tract to be a converter of energy. If this conversion process does not occur, then we begin to miss out on the required energy, and must draw on the reserve energy to function. Depending on the age and health status of the individual we are able to determine just how long this reserve will last. The point of no return is reached when the energy reserve is 4% or less.

To complete the patient's health portrait it is necessary to assess the energy reserve percentage by analysing the test equation.

Body Tissues. The primary unit of living tissue is the cell which produces energy in the form of electrons. This is termed "potential energy".

An example of this is seen during the process of metabolism which involves enzymes in the production of essential substances for the requirements of the body. Metabolism has two basic functions namely, anabolism and catabolism.

Anabolism causes oxidation or cell breakdown into waste matter. Catabolism is the transformation of food into protoplasm and electron energy which is seen as products of electrolytic decomposition.

Cellular tissue provides the area where changes must be instigated for a return to health. However, the base patterns of energy exchange occur at levels beneath the cell structure, that is at the electrons, atoms and molecules, which in turn form the basis of these cellular structures and energy requirements.

We have generally assumed that the brain is the prime organ in the body, and that it is responsible for the command and control of the body including cellular regeneration through the impulses sent through the nervous system.

Recent research is beginning to disprove this concept. It is interesting to find that each cell in the body has its own set consciousness, and a group of cells which also constitute an organ, also presents a group organ consciousness.

Deepa Chopra, M.D. in "Quantum Healing" wrote,

"A body that can 'think' is far different from the one that medicine now treats. For one thing, it knows what is happening to it, not just through the brain, but everywhere there is a receptor for the messenger molecules, which means on every cell.

"Insulin, a hormone always identified with the pancreas, is now known to be produced by the brain also, just as the brain chemicals like transferon and CCK are produced by the stomach." [pp.71]

When assessing dysfunctions to the body at a tissue level, we are actually studying the energy functions of the cells at the sub-atomic level.

A cell may be viewed as an electrically alive entity, and is represented as an electrolyte containing a variety of sub-cellular substances necessary for metabolism, repair and reproduction that are developed by a membrane exhibiting low electrical leakage in the resting state.

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An aggregation of cells of differing shapes bonded together and surrounded by electrolyte fluids are characteristically known as biological tissue. When considering the electromagnetic properties of living tissue, it is necessary to gauge the flow of the current through the tissue. From this we are able to assess the potential healthy function which is measured by pH.

The tendency of the physical universe is condensation and compaction of energy. According to Einstein's Theory of Relativity, matter is considered as being condensed light. In the human body, light as an energy condenses and solidifies, and is stored in the various transformer glands, or acupuncture points, as electromagnetic energy. The various acupuncture nodes are located in the energy meridians of the body.

The energetic characteristics of living systems is revealed in the Reich Blood Test, which was developed by Wilhelm Reich. This test reveals under 2500 to 500X magnification that blood cells will disintegrate into energy vesicles, called "bions" by Reich, as the blood breaks down. A healthy person's blood dissolves to one form and a sick person's blood dissolves into another form.

The electromagnetic blood test developed by Dieter Aschoff in Germany reveals that healthy people's blood exemplifies a strong magnetic field as well as a strong electrical field, whereas the blood from cancer patients has a very weak magnetic field and a dominant electrical field.

It is my considered opinion that homoeopathic medicine is the most all embracing modality in the current field of energy medicine for the treatment of biological organisms.

When compounded in liquid form, the surface tension of the medicine is reduced by homoeopathic succussion (shaking) which makes the energy available from the medicinal substance contained therein.

It incorporates the principles of harmonious octaves and frequency for the balancing of the energy patterns of the body. The correct use of frequency remedies will destroy the invading entity within the cells of the body.

Chapter Four

Once homoeopathy became a structured system of healing it was necessary to formulate specific laws underlying its function. These laws are seen as being immutable relative to the homoeopathic concept. We will now study these laws and their ramification in the application of the homoeopathic system.

1. THE LAW OF CURE. Hahnemann was convinced of the Law of Cure which he termed Similia Similibus Curentur. He felt that this law is universal and as such is a basic law of all true therapeutics.

In the Organon of Medicine, he wrote,


"Now, however, in all careful trials, pure experience, the sole and infallible oracle of the healing art, teaches us that actually that medicine which, in its action on the health human body, has demonstrated its power of producing the greatest number of symptoms, "similar", to those observable in the case of disease under treatment, does also, in doses of suitable potency and attenuation, rapidly, radically and permanently remove the totality of the symptoms of this morbid state, that is to say, the whole disease present, and change it into health; and that all medicines cure, without exception, those diseases whose symptoms most nearly resemble their own, and leave none of them uncured."

Hippocrates in his work, "The Life of Man", stated, Vomitus, Vomitu, Curantur indicating the idea of like curing like.

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Pline in the first century (AD) made the following recommendations in "Dioscordes of Anasorbe",

"That, where there is disease there is also the remedy; to eat grilled earthworms for the treatment of worms".

Paracelsus (1493 - 1541) developed the doctrine of signatures which increased the impact for the unfolding of the law of similars. He wrote,

"The similars cure the similars, the scorpion cures the scorpion, mercury cures mercury. The poison is mortal for man except, if in the organism there is another poison with which it may fight, in which case the patient regains his health". (Paracelsus, "Compendium Philosophae 1508".)

In the Seventeenth Century, Robert Fludd utilised many of Paracelsus' concepts in the treatment of disease. He wrote,

"Worms eliminated by the organism, dried and powdered and given internally destroy the worms. The sputum of a patient suffering from Phithisis cures after the appropriate preparation of Phithisis. (Spargyric method - Fludd was trained in alchemical procedures.) The spleen of a man having undergone a particular preparation (spargyic) is a remedy against enlarged spleen. The stone formed in the bladder and in the kidney, cure and dissolve the stone."

It was following this chain of cure that Hahnemann (1755 - 1843) developed the underlying principles of the homoeopathic cure.

The use of the agent that caused the disease to cure the disease was not the basis of homoeopathy. Similia Similibus Curantur was based on symptomology which was perceived and noted relative to the gross effects caused by specific agents which in themselves were not the underlying cause of the disease manifest.

The basic principles developed by Paracelsus, Fludd and others became the springboard for the homoeopathic principles of dilution and potentization. Many of the methods of Paracelsus and Fludd have been incorporated into a system called "Isotherapy" which will be discussed later.

When practicing healing, we should always keep in mind the basic tenets of our philosophy, if we are able to understand the law relating to cure. We should never lose sight of the fact that all disease lie in the derangement of the vital force, and the outward expression of diseases lie in the symptoms.

When prescribing a certain homoeopathic remedy, and if it is correctly chosen, it will remove a group of symptoms similar to those which in its full chemical state would be capable of producing the disease. A homoeopathic remedy will not cure any disease unless it acts on all the disease parts, either directly or indirectly.

The more similar the remedy proving to the symptom pattern, the greater its action will be in producing a cure. Diseases do not lie in the tissues, and neither does the cure. They are both just a reflection of man himself.

It is generally accepted that the body of man acts as a host for a disease. The disease entity attacks the body and becomes resident therein. Such thinking does not follow the homoeopathic philosophy, and often creates a mental block for practitioners educated in the allopathic system.

Generally the Law of Cure involves the following:

1. Any substance which can produce a totality of symptoms in a healthy human being can cure that totality of symptoms in a sick human being.

2. The name homoeopathy consists of - "homois" meaning similar and "pathos" meaning suffering - like or similar suffering, which is the basis for the law of cure or law of similars.

3. No remedy can effect a perfect cure unless it has a curative action on every diseased part, and is

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in just the proportion that each part manifests disorders.

THE LAW OF DIRECTION OF CURE. "Cure takes place from above downwards, from within outwards, from an important organ to a less important organ; symptoms disappear in their reverse order of appearance, the first to appear being the last to disappear."

This second law of homoeopathy eventually found its way into many of the other natural systems of therapeutics being practiced today. The Naturopaths borrowed it, and to some extent it is related to the Chiropractic method of retracing. The old school of naturopathy followed this law and termed each change seen as being a healing crises.

Logically cure must follow the reverse course of disease. Often a bowel disease will, when reversed, produce the symptoms of asthma, which is the reverse of skin eczema. It is like peeling back the layers.

When treating homeopathically, we should use those remedies which tend to drain the toxins from the organs and glands of the body. Usually the best remedies for detoxifying are homoeopathic complex remedies. Unless this overlay of toxins are removed, cure cannot take place.

We will now consider the lesser laws of homoeopathy.

LAW OF QUANTITY AND DOSE. "The quantity of the drug (homoeopathic substance) required

is in inverse ratio to the similarity.

LAW OF MUTUAL ATTRACTION. "Action and reaction are equal and opposite."

LAW OF QUANTITY. "The quantity of action necessary to effect any change in Nature is the least possible. The decisive amount is always a minimum of infinitesimal."

LAW OF QUALITY. "The quality of the action of a homoeopathic remedy is determined by its quantity in inverse ratio."

LAW OF USE. "The dose and quantity that will thoroughly permeate the organism and make its essential impression on the vital force, is what will affect the functional sphere of the individual."

LAW OF BIOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. "Function creates and develops the organ."

LAW OF DISEASE DEVELOPMENT. "Functional symptoms are produced by the vital force in exact proportion to the profundity of the disturbance. Functional symptoms precede structural changes."

LAW OF PROVING. 1. Any drug which in its natural state affects the vital energy minimally, will develop a proving only in a high potency.

2. Any drug which in its natural state disturbs the vital energy with functional manifestations only, "may" be proven in a crude form.

3. Any drug which in its natural state disturbs the vital energy to destructive manifestations, should be proven only in a potential form.

LAW OF REPETITION. (for proving). "Never repeat the dose while symptoms are manifest from the dose already taken."

Functional symptoms are produced by the vital force in exact proportion to the disturbance. When pathological changes occur, the symptomatic picture changes greatly in that functional symptoms do not manifest in such a great degree.

When the disease state moves deeper into the organism and does not manifest on the surface, we call this a chronic disease. This leads to a further understanding of the law of dose and quantity, realising that functional symptoms always produce structural changes.

Homoeopathy is based on the maxims of proven laws. To understand these laws fully, their realisation is seen in practice. These laws may be quantified as follows:

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"Like Cures Like". This forms the basis of homoeopathic practice. It was not an original idea formulated by Hahnemann, rather as we have seen, this law was recognised some thousand years or more.

However, Hahnemann recognised this as a valid natural phenomenon, and then clinically expressed the law using dilutions of elements and adding the principle of potentization.

With this system he developed and utilised "provings", which were drugs in dilutions, mainly 30C, which were used on healthy people who documented the symptoms that were produced from using the drug.

It has been found today that similar drugs still produce the same symptom patterns on healthy provers. It is scientific in that the results are repeated.

Although today, allopathic drugs are subjected to trials, often on animals, they do not approach the degree of accuracy which the correct homoeopathic similar does.

Cure does not follow a strict pattern. Such knowledge of the removal of disease taints from the body is unknown to "modern" therapy. Generally cure is considered as being a remission or suppression the overall symptom pattern. This type of indoctrination has caused patients who begin to embrace natural therapeutics, to leave off treatment once their symptoms disappear.

It is important that a public awareness and educational programms be instituted to avoid this negative approach to health. This negative approach has led to a worldwide syndrome which states "if you are free of pain, you are cured".

Hahnemann even 200 years ago recognised this and he spent many years looking for the underlying causes of chronic disease, which he termed "acute episodes".

Homoeopathic medicine attempts to issue the dose and quantity which will permeate the body to effect the functional sphere of the patient. Therefore the focus for prescribing should, with the use of simplex homoeopathic remedies, be never to repeat the dose whilst the patient is reacting from the first dose.

HERRINGS LAW. Constantine Herring made a significant addition to homoeopathy with the doctrine known as Herrings Law. No doubt you will see that this has been broken up into the laws already studied.

Herring held that as disease passes from acute to chronic the symptoms move from the surface to the interior, from the lower part of the body to the upper, and from the less vital organs to the more vital. Under correct homoeopathic treatment the symptoms of a chronic disease disappears in the reverse order of their appearance, that is, the disease moves "backwards" through its stages of development and into its acute form, whereupon the patient can be restored to health.

We have already discussed this law, however it must be recognised that it was Herring who proved this in practice and is attributed with its acceptance in homoeopathic practice.

It was further stated that in all chronic and lingering cases the symptoms appearing last, even though they appear insignificant, are always the most important in regard to the selection of the remedy; the oldest are the least important; all symptoms between them have to be arranged according to the order of their appearance.

Only such patients remain well and are really cured who have been rid of their symptoms in the reverse order of their development.

Herrings law is rooted in some of Hahnemann's observations and dicta about the relationship between "local" and "constitutional" disease manifestations, specifically, in his warnings against suppressing the external manifestations of psora, syphilis and sycosis.

Hahnemann realised that certain categories of symptoms were intrinsically more significant than others, since they indicate the stage reached by the disease process. He saw, in particular, that

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mental and emotional symptoms are always the leading indicators of the remedy.

By the second edition of the Chronic Diseases, he had started rearranging symptoms in the light of this principle, placing the mental and emotional symptoms at the forefront of the discussion of each remedy in the Materia Medica.

Herring's three principles only completed the systematisation of symptomology which Hahnemann had already commenced. While relating primarily to the transition from acute to chronic disease, they are applicable in part to the treatment of the stages of acute disease. Herring's Law shows Hahnemann's stress on mental and emotional symptoms to have been entirely justified, as their locus, the brain, is at the same time a major organ, one of the innermost organs, and in the uppermost part of the body.

Chapter Five

Semiology is a branch of pathology which is concerned with symptoms. Current allopathic practice views semiology in a traditional manner. These procedures were present in Hahnemann's time, and it was this which led him to quit medical practice in the manner of the day.

Allopathic semiology groups together the symptoms of patients for assessment and names the disease, whereas homoeopathic semiology pays attention to specific changes which are characteristic to each patient for each symptom. Homoeopathic semiology is seen as a reactional semiology in that it considers the totality of the individual and their symptoms.

Allopathic semiology includes the following procedures:

1.PHYSICAL. The patient is assessed through the use of inspection of the body, palpation, auscultation, X-rays, blood tests and ultra sound.

