
Post on 18-Jul-2015






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Roman Religion

■ Borrowed religion from the Greeks

■ Roman gods had similar traits as the Greek gods with different names.

▪ Example: Zeus was the king of the Greek gods, while Jupiter was king of the Roman gods

Roman Religion■ Revival of State Religion

through festivals & ceremonies

■ Rituals = Peace & Prosperity

■ The empire was successful due to the favor of the gods.

■ Allowed gods and goddesses of conquered peoples as well as eastern religions

Roman Religion

■ Augustus became the first official “god” of Rome

■ Subsequent emperors were made gods by the Senate

■ This practice led to later problems with the Christians

Jews■ By AD 6, the Roman Empire

had expanded into Judaea.■ Ruled by Procurator■ Political groups:

– Sadducees: desired cooperation with the Romans;

– Pharisees: closely followed religious law to protect Jews;

– Essenes: waiting for the Messiah to save Israel from the oppressive Romans

– Zealots: overthrow Roman rule.


Jews rebelled against the Roman government and their regulations.

– In 70 A.D., Romans stormed Jerusalem and destroyed the temple complex. ▪ 500,000 Jews were killed

– Then in 132, another half-million Jews died in three years of fighting.

– Most Jews were driven from their homeland into exile after this.▪ This dispersal of the Jews is called the Diaspora.


YHWH -Hebrew designation for the name of God Yahweh or Jehovah: English translation from Hebrew

“Only God is God”-Creation is not God, Man is not God, and kings are not divine

Stressed moral behavior over ritual

JewsThe Faith of Judaism● Self-restraint● Family● Value of Human Life● Formal Worship● Monotheistic● Stresses moral & ethical behavior

Christianity grew from the beliefs of the Jews which sought the Messiah, who would free them from Roman persecution.


■ Jewish Prophet ■ Mission: to complete God’

s work to save Israel “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law and the Prophets; I have come not to abolish them but to fulfill them”.

■ Voice ethical concepts of humility, charity, and love toward others


• Jesus preached justice, compassion, coming of Godʼs kingdom

• Jesusʼ Sermon on the Mount included Beatitudes

• Asked people to love and pray for enemies; to live simply, humbly

● Jewish leaders angered by Jesusʼ teachings

● Were upset that some followers claimed Jesus was the Messiah


■ Feared by Romans to be a revolutionary who would lead a Jewish revolt against the Romans

■ Arrested, tried by the Pharisees, for heresy then turned over to Romans

■ Procurator Pontius Pilate had him crucified

■ Followers believe he arose from death

Early Years of Christianity

■The resurrection of Jesus spread Christianity quickly, teachings passed on orally then written – New Testament■Two disciples, Peter & Paul, continued teachings of Jesus.■Spread message to communities throughout Asia Minor and along Aegean sea.

Spread of Christianity

■ Spread to major cities throughout Eastern Empire.

■ Initially, ignored by Romans, as considered a Jewish sect.

■ Soon changed because Christians:▪ Refused to worship state gods & emperors▪ Considered to be treasonist punishable by death▪ Roman began persecuting Christians

Spread of Christianity

■ Thrived regardless of persecution, strengthened as it began to become organized and assume control over Christian communities.

■ Christianity spread as a result of:▪ Embracing all people- men, women, slaves, poor, and nobles.

▪ Gave hope to the powerless▪ Appealed to those who were repelled by imperial Rome.

▪ Offered a personal relationship with a loving God.▪ Promised eternal life after death.

Constantine and Christianity

■ A critical moment in Christianity occurred in 312 when the Roman emperor Constantine was fighting 3 rivals for his life.– On the day before the battle at Milvian Bridge,

Constantine prayed for divine help▪ He then saw a cross of light in the heavens bearing the description, “In this sign, conquer.”

– Constantine won the battle and gave credit for his success to the Christian God.

The Official Religion

■ In 313, Constantine ordered an end to all persecution of the Christians.

■ In the Edict of Milan, he declared Christianity to be one of the religions approved by the emperor.

■ Finally in 380, the emperor Theodosius made it empire’s official religion.

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