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Church Address: 848 Ashland Terrace, Chattanooga, TN 37415 Phone: 423-877-2428 Fax: 423-877-2429 School Phone: 423-870-1794

Church E-mail: Website: www

The Epiphany of Our Lord Jesus Christ


7:30 am Communion, Rite I—Nave

9:07 am Family Service, Rite II—Nave

10:00 am Christian Education—Various

11:00 am Communion, Rite II—Nave

12:15 pm Fellowship—Bracewell Room


10:00 am Yoga Class—Bracewell Room

11:30 am Centering Prayer—Connor Library


9:30 am Create—Connor Library

7:00 pm College & Career—Bracewell Room

8:00 pm AA—Bracewell Room


10:00 am Communion, Rite I —Chapel

11:00 am Bible Study—Conference Room

6:30 pm Choir Rehearsal—Nave

7:00 pm Youth Group—Bracewell Room

8:00 pm ACOA—Connor Library


6:30 pm Education for Ministry—Connor Library

7:00 pm Boy Scouts—Bracewell Room

8:00pm NA Meeting—Atrium

03 Vanessa Rinkel

04 T.J. Rodgers

05 Cannon Hunt

06 Susan Lee

07 Julie Koch

08 Jan Strunk

10 Mariah Rinkel

11 June Hatcher

13 Cyndie Smith

13 Robin Koch

13 Alison Beckham

18 Roger Vredeveld

20 Debbie Stephens

20 Eddie Rodgers

22 Adrian Topping

23 Nancy Beckham

23 Sadie Hannah

25 Josh Smith

25 Dorothy Morris

26 Robert Treiber

27 Tilda Wall

29 Ben Lee




Priest Associate

TIM HINCK Organist/Choirmaster


Christian Ed Director

JODY DAVIS Youth Minister




GRANT WALTERS 907 Family Service


Parish Administrator

Did we miss your birthday? Call 877-2428 to add or remove your name

So epiphanies—the “Oh!” moments—abound. Here is a sea-son that can be passed over so easily in that we have put so much energy into our preparations for Christmas and a New Year. Would it not be nice to take it easy for a bit and gear up for the Lenten season to come? We can, but gee, what an opportunity missed.

Epiphany is a great time to meditate without going into si-lence or alone or “underground.” That “Oh!” is best done in commu-nity, with friends who also want to venture into a deeper meaning of the Christ event.

The Prologue to the Gospel according to John is a suggested starting place. The first 18 verses of John’s account open a door to majestic language and the awesome nature of the Holy among us. Whenever I hear or read, “And the Word became flesh and lived among us,” I am drawn into that realm of the Divine. It is hard to describe, but it is the perfect fodder for discussion in the season of “Oh!”

Peace, Rob+

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. He was in the beginning with God. All things came into being through him, and with-out him not one thing came into being. What has come into being in him was life, and the life was the light of all people. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not overcome it.

There was a man sent from God, whose name was John. He came as a witness to testi-fy to the light, so that all might believe through him. He himself was not the light, but he came to testify to the light. The true light, which enlightens everyone, was coming into the world.

He was in the world, and the world came into being through him; yet the world did not know him. He came to what was his own, and his own people did not accept him. But to all who received him, who believed in his name, he gave power to become children of God, who were born, not of blood or of the will of the flesh or of the will of man, but of God.

And the Word became flesh and lived among us, and we have seen his glory, the glory as of a father’s only son, full of grace and truth. (John testified to him and cried out, “This was he of whom I said, ‘He who comes after me ranks ahead of me because he was before me.’”) From his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace. The law indeed was given through Moses; grace and truth came through Jesus Christ. No one has ever seen God. It is God the only Son, who is close to the Father’s heart, who has made him known.

John 1:1-18

A Note from the Interim Rector


We leave the days of Christmas on Twelfth Night (5 January) and enter the season of Epiphany. It seems that we wonder why. It leads me to ask why is Epiphany associated with an “Oh!” moment?

The answer to my question is probably because of the asso-ciation with the two themes available to us for this season. The Western Christian witness has historically put emphasis on the gifts of the Magi, found in the Gospel According to Matthew (2:1-12). This story is mentioned only in Matthew. Nowhere else in any record is there talk of foreign dignitaries coming to Israel to see anyone except a seated king.

