christ's chronicles 76

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  • 8/3/2019 Christ's Chronicles 76


    The ChristsChronicles20th July Last day of sc hoo l yea r1pm finish

    25th August Year 11 GCSE Results Day

    9.45am to 10.45am in the Music bloc k

    2nd Sep temb er Yea r 7 on ly sta rt9am until 2pm

    5th Sep temb er Autumn te rm sta rts for yea rs 8,9,10 and 11

    7th September Early c losure2pm

    13th Sep temb er Yea r 11 information eve ning

    14th Sep tem ber Yea r 7 Parents we lc ome evening

    19th/ 21st Sep t. Yea r 7 Ca mp ing trip

    Good luck to all year 1 1 Leavers with

    their GCSE results and we wish them

    every success in their future lives.

    Future events for your dia ry

    Special points of





    Sports News




    Inside this issue:

    Tha me s Herita ge 2

    Heng istbury Hea d 2

    Histo ry Trip 3

    Spanish Trip 4

    Art Exhibition 4

    Philosop hers Day 5

    RAce2zero 5

    Work Experienc e 6

    Lea vers Prom 6

    Leavers Liturgy 7

    Music Conc ert 7

    Sports New s 8/ 9

    Ruths Message 10

    Advertising 11

    July 2011 Issue 76

    Welcome to the latest issue of Christs Schools newsletter

    Please c hec k the sc hoo l spo rts boa rd for up to d at e w eekly fixtures

    You c an also c hec k the sc hool events c alenda r,

    which is upd at ed reg ula rly for more d iary da tes on our we bsite a t

    www .christs.richm ond .sc
  • 8/3/2019 Christ's Chronicles 76


    Pag e 2 The Christs Chronicles

    Our after sc hoo l textile g roup and the low er sc hoo l have b een working on the Thame s Herita ge Tap-

    estry as pa rt of the c ultura l Olymp ics. Our piec e is about t he roya l ob serva to ry by the Tha me s in Rich-

    mo nd and the transit of Ve nus (Venus mo ving in front of the

    sun in 2012).

    We have used va rious textile tec hniques whic h we ha ve

    been w orking on since last Sep tem ber. Tec hniques inc lude

    we aving, app liqu , emb roidery with bea ds and butto ns and

    mo re. It de p icts the Tha me s River, the Roya l Observa tory and

    the transit o f Venus. Som e o f the b oys in the group dec ided

    that it w ould ad d to the fun to inc lude a gho stly figure in one

    of the o bservato ry windows!

    Our piec e w ill be linked tog ethe r with 8 othe r sc hoo ls wo rk

    and I have be en informed that it will be displayed around the

    country during 2012.

    The we b site fo r more info is

    Va lerie Busby

    On Frida y July 1st 2011 the yea r ten GCSE Geog rap hy c lass visited Heng istbury Hea d on the

    South Co ast to look at c oa stal erosion a nd the method s of p rotec tion tha t a re in plac e toprote c t the town of Christc hurc h. We visited three sites and looked a t the d ifferent w ays

    that the b ea c h is p rotec ted and eva luate d there e ffec t. Mr Spice r looks forwa rd to m arking

    the coursework in October!

    Heng istbury Head Geography Trip

    The Thames Heritage Tapestry
  • 8/3/2019 Christ's Chronicles 76


    Issue 76Pag e 3

    There were lots of b leary eyes whe n we m et a t schoo l at 5:45AM on the d ay of de parture, but the bo-

    nus wa s tha t w e w ere in Cala is by lunc htime, which g ave us p lenty o f time to b eg in our tour. Our first

    stops were a t tw o d ifferent British c em eteries. It was striking how w ell tended the y were, w ith red flow ers

    c ontrasting the white limestone hea dstones. We were very lucky to have a guide who had bo th a

    wea lth of knowledg e a bo ut b oth the World Wars, and an ab ility to c omm unic ate it c lea rly. He ha d

    broug ht m any persona l stories of soldiers from Ric hmo nd and Kingston, which he lped us to ap p rec ia te

    tha t these w ere rea l men fighting rea l wars.

