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    Charlie Chaplin in his "Tramp"


    Charlie Chaplin filmographyFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Charlie Chaplin (1889–1977) was an English actor, comedian, and filmmaker whose work in motion pictures

    spanned from 1914 until 1967. During his ear ly years in film he became established as a worldwide cinematic

    idol renowned for his tramp persona. In the 1910s and 1920s he was considered the most famous person on t he planet.[1]

    Chaplin was born in London and began acting on stage at the age of nine.[2] In 1913, while on tour in the United

    States with Fred Karno's comedy group, he accepted a contract to work for Mack Sennett's Keystone film

    company. During his time at Keystone he began writing and directing some of the films in which he starred.

    Chaplin signed with the Essanay Film Manufacturing Company in 1915 and the year after with the Mutual Film

    Corporation. In 1918 Chaplin began producing his own films, initially releasing them through First  National and

    then through United Artists, a corporation he co-founded with Mary Pickford, Douglas Fair  banks, and D. W.

    Grif fith.[3] In the late 1940s and early 1950s Chaplin was accused of being a Communist sy mpathiser, which he

    denied.[4] He remained a British subject and, while travelling to England in 1952 to attend the  premiere of his

    film,  Limelight , his American re-entry permit was rescinded.[5] Chaplin eventually settled in Switzerland, where

    he remained for the rest of his life. He made his last two films in England.

    During his lifetime Chaplin received three awards from the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and S ciences. At the

    first Academy Awards ceremony, held on 16 May 1929, he was originally nominated for Best Actor and Best

    Director for The Circus (1928). The Academy dropped his two nominations and he won an honorary award for writing, directing, producing, and

    acting.[6][7] In 1972 he returned to the United States after nearly two decades to receive another honorary award, this time for his overall achievements in

    cinema. The following year Chaplin's score for  Limelight  received the Academy Award for Best Music. Although 20 years old by this time, Limelight 

    had not been released in the Los Angeles area until 1972, and had not been eligible for Academy Award consideration before then. [7] Chaplin also

    received Academy Award nominations in 1940 for Best Actor and Best Original Screenplay for The Great Dictator . In 1942, Chaplin released a new

    version of The Gold Rush, taking the original silent 1925 film and composing and recording a musical score which was not released in 1925. The Gold 

     Rush was nominated for Best Music (Scoring of a Dramatic or Comedy Picture). His last nomination was in 1947 for his screenplay of  Monsieur 


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    As of 2011, six of the films Chaplin starred in have been added to the American National Film Registry: The Immigrant  (1917), The Kid  (1921), The

    Gold Rush (1925), City Lights (1931), Modern Times (1936), and The Great Dictator  (1940). Also selected was Show People (1928), which features

    Chaplin in an unbilled cameo appearance.[8] For his work in motion pictures, Chaplin has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.[9]


    1 Official films1.1 Keystone1.2 Essanay1.3 Mutual1.4 First National1.5 United Artists1.6 British productions

    2 Other film appearances2.1 Uncompleted and unreleased films2.2 Compilations

    2.3 Cameos3 References4 External links

    Official films

    In 1964 Chaplin established his official filmography with the publication of his book,  My Autobiography. The filmography consisted of 80 motion

     pictures released since 1914. Further detail was added to it in David Robinson's 1985 biography, Chaplin: His Life and Art , which included Chaplin's

    last film, A Countess from Hong Kong  (1967), as the 81st entry. In 2010 the 82nd film was added with the discovery of A Thief Catcher , an early

    Keystone film hitherto thought lost.[10]

    All of Chaplin's films up to and including The Circus (1928) were silent, although many were re-issued with soundtracks. City Lights (1931) and

    odern Times (1936) were essentially silent films, although they were made with soundtracks consisting of music and sound effects, with talking

    sequences in the latter film. Chaplin's last five films were all talking pictures. Aside from  A Countess From Hong Kong , all of Chaplin's films were

     photographed in 35mm black-and-white.

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    Except where otherwise referenced, the release dates, character names, and annotations presented here are derived from Chaplin's autobiography,

    Robinson's book, and The Films of Charlie Chaplin (1965) by Gerald D. McDonald, Michael Conway, and Mark Ricci.


    Chaplin appeared in 36 films for Keystone Studios, all produced by Mack Sennett. Except where noted all films were one reel in length.

