children & young people emotional wellbeing and mental health€¦ · 5/2/2018  · capacity...

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Children & Young People Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health

Lisa Wilson Head of Commissioning - ECC

Evidence Based Practice Unit (EBPU) 2

• Local Transformation Plan for Children’s Mental Health

Progress and what has been done so far Priorities for coming year Green Paper

• Suicide prevention programme

• Social Care support for CYP

• Adult Mental Health Commissioning

Mental Health Commissioning

• Building resilience in the community– Year 1 Review existing school

suicide guidance & position for self-harm

– Year 2 working with partners to put recommendations into action

Open Up, Reach Out

Transformation Journey

• November 2015 – Collaborative Commissioning arrangements – 7 CCGs/3 LAs – Emotional Wellbeing & Mental Health Service: EWMHS– Local Transformation Plan: Open Up, Reach Out

• 5 year transformation Year 1 transition, Year 2 establishing transforming, Year 3+ embedding• Principles

– Early Action – avoiding and preventing– No judgement, no stigma – care that is right for each individual– Support for the whole family – care as part of daily life– Inform and empower – easy to access information– Joined up services – efficient, effective and clear– Better outcomes – evidence based care, responding to feedback


Equality of access for CYP across Southend, Essex & Thurrock

Improved emotonal wellbeing More resilient CYP & Families

Beter outcomes for CYP Reduced inpatent admissions

CYP & families are beter engaged and coproduce service design

• Crisis at home approach• Specialist learning disabilities & MH service • Exploring ASD & Mental Health challenges and working together to

resolve them • Review of processes for Looked After Children - prioritisation • New perinatal service – Oct 2017• Digital solutions – Kooth, Big White Wall• Schools support - Self-harm guidance, digital resources, supervision,

training• Operational Relationships with NELFT and social care• Engaging with young people – Reprezent, Youth panel, Young Essex

Assembly Events • Developing pilot transitions service from children’s to adults• Secured additional NHSE funding for Early Intervention Pilot – Health

and Justice • Agreement for a two year contract extension with the current EWMHS

provider NELFT, the commissioned service will be contracted until 31st October 2020


Areas of Focus for Commissioners Continue to embed the

Community Eating Disorder Service

Pilot of Southend, Essex & Thurrock wide Learning Disability CAMHS support provision- with evaluation

Review and develop future plan - access, demand and outcomes of the service

Following successful NHSE bid develop support for those at risk of offending with EW and MH needs – Health and Justice

LTP 2018/19 Priorities • Building community resilience by

providing additional support to schools and the voluntary sector

• Review and re-modelling of the Crisis service and provision

• Review and piloting of transitions of services- support for young people leaving children’s services

• Continue to improve and build CYP and family engagement and communication

• Developing the neurodevelopmental provision for CYP & families for CYP with Learning Disability, ASD and ADHD

• Continue to develop, integrate and work with the wider children’s service system to provide a seamless offer (Tier 4 inpatient, Education Health & Care, Transforming Care, Paediatric Care, Children Looked After & Children in Need)

• Building community resilience by providing additional support to schools and the voluntary sector

• Review and re-modelling of the Crisis service and provision

• Review and piloting of transitions of services- support for young people leaving children’s services

• Continue to improve and build CYP and family engagement and communication

• Developing the neurodevelopmental provision for CYP & families for CYP with Learning Disability, ASD and ADHD

• Continue to develop, integrate and work with the wider children’s service system to provide a seamless offer (Tier 4 inpatient, Education Health & Care, Transforming Care, Paediatric Care, Children Looked After & Children in Need)

There are three key elements to the new approach that is proposed in the Green Paper:

A Designated Senior Lead for Mental Health in every school and college.

Funding for new Mental Health Support Teams to provide specific extra capacity for early intervention and ongoing help, managed jointly by schools, colleges and the NHS. These teams will be linked to groups of schools and colleges, supporting those with mild to moderate needs and promoting mental wellbeing.