    We sta yed in Yp res in Belgium, home to som e o f the w orst fighting in World War One . The w hole tow n

    had reb uilt sinc e, inc lud ing the Cat hed ra l tha t stoo d in the c entre of the squa re. On the first eve ning,

    after dinner and a stop to buy c hoc olates, we a ttend ed a da ily memo rial ceremony a t the Menin

    Ga te. Just the reg ula rity of tha t c eremo ny show s how muc h this tow n was a ffec ted by Wa r. Fina lly,

    back to our home for two nights: which came equipped with pool table, and, much to Mr Butlers de-

    light, a microphone with speakers into all students rooms!

    Our sec ond da y took us south into Franc e a nd t ow ards the Som me , whe re we w ere ab le to explore the

    trenche s from tha t ho rrific ba ttle in 1916. We wa lked a round the pe rimete r of a n eno rmo us c ra ter left

    by a British m ine, and visited the enormo us Thiepva l Mem oria l to the Missing, with 72,000 nam es en-

    graved on it. Jacob said that it makes you realise that the things you learn in History textbooks really

    did happen.

    On our fina l da y we he aded tow ards the Bea c hes of Dunkirk. It wa s am azing to see the a c tua l plac e

    so o ften d ep ic ted in pic tures and films and try to ima gine tho se events from 60 yea rs ago ; but it wa s

    also great to get a much needed stretch of our legs on some beautiful golden sand, or in Wendys

    c ase a pigg yba c k . . . Bac k on the b us, head ing for Calais, the bo at, and Lond on. It wa s the end of atrip that ha d be en fun a nd e duc ational, but also a n imp ortant reminder of w hy we m ust learn the les-

    sons of the past.

    Helen Harris

    Histo ry Tea c her

    Yea r 10 History Trip to Belg ium and Franc e

  • 8/3/2019 Christ's Chronicles 76


    Pag e 4 The Christs Chronicles

    The c oa c h this time wa s at a more respe c tab le ho ur of 10am rea d y

    to take us to West Runton, Norfolk for the Spanish trip! A bit of traf-

    fic, songs and a smidgen o f trave l sickness late r we a rrived sa fely andthe kids we re a ll very excited to ge t to their dorms and sta rt exploring .

    They didnt have long as the first activity was about to start! After the

    kids suc c essfully com p leted the leap of fa ith Mr Simpson fe lt pres-

    sured into participating he climbed to the top and with lots of cour-

    ag e ma nag ed to c omp lete the task! Go-karting, laser quest, aero

    ba ll and tea m c halleng e we re a few o f the ma ny ac tivities they all

    took pa rt in. Nightline ma y have b een o ne of the funniest mom ents

    in the t rip . All the kids we re b lind folded and lea d a round a trac k whilst

    ho lding ha nd s! The trac k is very straigh t forwa rd if you can see , but

    without sight it is a w hole new b a ll gam e! Myself and tw o othe r

    tea c hers jazzed it up a little b it m ore b y squirting w ater, throwing

    lea ves, making silly noises and ma king the trac k extra mud dy. Lots of laug hte r and mud dy ch ildren late r,

    they all had a g rea t time. Despite the forec ast of rain all we ekend the sun stayed out a nd w e p layed

    ga mes and built sand c astles on the be ac h. On the final evening we had the disc o. We all had a g ood

    old dance which finished off a fab weekend. Id like to thank the teachers and pupils for making this an-

    other memorable weekend. Until next time Miss Taber aka Tigger

    Spanish Trip -West Runton 1st4th April

    Art Exhib i t ion

    In June, the Art d ep a rtme nt show c ased our yea r 11 GCSE Art studentswork. The theme for this years exhibition was similarities and differences,and this wa s explored in a va riety o f exciting w ays. Among the w ork

    were sculptures from Jacob Fisher, mixed media painting from Elizabeth

    Gilson, and oil pastel ima ges from Chloe Na rey. The show w as a huge

    suc c ess, ce leb ra ting the c ulmination o f two yea rs hard wo rk by 37 of oursc hools finest a rt stud ents.

