cinderella across the globe mrs. swinford, mr. hallman & mr. ross

Post on 18-Jan-2016






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Cinderella Across the Globe

Mrs. Swinford, Mr. Hallman

& Mr. Ross

Subject & Grade Level

This Unit will be used in a Middle School Literature


Students will read a diverse selection of Cinderella

stories from around the world.

Students will examine how Cinderella stories reflect

information on a country’s unique culture.

Students will make their own Cinderella story based

on their own self-defined culture, keeping in mind

essential plot elements.

Curriculum Framing Questions

Essential Question:

• Who is Cinderella?

Unit Questions:

• How do we know it’s a Cinderella


• What must all Cinderella stories have?

Oregon state standards

EL.06.RE.03 Listen to, read, and understand a wide

variety of informational and narrative text, including

classic and contemporary literature, poetry,

magazines, newspapers, reference materials and

online information.

EL.06.RE.04 Make connections to text, within text,

and among texts across the subject areas.

EL.06.RE.05 Demonstrate listening comprehension

of more complex text through class and/or small

group interpretive discussions across the subject


EL.06.RE.06 Match reading to purpose--location of

information, full comprehension, and personal


Unit goals

Students will Read a diverse

selection of Cinderella stories

from around the world.

Analyze variations of the

Cinderella story to identify plot

elements that all Cinderella

stories have in common.

Analyze similarities and

differences of Cinderella

variations by charting

observations using a Features

Analysis Chart and Venn-

Diagram chart.

Students will reflect on how a

plot element can seem quite

different yet accomplish the

same purpose in the narrative.

Students will examine how

Cinderella stories reflect

information on a country’s

unique culture.

Students will make their own

Cinderella story based on their

own self-defined culture,

keeping in mind essential plot


Cinderella in korea

Cinderella in Mexico

Domitila: A Cinderella Tale from the Mexican Tradition. Adapted by Jewell Reinhart Coburn. Illus. by Connie McLennan

Cinderella in Zimbabwe

Steptoe, John. Mufaro’s Beautiful Daughters.

Where is she?

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