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    Release date TitleCredited as

    NotesComposer Producer Writer Director Role

    2 February 1914   Making a Living    Slicker 

    7 February 1914   Kid Auto Races at Venice   Tramp

    Released on a split-reel(i.e. two films on onereel) with an education

    film, Olives and Trees

    9 February 1914  Mabel's Strange

     Predicament   Tramp

    Filmed before butreleased after Kid Auto

     Races at Venice, henceit was in this film thatthe Tramp costume was

    first used.[11]

    19 February 1914   A Thief Catcher    A Policeman  Print discovered in


    28 February 1914   Between Showers   Masher 2 March 1914   A Film Johnnie   The Film Johnnie

    9 March 1914   Tango Tangles   Tipsy Dancer 

    16 March 1914   His Favourite Pastime   Drinker 

    26 March 1914   Cruel, Cruel Love   Lord Helpus

    4 April 1914   The Star Boarder    The Star boarder 

    18 April 1914   Mabel at the Wheel    Villain Two reels

    20 April 1914   Twenty Minutes of Love   Yes Yes Pickpocket

    27 April 1914   Caught in a Cabaret    Waiter Two reelsCo-writer: Mabel


    4 May 1914   Caught in the Rain   Yes Yes Tipsy Hotel Guest

    7 May 1914   A Busy Day   Yes Yes Wife

    Released on a split-reelwith an educationalshort, The Morning,_Cruel_Love

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    1 June 1914   The Fatal Mallet    Suitor 

    4 June 1914   Her Friend the Bandit    Yes Yes Bandit

    A lost film.[12] The onlyknown Chaplin lostfilm.Co-director: Mabel


    11 June 1914   The Knockout    Referee Two reels

    13 June 1914   Mabel's Busy Day   Tipsy Nuisance

    20 June 1914   Mabel's Married Life   Yes Yes Mabel's Husband  Co-writer: Mabel


    9 July 1914   Laughing Gas   Yes Yes Dentist's Assistant

    1 August 1914   The Property Man   Yes Yes The Property Man Two reels

    10 August 1914  The Face on the Bar Room

     Floor   Yes Yes Artist

      Based on the poem byHugh Antoine d'Arcy

    13 August 1914   Recreation   Yes Yes TrampReleased as a split-reelwith a travel short, TheYosemite

    27 August 1914   The Masquerader    Yes Yes Film Actor  

    31 August 1914   His New Profession   Yes Yes Charlie

    7 September 1914   The Rounders   Yes Yes Reveller  

    14 September 1914  The New Janitor    Yes Yes Janitor  

    10 October 1914   Those Love Pangs   Yes Yes Masher  

    26 October 1914   Dough and Dynamite   Yes Yes Waiter  Two reelsCo-writer: Mack Sennett

    29 October 1914   Gentlemen of Nerve   Yes Yes  Impecunious Track 


    7 November 1914   His Musical Career    Yes Yes Piano Mover  

    9 November 1914   His Trysting Place   Yes Yes Husband Two reels


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    14 November 1914   Tillie's Punctured Romance  Charlie, a City


    Six reelsFrom the play, Tillie's

     Nightmare, by A.Baldwin Sloane andEdgar Smith

    5 December 1914   Getting Acquainted    Yes Yes Spouse

    7 December 1914   His Prehistoric Past    Yes Yes Weakchin Two reels


    Chaplin wrote, directed, and starred in 15 films for the Essanay Film Manufacturing Company, all produced by Jesse T. Robbins. Except where noted all

    films are two-reelers.

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    Release date TitleCredited as

    NotesComposer Producer Writer Director Role

    1 February 1915   His New Job   Yes Yes Film Extra

    15 February 1915   A Night Out    Yes Yes Reveller debut of Edna Purviance

    11 March 1915   The Champion   Yes Yes Aspiring Pugilist

    18 March 1915   In the Park    Yes Yes Charlie One reel

    1 April 1915   A Jitney Elopement    Yes Yes  Suitor, the Fake


    11 April 1915   The Tramp   Yes Yes The Tramp

    29 April 1915   By the Sea   Yes Yes Stroller One reel

    21 June 1915   Work    Yes Yes  Decorator's


    12 July 1915   A Woman   Yes Yes  Charlie / "The


    9 August 1915   The Bank    Yes Yes Janitor  

    4 October 1915   Shanghaied    Yes Yes Charlie

    20 November 1915  A Night in the Show   Yes Yes  Mr. Pest and Mr.


    18 December 1915   Burlesque on 'Carmen'  Yes Yes   Darn Hosiery

    Re-issued on 22 April1916, as anunauthorised four-reeler with new footage shotand assembled by Leo


    27 May 1916   Police   Yes Yes Ex-Convict

    11 August 1918   Triple Trouble   Yes Yes Janitor  

    Compilation assembled by Leo White withscenes from Police andan unfinished short,

     Life, along with new


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    ma er a s o y e.Chaplin includes this

     production in thefilmography of hisautobiography.