    Mr Mc Paul

  • 8/3/2019 Christ's Chronicles 76


    Issue 76Pag e 5

    Cogito ergo sum I think therefore I am. On Tuesday the 4th of July, James,

    Suky, Laura , Gab riel, Jac k and I we nt to Richmond Park Aca dem y to a ttend a

    Philosophy master class, and a lot of thinking went on. Of course wed all heard

    of Pla to, Aristot le a nd Soc rat es, but no ne of us had muc h experienc e o f p hiloso-

    phy. We were, how ever, all ea ge r to lea rn more. None of us knew wha t to ex-

    pect of the forthcoming days events at the start, I was expecting an old A.C

    Grayling sort of figure w ith long ha ir and a twe ed jac ket to b e running t he ses-

    sion. But I was wrong ; we sa t d ow n to find a young philosop hy grad uat e running

    it. She mad e p hilosop hy seem like a mod ern and c onte mp orary sub jec t, we

    wa tc hed a c lip from the Ma trix, whic h ma de philosop hy feel relevant to m e.

    Then w e ta lked a bout things tha t I had neve r c onsidered b efo re: Do we live in a

    dream? Wha t is reality? Wha t is right a nd wha t is wrong ? These a re a ll very vague q uestions tha t mo st

    people cannot attempt to answer, let alone a class of year 9s. Nonetheless we all had a go, and I feelthat w e wa lked a wa y from Ric hmond Park Aca de my just a b it more know led ge ab le.

    By Sam Ormo nd e

    Peter Vojnitis, Ben King, Osc ar Ha ll, Josep h Dog get t, Jam es Upton, Ahmed Sa lha, Liam Armfield a nd Bru-

    no Sterner put them selves forward in January when w e w ere asked to ta ke pa rt in a c om petition to re-

    duc e the c a rbon fo otp rint of the schoo l. The c om petition, RACE2Zero, wa s op en to a ll the sc hoo ls in the

    Borough to c omp ete in. The idea s of the c omp etition w as an a udit of how m uch c arbon the y were pro-

    duc ing a nd the n over the 4 months produc e w ays of red ucing it.

    The b oys ran a round the schoo l wond ering why a ll the lights we re o n a nd yet the c lassrooms we re e mp tyat lunc htime, wond ering w hy the hea ting wa s still on a t 4.30pm a nd w ond ering w hy we rec ycled so little.

    How ever, ra ther than just wo ndering the y went to see t he Site M anag er and asked him to turn the hea t-

    ing d ow n or off when it wasn't req uired . They a lso c am e up with som e g rea t idea s for rec ycling (wa tc h

    out fo r new rec ycle sta tions a round sc hoo l and in class next term a nd ECO m onitors in ea c h form) a nd

    intruding light sensors so tha t the lights wo uld go off if there w as no bo dy in the room.

    They p roduc ed posters a nd p lastered the sc hoo l with them remind ing students and sta ff ab out g loba l

    warming and how easy it was to do something - TURN OFF THE LIGHTS!!!

    At the end of the four months we a udited a ga in and ha d to co mp are the equivalent amo unt of carbon

    be ing p rod uce d in the sam e p eriod the p revious years

    At the fina l of the c om petition on Thursday 7th July the re wa s a Drag on's Den initiative. the b oys pre-

    pa red to p itc hes asking for mone y for rec ycle

    bins and light sensors tha t w orked on mo ve-me nt a nd lux leve ls. They were suc c essful in

    be ing aw arde d 200 tow ards the c ost of in-

    sta lling light sensors. We w ere d elighte d w ith

    this results.

    Zac Goldsmith a rrived for the final and to

    hand out t he m a in p rize o f 4500 to the

    sc hool who had reduc ed their c arbon foot

    print the m ost. We w ere deligh ted and a little

    b it surprised to hear him say "Christ's sc hool".

    We now ha ve mo ney to introd uce rec ycling

    c entres, pilot d ra in turb ines, and we have

    ma ny mo re sc heme s up our sleeve s for nestyea r's c ompetition!

    Mrs Young

    Volume 1, Issue 1

    RAc e2zero compe tition

    Philosophers day

  • 8/3/2019 Christ's Chronicles 76


    Pag e 6 The Christs Chronicles

    Yea r 10 stud ents und ertook the ir 2 week wo rk

    experienc e p lac eme nts from 4th15th July.

    As in previous years our students worked in a

    wide va riety o f d ifferent p lac es and industries.

    Examp les includ e; inte rnationa l a irlines, reta ils

    outlets, film post p rod uc tion c om panies, vets,

    nurseries, ho sp ita ls et c .