2. GENERAL. These are symptoms which relate to the overall metabolism, such as weight gain or loss, fevers, etc.

3. FUNCTIONAL. (pain, thirst etc.)

4. AETIOLOGY (Cause). The causative factors of the above symptoms combined in a syndrome revealed by specialised tests which may show a virus, bacterial invasion, excess of urea, uric acid, glucose, or even abnormalities in hormonal levels.

With this type of semiology, the common factor showing is considered as the cause, regardless of the state of the disease.

5. SUBSTITUTION. Should there be a hormonal deficiency, or a deficiency of electrolytes, then chemical substitution is in order.

HOMEOPATHIC SEMIOLOGY. Homoeopathic semiology varies from the above procedures. Although it is viewed differently, certain clinical factors are common.

REACTIVITY. Homoeopathy is reactive in its approach to the treatment of disease. This means that it looks at the patient's reactions to their symptoms, and it is by understanding these reactions that their personal remedy needs are assessed.

From this concept we are able to understand how homoeopathy varies from traditional semiology. We are able to see that homoeopathic semiology considers the totality of the patient's reactive symptoms.

Allopathic medicine usually groups together the various symptoms and calls this "a syndrome ", then is able to prescribe the drug for the syndrome and not the patient.

AETIOLOGY. Aetiological symptoms are of the prime importance for homoeopathic prescription. With a correct observation of a patient's symptom portrait, we are confronted with

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conditions which predispose chronic diseases.

Although this concept is relative to the classical homoeopathic approach, by correctly interpretating the test equation we are provided with similar analysis for the individual patient.

The initial analysis often indicates that these disease patterns are relative to those causes as described previously. Such diseases often result from incorrect hygiene, diet and mineral deficiency.

This then provides us with a causal relationship, and as such potency should be always in a low potency. If we consider that they are directly related to personal environmental causes then treatment may involve the following:

Injuries. Arnica or Hypericum.

Stomach Upset. Nux Vomica or Arsenicum.

These are just two examples of what we are looking at.

EVALUATING SYMPTOMS. Symptoms describe to the homoeopathic physician the nature of the internal disturbance within the organism. Reliance on prescribing should be placed on those symptoms relative to the individual, and particular attention should be given to those symptoms which are peculiar or characteristic of that patient, and not those common to a certain disease which could produce similar symptoms.

The homoeopathic system grades symptoms into three main groups which are:1. Generals - Those general to the patient as a whole.2. Particulars - These are particular to a part of a patient and not to the whole.3. Common - These symptoms are common to all cases of a particular disease.

GENERAL SYMPTOMS. When a person feels unwell they usually refer to themselves as "I" feel this or that. They may say, "I feel sick" or "I cannot stand this humid weather" or "I feel worse this evening".

General symptoms are divided into three grades: - Mental, Modalities and Desires or Aversions.

1.MENTAL SYMPTOMS. If well marked these symptoms are of the greatest importance, and take preference over all other indications.

If they are clear-cut, characteristic in themselves or by their modalities, and if they have appeared during the course of the current disease, then you must take heed of them.

In any other respect they must be dismissed, because they constitute only characteristic descriptions of patients and do not correspond to the reactional changes.

Mental symptoms reflect the mental disposition or behavioural pattern of the patient and often determine the selection of the remedy which will be homoeopathic for the whole case. For example, Emotional tension and the fear of death use Aconite; the feeling of brittleness, use Thuja; The ill-tempered agitation with Chamomile or Cina; The explosive anger of Hepar Sul or Nux Vomica; The intolerance of being contradicted with Nux Vomica or Lycopodium.

2. MODALITIES. A modality is not a symptom but an individual qualification. It represents the change in the entire symptomology of a patient, or of one symptom either in the direction of improvement or aggravation. A modality is always characteristic.

Such modalities may include:Heat or cold.Time or periodicity.Atmospheric changes, dryness or dampness.Windy days.Bodily positions whether standing or bent forward.Whether occurring when driving, in a plane or ship.

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Psychological modalities include:Emotional or mental attitudes; social behaviour and dreams.

Therefore modalities quantify the symptom. Modalities are influences that either aggravate or ameliorate the total person, the particular complaint or organ. They are found in the answers to questions which relate to the weather, time of day, motion etc.

When using the homoeopathic Materia Medica, modalities are marked by particular signatures, for example:

< = worse or aggravated by.> = better or ameliorated by.

There are several classifications of aggravations such as:

(a) METABOLIC. These relate to the effects of eating, drinking, sleep, type of stool, perspiration and menstruation.

(b) PSYCHOLOGICAL. These relate to the effects of grief, fright, anxiety, rage and excitement.

(c) ENVIRONMENTAL. These relate to the effects of weather, sun, wind, humidity etc.

(d) PHYSICAL. These relate to the effects of movement, posture, exertion, rest etc.

(e) THERMAL. These relate to the changing conditions of heat and cold generally, as to whether either condition aggravates or ameliorates.

(f) PERIODICITY. These relate to the repetitiveness of conditions and symptoms - every five days, every week, month or year.

(g) CHRONOLOGICAL. These relate to the hour of the day, season of the year, or to moon phases.

Often when prescribing you may find that one modality will prove to be the guiding factor in your choice of a remedy.

You should always consult your Materia Medica to read through the listings of the various modalities. They are usually listed at the end of each remedy, and in the Repertory there is a comprehensive listing.

It is of value to study the modality section to become accustomed with the various remedies. The following examples will show you different modalities.

CINA: Worse from slight touch; least draught of air; every other day; better from hard pressure.

CARBO VEG. Better from eructations; from being fanned; worse in the morning from waking; perspiration is copious and cold.

LYCOPODIUM. Worse in the afternoon; desires hot drinks; worse 4.00pm to 8.00pm; craves sweets; has urinary trouble; acidity; bloating and wind; better by motion; warm food and drink; being uncovered and after midnight.

3. DESIRES AND AVERSIONS. These must be recent changes and must be distinct longings and loathings. For example, when a person states that he has never drunk beer, but since he felt unwell he longs for a glass, then it is a reliable indication. But a mere like or dislike is of little value.

PARTICULAR SYMPTOMS. These are the symptoms that drive a person to seek help, but are of less value when finding the remedy. They are applicable only to some part of the patient, hence his remarks will be prefixed with "My". For example, "My shoulder is very stiff", or "My headache is worse when I go out in the wind".

It is important to remember that sometimes general symptoms are made up of particular symptoms. For example, after examining the particular symptoms of every region it is found that there are certain symptoms running through the particulars, those symptoms then become generals. The patient has a dry cough, the stool is hard and dry, and they have a great thirst. You can see that

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the characteristic symptom "dryness" runs through the whole case.

COMMON SYMPTOMS. These are symptoms you would expect to find in in a person with a particular complaint. For example, if the patient had a fever you would expect him to be thirsty, or if measles there would be a rash.

These are diagnostic symptoms and are useful only if qualified in some way. For instance, the fact that the patient is thirsty as a result of the illness is of no particular value in deciding the remedy, but if it is observed that although thirsty, he only takes small sips of water at any one time, then the symptom becomes qualified.

CHARACTERISTIC SYMPTOMS. Hahnemann, in the Organon, stressed the importance of securing resemblance to each individual drug. He wrote, "In search for a homoeopathic specific remedy........the more striking, singular, uncommon and peculiar (characteristic) signs and symptoms of the case of disease are chiefly and almost solely kept in view; for it is more particularly with these that very similar ones in the list of symptoms of the selected medicine must correspond, in order to constitute it the most suitable for effecting the cure".

Characteristic symptoms are individual, symptoms, and when studying the Materia Medica one should endeavour to memorise the peculiarities of each remedy which are not met with in any other, and which serve consequently to individualise and give character to the remedy which produces them.

Finally come those symptoms designated by Hahnemann as being "Strange, rare and peculiar". These are the symptoms which characterise this illness in this patient, whether they be general or particular symptoms.

You should have a copy of a Materia Medica by now. You will find the word "Keynote" mentioned in many homoeopathic texts. The word refers to the characteristic symptom or symptoms of a remedy.

The keynote is only meant to to state some strong characteristic symptoms and on referring to the Materia Medica, all the others will surely be there if this one is. There must be a head to everything; so in symptomology - if the most interior or peculiar, or keynote is discernible, it will be found that all the other symptoms of the case will also be found under that remedy which gives existence to this peculiar one, if that remedy is well proven.

Chapter Six

It will be necessary, in order to prescribe efficiently, to discover in every case what characterises that case, or causes it to differ from every other.

So in the remedy to be selected, there is or must be a combination, characteristic or, more strikingly, keynote. Strike that and all others are easily touched, attuned or sounded. There is only one keynote to any piece of music, however complicated, and that note governs all others in the various parts, no matter how many variations, trills or accompaniments. So too with the homoeopathic keynote, once you find the remedy and it will tune the rest of the body.

To attempt to learn out of a book is difficult and you will get easily lost and never appreciate the full extent of healing.

In the latter half of the Nineteenth Century, homoeopathic physicians noticed that patients with a certain morphology were more prone to certain diseases and vice versa. The first to record these observations was Grauvogl, who described them as "Biochemical States".

CONSTITUTIONAL MEDICINE. Dr. von Grauvogl is recorded in homoeopathic literature as being the first to introduce the concept of constitutional remedies. In Grauvogl's view (1865) it was not the cell but the molecule which was the unit of living processes, and on this perception his

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division of man into three basic constitutions was founded.

Of the human body three quarters of it is made up of water, that is hydrogen and oxygen. Carbon and nitrogen account for most of the remainder. When studying the test equation, these various factors are still predominant with the total metabolic process.

Grauvogl found that on the constant and regular interchange between the tissues and gases effected by the blood, which the health of the body depends. On any constant, plus or minus, of any of these elements in the blood or tissues, will show how the basic differences in the constitutions occur.

These differences, which are seen as the symptoms, are the indicators for those remedies which over-ride symptoms that are found independently. In other words, constitutional remedies must be used over and above the symptom based remedy.

Does this in anyway negate Hahnemann's basic principles?

Grauvogl's achievement is seen by the fact that by prescribing for a patient's constitution, there results a change of the health pattern which could not be attained with a particular remedy. With Ionictherapy we can stabilise the test numbers, or metabolism, allowing the inherent constitution to rectify the degenerative pattern. In other words, the body heals itself.

Grauvogl stated that once the constitution was known and cured, all the rest of the symptoms would clear up. However, over the next hundred years, the theories of Grauvogl have either been ignored or dismissed.

THE THREE CONSTITUTIONS OF GRAUVOGL. Grauvogl wrote, "For every organ and every tissue breathes, and if the lungs are the gateway, and the blood the carrier, it is the tissues which are the ultimate recipients of the oxygen that is breathed."

THE CONSTITUTIONS.1. The Hydrogenoid State.2. The Oxygenoid State.3. The Carbo-Nitrogenoid State.

Grauvogl arranged these states according to excess or deficiency of certain elements in the tissues or blood.

1 THE HYDROGENOID CONSTITUTION. This is characterised by an excess of hydrogen (cationic) and consequently of water in the blood and tissues.

The hydrogenoid constitution corresponds closely with Hahnemann's sycosis. However it covers a much wider area and is not by any means confined to the acquired or inherited results of gonorrhoea infection. Intermittent fevers, and periodicity come within its sphere.

Remedies for this constitution must be of that nature to prevent the influence of water on the blood. These remedies are:

Nat sulph; Iodum; Nitric acid; Borax; Aluminium; Thuja; Carbo veg; Arnica; Pulsatilla; Nux vom; and Ipecac.

2. THE OXYGENOID CONSTITUTION. The oxygenoid constitution is characterised by an excess of oxygen, or at least, by an exaggerated influence of oxygen on the organism.The oxygenoid constitution corresponds to Hahnemann's Syphilis. There are no specific documented remedies, however Mercurius would be recommended.

3. THE CARBO NITROGEN CONSTITUTION. This is characterised by an excess of carbon and nitrogen. The carbo nitrogenoid is Hahnemann's Psora.

The constitutions of Grauvogl are no longer included in current homoeopathic teaching.

Hahnemann and Grauvogl constantly insisted that diseases were mere abstractions. They

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followed Paracelsus' lead, which according to him, such diseases should be called by the names of the remedies.

Paracelsus wrote, "That which is perceptible to the senses may be seen by everybody who is not a physician. But a physician should be able to see things that not everybody can see. There are natural physicians, and there are artificially made physicians. The former see things that the latter cannot see, but the others dispute the existence of such things because they cannot see them. They see exterior things, but the true physician sees the interior. The inner man is the substantial reality, whilst the outer one an apparition. Therefore the true physician sees the real man and the quack sees only the illusion."

William Blake wrote, "Non sit alterius qui suus esse potest" - "Let him who has the power to be his own not be the property of of any other man". This echo's the thoughts of Paracelsus completely.

Dr. John Clarke, M.D. a homoeopath of note wrote, "Thus it is the glory of homoeopathy that it permits everyone to follow his own genius in perfect freedom without fettering him to any man's dictum or authority, be it Hippocrates', Hahnemann's, Grauvogl's, Bennet's or Kent's. In the last resort every physician must and does create his own system from his own experience, and from the experiences of others as he is able to digest and make his own."

"Other men's work provide the nutrient required by the beginner for forming his own mental organism before it can be hatched out of his own experiences. Those who can put their experiences into such shape that others can appropriate their teaching and make it live again, are the greatest benefactors to medical science and life."

Paracelus concludes, "No knowledge is perfect unless it includes an understanding of its origin - that is, the beginning; and as all man's diseases originate in his constitution, it is necessary that his constitution be known if we are able to know his disease."


At the beginning of the last Century Antoine Nebel noticed that patients who in in a pathogenic experiment, produced the greatest number of signs when experimenting with the following remedies.1. Calcera Carbonica.2. Calcera Phosphorica.3. Calcera Fluorica.

Each remedy had a specific morphology, and he also noticed that inversely these subjects, with their special morphology, were often more susceptible when treated for their symptoms with remedies made from these substances.

He then systematised a trilogy of constitutions dividing people into three categories;

1. The Carbonic Constitution.2. The Phosphoric Constitution.3. The Fluoric Constitution.

The constitution of the human being is always a constant factor continuous since conception and is influenced by race, genes and heredity factors. It is a static commodity. The constitution is likened to the bones, articulations and ligaments.

THE CARBONIC CONSTITUTION. This constitution corresponds to people who are short and fat, overweight, sometimes obese, with hypolax articulations. They are cationic.When their limbs are extended, the arms for example form an angle opening upwards or forward, depending on whether they are horizontal or vertical. Their legs form an angle opening backwards.