    Chaplin wrote, produced, directed, and starred in 12 films for the Mutual Film Corporation, which formed Lone Star Studios solely for Chaplin's films.

    All of the Mutual releases are two reels in length. In 1932, Amadee J. Van Beuren of Van Beuren Studios purchased Chaplin's Mutual comedies for 

    $10,000 each, added music by Gene Rodemich and Winston Sharples and sound effects, and re-released them through RKO Radio Pictures. [13]

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    Release date TitleCredited as

    NotesComposer Producer Writer Director Role

    15 May 1916   The Floorwalker    Yes Yes Yes  Impecunious

    Customer Co-writer: VincentBryan

    12 June 1916   The Fireman   Yes Yes Yes Fireman  Co-writer: Vincent


    10 July 1916   The Vagabond    Yes Yes Yes Street Musician   Co-writer: VincentBryan

    7 August 1916   One A.M.   Yes Yes Yes Drunk  

    4 September 1916   The Count    Yes Yes Yes Tailor's Apprentice

    2 October 1916   The Pawnshop   Yes Yes Yes  Pawnbroker's


    13 November 1916   Behind the Screen   Yes Yes Yes  Property Man's


    4 December 1916   The Rink    Yes Yes Yes  Waiter and Skating


    22 January 1917   Easy Street    Yes Yes Yes  Vagabond recruited

    to Police Force

    16 April 1917   The Cure   Yes Yes Yes  Alcoholic Gentleman

    at Spa

    17 June 1917   The Immigrant    Yes Yes Yes Immigrant

    Added to the NationalFilm Registry in


    22 October 1917   The Adventurer    Yes Yes Yes Escaped Convict

    First National

    Chaplin wrote, produced, directed, and starred in nine films for his own production company between 1918 and 1923. These films were distributed by

    First National.

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    Release date TitleCredited as

    NotesComposer Producer Writer Director Role

    14 April 1918   A Dog's Life   Yes Yes Yes Yes Tramp

    Three reelsScore composed for compilation, TheChaplin Revue

    29 September 1918  The Bond    Yes Yes Yes Tramp  Half-reel. Co stars

     brother Sydney Chaplin

    20 October 1918   Shoulder Arms   Yes Yes Yes Yes Recruit

    Three reelsScore composed for compilation, TheChaplin Revue

    15 May 1919   Sunnyside   Yes Yes Yes Farm Handyman Three reels

    15 December 1919   A Day's Pleasure   Yes Yes Yes Father  Two reels. First filmwith Jackie Coogan,future star of "The Kid"

    6 February 1921   The Kid    Yes Yes Yes Yes Tramp

    Six reelsScore composed for 1971 re-releaseAdded to the NationalFilm Registry in


    25 September 1921  The Idle Class   Yes Yes Yes Tramp / Husband Two reels

    2 April 1922   Pay Day   Yes Yes Yes Laborer Two reels

    26 February 1923   The Pilgrim   Yes Yes Yes Yes Escaped ConvictFour reelsScore composed for compilation, TheChaplin Revue

    United Artists

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    Chaplin began releasing his films through United Artists in 1923. From this point on all of his films were of feature length. He produced, directed, and

    wrote these eight films and starred in all but the first. Beginning with City Lights Chaplin wrote the musical scores for his films as well.