    Early reports from employers showed that our

    stude nts we re m otivat ed and wo rked ha rd, and

    in ma ny ca ses ma de a go od c ontribution. It is

    very p lea sing to report that a numb er of stu-

    de nts have be en o ffered pa rt-time and Sat ur-day jobs as a result.

    Our Yea r 11 stud ents ga thered on a

    bea utiful summ ers eve ning on the 1st July

    a t the Ric hmo nd Hill Hote l to c eleb ra te

    the end of their time at Christs.

    It was lovely to see the stud ents out ofsc hoo l uniform and d ressed for the oc c a -

    sion, to the point where you would ha rdly

    recognise them.

    The boys were very stylish in suits and d in-

    ner jac kets, and the girls outshone them

    in be autiful d resses short a nd long .

    The D.J. kep t them d anc ing a ll night a nd

    the evening culminate d in tea c her and

    stud ent prize g iving , inc lud ing the muc h

    c ovete d Prom King and Queen, whic h

    we nt to Kuna l Pa tel and Nata lie Worsp .

    Photos are a vailab le on the sc hool we b-

    sites flicker account.

    Year 11 Leavers Prom 20111st July

    Work Experienc e 4th15th July

  • 8/3/2019 Christ's Chronicles 76


    Issue 76Pag e 7

    On Thursday 30 June we held our Yea r 11 Lea vers Liturgy and it wa s lovely

    to see so many students and their fam ily and friend s. It wa s a ve ry hap py, and a t the sam e time e mo -

    tional occasion, when we reminisced about their time at Christs and said goodbye, wishing our lovely

    stud ents well for their futures. In som e c ases we we re also sa ying fa rew ell to fa milies a fte r ma ny yea rs a tChrists with previous generations and this year being their youngest childs farewell.

    Our lovely cha plain Ruth op ened the oc c asion w ith a prayer and Mr Burke then we lc ome d all. We en-

    joyed musica l and voc a l pe rformanc es from Farid a, Josie and Biba and Ollie, David, w ho surp rised

    ma ny with his unknow n gu itar skills, and Biba . I am m ost g rate ful to a ll of them for enterta ining us so


    Stud ents listened intently when it wa s the turn of their tutors to spea k. Ms Stewa rt wa s first to spea k to

    11B and provided much thought and encouragement to the future for her boys and 6 girls. Mr Colvinwa s unable to a ttend but had w ritten some w ords abo ut his experienc es with ea c h stud ent in his tutor

    group , 11A, which Ruth kind ly read out. Mr Butler reminisc ed about p ast detent ions from Yea r 8 for

    som e of h is stud ents in 11E, which raised laug hs and John Up ton kindly sha red his final Joke of t he Daywith us. Mr Hod ge wa s the final tutor to ta lk ab out his students in 11M d esc rib ing ea c h one in a few

    words. Without prior consultation the tutors spoke about the past, present and future and we couldnthave hop ed for more.

    I then spo ke as their hea d of yea r and tha nked their pa rents, tutors, mento rs, tea c hers and non -

    tea c hing sta ff for all their supp ort for Yea r 11 throug hout their schoo ling a nd espec ia lly during their

    GCSEs. A po we r point presenta tion, which Alex Rac hwa ll had he lped to g et to ge ther, and fo r which I

    am most grateful, was then shown celebrating the students time at Christs. Finally after a blessing fromRuth the stud ents we nt outside , joined by fam ilies, friends and sta ff, and released ba lloo ns with the ir

    hop es for the future a ttac hed .

    I look forwa rd to 25 August whe n they op en the ir examresults and , hopefully, they will have ac hieved their pote n-

    tial, a c red it to a ll their hard w ork and d ete rmination. I

    wish my wo nderful Yea r 11 we ll for c onfident , hea lthy a nd

    hap py futures. I am extreme ly proud of ea c h and every

    one of them and it has be en a privileg e to b e p art of their

    journey so far.

    Ka rin Humbe rstone (a very proud ) Hea d of Year 11

    We were trea ted to a wonde rful display of m usic al talent at our

    Summ er Music c onc ert.

    It was lovely to see stud ents from a ll yea r group s performing o n suc h

    a wide range o f instruments. There w ere a lso som e b ea utiful solo

    and group singing performances.