According to Nebel, the Carbonic Constitution makes the patient prone to psoric or sycotic

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MORPHOLOGY OF THE CARBONIC CONSTITUTION.The height is less than average, and the weight is relatively increased with a tendency toward obesity. They have a rather rotund, square or spherical appearance with their development in the horizontal direction.

The face is usually square or round with dis-equilibrium between the three parts which are de-limited by a line which crosses the eyebrows horizontally, and passes the tip of the nose.

There is a dis-equilibrium in the favour of the lower third of the body. The hands are short and square with the fingers shorter than the palm of the hand. The tips of the fingers are also square. Hypolaxity of the ligaments makes the articulations rather rigid, and the angle of extension is much less than 1800 .

The teeth are square or rectangular in the horizontal direction. They are solid and white with a tendency of carries. The dental arcades are elliptic and large. The palate is flat, and there is nearly perfect occlusion of the teeth.

Pathological Tendencies of the Carbonic Constitution. The reactions of these patients are slow, progressive, chronic and insidious.

DISEASE STATES. (a) Diseases of nutrition; obesity; diabetes; gout; biliary or urinary lithiasis.(b) Arthrosis; neuro arthritis.(c) Chronic eczema; verrucas.(d) Sclerosis; hypertension with abnormal lipids; ureamia.(e) Fribrosis or osteoarticular tuberculous.Such people are usually cold sensitive but do not like the heat, especially the sun. They are sensitive to humidity because they have a fluid metabolism which is abnormal. They retain both water and fat.

BEHAVIOUR PATTERNS. This is dominated by two main characteristics: passivity and economy. They are usually methodical hard workers, efficient without excessive talk, but with a determined application. At the worst they are lazy and do not like effort, and from an emotional point of view they are indifferent.

THE PHOSPHORIC CONSTITUTION. This corresponds to those who are tall and tin, with articulations that are slightly supple so that when the limbs are in extension they are almost perfectly a straight line.

MORPHOLOGY. They have above normal height with development in the vertical direction. Their weight is less appropriate for their height making them look hunched. The face is triangular and long. The forehead is large with dis-equilibrium between the three parts, de-limited by a line across the eyebrows and across the point of the nose. The hands are long and elegant, and the fingers are longer than the palm, and the nails are are often almond shape.

There is a relative hyperlaxity of the ligaments as well as hypertonia of the muscles. In extension of the limbs they are completely straight at 180 degrees. The teeth are rectangular in the vertical direction, and they are yellowish and not very solid with readily appearing carries. The arcades are elliptical lengthwise. The roof of the palate is oval and the occlusion of the teeth is not perfect with a tendency to prominence.

Pathological Tendencies. The reactions of these patients are quick but of short duration because of their general weakness. Hence they are easily tired.

Their disease patterns are:1. Loss of weight with ptiosis.2. Demineralisation and loss of tissue substance; tuberculous.3. Hyperthyrodism.

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4. Peripheral venous congestion due to hypertension.5. Juvenile acne which is nearly always present.

These patients have a changing reaction to temperature and they are cold sensitive but do not like confined air. They need fresh air because their metabolism needs oxygen. Their behaviour is dominated by their nervous hypersensitivity and their fatigability.

They are easily excited and quickly exhausted. They have low physical and mental endurance. They have little patience and dislike regularity and order. This type works in fits and starts. At the worst they are conceited, ambitious, superficial, smooth talkers, and easily depressed.

THE FLUORIC CONSTITUTION. This corresponds to patients who have variable heights, but are usually small and underweight. Asymmetry and dystrophy of the bones and elastic tissue is usual. There appears to be asymmetry in all parts of the body.

The hands are hyperlax, extremely supple, especially the thumb. There is hyperlaxity of the ligaments which produce an angle greater than 180 degrees when there is extension at the elbows or knees.

The teeth are triangular, small and irregular with overlapping or space between the teeth. The enamel is grey and of poor quality, and decay is frequent. The dental arcades are variable and depends on the constitution of the of the patient.

Pathology of the Fluoric Constitution. There is a tendency for sclerosis, exetoses and induration of the lymph nodes or tissue. Vascular sclerosis due to lesions of the elastic tissue as well as varicies and aneurysms are common.

Their behaviour is inclined to instability and paradox. Instability is the result of fatigability due to a genetic predisposition which produces indecision and agitation. Paradox produces unforeseen violent, and often far-fetched reactions which are usually ephemeral because of the instability of the patient.

The mixture of these two, instability and paradox, gives a character which is not reliable, and is continually changing and moving. At best, this is an intuitive and agreeable subject who has bright ideas which are quickly implemented before there is any chance of failure.

At the worst, this is an unthinking, vicious and unscrupulous person with a tendency toward mental perversion.

The description of the constitutions involves objective clinical facts, as well as an element of subjective appreciation which is trustworthy.

The constitutional tendencies are important to know to be able to give practical advice to the patient. They are bound up with the three calciums associated with the urine pH, as well as the urine pH association with the nitrate and ammonia numbers. This will be covered further when looking directly at ionization.

The use in practice of homoeopathic complex remedies over recent years has often been disputed by the so called "classical" practitioners, as they do not believe that they follow the teachings of Hahnemann.

The basis of their argument is that Hahnemann did not teach the use of complex or multiple remedies, which is correct. However, if over some two hundred years we cannot build on the principles, then something must be wrong with the profession. In practice the use of complex remedies have been as clinically effective as the simple or singular remedies.

The mixture of several homoeopathic remedies in one pharmaceutical form is seen as the technique of complexism.

In the Western World, this form of homoeopathic prescribing has now gained wide acceptance. It still meets opposition in India.

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Classical, or simplex, homoeopathic prescribing is used for the treatment of chronic disease states, or for the constitutional susceptibility of the patient as described in the previous discourse on constitutions. Constitutional remedies assist the symptomatic remedy to act more deeply on the patient's complaint. Thus, this begins to become a basic complex form of prescribing. They are usually recommended, depending on the degree of similitude, at 15C or 30C, and then one dose weekly.

These functional and basic remedies will assist in the return of the patient's equilibrium to normal by helping the excretion of the abnormal metabolites which produced the disequilibrium.

Depending on the condition of the patients emunctories, the excretions will either be well or poorly discharged. This will be observed by the practitioner as congestion, engorgement, or overloading of certain organs or their function.

Ionictherapy bases this observance of toxic overload relative to the various swings found in the equation as the body chemistry moves away from normal function. When looking for symptoms, we do not just look for the visible ones, but also the invisible ones.

When we view the above approach to toxic excretions we begin to see the value of homoeopathic complex treatment. Generally today because of the highly toxic environment in which we live, there is a toxic overload.

Worse still, the drugs that people are daily consuming are causing changes to the various disease patterns, and producing more diseases. Those so called viruses that seem to be incurable are the net result of the drugs used for the healing of similar viral disease states.

Chapter Seven

When treating disease homeopathically, we must first drain the toxic overlay from the organs and glands in order to uncover the underlying problem. This is the primary function of complex treatment. However, when the correct similar is added together with the drainage remedy, we are able to begin to effect the cure.

We are able to appreciate the value of complex and drainage remedies which are used in small dilutions to assist the excretory functions which have been revealed with the patient history and test equation.

If a patient has previously suffered from renal stones, then it is good practice to stimulate and improve renal function. In such instances you can prescribe JUNIPER. complex remedy for patients with urinary lithiasis.

When you see a patient with hepatic stress, with dyspepsia, and haemorrhoids, then you would prescribe as follows:

CHELIDON for hepatic stress.IPECAC for the indigestion, andHEM - R. for the haemorrhoids.

It is logical to assist the venous circulation in patients with varicose veins or phlebitis with,ARNICA for the circulation, andHEM –R for the varicose veins.

These few examples are given to show you the value for using remedies such as we are presently discussing. The homoeopathic complex remedy is always presented in what we call a low potency, that is below 12C or 6X, and these are called composed formulae or complex remedies,

With the classical approach, it relies on the issue of one remedy. This is given to the patient, and no other remedy is used until the patient shows improvement or change, and the remedy so used has gone the full distance.

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Often such a patient may not respond to the prescription, and after demands by the patient for relief, the practitioner goes back over the case and changes the remedy. If the first remedy is not withdrawn, and the new remedy is compatible with it, the the patient is taking two remedies simultaneously.

Thus the purist is fast becoming a purveyor of complex prescribing, and is not following, to the letter, the teachings of Hahnemann.

The matching of the similar remedy with the patient's symptoms is very difficult. Generally, the patient symptoms do not follow strictly to the remedy choice.

With the Materia Medica, some symptoms relate to the modalities and not the general, or vice versa. The choice generally comes down to choosing from three or four different remedies, and it takes the skill and experience of the practitioner to find the remedies action which matches the patient reaction.

In clinical practice we usually only experience a patient who presents a true remedy picture about once a year. Mostly patients present more complex symptoms owing to the chemical stresses that assail us every hour of the day. The picture does not correspond with the remedy proving as found in the Materia Medica.

Homoeopathic complex prescribing does not vary greatly from the simplex method as taught by Hahnemann. When treating a patient with complex remedies, after you have located the similar in the Materia Medica, you select a complex remedy containing this simplex and issue the remedy to the patient. This always has a beneficial on the vital force and reduces the symptom pattern.

GENERAL BIOLOGICAL PRESCRIBING. When considering homoeopathic practice in today's environment we are able to divide the mode of practice into several categories.

1. The remedy of the totality of the bio-pathological space.

The totality of the biological space is considered as being the total human being. This totality includes the corticorhinencephlo - reticulo - somatic, which corresponds to Hahnemann's simillimum.

The simillimum of Hahnemann is determined by analogical reasoning. This pays heed to the symptomology of the patient, plus all other factors making the person what he is.

2. Remedies of Typological Personality.(a) These consist of morphogenetic or constitutional remedies such as Calc Carb; Calc Phos; and Calc Fluor.(b) The Temperaments and their associated remedies such as Lachesis, Sepia, Iodum etc.

3. Remedies of Aggressological Structure.(a) External Aggression.

The body is assaulted in the following ways and the specific remedies are related to their causative nature and homeopathically alter the symptom pattern.

TRAUMATIC; NACCINAL; ANTIBIOTIC; CHEMICAL. The remedies, not in order of the above listing are, Arnica, Calendula, Hypericum, Silica, Thuya.(b) Internal Aggression.b:1. Of the genetic morbid process.b:1.(a) Allergic (psora): Sulphur, Lycopodium, Silica and Calc Carb.(b) Mesenchymatosis (sycosis) Thuya, Silica, and Nat Sul.(c) Tuberculinosis: Drosea, Pulsatilla, Nat Mur.(d) Leutosis (syphilis): Acid Fluor, Arg Nit, Aurum.(e)Carcinosis (pre cancer): Hydrastis, Kresotum, Condurango, and Conium.

2. Immunologic Perturbation.

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- Isotherapy.- Biotherapy.- Organotherapy.- Hormonotherapy.

3. Perturbation of Cellular Metabolism.- Micro-bio-mineralotherapy (Schussler's Salts.)

4. Localises Lesional Perturbation.

Homoeopathic drainage.

When approaching the patient's illness it is important to select one of the techniques for deblocking the vital force as described above.

The treatment should be conceived as a whole, and it should be considered according to the stages of the evolution of the illness of the patient at that particular time, as well as the degree of the intensity of the pathological condition.

Once we understand the above tactic of the therapeutic plan of the patient, it will now help us to consider the strategy of the totality of the analogy between the pathology and the therapeutics.

This strategy will consider the particular modalities according to the state of the pathological movement.

TACTIC AND BIOTHERAPEUTIC STRATEGY. This can be accomplished on three levels of treatment:

(1) The level of lifting the barrier of the reactional blockage.Here we consider the individual as a biological space closed by his form and his function, integrating himself into his environment.

This biological space is assaulted by a pathological process. The ensuing diversity of metabolic perturbations causes some structural modification of the morphology.

The practitioner must then consider the appropriate methods of deblocking or detoxifying the patient. Deblocking a pathomorphological type may be achieved through one or more of the following categories of biotherapy.

(a) Articular Manipulation.This causes a general and local deconcentration.(b) Neuro Therapy.This induces a disconnection of a perturbation field.(c) Acupuncture and Laser Therapy.

This can be either the traditional method or electro acupuncture. With laser they all induce energetic stimulation.

You should read the Organon pp280,290 on Hahnemann's reference to the use of magnetic, electric and massage therapy.

(2) Setting Aright the Total Biological Space.

This accounts for the traditional method of homoeopathic practice.

Homoeopathy alone may induce the alteration of the totality of the biological space. It will provoke from a known symptom the same antagonistic manifestations regarding the effects of the pathologic symptoms. It works from a micro dose, which is highly dynamised, by the inverse effect of a strong symptom on a weak symptom.

As a result, the most analogical fundamental homoeopathic remedy is prescribed.

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(3) Biotheraputic Cleansing and Drainage.

The concept of homoeopathic drainage will be looked at in depth in the next discourse, especially as it relates to the localised lesional perturbation.

It is essential that homoeopathy must follow a broad scheme of biotherapeutic prescription in order to embrace the totality of human illness.

This is the reason that complex homoeopathic treatment is so successful when used with the Ionictherapy test. Therefore to understand disease, the energetic reactions of the body must be observed.

The test equation allows us to map the degenerative changes in the energy patterns, and these pattern changes are influenced mainly by stress.

Different kinds of stress effect different organs and glands within the body. For example:

Physical and emotional stress will adversely effect the endocrine and immune systems; Nutritional stress may result from mineral deficiencies, processed and altered food, weight loss diets, fast foods, vitamin mega doses, poor food combinations to name a few instances. Nutritional stress may cause pancreatic weakness as well as digestive problems and autointoxification.

Lifestyle stress includes excesses in alcohol, smoking, overwork, drug abuses and sedentary activities. Of course, there are the well known environmental stresses that effect everyone daily.

One of the major areas of stress experienced is that of allopathic treatment which often suppresses the immune system. Such things as the use of radiation treatment, X-ray, chemotherapy, steroids, vaccinations and antibiotics.

As we have seen in this and the previous discourse, the constitutional factor has a bearing on the type of treatment for the individual. If we have a case of a constitution which has an inborn or acquired weakness which may manifest as eczema will later, if not treated homeopathically, it will then present itself as asthma, bronchitis, migraines etc.