Trailing a four week waiting time for access to specialist CAMHS services

Transforming children and young people’s mental health provision: A green paper

Ensure a member of staff in every school gets mental health awareness training;

Consult on revised statutory guidance on good quality teaching on mental health and wellbeing through PSHE and Relationships and Sex Education;

Convene a working group of social media and digital sector companies to improve on-line safety and support the Chief Medical Officer to produce a report on the impact of technology on young people’s mental health

Other key proposals

Evidence Based Practice Unit (EBPU)

Resources for Schools 11

Resources Launched in November 17

Self Harm Management Toolkit

Online Portal

• Recommendations following Review of Suicide and Selfharm prevention guidance toolkit for schools (2016)

• Aim: To develop guidelines to support educational settings in Southend, Essex and Thurrock in identifying and managing self-harm

• Development Process: Data analysis – what do we know about self harm in Essex? Evidence review– what coping strategies does evidence suggest are

helpful for young people in distracting/avoiding Selfharm? Best practice visit to a self harm service (SHARP) Desktop review of Selfharm guidance best practice in other areas Partnership working group developed first draft Engagement with schools and young people

School Safeguarding forum meetings NELFT (EWMHS) service user group

Finalising guidance to include engagement input Testing with schools and partners Clinical Governance

Background, Aim and Development

Why do people self harm and who is likely to be at risk?

Spotting the signs

Roles and responsibilities

How to respond to self harm incidents


Conversation prompts for speaking to a young person about self harm

What’s Included in the toolkit?

Useful contacts list

Leaflets for parents and young people about self harm

Template letters e.g. incident forms / letter to parent about self harm incident

Possible distraction/coping strategies

• Need for Information portal originally identified through:• Suicide prevention toolkit Review – Focus groups (2016)• YEA workshops with young people• Selfharm guidance/toolkit engagement process

• Scope: Single online reference point for schools to access Audience – teachers and school staff with sections for CYP and Parents

to access Utilise established web platform to aid quick turnaround Capacity to development further resources over time Portal available across SET with links to local support

• Collaboration from relevant stakeholders across SET to develop the Emotional wellbeing online information portal for schools

Online Information Portal for Educational Settings

Initial planning and exploration of appropriate online host

CCF approval

Development of resource framework and sitemap

Agreement of final version

Uploading information of Existing online platform

Test of Online portal

Clinical governance


Information Portal Process

Relationships: Unhealthy relationships Loss, Separation and Bereavement Loneliness and Social Isolation Self-esteem Body image

Stress, Anxiety and Depression: Identity Exam stress Peer pressure/bullying Depression

What’s included in the Information Portal

• What is Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health in young people?• Promoting Emotional wellbeing in school settings – inc lesson plans etc• Primary and Secondary focus

Risk taking behaviour: Selfharm Suicide Drugs/Alcohol abuse Eating

Managing Complex Mental Health Conditions:

Psychosis Attachment difficulties Autism Learning Difficulties Behavioural difficulties

• Other useful links

Info portal website

Suicide Prevention – CYP

Thematic Review



Continuing to work in partnership

Update of Suicide Prevention Guidance

and Toolkit

Learning Event

Tragically we have seen an increasing trend in Essex of CYP Suicides since April 2017

Working with ESCB to undertake review of recent suicides in order to learn what could be done differently / any missed opportunities

In partnership with ESCB, NELFT, Commissioners from LAs/CCGs

Aim to have a partnership event in Spring 2018 – to share learning and

identify missed opportunities that may have occurred

Plan actions and get commitment from partners from across the system

Support ahead of key pressures such as exam times

Refresh suicide prevention guidance – Spring/Summer 2018

Suicide Thematic Review and Event

Practice:o Outcomes first o Children In Need /Child Protection Plans /Looked After Childreno Family Hub – also point of support for professionals o Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health considered in all assessmentso Even if determine Social Care involvement not necessary will signpost and

help navigate to support o Thresholds based on a continuum with lowest appropriate level of

intervention always consideredo Support delivered from Family Solutions service for families not meeting

social care threshold.

