child abuse

Post on 21-Nov-2014






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Child abuse




Child Abus


•84 percent of prison inmates were abused as children.

•One in three girls and one in five boys are sexually abused by an adult at some time during childhood. (Most sexual abusers are someone in the family or someone the child knows, not the proverbial stranger with a lollipop).

•Families with four or more children have higher rates of abuse and neglect, especially if their living conditions are crowded or they live in isolated areas.

•More than 80 percent of abusers are a parent or someone close to a child. Child abuse is far more likely to occur in the child's home than in a day care center.

•One in thirteen kids with a parent on drugs is physically abused regularly. (Drug and alcohol abuse in the family makes child abuse about twice as likely).

•One out of ten babies born today are born to mothers who are abusing drugs. Drinking and smoking heavily during pregnancy also endangers the health of unborn children.

What Kids Can DoKnow your rights. Nobody, including your parents, can:  •Hit you hard enough to cause an injury.

•Leave you by yourself for a long time.

•Force you or tell you to have any kind of sex with anyone.

Anyone who does any of these things has a problem. They need help.

Don't be afraid to ask for help. Don't believe anybody who says something bad will happen if you

talk. Things can only get better than they are.


•A child who is apathetic (just doesn't care).•A child who suffers from depression.•A child who won't take part in play or school activities.•A child who is often hostile or aggressive.•A child with a loss of appetite.•A child who compulsively overeats

Neglect Neglect Neglect


•Any of the signs above.•A child who is hungry much of the time.•A child wandering outdoors unsupervised.•A child unsuitably dressed for the weather.•A child who is continually dirty or wearing the same soiled clothes.•A child who shows up early or stays late at school.


•Bruises or welts shaped like an object (belt buckle or electric cord).•Bruises in unusual places (back, eyes, mouth, buttocks, genital areas, thighs, calves).•Layers of different colored bruises in the same general area.•"Sock" or "glove" burns on feet or hands or doughnut shaped burns on buttocks (from forcing the child into hot water).•Small round burns from cigarettes.•Burns in the shape of an object (iron, fireplace tool, or heater).•Rope burns on ankles, wrists, or torso.•Adult sized bite marks.•Suspicious fractures (doctors and nurses are trained to recognize these).


•Withdrawal or anti-social attitude.•Refusal to undress for physical education or sports.•Exaggerated interest in sex or "acting out" sex with other children.•Unusually seductive behavior.•Fear of intimate contact (hugging or sports)•Torn, stained, or bloodied clothing.

These child abuse cases and stories straight from the headlines of recent newspapers can help to highlight how common child abuse is so that everyone may be more likely to report suspected child abuse and neglect:

•Neglect - Feb. 2009 - A mother in Dallas, Texas, was charged with neglect after her nine-year-old died from complications of diabetes after she failed to help her manage her disease.

•Physical/Emotional Abuse - June 2008 - A mother in North Central Texas has her three children taken away because of a case of Munchausen syndrome by proxy.

•Physical Abuse - Jan. 2009 - Two parents in Dallas, Texas, were charged with abusing their six-month-old infant so severely that he was in intensive care and it was thought that he was not going to be able to recover. •Physical Abuse - Jan. 2009 - A mother's boyfriend was charged with the death of her six-year-old son.

•Physical Abuse - Dec. 2008 - A father was charged with the death of his three-month-old infant who was found unresponsive, with bone fractures and liver lacerations.

•Physical Abuse - Feb. 2009 - A father in Lodi, California, was charged with physical abuse after a school employee noticed and reported burns on a six-year old student, which were thought to have been inflicted by a clothes iron. She had also been beaten with a stick and her mother was charged with child endangerment.

•Physical Abuse - Feb. 2009 - A mother and her live-in boyfriend in Janesville, Wisconsin, were charged with abuse after repeatedly hitting her three-year-old daughter to the point that she required emergency brain surgery.

•Physical Abuse - Feb. 2009 - The boyfriend of a child's mother in Wilmington, Delaware, hit and killed a 16-month old girl because she wouldn't stop crying.

•Physical Abuse - Feb. 2009 - A nine-year-old was beaten by his mother's boyfriend in Lawrence, Massachusetts.

•Physical Abuse - Jan. 2009 - In Fall River, Massachusetts, a mother was charged with burning her four-year-old foster son with a curling iron, causing third-degree burns that required skin graft surgery.

Unfortunately, many more cases of child abuse go unreported.


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