Failure to understand the test patterns may mislead the practitioner and like the allopath, would consider them as separate diseases.

The body's need for complex remedies can change rapidly, even daily, The Ionictherapy Homoeopathic Complex remedies are of a dynamic and vibrant nature, and the multiple potencies contained therein allow adaptation to meet the individual and shifting needs.

By improving the assimilation and absorption process, the body's need for large quantities of vitamins is reduced. The body becomes better able to function under the less than ideal circumstances of obtaining nutrients from available food.

The practice of homoeopathic drainage or detoxification is to induce the excretion of metabolites which are abnormal and are accumulated on different levels of the biological space, from the molecules as well as the tissues and organs.

The homoeopathic process for cleansing irritants from the biological space is well outlined by Hahnemann in the Organon, and I am reproducing portions here for your reference.


"Considering the minuteness of the doses necessary and proper in homoeopathic treatment, we can easily understand that during the treatment everything must be removed from the diet regimen which can have any medical action, in order that the small dose may not be overwhelmed and extinguished, or disturbed, by any foreign medical irritant."

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"Hence the careful investigation into such obstacles to cure is much more necessary in the case of patients affected by chronic diseases, as their diseases are usually aggravated by such noxious influences and other disease causing errors in the diet and regimen, which often pass unnoticed."


"The most appropriate regimen during the employment of medicine in chronic diseases consists in the removal of such obstacles to recovery, and in supplying , where necessary, the reverse; innocent, moral and intellectual reaction, active exercise in the open air in almost all kinds of weather, and suitable nutritious, unmethodical food and drink etc."

¶262"In acute diseases, on the other hand, except in cases of mental alienation, the subtle, unerring internal sense of the awakened life preserving faculty determines so clearly and precisely, that the physician only requires to counsel the friends and attendants to put no obstacle in the way of this voice of Nature by refusing anything the patient urgently desires in the way of food, or by trying to persuade him to partake of anything injurious."


"The desire of the patient affected by an acute disease with regard to food and drink is certainly chiefly for things that give palliative relief; they are, however, not strictly speaking of medical character, and merely supply a sort of want. The slight hindrances that the gratification of this desire, within moderate bounds, could oppose to the radical removal of the disease, will be amply counteracted and overcome by the power of the homeopathically suited medicine and the vital force set free by it, as also by the refreshment that follows from taking what has been so ardently longed for."

The practising homoeopathic physician therefore cannot divorce himself from the need for maintaining correct nutrition for the patient when involved in a detoxifying programme. The main purpose of drainage using homoeopathic remedies, is to free the blockage in the offending organisms.

Should the patient persist in working against treatment by being involved in incorrect life style habits, then you will face an insurmountable problem in overcoming the morpho pathological state.


Drainage or detoxification allows the practitioner to approach the organism in its totality. It assists with the elimination of noxious metabolites and contributes to the elimination of the products of antagonistic forces.

Any organ that becomes so toxic or inflammed that it becomes the most stressing influence on other organs or tissues can become so influential that effective therapy becomes impossible without first dealing with the organ concerned.

Drainage operates at an organ and tissue level within the body. When looking at the specific remedies involved in the form of treatment, we must consider their role as those which remove toxicity from the cells, and those which cause drainage from the organs themselves.

Therefore we are able to create two classifications namely,

1. Organ Therapy, and 2. Drainage Therapy.


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DRAINAGE. Drainage covers the sum total of the therapeutic means available to ensure that elimination occurs through the natural channels of those toxins congesting the organs of the patient requiring treatment.

ORGAN DRAINAGE. Organ drainage involves a composite number of specific remedies which will act on the congested organ, or organs, creating a release of the congestion, engorgement or overloading, which in itself may not be the seat of the disease, but provides the blockage to the full recovery of the body in its biological space.

Correct methods of drainage allow the specific similum to activate the healing processes.TOXINS. There are three categories of toxins that affect the human organism adversely:

1. Exogenous Toxins.2. Endogenous Toxins.3. Autogenous Toxins.

1. EXOGENOUS TOXINS. These are external factors of a harmful nature which tend to lower the resistance , or reserve energy, and deplete the immune responses.

They consist of artificial stimulants such as alcohol, tobacco, drugs, whether medical or otherwise, when used in excessive quantities. Other external factors include stress from anxiety and worry.

Heavy metals, the leading toxin of which is mercury often due to the silver amalgam in dental fillings. Following mercury we see lead, aluminum and silver. Many other metals are also seen such as cadium, beryllium, iron, zinc, gold, nickel and tin.

Pesticides, insecticides and herbicides are often found as one of the key toxins in the body. These occur frequently due their excessive use in the growing of fruits and vegetables.

2. ENDOGENOUS TOXINS. These toxic states are induced by viral infections, microbial effects which deplete the immune system.Viruses, some are more important than others in their ability to block the body's defence mechanisms. Important here are EBV (Epstein Barr), CMV (Cytomegalo-virus), influenza, and HIV (AIDS).

Bacteria such as Salmonella, T-Toxoplasmosis, E.Coli, Staphylococcus and Streptococcus are to be included.

Fungi, the most important of which is Monilia albicans (also known as Candida). This can be a major threat to the immune system.

3. AUTOGENOUS TOXINS. These can be the result of the patients basic constitution and temperament which have their effects through heredity responses which is seen as the Psora of Hahnemann.

Realising that we are faced with the problem of toxicity within the organs, it is necessary to appreciate the difficulty which practitioners face daily in their attempt to assist their patient's return to health.

The patient history indicate that many of these toxins in the body are a direct result of incorrect lifestyles and poor nutrition, as well as their overall disease history. From this one is able to target those congested organs.

In practice this approach can often lead to a greater knowledge of selecting the correct remedy. Today, practitioners are using different methods for confirmation of their diagnosis such as Iridology, Ionictherapy testing, Vega testing and other methods.

Homoeopathic Ionictherapy utilises the urine and saliva to ascertain those organs and glands which are carrying high toxic loads. The urine provides us with more information on the metabolism than any other excretion from the body. Ionictherapy provides us with the most accurate

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information in utilising drainage therapy.

With the use of homoeopathic treatment for detoxification, we must combine both the constitutional and drainage remedies together in one prescription.

Some of the major remedies used in Ionictherapy for constitutional and drainage are Calc Carb Complex; Calc Phos Complex and Calc Fluor Complex.

When using simplex remedies for drainage they are used similar as that for complex remedies. The following list provides you with the major remedies that you can use for detoxification.


Carduus Mar. For liver congestion with hepatic dysfunction. Pain in the right side; yellow skin. Chinchona Off. Enlarged and tender liver; Bitter taste in the mouth; abdominal distension. Conium. Hepatic pain with a hard and tense abdomen. Taraxacum. There will be hepatic pain with jaundice. The tongue will be patchy white with dark red areas. Chelidonium.

Constant pain is experienced in the liver as well as the inferior angle of the right scapular. The urine will be dark.


Berberis. Renal colic with a burning sensation in the kidney region. Pain is experienced during


Formica Rufa.

Urinary trouble with rheumatic diathesis. The urine is abundant.

Sarsaparilla. Intense pain in the right kidney. Pain at the end of micturation.


Calendula. Activates the healing of wounds, prevents suppuration and ulceration.

Lycopodium. Accelerates the healing of furuncles.

Petrolatum. The sin is dry and fissured; oozing eruptions.


Ceanothus. Deep pain in the left hypochrondrium; Spleenomegaly.

Quercus Spiritus Gland. Pain in the left hyperchrondium, Spleenomegaly.


Senna. Acts on the pancreas.

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Condurango. Burning pains in the stomach.

Hura Bray. Constipation with ineffective desire. Haemorrhoids.

Ruta Grav. Stools are blood stained and difficult to expel.

Scrophularia Nod. Pain in the rectum with bleeding haemorrhoids.


Chimaphila. Acts on the prostate. There is a constant desire to micturate.


For prolapse of the uterus.


Hydrastis. For the mucous membranes and glands.

Sedum Acre. Strong action on the mucous membranes.

The above remedies represent some of the popular drainage remedies and these should be combined with specific organ remedies to influence the body's metabolism in the restoration of health and well being.

Most complex remedies for drainage should be combined in dilutions below 10C, as a pharmacological action is required.

Drainage remedies should follow correct treatment principles, namely:

1. It must be a specific stimulant to the organism.2. It must always be non toxic.3. It acts by virtue of a particular physical state transmitted to the organism selectively by the sub-lingual route.

Your study of this comprehensive system of healing is graded to introduce all the basic knowledge in order that we build a strong foundation for your successful practice and utilisation of homoeopathic remedies in aiding those who are suffering.

Some students are using this knowledge for their families, whereas others are professionally applying this knowledge in their practice.

In the following chapter we will approach the various methods of homoeopathic pharmacy.

Chapter Eight

This chapter begins at the beginning, namely that area from where the medicines are compounded, the pharmacy. Pharmacy is a science and art of preparing drugs. It includes identification, selection, preservation, combination, analysis and standardisation. It also embraces knowledge of medicine, and the art of compounding and dispensing them.

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THE MATERIA MEDICA. This is included in the term, pharmacology. It deals with the origin, composition and properties of medicinal agents. These properties include physical, chemical, and biological characteristics of the drug.

A good Materia Medica always lists the source of the medicine at the beginning of its listing. For instance Clarke's Materia Medica lists Kreosotum, " Kreasote or Creosote. A product of the distillation of Wood Tar solution in Rectified Spirit. [J. Meridith makes dilutions of 'the first heavy distillate of hard green wood,' which he has named Carbo pyroligneus.]

At the basis of homoeopathic treatment is the idea if the infinitesimal dose. Homoeopathic treatment is a specific stimulant to the organism. It is unlike allopathic medicine which is coercive.

There are various sources of remedies in the Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia.

VEGETABLE SOURCES. Mother tinctures are prepared from the whole plant or from a part of it. This depends upon the portion that was used in the "proving" of the remedy.

The pharmacopoeias normally indicate the part used in the preparation of Mother Tinctures.

Listed below are just some of the remedies which are used, and come from the vegetable kingdom.

WHOLE PLANT. (Including the root) Acalypha indica; Aconite nap; Belladonna; Chamomilla; Chelidonium; Dulcamara; Euphrasia; Hypericum; Ledum; Pulsatilla; Ruta grav; Ocimum santum.

ROOT. Artemisia vulgaris; Arum triphyllum; Calotropis gigantea; Bryonia alb; Cicuta virosa; Ipecacuahna; Rauwalfia serpentina; Senegar; Phytolacca.

STEM. Jaborandi; Sabina (with leaves).

MODIFIED STEM. (Rhizome) Caulophyllum; Thalectroides; Discorea; Gelsemium; Helleborus Nig; Podophyllum; Sanguinaria;

BULB. Allium cepa; Allium sat; Homeria.

TUBER. Solanum;

CORM. Colchium.

LEAVES. Aboratum; Ambroma aug; Cannabis; Digitalis; Tabacum; Rhus tox; Kalmia Lat; Mimosa; Oleander.

INFLORESCENE. Calendula (with leaves).

FLOWERS. Cena; Cactus grand.

STIGMA. Crocus sat.

FRUITS. (Berries) Agnus cast; Creteagus; Oxyacantha; Coffea (well roasted).

SPORES. Lycopodium.

PULP. Colocynthis.

BARK ROOT. Baptisia; Berberis vulg; Myrica cer.

OIL. Oleum coj (from leaves); Oleum ric (from seeds); Croton tig. (seeds)

ROSIN. Abies nig.

GUM. Asafoetida.

JUICES. Myristica seb; Aloe sec; Opium; Hura bray.

A plant or vegetable substance consists of cellulose and lignen which forms the basic frame material of the roots, stem, leaves and other parts of the plant.

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Apart from water which forms the major constituent of the plant it contains organic and inorganic substances also. The medicinal property of the plant is taken as dependent on the composition of these organic and inorganic constituents.

These constituents depend on the species of the plant, their habitat, the height at which they grow, the soil on which they thrive and the various seasons of the year. Often there is a variation in the composition of these constituents in the different parts of the plant. These constituents reach a peak level at a certain time in certain parts. The pharmacopoeias therefore recommend the use accordingly.

PHARMACOPOEIA. These are standards which contain the sources of medicines, the directions for the preparation of medicine and the analysis of approved medicine.

There are four current official Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia.1. The British Pharmacopoeia. B.H.P.2. Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States. H.P.U.3. The German Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia. G.H.P.4. The French Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia. F.H.P.


CARBOHYDRATES. These are organic compounds. Apart from the ligins and cellulose which form the framework of the plant structure, carbohydrates are found in the vegetable kingdom combined in glycosides, plant pigments, glycoproteins, gums, pectins, mucilage, galactants, etc. Ascorbic acid is a derivative of the carbohydrate Xylose.

The carbohydrates are sub-divided into two categories:1. Sugars - These consist of sucrose, lactose etc. They are sweet and soluble in water.2. Non Sugar - these are starch, gums and cellulose.

GLYCOSIDES. These are complex organic plant principles from the combination of hydroxy compounds with sugars. Hydrolytic reactions normally split up the glycoside into their constituent parts. This may be brought about by boiling with dilute mineral acid or with alkali.

The pigment of the flowers are glycosidic in character, for example, Digitalis and Strophanthus are cardio tonic glycosides. Aloe and Cascara are cathartics.

TANNINS AND TANIC ACIDS. These are found in bark and fruits particularly in species of Rhus, Acacia, Hamamelis and Rose.

ALKALOIDS. The alkaloids are derived from plants, although a few are found in the living body. Others result from the decomposition of dead animal tissue.

VOLATILE OILS. These are extracted and obtained from plants by distillation or expression extraction.

LIPIDS. Lipids are the fat and fat like substances found in plants and animals.




Arachnida. Tarantular, Mygale, Teriduon, Aranea.

Orthoptera. Blatta orientalis.

Coleoptera. Cantharis.

Hymenoptera. Apis, Formica, Vespa.

Hemiptera. Coccus, Cacti, Cimax.

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Radiata. Corrallium rub, Spongia, Bodiga.

Mollusca. Sepia, Murex.

Batrachia. Bufo rana.

Pisceses. Oleum jec, Aselli.

Ophidia. Lachesis, Naja, Crotalus, Elaps.

Mammalia. Moschus, Mephitis.

All these animal species are used in the preparation of homoeopathic remedies, either the whole of the healthy animal or its secretion (venom of lachesis); dried preputial secretion of musk deer (Moscus); fluid secretion of the anal gland of the wild cat (Mephitis).