When allocated a worker:o Work with EWMHS – referral pathwayso Work in multi agency way with other key partners Schools/VCS orgs/parents

and carers o LAC – work together to ensure placements secured and do not break downo Support those returning to community from T4 settings o MH Coordinators (Social work practitioners)

The Role of Social Care

Collaboration Working with partners o Building trust is key o Monthly Commissioner/EWMHS/Social Care o LAC assessment consultations in quadrantso Monthly tier 4 meetingso Quadrant social care leads for MH- Service Managers & Director and

service manager level strategic leadershipo Care, Education & Treatment Reviewso Co-location – SPA/Families Hubo Early Help – Family Innovation Fund

Areas for development o Sharing data – exploring SPA/hub links o Refocus role and training for MH Coordinators o Support for Care Leavers – Adults MH service o Improve guidance on pathways to SW teams inc funding options o ESCA training: develop locality briefing sessions/ general awareness of

Mental Health and processes such as the CETR process

Mental Health Coordinators

Working with professionals and carers

Individual support to CYP

Training to Social Care practitioners

Adults Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health

Adult Mental Health - Essex MH and Wellbeing Strategy

o The Council is one of 10 partners in Greater Essex (CCGs and councils with SC responsibilities and also the PCC) who have developed a new Mental Health and Wellbeing Strategy (called “Let’s Talk”) for the period up to 2021

o The strategy aligns with the national prospectus set out in the NHS Five Year Forward View for mental health

o Its implementation and action plan is being overseen by a Strategic Implementation Group which includes Council, CCG and public health representation

Strategy to action

The central plank of the strategy is to achieve a shift to a more ‘early intervention and prevention’ approach. Working towards an all age approach.

gaining and retaining employment, social inclusion and also accommodation and support

the Council will be thinking about how best social work resource can be deployed

The Council also has statutory responsibilities around Approved Mental Health Professionals (AMHPs) who play a central role in the formal detention of people under the Mental Health Act.

Any Questions?

Adult Mental Health Wellbeing Team

People Commissioning

Russell White – Operational Team ManagerT- 033303 22958

MHWT Mission Statement

‘The MHWT will promote independence, self-reliance and recovery, improving the quality of life and well-being of the individual, their families and carers. The MHWT will take a whole systems approach’

The Role of the MHWT?

• MHWT will support adults:– who have a mental health concern…– …which is causing a problem or challenge which is

social care in nature.– Or where if we intervene now we can avoid a crisis.– Or Carers to Adults with MH Concerns

We ask ourselves:

If we did nothing, would anyone else support…if no one supported, what would happen?

The Role of the MHWT?

‘Social Care in nature’ means:– Managing and maintaining nutrition.– Maintaining personal hygiene.– Managing toilet needs.– Being appropriately clothed.– Being able to make use of the adult’s home safely.– Maintaining a habitable home environment.– Developing and maintaining family or other personal relationships.– Accessing and engaging in work, training, education or volunteering.– Making use of necessary facilities or services in the local community

including public transport and recreational facilities or services.– Carrying out any caring responsibilities the adult has for a child.

Limitation to the referral process?

• We provide a service by consent – if the adult does not want the service, we cannot proceed.

• Mental Health must be the primary need (in relation to the desired outcome).

• Because of the origins of the service, we cannot work with adults where the plan is that they will remain in contact with secondary mental health services.

• There must be clear objectives and goals to our involvement (we will not ‘care coordinate’).

• N.B- Because of the nature and scope of the team, we cannot respond to urgent or crisis situations alone.

What is the referral process?

• Referrals made to MHWT must be made in a planned way, with the consent of the adult.

• They must be made using the agreed contemporary referral form, which must be sent to the central mailbox or uploaded on Mosaic.

• Once in receipt of the referral, the MHWT will:– Discuss the referral with the adult.– Contact all involved agencies involved with the adult (with

consent).– Contact any family or social contacts suggested by the adult

(with consent).– Make a decision as to next steps optimally within 5 days, but not

longer than 10 days.

What is the referral process?

We also accept self referrals

• Adults can simply call us…• …or fill out the referral form.

Any Questions?

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