    The evening wa s very we ll a ttende d a nd the aud ienc e were very grateful for the refreshments

    served in the interva l.

    It wa s fantastic to see suc h an array of music a l ta lent on show and w e look forwa rd to m any

    more musical evenings.

    Volume 1, Issue 1

    Summer Music Conc ert - 7th July

    Le a ve rs Liturg y

  • 8/3/2019 Christ's Chronicles 76


    Pag e 8 The Christs Chronicles

    With a suspe c t we ather forec ast and

    poor judgment on Mr. Colvins be-ha lf, our annua l Sc hool Athletic s Ca r-

    nival wa s de layed by a we ek in

    hope that the rain would not b e a n

    issue in running the even ts. Fortu-

    nately the weather Gods shonebrightly upo n us and we we re a ble

    to e njoy the d ay in the b ea utiful sun-

    shine a nd we ll renow ned Eng lish


    Despite a few minor c omp laints

    ab out com pe ting in the hot condi-

    tions, it w as go od to see the c omp et-

    itive nat ure o f our athletes a t the

    forefront. Whethe r it w as trac k or

    field it wa s do g-ea t-dog as the

    sportspeople of Christs battled it outfor the g old. Although there were a

    numb er of well-deserved ind ividua l

    results, we must sa y a b ig thank you

    to ea ch student who pa rticipated

    on the da y and c ontributed pointstow ards their house group . It w as a l-

    so ve ry p lea sing to see ma ny of o ur

    non-participants cheering from the

    side line , in p a rticular during our relay


    Tha nks aga in to a ll the sta ff for the ir

    efforts on the d ay, helping to take

    som e o f the load off the PE dep art-


    Well Done!

    Sp o rts Ne w s

    Sports Day

  • 8/3/2019 Christ's Chronicles 76


    Issue 76Pag e 9

    Well done to all the teams and individuals who have partici-pated in the various sports on o ffer throughout the yea r. There

    have b een some outstand ing results and the sc hoo l wo uld beforgiven for not expec ting a few mo re trophies with ma ny close

    results. As a lways, c om pet itiveness and sportsma nship we re our

    ma in priorities and o ur c om mendations must go out to the p lay-ers for the way they c ond uc ted them selves. But we must g ive

    b ig c ong ra tulations to those students involved in many of our

    fina list a nd c hamp ionship winning tea ms a t Borough leve l and

    be yond, inc luding:

    Over the last ha lf term b rea k we ha ve b een lucky enough to

    have the new climb ing w all installed at the b ac k of the spo rts

    ha ll. This ha s bee n tria led and tested by the PE sta ff in a ntic ipa -

    tion o f be ing a va ilab le to stud ents in lessons and c lubs next

    yea r. Get excited kids! Climb ing Club e very Frida y a fternoon

    from Sep tem ber.

    Rugb y Lea gue

    Yea r 9 Boys Boroug h Cha mp ionsYear 10 Boys Borough Runner Up

    Yea r 11 Boys Boroug h Cha mp ions

    Yea r 9 Girls Boroug h Cha mp ions and 5th at the National

    Fina ls


    Yea r 8 Boys Boroug h Cha mp ions

    Year 9 Boys Borough Runner Up

    Yea r 8/ 9 Girls Boroug h Champ ions


    Yea r 11 Boys Boroug h Cha mp ions


    Yea r 10/11 Girls Boroug h Cha mp ions

    Emily Maye r Runner Up Nat iona l Ergo C om p et ition

    Deryn E 3rd Nationa l Ergo Comp etition

    Christs School Borough Runner Up (points total)


    KS3 Boroug h Cha mp ions

    KS3 South Lond on Regiona l Fina l Runner Up

    Cross Country

    Volume 1, Issue 1

    Climbing Wall


  • 8/3/2019 Christ's Chronicles 76


    Page 10 The Christs Chronicles

    Dea r Parents and Ca rers,

    The summer holiday beckons after a busy term. Its been great to meet recently the students who

    will be our new Year 7s in September. Weve said goodbye to our Yr 11s, Yr 10 have been away on

    Work Experience and weve had a number of school trips. Activities Week is a lovely way to end the

    term with all kinds of community-building, fun, adventurous and life-skills enhancing trips planned.