CHEMICAL AND/OR MINERAL SOURCES. Homoeopathy has derived many minerals for the purpose of medication either in their pure state or in combination.

ELEMENTS: Gold, silver, copper etc.

COMPOUNDS: Calc carb; Ferrum phos; Baryta carb.

ACIDS: (Inorganic) Nitric acid, Hydrochloric acid.

ACIDS: (Organic) Benzoic acid; Acetic acid.

Before they are taken for prescription their impurities and level of purity is determined.

Chapter Nine

NOSODES. The word nosode is derived from nosonos meaning disease. The medicinal substances are prepared from the diseased product or the excretion of the living organism.Psorinum: Itch eruption.Syphillinum: Syphillitic poison.Ambra Grisea: A disease product from the whole fish.Secale Com: A fungus growth which attacks rye.

SARCODES. The sarcodes are prepared from the secretion of healthy organisms.Cholestrin: From the B cells of the Islets of Langerhans.Insulin: From the pancreas.Thyrodium: From the thyroid gland.

They have great value in homoeopathic preparation and are used in the treatment of chronic disease states. They are deep acting, and assist disturbed metabolism.

IMPONDERABILIA. These include such remedies as X/ray, which is made by placing alcohol absolute in a flint glassed bottle and irradiated.

SYNTHETIC. Thymol, Histamine, Sulpanilamide.

COLLECTION OF PLANTS. All vegetable and animal products must be collected fresh, as far as possible. Where the material is imported, they should be obtained from a reputable supplier, but preferably in their natural state and proper identification should be carried out before using them for the preparation of mother tincture.

With regards to ants, the parts which are used in the preparation are to be collected at a specific time.

WHOLE PLANTS. Whenever the term "whole plant" is used, it means the whole plant including the roots. Otherwise it is mentioned as "without roots".

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The whole plant should be gathered when it is in half flowering and half bud stage, and during sunny weather. They should be carefully cleaned by shaking, gentle rubbing, or a clean specimen should be selected.

LEAVES. When the leaves are used, they should be collected just before or during the early part of the flowering time. This rule requires modifications in the case of biennials, since the leaves which first appear in the spring of the second year are the best, and should be collected as soon as the flowering stem begins to shoot.

FLOWERS. When the flowers are used they should be collected partly in bud and partly in blossom, and during dry weather.

STEM. When the stems are used they should be collected after the development of the leaves.

We will continue our study of the various parts of plants which we use in homoeopathic pharmacy.

SEEDS AND FRUITS. When seeds and fruits are used they should be collected when they are fully ripe.

YOUNG SHOOTS. When young shoots are used they should be collected in the spring when the whole plant is in full vigour.

THE BARK. When the bark of resinous trees are used it should be collected in the early spring. Non resinous bark should be collected late in Autumn from young and vigorous trees.

ROOTS. When roots are used, different directions are to be followed according to the nature of the plant.

Plants need drying before transportation to the manufacturer. They should be tied in loose bundles and hung in the shade. Odorous substances should be separately stored.

VEHICLES USED IN HOMEOPATHY. A vehicle is an inert substance having no therapeutic value and is used in the preparation of mother tinctures, or potencies of remedies in the dispensing of the medicines.The vehicles are either of dry or liquid consistencies.The following vehicles are commonly used in homoeopathic pharmacy.Saccharum Lactis (sugar of milk).Cane sugar.Purified water.Alcohol.Solvent ether.Glycerine.Syrup simplex.


Saccharum Lactis is prepared from milk. It is a disaccharide containing one unit of levo glucose.The milk is allowed to stand still in cold storage, and is skimmed after the cream has settled.The fat free skimmed milk is then treated with dilute hydrochloric acid to precipitate the casein. Most of the protein is thus removed.

After the removal of the casein by filtration, the filtrate, called whey, is adjusted to a pH of 6.20 by the addition of lime.

The whole filtrate is then heated to coagulate with further albuminous matter and subjected to further filtration. The filtrate is then set aside to crystallise.

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The crystals are re-dissolved in distilled water and treated with animal charcoal to deodorise the solution which is then recrystallise. This is called commercial lactose.

This variety is not pure enough for homoeopathic remedies and must undergo further purification.

PURIFIED WATER. This is obtained by distillation or deionization. The pH shall not vary less than 6.70.

LIVING WATER. Catalyst water is a water catalyst which is used to increase the energy level of water. It should be mixed with distilled water in the manufacture of homoeopathic remedies.

ALCOHOL. Homoeopathic dilute alcohol is prepared by adding three parts of alcohol to seven parts of distilled water.

GLYCERINE. When dispensing mother tinctures, syrups are the best vehicles for combination, as they wash the odour or taste from the tinctures.

Chapter Ten

POTENTISATION. This is one of the most important procedures of homoeopathic pharmacy. It is a mathematical and mechanical process which reduces, according to scale, the inert substances to a state of physical solubility, physiological assimilability, and therapeutic activity. By this there is a quantitative reduction in the drug substance, and a qualitative increase in its medicinal or therapeutic property.

The successive dilutions are called Hahnemannian. These preparations are designated by Latin names of the drugs, substances or compounds used, followed by the indication of the dilution.

The following abbreviations are used:

For Mother Tincture M.T. (Ø)For Decimals. D, Dec. or X.For centesimals. C or CH.Preceded or followed by the figure of the dilution.

According to Avogadro's Law, the number of molecules in one gram mole of any substance is approximately 1 x 10-24 = 24X or 12C potency.

Therefore when remedies are potentised beyond this level it is statistically improbable that a single molecule of the original medicinal substance will remain in the diluting agent.

Homoeopathy makes use of the potentised medicine far in excess of 1 x 10-24. Hahnemann used 30C or 60X potency successfully.

This is expressed as follows:30C = 1 x 10-60 which equals 1/100 x 1/100 x 1/100 x 1/100 x 1/100 repeated to 30 occasions giving the following fraction:

DILUTION CONCENTRATION DECIMAL CENTESSIMAL SCALE SCALE1/10 10 PER 100 - 10 -1 D1 OR 1X1/100 1 PER 100 - 10-2 D2 OR 2X 1C OR 1CH1/1000 0.1 PER 100 - 10-3 D3 OR 3X1/10000 0.01 PER 100-- 10-4 D4 OR 4X 2C OR 2CH1/100000 0.001 PER 100 - 10 -5 D5 OR 5X1/1000000 0.0001 PER 100 - 10- D6 OR 6X 3C OR 3CH

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1/ 1(18 ZEROS) -10-18 D18 OR 18X 9C OR 9CH


1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.or 1 in a decillion.

Very high potency ranges are only used by experienced practitioners.M = 1,000C.5M = 5,000C.

10M = 10,000C. 50M = 50,000C. CM = 100,000C

MM = 1,000,000C.

The dilution and triturations are obtained, as said before, according to the Hahnemannian method of division of the basic substance in a condition fixed as below in a liquid or or in a solid base respectively.

They are called decimal or centesimal according to the successive operations of divisions, and are done in the ratio of 1/10 or 1/100. The number of operations done define the height of the dilutions and triturations obtained. This is expressed as follows.

A potency of 3X or below is recognised as a physiological dose, and substances such as Belladonna, Nux Vomica, Aconite, Ignatia and Colocynthis are highly toxic and can be fatal if used below this potency. One should never use these substances lower than 6C or 3X.

When beginning to prescribe homoeopathic simplex remedies it is wise to prescribe from 6C to 30C potency.

Most complex remedies are made in low potency and this was covered in a previous chapter.


1. Centesimal dilutions. Have a series of bottles and tops well washed in water and dried. The number used must correspond to the number of centesimal dilutions to be obtained.

Take one part of mother tincture and add 99 parts of a mixture of alcohol and distilled water. (Three parts of alcohol to seven parts of distilled water). This is then succussed about 40 times. This will produce a potency of 1C. Mark your bottle accordingly.

Take one part of the previous made remedy (1C) and add it to a dilutant of 99 parts. Repeat the succussion for 40 times, and the result will be a remedy with a potency of 2C. Follow this procedure up the scale until you reach your desired potency.

2. DECIMAL DILUTION. The procedure to follow is the same as outlined above except that you now use 1 part of mother tincture to 9 parts of dilutant. The result is a remedy strength of 1X od D1 potency.

3. TRITURATION. In the case of insoluble substances the main object is to reduce the size of the particle to a more finer degree. It will be found that making a dry trituration is a very tedious and time consuming operation.

By triturating these substances up to a degree of 6X it will be brought to a state of fineness where it will become soluble, or remains in a fine colloidal suspension if dissolved in the

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appropriate vehicle.

PROCEDURE: Take one gram of 6X dry substance and dissolve it in 50 drops of distilled water and 50 drops of alcohol. Give ten succussions and this produces 8X potency in a liquid form.

The potency thus produced is 8X because it is in the centesimal scale (50 + 50 = 100). 7X in this instance is not possible as (5drops + 5 drops = 10) and as such is not sufficient enough to dissolve the medicinal substance thoroughly. Subsequent decimal or centesimal potencies in liquid can be prepared.


The Homoeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States was first published in 1897. The object of this study is to provide a plan for the making homoeopathic mother tinctures of uniform strength. Such strength equals all triturations of the same potency and maintaining the medicinal power. In other words, all homoeopathic tinctures made according to this pharmacopoeia are 1/10 drug power for the first decimal strength.

The manner of determining the proper proportion of the plant and menstrum (alcohol) in making tinctures according to this pharmacopoeia is as follows:

A certain amount of plant, or part of it, whichever is used in any particular instance, is weighed. The plant is then thoroughly dried, and this drying evaporates all moisture.

The difference in weight between the dried and fresh plant represents the amount of water in the same. In the making of the tincture, the amount of water is taken into consideration when proportioning the amount of menstrum and plant, so as to make the resulting tincture a strength of 1/10.

The remedies used by the homoeopathic physician should invariably be prepared in identically the same manner, and under the same conditions as was the remedy at the time of proving.

Tinctures, therefore, should be made according to the rules as laid down in the pharmacopoeias. There are other ways of making them such as reducing a fluid extract; making them from dried plants, where living plants should be used etc. Such methods should not be tolerated.

Chapter Eleven

PRESCRIPTION WRITING: When writing prescriptions they should be legible; accuracy needed relative to the ingredients; care that in-comparabilities are not used; and that the maximum dose should not be exceeded.

The following abbreviations are used in all prescription writing to pharmacies:AA. Ana = of each.A.C. Ante Cibum = Before meals.AD LIB Ad Libitum = The desired amount.B.D. Bis in Die = Twice daily.C Cum = withC.M. Cras mane =Tomorrow morning.C.N. Cras nocte =Tomorrow night.F Fiat = MakeGTT Guttae = DropsH.N. Hoc nocte = TonightMist. Mistura = Mixture.UNG Unguentum = Ointment.Rx Recipe = Take

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Stat Statum = Immediately.S.O.S. Si Optus Si = Only if necessary.Pulv. Pulvis = Powder.P.C. Post-cibum = After meals.S.L. Sac lac = sugar of milk.T.D.S. Ter In Sumendum = 3 times daily.T.I.D. Ter in Die = 3 times daily.Q.I.D. Quarter in Die = 4 times daily.Q.H. Quaque Hora = Hourly.QQH QuaqueQuartusHora =Every/four hours.Q.S. Quantum Sufficiat = As much as necessary.P.R.N. Pro Re Nata =Whenever necessary.

You probably will not use these symbols very regularly as there are not many pharmacies relative to practitioners making homoeopathic preparations. Most of the remedies that are used by practitioners are obtained from licensed laboratories. However it is a valuable part of your training to understand the art of pharmacy prescribing.

Before beginning our study of posology, it is necessary to look at some of the more recent developments in trituration and its homoeopathic influence.

Dr. J BENVENISTE. By now much of Dr. Benveniste's experiments have either documented or lost on purpose by the antagonists of homoeopathy. Dr. Benveniste took some human blood serum full of white cells and IgE and mixed it with a solution prepared from goat's blood that was certain to trigger the release of histamine.

This second solution contained an anti-IgE antibody, which represents bee venom. pollen, or other antigen. When the IgE and the anti-IgE hit, the reaction in the test tube went off exactly as it would in a person with a bad allergy, and large amounts of histamine were produced.

Benveniste then diluted the anti-IgE tenfold and added it again - still the same reaction. He kept on diluting, time after time, and as before, about half of the IgE (40 to 60 percent) continued to react.

This was extremely surprising, because he was well past the limit where the solution should be chemically active. He decided to dilute the anti-IgE even more, making it a hundred times weaker each time, until he knew that there was no anti-IgE at all. His last dilution contained 1 part antibody to 10120 parts of water; if written out, this number would be expressed as 10 followed by 120 zeros.

This confirmed mathematically that it was impossible for the water to contain a single molecule of antibody. When he added this "solution", which was now just distilled water, the histamine reaction was set off with the same power as before.

Although the result was an absurdity, Benveniste duplicated it seventy times, and asked other research teams to repeat it in Israel, Canada and Italy - all came up with the same result. They all discovered that you can trigger the immune system with an antibody that isn't there.

The results were reluctantly published in the July 1988 issue of Nature. Its editors frankly declared their repugnance at the result, stating that " there is no physical basis for it". The human white cells were acting as if the anti-IgE was attacking them from everywhere when in fact it was nowhere.

Using an elaborate system of poisons and toxic plants that mimic the symptoms of true disease, the homoeopath gives the body a taste of what he wants to cure. Ground Nux Vomica seeds which contain strychnine can be given to counteract the symptoms of chronic fatigue and irritability, because they produce these symptoms themselves.

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Benveniste has only endorsed through his research a small part of the homoeopathic concept. There is no doubt over the years other researchers will have to admit that all the healing principles of homoeopathy have a basis of truth as science catches up with the rest of the world of energy medicine.

Chapter Twelve

POSOLOGY. Posology is the study of dosage and requires skill and experience in its application.


Homoeopathic remedies must be evaluated as follows:1. By serial dilution, homoeopathic remedies are non toxic.

2. Its action is not caused by a chemical effect due to its molecular mass, rather, by a particular energy state, which is a consequence of its preparation. The healing effect is transmitted by the vehicle which is the pharmaceutical form of the remedy.

3. Homoeopathic remedies are reactive, that is, they have no pharmaco-dynamic action of their own, rather they make the inharmonious organ react. They are considered as specific stimulants.

