christian homes for children is an organization dedicated to the mission of giving hope healing, and...

Post on 22-Dec-2015






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  • Christian Homes for Children is an organization dedicated to the mission of giving hope healing, and comfort to abused and neglected children by providing them with safe permanent homes of love led by caring, compassionate parents. Christian Homes for Children is a foster family support network of volunteers that reaches out to elders and congregations from churches of Christ all over the United States, individual members of the community, local and national businesses as well as volunteer groups and asks them to help erect and support homes dedicated solely to the relief of suffering children.
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  • Our initial model erected homes of love for Christian foster parents on church property. Then, as the need for additional homes for abused children exceeded available CHFC funding, we began direct fiscal support of community homes via a stipend that could be used to supplement rent or mortgage obligations.
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  • A safe home of love, direct support by way of modest monthly stipends, supplemental food and clothing, school supplies, educational assistance, allowances for home repairs and some furnishings, other direct monetary support for daily living expenses as well as ongoing spiritual guidance demonstrates CHFCs commitment to bolstering the success of each family unit. This comprehensive and innovative approach to the care of abused children ensures the longevity of our families, helps to prevent parental burnout and offers our children a chance to experience what often turns out to be a permanent placement.
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  • Annette B. Lee Annette B. Lee was a devoted Christian, wife, mother, grandmother and aunt. A native Floridian, born in Saint Petersburg, she spent her childhood in Saint Petersburg and Blakely, Georgia. As a young adult, she married Greagus (Bubba) Lee, Jr. and the couple moved to Boston, Massachusetts. After spending several years in Boston, the young couple and their three children moved to Florida. After relocating to South Florida Sister Lee received her LPN license and subsequently worked as an LPN/Unit Treatment and Rehabilitation Supervisor for the State of Florida for thirty years prior to retiring in 1997. Words cannot express the love and affection Sister Lee consistently demonstrated at work, at home, in her community and to the members of her church family. She was a spiritual, outgoing and fervent woman who consistently and unselfishly gave of her time, talent and resources. She was a faithful member of the Miami Gardens Church of Christ who demonstrated her love for God by giving to others. She worked tirelessly to visit the sick, cook for everyone and helped others as needed. Sister Lee was a dedicated worker for the Christian Homes for Children. She participated in the Annual Walkathon and was among the highest fundraisers for this event. Sister Lee will always be remembered for her art of giving and sharing with others. Her motto, If I can help somebody as I travel along, then my living will not be in vain is alive and well in this years award recipients.
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  • Jessie Hilson From the very beginning, Jessie Hilson supported our efforts to care for abused children in our care. Though cancer had ravaged her body, she never complained. She was always the first to offer encouraging words for a sermon preached in her presence. She backed her words with deeds of kindness on behalf of our children. She worked at every Yard Sale from the very first one. On those days she would literally turn blue in the face and would accept only a glass of water and an old straw hat to keep her from passing out. While others might not be there, this widow of limited means would give her best. One day, she quietly fell asleep in her chair, which she had already agreed to donate to our children along with her other of her treasures. She joins the list of inspirational figures like those we read about in Gods word. See the story of Dorcas in Acts 9:36-43.
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  • Lorine Hood If you ever visited the home of Lorine Hood, you see the flowers and other plants that covered her entire yard. Though legally blind for many years, Sister Hood raised her plants by feeling them. When she learned of our program to provide same homes for abused children in our community, she began to conduct plant sales and donate all the proceeds to our children. At first, she would have only have one plant sale each year. Then, because the need was so great and the cause so worthy she began having two plants sales each year. At the age of 92 and after hip replacement surgeries, she finally had to quit doing the plant sales. However, she did not cease to support and to encourage others to support our labor of love. One of her sons, Larry served as an elder at the Midway Road Church of Christ where we have a branch of the program. Another of her sons, has provided matching funds (matching plant sale proceeds) o build homes of love for our children. Not only are children, but also those who knew her can rise up and call her blessed. Truly she epitomizes the virtuous woman described in Proverbs 31 for her price is far above rubies.
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  • Year after year Paula Brown and the West Broward COC organize a spectacular holiday party complete with a full course meal, arts and crafts, gifts (specific to the wish of each child) as well as a personal visit from a favorite childrens character.
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  • Earlier this year, Dian Adjamah spearheaded a VBS One Day Summer Fun Camp cohosted by the Sunset COC complete with Bible classes and a clothing and toy room where children could fill their Bags of Blessings after enjoying aquatic adventures in the water park.
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  • CHFC leadership reaches out to community partners and urges them to share their resources with our families. Though holding firmly to Christian principles, we encourage those around us to join the fight to save abused children. Board Member, Joe Fernandez and (CHFC) Administrative Assistant, Andrea Stanislas rejoice with Partner, Andrew Kruppa and top staff of the prestigious law firm of Squire Patton Boggs. The firm adopted one CHFC family for the 2013 holidays.
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  • Students from The Light Bible Club of the Henry H. Filer Middle Community School in Hialeah, FL offer CHFC children an opportunity to develop and nurture relationships outside the traditional setting of the Sunday morning Bible study class. CHFC children experience the love of Christ made manifest in the actions of individuals with whom they can easily relate.
