choochoos day nursery dover: november 2016 · 2016-11-11 · enjoying this new activity, and...

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Choochoos Day Nursery Dover: November 2016

“Children benefit from the available resources supporting their learning well and from having access to outdoor play for most of the day” Ofsted

Dear Parents, Families and Friends, Hello and welcome to the November issue of your monthly newsletter. We would like to welcome all our new children and families. Here are some of the highlights from last month, and a look at what we have to look forward to in November. I hope you enjoy our news, don’t forget you can email me anytime at Warm Regards, Rebecca Dunmore, Nursery Manager.

Butterflies and Bees Training Course

This month Brittany has been on a Butterflies

and Bees training course learning all about

schemas and how children flitter around like

little butterflies but store all their information

like bees. For more information, a schema

leaflet is available in our lobby.


Due to her outstanding work and for supporting all staff, our Employee of the Month for October is:

Jessica Ashman

One parent commented “ Jess was really helpful

and showed a real interest in getting to

know Thomas”

Good Work Jessica.

New Staff Member

We warmly welcome

Luiza who has

transferred from


Choochoos. Luiza also

speaks Portuguese

and the children are

already enjoying

getting to know her as

well as learning words

in a new language

In our lobby we have a box of toys that have been bought in to nursery and not collected, please can parents check and take home any

that belong to them. Please can parents refrain from bringing toys in to the nursery

Staffing News

I am pleased to report a few staffing

promotions within Choochoos. Hayley, our

Deputy, will be leading in Babychoos with Sue

continuing to be the Deputy Team Leader.

Vicky is now room leader for our Butterfly

Children and Jess is the room leader for the

Caterpillars. Teresa will be working throughout

the setting. I just know that these strong

members of staff will excel in these new roles

and will continue to build on our already

excellent team.

Dates for Your Diary:

Sunday 13th November: Remembrance Sunday

Monday 28th November: Babychoos Parents Evening

Tuesday 29th

November: Babychoos Parents Evening

Wednesday 30th November:

Caterpillar and Butterfly Room Parents Evening

Thursday 1st December: Caterpillar and Butterfly Room Parents Evening

Monday 12th December: Christmas Dinner

Monday 12th December: (PROVISIONAL DATE) School Leavers Christmas Production 1.30pm

Tuesday 13th December: (PROVISIONAL DATE) Toddlers & Rising Threes Christmas Production 10am

Thursday 15th December: (PROVISIONAL DATE) Christmas Party 2pm - 4pm

Friday 16th December 6pm - Choochoos Dover Closes for Christmas Holiday.

Tuesday 3rd January 8am - Choochoos Dover reopens for 2017

“one off” swopping sessions

As you know we aim to be flexible with regards

to the “one off” swopping sessions for your child if

you need. Choochoos will try to accommodate

this as much as we can, however please be

aware of the following:

Changes may not be possible if the sessions you

require as a one off are full or if adult/child

rations are affected

We do need at least one weeks notice if you

would like to change a session as staff rotas are

planned in advance

Your child’s key person may not be present on

a day you change to

This does not apply tor permanent session

changes as these are easier to plan for.

Social Media

Parents sometimes request Choochoos staff to be their friends on social media sites such as Facebook. Please do not be offended if staff do not accept you. If you wish to make contact with your key person please feel free to message them via our email ( marking the message for their attention. Choochoos does have it’s own Facebook page and comments can be made on it. We share news, events and many pictures on the site. You can access our Facebook page via the link on our website

Please feel free to like our page

What Have We Been Up To (Caterpillars and Butterflies)

It was National Baking Week

in October and the children

got involved in baking some

delicious cakes and biscuits.

The children weighed and

measured all the ingredients

out themselves and as you can see they enjoyed eating what

they made!

Our new member of staff,

Luiza, has been leading

the children in “Animal

Yoga” sessions this month

and they have been

enjoying this new activity,

following the instructions

and stretching out like lions and tigers!

Our early Halloween Party was so much

fun and a huge success!

The children enjoyed making

decorations for the rooms in the days

leading up to the party and on the day

they enjoyed playing games such as

bobbing for apples, biscuit decorating

and knocking the spider off the web.

A HUGE thanks to all involved as the

children and staff costumes were

brilliant and everyone had a lovely


New Autumn / Winter Menus

We are very proud of our new menus which offer the children the chance to try new and exciting homecooked foods whilst ensuring their nutritional values and 5 a day are met. The menus are being sent to you by email but you can also view them in our lobby. The recipes are available on request.