A homoeopathic remedy acts qualitatively as opposed to a medical drug which act quantitatively. Medical drugs act on the basis of chemical reactions which are proportional to the molecular mass.

Medical drugs are limited in dosage. Below a certain limit the drug will not act, or does not act sufficiently, and beyond an upper limit it becomes toxic and dangerous.

With a homoeopathic remedy there is no risk of toxicity or an overdose. It only acts if given beyond a lower limit which is the threshold of the patient's reactive sensitivity.

This threshold will vary from individual to individual, but it is not proportional to the quantity of the initial provoking agent.

In his Organon, Samuel Hahnemann outlines his teachings regarding dose.


"In older descriptions of the fatal effects of overdose of medicines, it is often to be noticed that the close of such deplorable accidents was marked by certain effects which were of very different nature from those witnessed at the beginning of the case. These symptoms which are called forth in opposition to the primary effect, or actual operation of drugs upon the vital force of the organism, are its counter-effect, or after effect. But these are rarely if ever perceived after moderate doses administered to healthy persons for the purpose of experiment; and they are altogether absent after minute doses. During the homoeopathic curative process, the living organism exhibits only that degree of counteraction against these minute doses, which is required to re-establish the natural state of health."And other references state:


"The most recent experiments have taught that crude medicinal substances........will not disclose the same wealth of latent powers as when they are taken in a highly attenuated state, potentiated by means of trituration and succussion. Through this simple process the powers hidden and dormant, as it were, in the crude drug, are developed and called into activity in an incredible degree."

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"There is however, scarcely a homoeopathic remedy which, though well selected, if not sufficiently reduced in its dose, might not call forth at least one unusual sensation, or slight new symptom during its operation on very susceptible and sensitive patients..."


"Although a homeopathically selected remedy, by virtue of its fitness and minuteness of dose, quietly cancels or extinguishes an analogous disease... Aggravation caused by larger doses may last for several hours, but in reality these are only drug-effects somewhat superior in intensity, and very similar to the original disease."


"The smaller the dose of the homoeopathic remedy, so much the smaller and shorter the aggravation of the disease during the first hours".


"The dose of a homoeopathic remedy can scarcely be reduced to such a degree of minuteness as to make it powerless to overcome, and to completely cure an analogous, natural disease of recent origin, and undisturbed by injudicious treatment. We may, therefore, readily understand why a less minute dose of a suitable homoeopathic medicine, an hour after its exhibition, may produce an appreciable homoeopathic aggravation of the kind."

Homoeopathic dosage is based upon law. This law is expressed as "The quantity of action necessary to effect any change in nature is the least possible". The decisive amount is always a minimum, an infinitesimal.

Homoeopathic medicines are presented in several forms such as:

Liquids Powders Tablets Liniments Pilules Creams Granules Ointments.

In Europe they are also presented as injectables, ovules and suppositories.

DOSE GUIDE. In acute diseases the remedy is selected as a function of a local or general symptom.

It is usually prescribed in low or medium dilutions. The action of the remedy is of a short duration, and must be prescribed several times daily.

When several remedies are indicated for the same patient, it is advisable to alternate rather than associate the various remedies.

In chronic diseases the patient will consult his practitioner for disorders which are produced by his reactive mode.

He describes symptoms which annoy him, and which he wants to be rid of, like dyspepsia, acne etc. Usually these symptoms are local or regional which come on more or less sporadically, and more or less chronically.

Hahnemann in "Chronic Diseases vol.1." relates,

"But when these aggravated original symptoms appear later on in the same strength as at the beginning or even more strongly later on, this is a sign that the dose of this anti psoric remedy, although it was correctly selected, was too great, and caused the fear that no cure could be effected through it, since medicines given in so large a dose are able to establish a disease which in some

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respects is similar, but even greater and more troublesome, without extinguishing the original disease".

"This is caused by the fact that the medicine used in so large a dose unfolds also in its other symptoms which nullify its similarity and thus establishes another dissimilar disease, also chronic, in place of the former."

Localised symptoms have a deep cause. These relate to chronic diseases as defined by Hahnemann. The basic symptoms of the patient, through their elimination in prescribing the similar at that point, will lead the physician to the root or chronicity of the diseased state.

DOSE GUIDE.ADULTS CHILDREN INFANTS.Liquids15 9 6Tablets2 2 1Pilules4 3 2Powders1g. 0.5g 0.3g.

Injections1cc. 0.5cc. 0.3cc.

When prescribing mother tincture for internal use do not exceed the following recommendations:

ADULTS. 3 drops per dose.CHILDREN 2 drops per dose.INFANTS 1 drop per dose.

MEDICINE TAKING. Homoeopathic remedies should be placed directly in the mouth and allowed to remain there for as long as possible before swallowing.

Often it is recommended that the remedy dose should be dissolved in a glass of water. The patient is instructed to take one teaspoonful every hour.

Owing to the sensitivity of homoeopathic remedies, certain precautions must be taken to prevent contamination and deterioration. Also, to be effective in the reactive mode of the patient, the patient should follow specific rules when taking remedies.

Usually homoeopathic laboratories and chemists issue instruction sheets which are made available to the patient. For your information I am reproducing one here for your information.

1. Rinse the mouth with water before taking the medicine.

2. (a). The prescribed amount of drops per dose should be placed into a clean glass with two centimetres of water added. Sip the medicine keeping each amount in the mouth for as long as possible before swallowing.

(b). For convenience, the drops may be placed directly under the tongue and held as directed in 2(a).

(c). Tablets and pills should be placed under the tongue, using the lid of the container, and allowed to dissolve.

(d). Take a half hour before and one hour after meals.

(e). Avoid taking medicine directly after using tobacco or toothpaste.

(f). Avoid spicy foods and strong coffee.

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(g). Do not use mentholated and camphorated liniments, lotions or ointments.

3. Store in a cool place away from:

(a). Direct sunlight.

(b). Perfumes.

(c). Disinfectants.

(d). Camphorated mothballs and hand creams.

STORAGE ADVICE. Homoeopathic remedies being very sensitive to any pollution, by virtue of their dilution and their special physical state, it is wiser to protect them against all volatile substances.

They must not be kept in any family medicine cabinet with other products such as ether, perfumes etc., all of which are easily diffusible and therefore risk neutralising the remedy.

In the same way the patient must avoid eating sweets, or using any mint flavoured toothpaste immediately before or after taking the remedies.

As homoeopathic remedies work by stimulating the body's defences, there is no objection to, or incomparability, with medicinal drugs because they both work on different levels in the body.

If the remedies are correctly stored they will have a lifespan of seven years upward.

It is important that the caps on the bottles remain tight. Often the caps work loose unaided, in travel etc.

Chapter Thirteen

DIFFERENT DISEASES. Often a patient exhibits several different disease states. They may suffer from asthma, heart disease and high blood pressure. This is not unusual and is often seen in practice.

Always treat the most offensive malady. You should assess from the patient's history what is the condition that is troubling him, and prescribe for that first.

Often the minor problem will go away. However, one must always seek the depth of the chronic disease during the continuing appraisals.

We will continue the subject of homoeopathic posology in the next discourse.

USING A REMEDY. When choosing a remedy we must follow certain knowledgeable procedures.

A remedy is well indicated and chosen for its close symptom resemblance. If using a medium of too high a potency, you need to watch the patient reaction, and do not repeat it until it has exhausted its reactive use.

Acute diseases usually react to low potencies with repeated doses.

If a remedy is well indicated, and fails, try other potencies before changing the remedy.

If the resemblance of the remedy to the disease is not very close, and no other remedy may be found, use low potencies at regular intervals.

Homoeopathic dosages require that no new symptoms shall be produced as a result of their administration, for these would be drug effects; but we may find a slight aggravation of the symptoms already present immediately following the administration of the remedy, which recedes, and improvement continues.

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The law of dosage states " The quantity of action necessary to effect any change in nature is the least possible; the decisive amount is always a minimum, an infinitesimal.

REMEDY REACTION. According to Hahnemann, the closer the remedy is to the similar, the greater the reaction we may expect. For example he writes:


"If the anti-type constructed from the list of symptoms of the most suitable medicine contain those peculiar, uncommon, singular and distinguishing (Characteristic) symptoms, which are to be met with in the disease to be cured in the greatest number and in the greatest similarity, this medicine is the most appropriate homoeopathic specific remedy for this morbid state; the disease, if it be not one of very long standing, will generally be removed and extinguished by the first dose of it, without any considerable disturbance."


"I say without any considerable disturbance. For in the employment of this most appropriate homoeopathic remedy it is only the symptoms of the medicine that correspond to the symptoms of the disease that are called into play, the former occupying the place of the latter (weaker) in the organism, i.e., in the sensations of the life principle, and thereby annihilating them by overpowering them; but the other symptoms of the homoeopathic medicine, which are often very numerous, being in no way applicable to the case of disease in question, are not called into play at all. The patient, growing hourly better, feels almost nothing of them at all, because the excessively minute dose requisite for homoeopathic use is much too weak to produce the other symptoms of the medicine that are not homoeopathic to the case, in those parts of the body that are free from disease and consequently can allow only the homoeopathic symptoms to act on the parts of the organism that are already most irritated and excited by the similar symptoms of the disease, in order that the sick life principle may react only to a similar but stronger medicinal disease, whereby the original malady is extinguished."

If the exact similium is found we are apt to see a slight aggravation before relief comes.

The most common reactions after a remedy is administered are:1. Aggravation.2. Amelioration.

AGGRAVATIONS. There are two types of aggravations seen. The first is the aggravation to the disease condition in which the patient grows worse, and the second are those in which the symptoms grow worse and the patient grows better. The patient in this situation will say, "I feel better, but such and such symptoms are now worse."

The aggravation from the disease condition indicates that the patient is getting weaker. The disease state is getting stronger and the vital energy is beginning to ebb.

On the other hand, the patient is feeling better which indicates that the vital energy is improving, although the individual symptoms are showing aggravation.

We must always remember the law of cure and direction when prescribing. By the differentiations we can know whether the patient is progressing or retrogressing. We should determine whether the symptoms are tending toward the exterior and away from the inner parts. We should know whether there is a peripheral tendency, or a tendency in the reverse order.

If there is no change in the patient's condition at all we must look at the following:

(1). Is the remedy wrong?(2). Is the potency wrong?(3). Does the patient have a sluggish reaction?

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(4). Is the remedy itself slow acting?

In other words we should look at determining a second prescription and if no change, then try prescribing different potencies.

If all else fails the symptoms of the disease may have changed although the cause remains unaltered.

AGGRAVATION TYPES. If there is a short ,sharp aggravation, and the patient improves this will indicate:1. The remedy was correct.2. The potency was correct.3. The patient's reaction was vigorous.4. The prognosis is good.If there is a long aggravation with slow improvement this will indicate:1. The remedy is correct.2. The potency is correct.3. The case is probably difficult.4. The vital force is very low.

Thus do not repeat the remedy too soon, and wait until they have gained sufficient strength to react to another dose.

If the aggravation is long with a slow decline of the patient it may indicate:

1. The case cannot be cured completely, but only alleviated.2. The potency may be too high.

Try a lower potency and give more frequent doses until improvement is noticed.

If the patient has normal aggravation, followed by improvement and the return of old symptoms in the reverse order of their appearance, we are getting the best results.

Here we must continue treatment. Old symptoms usually disappear, and if some persist, then increase the potency.

If there is a marked improvement of actual symptoms, but the dangerous development of other acute symptoms, one must look carefully at this patient.

Treat the new problem urgently.

If the improvement is rapid, then:

1. The remedy was correct.2. The potency was correct.3. The disease was not deeply rooted.

Continue the treatment until full recovery.

Always warn your patient that there is the possibility of an aggravation of the symptoms. Failure to do so often brings the patient back accusing the remedies for making them worse. If this attitude is allowed to continue your patient will go back to their other therapy and with it your reputation.

If the patient telephones you, which can happen, and says "I am worse etc. etc." Assess the aggravation as reported and suggest that the patient stop the medication for twenty four hours, and then recommence on a quarter of the previously prescribed dose. When they do report further aggravation, gradually increase the dose to their tolerance point.

COMPATIBLE RELATIONSHIPS. This term includes remedies which are complimentary to each other, or which follow each other well. Often certain remedies act better when prescribed in series. For example: Pulsatilla is followed by Arsenicum, Lycopodium, Nux Vomica, Silica and Sulphur.

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Now check your Materia Medica under Lycopodium. Look for the heading Relationship. which states:

Complementary: Lycop. acts with special benefit after Calcar. and Sulphur, Iod.; Graphities; Lach.; Chelidon.Antidotes.Camph.; Puls.: Caust.

A truly complimentary remedy is one which completes the work done by a previous remedy. For example, Sulphur completes the action of Aconite when all the good that can be expected of that remedy is exhausted. Other examples are Calc.Carb followed by Belladonna, and Nat Mur following Ignatia.

These "following" remedies are called "chronics" of the "acute" by some writers. Thus Ignatia is the acute, and Nat Mur is the chronic. Ignatia is for grief, but if there are deeper changes in the patient's nature and character which may only be shown after Ignatia has been given, then Nat Mur is the natural compliment, providing always that all other symptoms are in agreement.

INIMICAL RELATIONSHIPS. This is the opposite of the above. There is a lack of harmony between the action of remedies when following each other in the treatment of a case.

Often it is observed that inimical remedies have a singular pathogenesis, and the action of the following remedy spoils the action of the original prescription. An example of this can be observed where Sulphur follows Calcera, or Rhus Tox follows Apis in skin complaints.

Careful note should be made of the relationship of the remedy as indicated in the Materia Medica before making the next prescription.

ANTIDOTAL RELATIONSHIP. Where untoward bad effects are observed after the administration of a remedy, it may be necessary to antidote that remedy. This may be achieved by giving a remedy which matches the symptoms now apparent, and the remedy is usually found to be one which has a similar action to that first prescribed.

UNDERSTANDING SYMPTOMS.Pain. Among the many symptoms of disease, the symptoms of pain are perhaps the most frequently complained about. The student will have learnt in previous discourses that it is on the totality of symptoms that a homoeopathic remedy is prescribed, and not on any one particular affection or indication of disease; nevertheless the repeated complaints of sick people in regard to their aches and pains cannot, and must not be entirely disregarded. as such we will devote some time to examine closer this distress signal.