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  • Ms. Moss, Dade County Public School Teacher and leader of the The Light Bible Club at Henry H. Filer Middle School, encourages students from the Bible Club to form lasting relationships with CHFC children via the spontaneous exchange of contact information. We pray that as the children begin to interact with each other on a regular basis, lasting bonds are formed that can endure through adulthood.
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  • CHFC along with its community partners hope to inspire a new generation of volunteers and supporters through dedication and perseverance.
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  • Community partners (like the University of Miami Butler Center for Service and Leadership & The Miami Foundation) have teamed up with CHFC to help spread the message of the limitless spiritual rewards available in a life of service to others.
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  • This young lady came to CHFC as a baby and is honored to bear the name of Barbara as she is named for the spouse of Christian Homes for Children founder, Dr. George Brown. She offers this video in memory of her mother, Mrs. Doris Ramos. When I want to hear my mothers voice, I listen to this.
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  • Yes, that is me, Luzecette. My extreme sensitivity to light, sound, touch and color prompted my pediatrician to recommend the use of a Tupperware dish at bath time rather than the sparkle and splash infant bather my mother and father had purchased for me at the time. My mother started crying at this picture of me, though she says it is her favorite. It is my first pic free of all the delicate respiratory equipment and wires needed for me to live. I urged my mother not to cry. I assured her that this was the only nude photo she was ever going to see of me in her lifetime. She turned around, looked me right in the eyes, arched her eyebrows in disbelief and kissed me! Can you believe that?
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  • Berta Torres (33 years), Rolando Ramos (20 years even after losing his wife to cancer), Julia Wilcox (25 years, who adopted six children, three of whom had biological parents who died of AIDS, Leon & Ronda Engram (18 years) and Vonrick & Hazel Jack ( 12 years). All of these wonderful parents have adopted at least one child. Two of them have adopted six children including James & Nellie Dassaw (25 years).
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  • 1. Provide financial support Our work is supported entirely by the generous support of caring individuals, churches and community groups. We receive no state funding. Please take a brief moment to write your check and mail it to CHFC at 12001 SW 72 nd Street Miami, FL, 33183. Visit us online at or 2. Volunteer Conscientious volunteers are responsible for much of the work at Christian Homes for Children. Volunteers are need to serve on the Advisory Council committee and represent Christian Homes for Children at their respective congregations, help distribute event flyers and other information about Christian Homes for Children, sort and organize in- kind donations, participate in fundraising events as volunteer cooks, servers, and attendants. We offer community service hours for responsible high school students and college students as well. 3. Become a foster parent The greatest need abuse and children have is for a safe home with caring compassionate parents. 4. Make in-kind donations You can donate such items as gently worn childrens clothing, shoes and accessories as well as computers, software, books or other household items that are in good shape. 5. Spread the word Share your experiences Christian Homes for Children and visit us online at or join us at 6. Learn more For more information about our program or to find out how you can get involved, please call our office at 305-825-0517 or 386-615-4552.
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  • Extra Mile Walkathon Golf Classic Cookout for Kids Appreciation Dinner
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  • To my dearest friends on earth, On behalf of Gods children in the watch-care of Christian Homes for Children, please allow me to express my deep appreciation for your faithfulness in giving hope to hurting children for the past 40 years. Thank each of you for giving life to a dream the Lord God placed in my heart to undertake this mission to provide for His children. Two factors played an essential part in making that dream a reality: First, my service without charge to anyone as a volunteer Christian counselor witnessed such wonderful results that only the Lord God could have achieved. In my own life, the Lord God had blessed me with the only promotion ever given to a member of the faculty at Miami-Dade College, that of Distinguished Service Professor. Moreover, He blessed with a special Angel (AKA Barbara) would allow me to be away from home while she assumed most of the responsibility for raising our own children and foster children as well. She would also work more than 16 years as the administrator of our child-care programs. And so, it was important for me to give back to the Lord God as a way of thanking Him for His blessings. Perhaps, the best way, it seemed, was to brag on God by means of a book entitled Prayer Power. The book would serve two purposes: ~ Encourage fellow Christians to learn to pray so as to achieve their own results and brag on God. ~ Donate every dollar raised paying my own expenses along the way to give hope to hurting children. This labor of love would take the form of a 501-c-3 charitable, non-profit organization: Christian Homes for Children, Inc. The result has been good in that we have raised more than $14,000,000 and provided truly safe homes for more than 1100 otherwise homeless children. Second, the elders at the Hialeah church of Christ advised me that they had set aside acreage to build permanent homes to house abused and neglected children. They allowed me to raise funds to build five homes there we called Loveland Villas. Along the way, we built homes on church of Christ property in Hollywood Hills, in Fort Pierce (Midway Road), and in Driftwood all in Florida. In addition, we provided educational services by way of our Extra Mile Learning Center as well as supportive Christian counseling services. It has been my honor to have met so many wonderfully compassionate friends along the way. Gods children will forever be in your debt. When the Lord calls each of you home, may you hear Him say, well done, good and faithful servant and children they praise your name for kindness to them you gave. As Nehemiah once prayed, Remember me for good. A friend of the fatherless and yours, George and his Angel Executive Director, Mary Menzies, MBA Founder, Director of Operations & Editor of Lovelines, George M. Brown, Ph.D. Volunteer Administrative Assistant, Andrea Stanislas Volunteer Administrative Assistant, Kimberly Figueroa Leadership Team Michael Hursey, President Charles Gatton, Vice President David Capiro, Vice President Wayne Adams Joe Fernandez Steve Hogan Jeff Judd Tony Mijares Robert Nichols Jack Smith, President Emeritus John Hood, Jr. President Emeritus Board of Directors Christian Homes for Children, Inc. 12001 SW 72nd Street Miami, Florida 33183 OFC: (786)762-4377 OFC: (305)825-0517 FAX: (305)740-1310

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