It may have a link in application to the words found in Psalm 72, a psalm that describes in some detail God’s King of Israel. Most likely the language is metaphorical. The story has a strong overshad-owing of the Passion in the gift of Myrrh. It was myrrh, with its intoxi-cating properties, that was offered to Jesus on the cross. According to Mark’s account, “he did not take it” when myrrh was mixed with wine and put before him by the Romans (Mark 15:23). The Gospeller is offering us an “Oh!” moment in the story. This Jesus will call all people to himself, as shown by the Magi, foreigners who recognized his kingship. The other part of the moment is the “Oh!” that he will die on the cross.

The Eastern Christians usually place the emphasis on the baptism of Jesus. All three synoptic Gospel accounts make a big point of John baptizing people for repentance. John baptizes Jesus. After that baptism Jesus goes away to the desert and upon returning be-gins his ministry. John’s account does not specifically mention Jesus being baptized, but has John proclaiming Jesus as “the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world!” Why didn’t John mention the baptism? Maybe after 60 to 70 years of the primitive and early Chris-tian tradition, John saw no need to emphasize it. Rather he wants to make certain that the sacrificial nature of the Christ is upheld. “Oh!”



Mark your calendars! Inter-generational Epiphany

Breakfast at 10:00 am on Sunday, January 10, in

the Bracewell Room. There will be a special Epiph-

any presentation by the children for all to enjoy.


From Linda Cooper: “Many thanks to Connie Roberts for all her help over the last year and a half with the Sunday School program. When I was asked to come back and work at St. Peters, I immediately

called Connie and she immediately agreed to come and help. Her creativity, her dependability, and her wonderful way with children have been such assets to the Christian Ed program. Previously, Connie worked with me teaching Godly Play and facilitating art projects for the children. After that she helped with the youth program for fifteen years. Connie has been a valuable member of the St. Peter’s family for a long time. Due to work constraints Connie has had to step back from teaching Sunday School, but we want her to know how much she means to us and how much we appreciate her.”

Come to Sunday School in January and find out!

St Peter’s Children!

Do you know which Bible stories these

photos show?


The response to St.

Peter’s Christmas

Gifts Project was

wonderful! Your

generosity brought

Christmas to more

than 70 children.

The families were

overwhelmed and

overjoyed! Thanks

to all who donated.

College & Career kicked off its holiday celebrations with the Annual C&C Christmas party on Tuesday, December

15. Thank you to the Hurn family for hosting!

College & Career meetings have been moved to Tuesdays

at 7 pm. C&C will not meet on December 22 or December

29. Meetings will resume on Tuesday, January 5.

December has been a busy month for the St. Peter’s Youth Group!

This week, we brought in the Christmas season with our annual Christmas party and a trip to Rock City’s Enchanted Garden of

Lights to get everyone in the Christmas spirit! Special thanks to the

Hunt family for hosting.

Open Youth House hours will continue to be held on Mondays

and Thursdays, 4-8 pm. Come on by! (No Youth House hours

December 20 through January 3.)

No Wednesday night Youth meetings on December 23 or Decem-

ber 30.. We will continue with our regularly scheduled meetings

beginning on Wednesday, January 6.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Art in Motion

Love of Learning St. Peter’s students sing, dance, paint, draw, and act with confidence, grounded in a sound foundation of knowledge. Halls are filled with wonderful works of art and amazing music. Simply ask students about their work and you'll discover there's more to the story than just great performance. Our students understand that art is a powerful means to communicate their feelings and express their dreams.

Joy of Service During the month of January, students are collecting travel-size toilet-ries for clients of Metropolitan Ministries. This Episcopal ministry strives to provide financial assistance and services to prevent homelessness.

A Lively Faith Each week students celebrate side-by-side in joyful devotions, regular chapel services, and age-appropriate Christian education that honors all faith traditions of our diverse world.

Save the Date Mark your calendars for Networking Night on Thursday, January 28, at 5:00 pm. Networking Night is a time to share business contacts and information. Teacher spouses, parents and grandparents of current students, and members of St. Peter's Church are all welcome to sign up for the event.