    In the last Christs Chronicles I mentioned we were opening Starburkes Caf. We moved into the

    Dram a Studio a c oup le o f wee ks ag o a fter c am ping out in the sc hool ca nteen. We w ere rea lly

    p leased to rec eive 2 sofa s, and a c oup le of sag b ags from som e o f our p a rents. These ha ve b een

    muc h ap prec iate d by o ur stude nts. Hop efully we will have a venue for the c af ne xt term and de -velop it further. Josh Co ster (Yea r 7) has helpe d me set up the c a f ea c h we ek and Jessic a Tuc key

    from Year 8 has been a stalwart helper behind the counter. Im grateful to Erin Gilmour, the Youth

    Worker from Holy Trinity Churc h, Tom Rutt er (Kick Lond on ) and Frazer Blaxland (Lea rning Sup port

    Tea m) for helping o ut with the c af.

    Thanks to the sterling work and generosity of parents, Mr and Mrs Roscoe, Emlyns Memorial Garden

    wa s planted out a nd t he d rag on sc ulpture ad de d to the island in the c entre of the po nd. Yr 10 had

    a spe c ial op ening c eremony during w hic h the g arden w as blessed and everyone had a sma ll po t of

    Forget -me-not seeds to sc a tter on the fa r bank. We let o ff ba lloo ns and Henry Ob aretin rea d a poe m

    hed written for the occasion. Emlyns family and friends came and the Yr 10s surpassed themselves

    by provid ing food and d rinks for eve ryone .

    I me ntioned in my last letter tha t we w ere rethinking how we d id c ha rity fund-ra ising in sc hoo l. One o f

    our tea c hers, Ms Tabor, is spend ing a few mo nths volunte ering in various p rojec ts in South Am eric a .

    We have decided that next term we will raise money for the projects shes working on. She will be

    sending us weekly updates about the charities shes working for, and well be able to put up photo-

    graphs up of how our money is used. This commitment doesnt mean we wont be supporting other

    c ha rities if stud ents

    wa nt to raise m oney

    for those.

    I hop e you have arelaxing and restora-

    tive holiday.

    Eve ry b lessing ,



    A M essa g e f rom ou r Cha p lain, Ruth Sc ot t

  • 8/3/2019 Christ's Chronicles 76


    Issue 76Pag e 11

    Advert is ing

  • 8/3/2019 Christ's Chronicles 76


    Page 12 The Christs Chronicles

    Advert is ing

  • 8/3/2019 Christ's Chronicles 76


    Issue 76Pag e 13

    If you would like to a dvertise your

    business or servic es in our newsletter

    please contac t: Mrs J Ralph at


  • 8/3/2019 Christ's Chronicles 76


    Page 14 The Christs Chronicles

    Add itional information:

    To c onta c t Sta ff b y e-ma il p lea se use the ir first initia l

    and then surnam e w ritten a s one word followe d by

    generic end ing: @c hrists.richm

    There is a lso a quick link via sc hool website.

    Timetab le for school day

    All stud ents to a rrive a t

    sc hool and b e rea dy for

    reg istra tion a t 08.30

    Morning break 10.20-10.40

    Lunc h break 12.20-13.00

    End of sc hoo l 15.00

    Winte r uniform required :

    b lazer, white shirt and sc hoo l


    To o rder uniform go to our

    website: http://

    c hrists.richmond .sc



    Autumn Term

    Frida y 2nd Sep tember (Yea r 7 only)

    Mo nday, 5th Sep tem ber - Tuesda y, 20th Dec em ber 2011

    Inset Days: Thursda y, 1st Sep tember

    Half Term

    24th - 28th Oc tober 2011

    Spring Term

    Wed nesday, 4th January 2012 - 30th Ma rch 2012

    Half Term

    13th17th Feb ruary 2012

    Summer Term

    Mo nd ay, 16th Ap ril 2012 - Friday, 20th July 2012

    Half Term

    4th - 8th July 2012

    Have a restful summer break

    Christ's Sc ho ol

    Que en 's Roa d



    TW10 6HW

    Phone: 020 8940 6982

    Fax: 020 8332 6085

    E-ma il: info @christs.richmon d

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