From a Happy Mum

“would it be possible to have some of the recipes on your menu? Luther loves the food so much! “

Gentle Reminders and Notices: Medicine: If your child requires medicine whilst at Choochoos this needs to be brought in in a labelled and dated bottle with the instructions of dosage and times clearly marked. Medicine needs to be prescribed by the doctor. Clothing: Autumn is finally here so can I remind parents to supply named hats, coats, gloves and wellies so that the children can still enjoy the outside experience.

Cameras & phones: If anybody has any old cameras or phones they no longer use we can put them to good use with the children to enhance the environment regarding ICT. Babychoos: Could parents provide named slippers for the children to wear inside. Pick up times: As our half sessions change from AM to PM, doors open between 12.55 and 1pm, for the morning children to be collected and then afternoon children to be let in. Please may I ask you to be considerate to the other children who are with us for the whole day, or who are sleeping to ensure they are not disrupted.

Handovers: Please remember that we only allow 2 parents in to collect at any time to enable us to give our full attention to handovers. We are sorry if you have a short wait in the lobby to be let in.

What Have We Been Up To (Babychoos):

It was National Baking Week in October

and the Babychoos made some delicious

sausage rolls and cheese straws among

other things. We discussed the different

textures and enjoyed rolling out the


Following our Forest

School Training this

month, the Babychoos

walked to the park and

stuck leaves and twigs

onto their wellies using

double sided tape. They

managed to get back to Choochoos with most of the leaves

still attached!

We have had lot of birthdays

in Babychoos this month so we

have all enjoyed learning how

to say Happy Birthday in many

different languages, and also

enjoyed birthday cake! If, when you arrive at Choochoos, you are not

greeted by your key person or buddy, can you please

bring this to the attention of your team leader or myself. There may be times the key person is engaged with other children and if this is the case, feedback should be from the team leader.

Our children were very fortunate to have a

parent come and visit and read them a story in Polish. If you would like

to come in and help by reading a story or taking

part in an activity, please come and speak

with me to arrange

Contact Information:

Please can parents remember to update their contact details should they change phone numbers or addresses. Emergency contact information also needs to be updated should there be any changes. Please speak to Toni in the office and she will be able to assist you with this.


Please remember that invoices are due to be paid by 15th of the month. Late fees will be applied to invoices not paid within 7 days of the month. Email or you can call Sam on 07402 746347 if you need to discuss your invoice. Fees will be charged to your invoice if children are collected later than their agreed collection time on any given day.


A Parents Visit to Choochoos

Great Funding News For Families

We are receiving many questions

surrounding the 30 hours free funding.

The new 30 hours per week funding for

3 - 4 year olds will not be in place until

September 2017. We have recently

received a briefing from KCC and

consultations are currently taking place

with them and the central government

discussing the criteria, spaces needed

and regulation requirements. When we

receive more concrete information we

will pass this onto you. I know KCC are

currently compiling a leaflet for families

and I will share this when it is available.

Looking Forward:

If anyone happens to know Father Christmas personally we would love for him to make an appearance at our Christmas Party which is on Thursday 15th December 2pm - 4pm. Please come and speak to me if you may be able to help ………….

Music and Dance

Our Babychoos, Caterpillars and Butterflies all took part in a music and dance session with Leanne from the Children’s Centre.

There was music from all around the world and the children and staff were encouraged to move in time to the music using their bodies and fabrics.

Remember Remember

the 5th of November

Choochoos will be exploring bonfire night this week, we will be creating bonfire/

firework creations and teaching our children about the meaning of bonfire


We have been asked by parents of any local firework displays over the weekend

of 5th November.

We can confirm that there is one display very locally to us at The Cricketers (Child Friendly) Pub in Crabble Avenue in Dover, on 5th November at 5pm for a BBQ and

6pm for Fireworks.

There will be other displays in and around the area and suggest you look at local press or Facebook for more details.

Autumn Art:

Our Babychoos have been making Autumn Pictures and doing

Leaf printing this week, the pictures are up on the wall in the

Baby Room so don’t forget to have a look when you are next


The Babychoos have also been having fun exploring the

texture of oats this week, discussing the difference in how it

feels in their hands when wet and when dry.


Speak to your Child’s Keyperson

to book an appointment for

Parents Evening as soon as

possible. During Parents Evening,

your child’s next steps are

discussed and agreed as well as

your child’s recent progress.

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