St. Peter’s Episcopal School News

January 2016

St. Peter’s ROTA Those Who Serve

SUNDAY January 3 January 10


Altar Guild Nancy Johnson, Shirley Topping

Deb Stephens, Shirley Topping

Lay Eucharistic Minister

Joe Marland John Joralemon

Sound System Frank Pinchak Frank Pinchak


Altar Guild Bonnie Rodgers, Shirley Topping

Shirley Topping

Greeters Everyone Everyone

Lay Eucharistic Minister

Rob Norred Eddie Rodgers

Sound System Marianah Hurn Marianah Hurn


Acolytes Tim Andrews, Kendall Farr, Cole Janney

Duncan Harris, Ethan Steele, Grace Steele

Altar Guild Harriet Hamilton,

Sadie Hannah, Jenny Hannah, Tilda Wall

Ann Swafford, Shirley Topping, Connie Trieber

Element Bearers Fonda & Patty Harwell Scott & Kim Steele

Fellowship Susan Crawford Nan Riefler

Greeters Everyone Everyone

Lay Eucharistic Minister

Jacqueline Hoover, Beth Janney

Steve Hunt, Joani Koch

Lector/Intercessor Caroline Johnson/

Ellie Pickett Connie Trieber/ Chip Stansbury

Sound System John Trieber Richard & Sam Weems

Tellers & Vestry Rep James Bell, Lucy Robinson Fonda Harwell, Scott Steele

Ushers Jerry Arnold, James Bell,

Norm Elkins, Connor Roberts

Ron Abston, Fonda Harwell, Mitch Harwell, Chip

Stansbury, Scott Steele

SATURDAY January 2 January 9

Altar Guild

Bonnie Rodgers, Shirley Topping

Deb Stephens, Shirley Topping

If you cannot serve on your assigned day, please make arrangements for your own replacement. Thanks!

Those Who Serve January 2016

January 17 January 24 January 31

Cherie Adkins, Shirley Topping

Nancy Johnson, Shirley Topping

Shirley Topping

Carter Lynch Joe Marland Carter Lynch

Frank Pinchak Frank Pinchak Frank Pinchak

Jan Strunk,

Shirley Topping Sarah Poole,

Shirley Topping Shirley Topping

Everyone Everyone Everyone

Kim Kilgore Sarah Poole Steve Hunt

Marianah Hurn Marianah Hurn Marianah Hurn

Rowe Cooper, Connor Nelson, William Nelson

Jenny Hannah, McKenzie Topping, Sinnamon Williams

George Brant, Ethan Steele, Grace Steele

Jerry Arnold, Susan Harris, Shirley Topping

Linda Elkins, Susan Reid, Vanessa Rinkel

Shirley Topping

Scott & Kim Steele Norm & Linda Elkins James Bell &

William Nelson Jaye & Susan Harris

Terri Williams with Dorothy Griggs

Cindia Williams Claire Brant

Everyone Everyone Everyone

Tony Burgess, Christy Cooper

Claire Brant, Mark Williams

Tim Andrews, Bruce Johnson, Sr.

Rena Stansbury/ Myron Rogers

Laura Burgess/ Bill James

Bob Brant/ Lauren Topping

Richard & Sam Weems John Trieber Richard & Sam Weems John Trieber

Fonda Harwell, Scott Steele Kim Steele, Charlie Willett Ron Abston, Bill James Mary Alice Northern,

Lucy Robinson

Ron Abston, Fonda Harwell, Mitch Harwell, Chip

Stansbury, Scott Steele

Gary Frederick, Fred Koch, Odell Leinart, Myron Rogers,

Charlie Willett

David Andrea, Tim Andrews, Bill James,

Susan Reid, Chip Stansbury

Volunteers Needed for Fifth Sunday

January 16 January 23 January 30

Cherie Adkins, Nancy Johnson, Shirley Topping

Linda Elkins, Susan Reid, Vanessa Rinkel, Shirley Topping

Shirley Topping

If you cannot serve on your assigned day, please make arrangements for your own replacement. Thanks!

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