Pain is always an indication of some greater disharmony, and care should be taken to record its exact nature.

Pain is a single symptom. It is not a reliable guide to a remedy, but must be taken into consideration with other symptoms to be of value. It must be borne in mind that we have no way of measuring pain, but must estimate the patient's tolerance to it. This is often referred to as The Threshold.

Pain is usually described as follows:Throbbing: This indicates an inflammatory condition.Boring: This indicates pressure; ulceration; or inflammatory conditions.Gnawing: This is usually found with the growth of tumours, and great care should be exercised when this symptom is given.Aching; BruisedStiff: This can indicate the after effect of an overused muscle; Rheumatism; or Uric acid deposits. Stiff: They all cause similar symptoms.Griping: These are irritations of organs such as bowel; bladder or uterus.Burning: These are often descriptive of dyspeptic pains from excess of acids.Shooting: This usually indicates that pain is travelling along a nerve.

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Observation of the part is often of assistance in confirming the nature of the pain.

Remember, always pay close attention to the complimentary symptoms before deciding on the type of pain presented in any case.

Even in these observations we must be careful and consider whether we have administered a similar remedy that has unfolded the case to us, or whether our selection has been so far from the similar that we have merely mixed the case.

Diseased states are progressive, ever developing deeper and deeper. Disease is destruction; cure is construction. Cure is always centrifugal, as growth is always centrifugal.

By careful observation of symptoms before selecting the remedy and by careful observation of the reactions after the administration of the remedy, we may have the assurance that comes from intelligent comprehension of our work, and we can know when we are making satisfactory progress in each individual case.

The process of case taking and history will determine your ability and reputation as a homoeopathic physician. If you do not pay heed to the total symptoms and characteristics of the patient, you will not find the correct remedy, and your patient will not support homoeopathic medicine.

The remedy is never at fault. It is only the inability of the practitioner which is wrong.

The homoeopath must make a diagnosis through the classification of symptoms under a group heading. The group symptoms are not treated, rather, the individual.

We look at matching a "drug picture" with a "patient picture" or image. We must select the true symptoms of the patient and clarify them in order that we can make a definite picture of the patient's illness.

Therefore we must not only depend on eliciting symptoms alone through questioning, but we must use our power of observation.

We must observe the patients characteristics totally, from what he tells us, from his features, the colour of the skin, his size or shape, whether he is nervous or has a twitch, how he sits or stands, whether he looks at you when he speaks to you or looks out the window, how he dresses, and most of all if he answers your questions freely or you have difficulty in receiving truthful information.

Often I have found that it can take up to three consultations before a patient stops hiding truthful factors. Therefore it is important for you to develop your powers of observation in order to gain the utmost information from the consultation.

THE CONSULTATION ROOM. Before continuing with our study on history and case taking, it is important to discuss your consultation area.

You are not just conducting a homoeopathic practice, but also an Ionictherapy centre. As such this involves the need for a small Lab area with hot and cold water, and a clean environment. You also need to have a separate toilet facility which is for your sole use.

You need a separate consulting and examination area from the testing area. The environment of the consultation area should be quiet, harmonious and simple. It should be completely separate from domestic quarters of the building, if the consultation centre is a part of a private dwelling.

In certain countries, like the U.S.A. it is necessary for you to have specific forms signed by the patient relating to their reason for consultation, and in some areas it may also be necessary to tape record all factors of the consultation. Litigation problems require these procedures.

The personal hygiene of the Ionictherapist is important. You must be cleanly dressed and pay attention to the need for clean hands and fingernails.

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Your attitude to the patient is a very important factor. You must be interested and concerned for the welfare of the patient, and you should always listen with care and attention to the patient's problems. If you are sincerely interested, then your patient will feel motivated to provide the information required.

An unprejudiced mind on the part of the Ionictherapist is important, not only for the comfort and freedom of expression of the patient, but also for the Ionictherapist's own ability to perceive the truth of the case. often therapists try and catalogue symptoms into interpretations based on previous experience, or on the knowledge of the Materia Medica. This is inevitable, but the interviewer must be circumspect about it.

We should also be aware of the patient's position. They usually are nervous on their first consultation. If you have to conduct a physical examination, then you must have a private change area, a clean gown, and the examination couch should be clean with disposable towels on the pillow.

It is important to include some please, and thank you, when questioning some details and moves from the patient.

RECORDS. It is important to keep adequate records for each individual case. With all the details required for Homoeopathic Ionictherapy, record cards are inadequate. In practice the use of manilla folders or large envelopes to store the files is most appropriate. With Ionictherapy, as you have learnt in the previous semester, you need specific forms for the test, as well as computer records.

With pure homoeopathic practice, the general details of a permanent nature should be stored on a permanent sheet in the file, and the history notes are taken down on standard writing pads. Thus you can write as much as is needed and build your patient record over the years.Your permanent record must encompass the following details: Surname: First Names.Address: Telephone No.D.O.B. Occupation: Health Fund:Other details include:Number of Children: Allergies: Operations: Injuries: Vaccinations: Medications currently used: Past medical history.

You cannot practice Homoeopathy and Ionictherapy without keeping adequate patient records.


It is important to set the patient at ease, by greeting them courteously and introducing yourself. Give the patient time to settle in and begin by ascertaining the reason for the patient consultating you.

This involves the past and family history. These may reveal particular morbid predispositions, or the specific reactive mode of the patient in time and space which corresponds to the "chronic disease" in the homoeopathic sense. Family history will give us an indication of heredity patterns involved. Record the patient's past illnesses, his recovery, and whether he has been well since. Note also any operations, vaccinations, accidents or emotional disturbances.

When deciding to question the patient further on their specific problem we must avoid :

(a). All leading questions, that is, do not ask questions which may suggest the answer. Patients will often take the easy way out if they feel that they have given the answer you wanted.(b). Never ask a direct question that can be answered with a "yes" or "no".(c). Never ask alternating questions.(d). Avoid questioning along the line of a remedy. That is, we may tend to type the patient to the remedy rather than the remedy to the patient.(e). When dealing with a symptom, confine your questioning to that symptom. Do not skip from

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one symptom to another.Try and start the interview with the mentals (the generals). Look a finding hates, fears,

desires, loves or weakness of memory.

Record these in the patient's own words. Secondly, look for modalities such as the effects of cold or heat on the patient, as on the hands or feet.

Start at the head and work through. I always follow the format of the remedy presentation of the Materia Medica.

Having listed the generals, we must now turn to understanding the particulars.These symptoms are those which the patient comes to you with for help and advice. If he

has headaches, then we must look at those problems involved with the headache such as:

How often does he have the headaches, once a week, monthly etc. How do they start, what area, what type of pain, how long do they last. Do they suffer high blood pressure? Does certain food make it worse? Do they get nausea? Does it effect their eyes? Do they come prior to menses? etc.

We must question the symptoms regarding the particulars of any complaint whether it is Hay Fever, Asthma, or any condition.

Not the least important factor is that of the emotional reactions of the patient.

A very important technique which should be used in all homoeopathic cases is that of underlining. For any given homoeopathic symptom, there are three factors which determine its emphasis:

1. Clarity.2. Intensity.3. Spontaneity.

A symptom of a very great meaning to the patient which is given with great descriptive clarity, great intensity, causing interference with the life of the patient, and spontaneity (that which is volunteered by the patient, rather than be elicited after questioning) carries the most weight in the case. These three factors are combined in the process of underlining.

1. No Underlining.Symptoms which are hazy, not given spontaneously, not perceived as being very intense by

the patient.

2. One Underline,Symptoms of greater clarity and greater intensity, yet still elicited only on questioning.

3. Two Underlines.Symptoms of great clarity, moderate intensity, and volunteered spontaneously.

4. Three Underlines.

Symptoms with the highest clarity, great intensity, and given entirely spontaneously by the patient.

These underlines should be used with precision, and they should apply equally well to follow up visits as well as with the first consultation.

By this, I mean that changes in emphasis of a symptom in the overall picture can be evaluated along with its mere presence or absence. This can provide extremely important clues for the progress of a given case over time.

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Chapter Fourteen

THE ACUTE ILLNESS. An acute illness is one which is self limited. It is characterised by a latent period, a period of exacerbation, and then a period of decline of symptoms which may result either in cure or death.

The goal of the homoeopathic remedy in an acute illness is to simply accelerate the natural healing processes which were set in motion through the increase of the vital force.

With homoeopathy, we prescribe on the dynamic symptoms of the acute phase, and ignore the underlying symptoms which belong to the chronic case.

This is relatively easy because the acute symptoms are dramatic and fresh in the mind of the patient. The impotent thing is to discover the specific reactions being generated by the immune system in response to the acute stimulus alone.''

During the treatment of acute illness, we collect our information from three sources:

1. The physical environment of the patient. We should try and ascertain the state of the patients room, whether they like being covered up, or throw the bed clothes off, if the room is dark and the patient cannot stand light; the condition of the eyes; whether clear or glazed.

2. The Patient. Can the patient give reliable symptoms? The exact location; time of appearance and duration; the type of sensation; and modalities which make them better or worse. A clinical examination is performed to determine the precise diagnosis, seriousness and prognosis of the ailment at that time.

3. Information should be sought from the friends and relatives who have been tending to the patients illness. Often the patient is too stuporous to provide precise information, so the best information may be elicited from the nurses who have a more objective perspective of the patient.

An illness with a "sudden onset and rapid development" suggests the use of Aconite or Belladonna.

"An insidious onset with gradual progress" may suggest Bryonia, Gelsemium or Pulsatilla.

The pace of symptoms change rapidly during an acute illness, and a different remedy may be indicated after a few hours. But whenever a remedy is given based on the totality of the acute symptoms in the movement, it is likely to accelerate progress toward cure, and relieve the patient considerably.

In an office situation, acute cases can usually be seen and actioned every fifteen minutes,

At the end of an acute attack the chronic symptoms usually show themselves clearly, even more clearly than at other times. The conditions following an active attack are not the result of an active attack nor the result of the acute attack, but because nature has cleared the patient to a greater or lesser degree by the acute explosion, this leaves a clear picture of the chronic condition.

Finally, understand your patient. The homoeopathic history when it is well taken, brings out a large number of symptoms which can confuse a novice. You may not know how to make a synthesis of all this. But soon you will understand that although everything is important, everything is not equally important. There is between the various symptoms a hierarchy. A small number of major symptoms is sufficient to make a diagnosis of the appropriate homoeopathic remedy or remedies.

This hierarchy depends on whether the patient has an acute or chronic disease.

The objective aspect of case taking consists of the physical examination of the patient. This consists of two aspects:

1. The General Examination.

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2. The Particular Examination.


This includes:1. Decubitus. This means the position, posture, gait etc., in which the patient is lying, sitting or walking.

2. Expression.See how he behaves and talks, whether intelligent, agitated or calm, co-operative or non co-operative.

3. General Look and appearance.(a). Face: The expression; note any oedematous or puffy condition, as could be present in nephritis or severe anaemia.(b). Eyes: Whether pale and dry as in anaemia; dark and yellow as in jaundice; red and watery as in viral infections.(c). Nose: Look for any ulceration, eruption or growths inside.(d). Cheeks: Sunken cheeks as in dehydration; red as in mitral stenosis.(e). Lips: Colour of blue as in cyanosis; dry and scaly in dehydration.(f). Tongue: Coated in chronic illness. and in fevers lasting for ten days or more; Fiery red as in deficiency of riboflavin; ulceration and inflammatory spots in stromatis and deficiency in peridoxin; fissured in gastritis.(g). Orodental Hygiene: Gums or teeth bleeding or pyorrhoea.(h). Neck: Check lymphatic glands; thyroid enlargement; engorgement of the veins and the direction of the blood in them.(i). Nails: pale in anaemia; spoon shaped in anaemia; kiolonychia, i.e. clubing in bronchiectasis, lung cancer, subacute bacteria, endocarditis.(j). Pulse. ) Blood Pressure. ) To be noted. Temperature. ) Weight. )

(k). Oedema of the feet: Whether it is pitting which is present in heart failure and hypoproteinaemia; if it does not pit on pressure it may be elephantitis or lymphadentitis.Oedema on the face denotes some urinary disease.


This is the examination of the parts and systems of the body. First of all examine the system which is involved and of which the patient is complaining the most. This is conducted in the following manner:

1. Inspection.2. Palpation.3. Percussion.4. Asculation.5. Special examinations such as:X / Ray.Electrocardiogram (E.C.G.)Electroencephalogram (E.E.G.)Skin Tests.Laboratory Tests - Urine and Saliva etc.Iris Diagnosis.We shall now consider some of the important systems and their examination.

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1. THE ALIMENTARY SYSTEM. The alimentary tract starts from the mouth and ends at the anus. The upper alimentary tract is mainly the buccal cavity (the mouth).

The Mouth:Lips.Colour: Bluish in Cyanosis; yellowish as in jaundice; or more reddish as in inflammation.Condition: Dry and scaly or cracked as in dehydration. Herpes or ulceration as in stromatitis.Position: The paralysed side will be bent toward the affected side.


Colour: Yellow if sordes is present.

Condition: Carious in the deficiency of vitamin C, scurvy, or syphilitic affection. Pus in pyorrhoea; Bleeding in pyorrhoea.


Colour: Reddish or dark as in gingivitis.

Condition: Spongy and pyorrhosed in scurvy (pus oozes out on pressure); Sordes on tartar; Bleeding may denote purpura or leukaemia or scurvy.


Colour & Surface: Pale in severe anaemia; fiery red in deficiency of riboflavin.

Condition: Ulceration is stromatitis; dry and shrivelled in dehydration; Dry and brown in intoxication of the body; Trembling shows a nervous state; fur coated present in scarlet fever; Smooth in pernicious anaemia, gastrointestinal disturbances and iron deficiency. Fissured in gastritis; wrinkled in syphilitic affections; Mapped due to bad liver; Thrush - white headed small blister inside the mouth from antibiotics.

Tonsils. Whether enlarged or normal, or fibrosed.

Pharynx. Whether the follicles are swollen; sago like eruptions, patient gets constant hawking.

Breath. Bad breath is present in bad teeth, ulcers, food remnants, follicular enlargement of the tonsils.

Examination of the Abdomen.

The abdomen is divided into nine regions. Two horizontal lines are drawn, one at the level of the tenth ribs on both sides, and the other joining the two iliac spines. Two vertical lines are are drawn from the nipples downwards, in the middle lies the umbilicus.

