chronic back pain - the hidden causes behind the pain

Post on 22-Mar-2016






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Many people has been suffering from chronic back pain but they do not know why. No matter what they have tried, the backache keeps coming back. If only they have known the root cause of their problem and dealt with it. It does not matter if they are having a right side back pain or their entire back is affected. They would be free from the burden.


Chronic Back Pain - The Hidden Causes Behind The PainWritten By: Mary Ables

Many people has been suffering from chronic back pain but they do not know why. No matter what they have tried, the backache keeps coming back. If only they have known the root cause of their problem and dealt with it. It does not matter if they are having a right side back pain or their entire back is affected. They would be free from the burden.

Chronic back pain may turn out to be a burden for anyone suffering from it. There are people who have suffered for months, years or may even be for decades without finding a solution to their chronic back pain. What is really unfortunate for these people is that they have tried their very best with many ways to resolved the problem but have never found a permanent cure for their chronic pain.

Why? Well, for the simple reason that they did not identify the root cause behind their problems. Hence, all this while, they only treat the symptoms of their condition without doing anything about its root cause. So, that is why they have a recurring back pain.

There are a couple of physical reasons why people end up having a chronic back pain. For instance, they may have experienced some severe injury to their back in the past. Such injury very often will lead to severe damage. At times, this damage may be too severe to be completely repaired.

Next, there are a couple of degenerative processes as well as diseases that can damage the back that lead to chronic back pain. Conditions such as scoliosis, various forms of arthritis, and spinal stenosis are some examples of such processes and diseases. These types of causes found their origins in the spinal column itself.

For instance, slipped discs as well as herniated discs may create pressure on the nerves and inflame them, thereby leading to chronic pain. Spinal stenosis which is often due to aging may also lead to this pain. Generally an x-ray will help in diagnosing these spine related cases. So, you know what step you need to take if you are experiencing uneasiness in your spinal cord. You need to see a doctor.

In some rare cases, the pain is due to some severe causes, such as tumors and infections. Tumors can begin in the back. But most often, the cancer could have originated from another part of the body and has spread to the back causing the pain there. Infections involving the vertebrae or the discs that cushion the vertebrae can give rise to chronic back pain.

Hence, prior to treating the back pain yourself, it is advisable to consult a doctor.

Chronic Back Pain Copyright 2010

Often the cause remains a mystery until a medical examination has been done. Exercises and heat treatment may lessen or eradicate most of these pains. But the pain will return if the root cause is not addressed.

Right side back pain. Want to know how I managed to get rid of it? Read my story. Click here->

Chronic Back Pain Copyright 2010

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