The upper three regions are known as: The right hypochrondium; epigastrium and left hypochrondium.

The middle three regions are called; Right lumbar; Umbilical; Left lumbar.

The lower three regions are termed: Right iliac; Hypogastrium; and Left iliac.

The patient should lie on his back with the knees lifted up for the purpose of examination.

Inspection. We should note the following:

1 The Contour.This means the shape of the abdomen. A full abdomen indicates fat, fluid, excessive faecal

matter in chronic constipation, flatus of air, a new growth.

2. Pulsation in the Epigastrum.Normally no pulsation is visible except in thin people. If it is seen it is due to aortic

aneurism, some growth over the aorta, massive cardiac enlargement.

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3. Surface of the Abdomen.Normally it is smooth, but sometimes lines (strial) are present as after delivery, ascites or

wasting diseases, these all indicative of a recent change in the size of the abdomen.

4. Swelling in the Inguinal Region.Normally no swelling is visible, but if it is present, it may be a hernia or a growth.

Palpation. We palpate for the liver, spleen and kidneys, and when so doing have the patient take deep breaths.

The Liver. Start palpating from down upward. Normally the liver is not palpable. However, if it is enlarged you will feel some resistance moving with respiration. If it is firm, hard and nodular, it is cirrhosis. If it is very hard, coarse and painful it is carcinoma of the liver. Murphy's Sign is positive in inflammation of the gallbladder (i.e. tenderness and hardness outside the rectus muscle).

The Spleen. Start palpation from the umbilicus and go upwards diagonally toward the left side. If some resistance is felt it is the spleen. It is only palpable when enlarged.

The Kidneys. If the kidney is enlarged it will be felt by the hand on the abdomen. If in a case of colic, tenderness and fullness are present at the renal angle, then it is of renal origin.

Rectum and Anus. Look for eruptions around the anus, haemorrhoids and fissures.

Chest. Observe the shape of the chest. Abnormalities may be:

1. Barrel shaped chest is present in emphysema.

2. Raised or depressed on one side. A raised chest indicates pleurisy, lung abscess, carcinoma, depression, fibrositis of the lung, collapse of the lung.

The rate of respiration in a healthy man is 14 to 15 per minute. The ratio between respiration and pulse in health is 1:4.

Cardin Vascular System.

There are four symptoms of heart disease: Dysponea, Pain in the cardiac region; Clod sweats; Palpitations.

Murmurs. These may be functional or organic. Functional means that there is nothing wrong with the heart, but murmur is present as in:

Hypertension.Severe Anaemia.Toxic Goitre. Organic means that there is something wrong with the valves of the heart. There are two types - Systolic and Diastolic. The systolic murmur comes with the apex beat and the diastolic is present without the apex beat. Put the thumb on the carotid artery. If the murmur is heard with the carotid beat it is systolic, otherwise it is diastolic.

Blood Pressure, Blood pressure is the force of the blood pumped by the heart into the arteries and the resistance given by the walls of the arteries.

There is no rule for blood pressure levels. The following averages are given.

Average Systolic. 100 to 140mm Hg.Average Diastolic 60 to 90mm Hg.Normal Pulse pressure 30 to 60 mm

High blood pressure can be caused by: nervous and mental disturbance; sleep; prolonged mental strain; smoking and drugs; overeating and autointoxification; diabetes; migraine; asthma; epilepsy; valvular heart disease.

Low blood pressure may result from: lowering of vasomotor tone; acute cardiac disease; loss of fluid; cancer; cerebral thrombosis and overuse of tobacco.

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Motor Functions. For this examination you should note the following:- The size, tone, power and co-ordination of the muscles plus the presence of involuntary movements.

The size shows if there is paralysis or contracture; the tone relates to normal muscle tension. Increased tension is seen in motor neuron disease, and decreased tension reflects lower motor neuron disease.

Sensation of Pain. This may be superficial or deep. Test superficial pain with a pin prick. Deeper pain shows through pinching.

If the sensation of pain is lost it is a case of hemiplegia. If it is more then it is a case of tabsedorsalis.

Reflexes. It is wise to perform various reflex tests in order to estimate the functioning of the nerves.

Conclusion. There are many works of complete testing procedures and laboratory tests, and the student is recommended to revise these procedures in order to perform a complete physical examination of the patient.

Such tests will help to confirm the depth of the patients problem and be of assistance in ascertaining the overall symptomology.

Since diseases as dynamic derangements of the vital character, express themselves solely by alteration of the sensations and functions of our organism, this alone can be the object of treatment in every case of disease. For, on the removal of all morbid symptoms, nothing remains, but health.

Samuel Hahnemann.

Nobody has ever seen "Anaemia" , "Scarlatina" or a "Headache", stalking abroad as a separate entity. Symptoms are the language in which the disturbing forces, which we know as disease, speak to us. Dr. Clarke.

From the above we can realise that:

(a) Disease cannot be recognised except by its morbid signs and symptoms.(b) Disease can manifest itself in many different forms and under different conditions.

What we are doing is finding the remedy which will extinguish the disease as it manifests to our senses by the morbid signs and symptoms.

In taking the case we must take into consideration the nature of the disease and its peculiar types. We must know disease accurately before we can give effective relief. We must know the peculiar manifestations of each individual case, taking into consideration its complete symptom totality.

It is essential that we consider the following:

1. A selection must be made from the mass of symptoms presented, and the remedy must be based on this selection.2. The symptoms presented must be graded according to their respective values.3. In order to match the remedy to the symptoms it is essential to know the remedies intimately and recognise those symptoms which characterise the patient.

Most reliance then should be placed on the symptoms which signify the individual patient, and particular attention must be paid to those symptoms that are peculiar to, or characteristic of the patient, and not those which are common to the disease.

As previously taught, these symptoms are Generals, Particulars, and Common.

If the case has been taken correctly we must now study the symptoms so that a remedy which is suitable for the patient is prescribed.

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We will note the symptoms in a specific order:

(a). Those symptoms which rarely appear in connection with the leading disease, and therefore are found rarely amongst provings.(b). Those which belong to another sphere of disease than the principal ailment.(c). Those which have more or less characteristic signs of the medicine even though they have not before been noticed in the present relationship or diagnostic group.We will find that these symptoms fall into two main groups:

1. DIAGNOSTIC. Symptoms from which the disease can be diagnosed. These are usually common symptoms which are of little value in helping us to find the remedy, but the remedy finally selected must include in its pathogenesis one or more of these diagnostic symptoms in order to cover the condition completely.

2 . SELECTIVE. Those symptoms which are true and characteristic symptoms of the patient and from which the curative remedy is selected. They will be found among the mental symptoms, modalities, desires and aversions and unusual symptoms.

MENTAL SYMPTOMS. These are the symptoms which point strongly to the mentality of the individual and can be divided into three grades.

Grade 1. - The Will.

Grade 2. - Perversions of understanding.

Grade 3. - Perversions of memory.

GRADE 1. SYMPTOMS. In sickness the patient's nature often becomes changed, and the mental symptoms show up strongly. For example, the patient may become very irritable, quarrelsome and spiteful; he may turn from those nearest and dearest to him; become tearful or dislike sympathy. These symptoms may be very difficult to obtain when taking the case as the patient may try to hide them as much as possible.

Other Grade 1. mentals include, symptoms as a result of grief, disappointed love, bad news and jealously.

GRADE 2. SYMPTOMS. Perversions of understanding are manifested in delusions, hallucinations, dullness of comprehension, clairvoyant states and imbecility.

GRADE 3. SYMPTOMS. Perversions of memory include symptoms such as absent mindedness, mistakes in writing and speech, failure to remember names, inability to concentrate.

Whenever the mental symptoms are marked, especially if changed from normal, they are of the utmost importance to an analysis of the case. The selected remedy must include the mental symptoms to be curative.

The famous American homoeopath, Dr. Kent, wrote on the subject,

"Irritability and mental depression run through a great many remedies, and form the centre around which revolve all the mental symptoms in some cases. The reason that these are more interior than some other symptoms of the mind is that these relate to the affections themselves."

"The mental symptoms can be classified in a remedy. The things that relate to the memory are not as important as the things that relate to intelligence, and the things that relate to intelligence are not so important as the things that relate to the affections or desires or aversions."

"We see in a state of irritability that the patient is not irritable while doing the things he desires to do; if he wants to be talked to, for example, you do not discover his irritability while talking to him. You never discover he is irritable if you do the things he wants you to do. But just as you do something he does not want, this irritability, or disturbance of the will is brought on, and this is the very innermost of the man's state, that which he wishes belongs to that which he wills are the most

Classical Homoeopathy Book One


important things in every proving."

"You may say that an individual is sad, but he is sad because he lacks something he wants; he desires something which he has not and becomes sad for it; sadness may go in to such an extent that the mind is in confusion."

MODALITIES. In analysing a case, very valuable symptoms are those pertaining to the aggravations and ameliorations, because these modalities are the natural modifiers of disease states, and are the definite reactions of the man himself. We must take into consideration that every symptom of note has these modifying conditions of aggravation and amelioration, as to time and time of day, the time of season, the time of the moon, the aggravation or amelioration from thermic conditions, from motion or rest, of the part affected or the condition as a whole, from lying down, sitting or standing, and the positions taken during such conditions. These are all modifications that are of the utmost importance in evaluating the symptoms.

While we cannot hope to cure a patient without strong general symptoms, yet conditions of aggravation or amelioration may in themselves become generals. We are considering these factors now in the light of case analysis.

Modalities are written by the following signs:

< Worse or aggravated by.

> Better or ameliorated by.

REPERTORISING. Having taken the case we must now find the remedy. To do this we must decide which one can be used as an eliminating symptom.

By this we mean that where, for instance, a person states, "I cannot stand cold weather", it is useless to consider remedies which are characterised by being predominately for "hot people". One of these remedies may seem to be well indicated by it unless it presents a picture of the patient as a whole, it is not the correctly indicated remedy.

Our eliminating symptom must therefore be,1. An individual characteristic of the patient.2. A selective symptom of importance, i.e. a strong modality.3. It should have a reasonable number of remedies in the rubic so as not to limit the choice without further verification.

The eliminative symptom determines our primary list of remedies i.e. the correct remedy will be one of those mentioned in the repertory under this peculiar symptom.

To illustrate these instructions we will work through the symptoms with a simple example of an acute case. This will illustrate how the characteristic symptoms guide us unnervingly to the correct remedy. And what better choice can we use for such an example than that from the Master, Samuel Hahnemann, as recorded in his Materia Medica Pura.

"S.C.H. a washer woman, somewhere about forty years old, had more than three weeks unable to earn her bread when she consulted me on September, 1st. 1815."

"1. On any movement, especially at every step, worse on making a false step, she has a shock in the pit of her stomach, that comes, as she wavers, every time from the left side.2. When she lies she feels quiet; then she has no pain anywhere, neither in the side nor in the pit of the stomach.3. She cannot sleep after 3.00am.4. She relishes her food, but when she has eaten a little she feels sick.5. The water collects in her mouth and runs out of it like water-brash.6. She has frequent empty eructations after every meal.7. Her temper is passionate, disposed to anger. When the pain is severe, she is covered with perspiration. The catamenia was quite regular for a fortnight since.

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In other words her health was good."

Hahnemann then describes how he decided on the indicated remedy.

"Now, as regards to symptom 1, Belladonna, China and Rhus Tox, cause shooting in the pit of the stomach on making a false step, but none of them only on movement, as is the case here. Pulsatilla certainly causes shooting in the pit of the stomach on making a false step, but only as a rare alternating action, and has neither the same digestive derangements as occur here at 4, compared with 5 and 6, nor the same state of the disposition.

"Bryonia alone among its chief alternating actions, as the whole list of symptoms demonstrated, pain from movement, and especially shooting pains, as also stitches beneath the sternum (in the pit of the stomach) on raising the arm and on making a false step, it causes shooting in other parts.

"The negative symptom 2 met with here answers especially to Bryonia; few medicines show a complete relief to pain during rest and when lying down. Bryonia does, however, in a special manner.

"Symptom 3 is met with in several remedies, and also in Bryonia.

"Symptom 4 is certainly, as far as regards sickness after eating, met with several other remedies (Ignatia, Nux Vomica, Mercurius, Ferrum, Belladonna, Pulsatilla, Cantharis), but never as constantly and commonly, nor with relish for food, as in Bryonia.

"As regards to symptom 5, several medicines certainly cause a flow of water like water-brash, just as well as Bryonia; the others however, do not produce symptoms similar to the remaining ones. Hence Bryonia is to be preferred to them in this particular.

"To symptom 7. One of the chief symptoms in diseases is "The state of the disposition, (See Organon 213) and as Bryonia causes this symptom also in exactly a similar manner, Bryonia is for all these reasons the preferred remedy in this case to all other medicines as the homoeopathic remedy."

The result of this prescription.

"Now this woman was very robust, and the force of the disease must consequently have been very considerable to prevent her, on account of the pain, doing any work, and as her vital powers, as stated, were not impaired, I gave her one of the strongest homoeopathic doses, a full drop of the undiluted juice of Bryonia root to be taken immediately, and got her to come to me again in forty eight hours. I told my friend E who was present, that within that time the woman would assuredly be quite cured; but he, being only half converted to homoeopathy, expressed his doubts about it."

"Five days afterwards he came again to learn the result, but the woman has not returned, and in fact, never came back. I could not allay the impatience of my friend by telling him her name and that of the village where she lived, about a mile and a half off, and advised him to seek her out and ascertain for himself how she was.

"That he did and her answer was, what was the use of going back? The next day I was quite well, as I still am. I am extremely obliged to the doctor, but the likes of us have no time to leave off our work, and for three weeks, previously my illness prevented me from earning anything." (I still wonder if people have not changed their attitudes since then? It is a small loss to say thank you after three weeks of lost earnings?)

In the Organon this repetorising by Hahnemann is conclusive.


"We shall, therefore, never be able to cure conformably to nature - that is to say, homeopathically -

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if we do not, in every case of disease, even in such as are acute, obscene, along with the other symptoms, those relating to changes in the state of mind and disposition, and if we do not select, for the patient relief, from among the medicines a disease-force which in addition to the similarity of its other symptoms to those of the disease, is also capable of producing a similar state of the disposition and mind."

We will continue our study of the homoeopathic system in Book Two beginning with a study of the thirty two polycrests.

Copyright Ó Light Pulsations Communications Pty Ltd. 2011.

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