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    Release date TitleCredited as

    NotesComposer Producer Writer Director Role

    26 September 1923  A Woman of Paris   Yes Yes Yes Porter    Chaplin has a small

    cameo role

    26 June 1925   The Gold Rush   Yes Yes Yes Yes Lone Prospector  

    Score composed for 1942 re-issueAdded to the NationalFilm Registry in


    6 January 1928   The Circus   Yes Yes Yes Yes Tramp  Score composed for 

    1970 re-issue

    30 January 1931   City Lights   Yes Yes Yes Yes Tramp

    Added to the NationalFilm Registry in


    5 February 1936   Modern Times   Yes Yes Yes Yes The Tramp

    Added to the National

    Film Registry in1989[18]

    15 October 1940   The Great Dictator    Yes Yes Yes Yes  Adenoid Hynkel /

    The Barber 

    Added to the NationalFilm Registry in


     Nominated – Academy

    Award for Best Actor [7]  Nominated – AcademyAward for BestPictureref 

    name=Academy/> Nominated – AcademyAward for Best


    11 April 1947   Monsieur Verdoux   Yes Yes Yes Yes  Monsieur Henri

    Based on an idea by

    Orson Welles[20]  Nominated – Academy


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    er oux war or es r ng

    (Original Screenplay)[7]

    16 October 1952   Limelight    Yes Yes Yes Yes Calvero

    Pulled from Americanscreens shortly after itsrelease when Chaplin

     became a political exilefrom the United

    States[21] Academy Award for Best Music (Scoring)(Awarded in 1973 whenthe film became firsteligible for AcademyAward consideration viaLos Angeles


    British productions

    In 1952, while travelling to England to attend the première of his film,  Limelight , Chaplin learned that his American re-entry permit was rescinded. As a

    result his last two films were made in England.

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    Release date TitleCredited as

    NotesComposer Producer Writer Director Role

    12 September 1957  A King in New York    Yes Yes Yes Yes King Shahdov

    Last starring role. AnAttica-Archway

     production Not released in theUnited States until 1967

    5 January 1967   A Countess from Hong Kong    Yes Yes Yes An Old Steward

    A Universal Productionin Panavision andTechnicolorProduced by JeromeEpsteinChaplin has a smallcameo role

    Other film appearances

    In addition to his official 82 films, Chaplin has several unfinished productions in his body of work. He made several cameo appearances as himself and

    was featured in several compilation films.

    Uncompleted and unreleased films

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    No. Year(s) TitleCredited as

    NotesComposer Producer Writer Director Role

    1 1915–1916   Life   Yes Yes Yes

    Uncompleted,although partswere used inThe Essanay-Chaplin

     Revue (see below)



     How to Make Movies   Yes Yes Yes Himself  

     Never assembled,although partswere used inThe Chaplin

     Revue (see below)Reconstructed

    in 1981 byKevinBrownlowand David


    3 (untitled film) Yes Yes Yes Himself  A charity filmco-starringHarry Lauder 

    4 1919   The Professor    Yes Yes Yes Professor Bosco

    Slated as a

    two-reeler, but never issued

    5 c.1922   Nice and Friendly   Yes Yes Yes Tramp  Improvised



    Completed but never released

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      oman o e ea   es ap n athe negative

     burned on 24June 1933

    7 1933   All at Sea   Himself 

    An 11-minutehome filmshot byAlistair 


     boat, Panacea, andfeaturingCooke withChaplin andPaulette


    8 1966–1975   The Freak    Yes

    A production planned for Chaplin'sdaughter,Victoria


    Essanay produced three compilations without Chaplin's authority (to which he took legal action). Chaplin produced his own compilation in 1959 and

    was involved in the making of another in 1975.

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    p g p y p , y p 17/21

    No.  Release

    date  Title

    Credited asNotes

    Composer Producer Writer Director Role

    1  31 March

    1915 Introducing CharlieChaplin

    Promo filmintended for exhibitors toshow as a

     prologue to

    Chaplin films

    2  23 September 

    1916The Essanay-Chaplin

     Revue  Yes Yes Ex-convict

    Compiled byLeo Whitefrom portionsof Police and

     Life with newmaterialdirected byWhiteUnauthorized

     by Chaplin.

    3 1916   Zepped 

    A propaganda piece of which aseven-minutereel wasdiscovered in


    Bought on

    eBay in 2009and put upfor auction,

     but the only bid failed toreach thereserve


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    4 May 1918   Chase Me Charlie   Yes Yes

    A seven-reelmontage of Essanayfilms, edited

     by LangfordReed.Released in


     by Chaplin

    5 1938  The Charlie Chaplin

    Carnival   Yes Yes Yes Yes

    Property Man'sAssistant / Tailor'sApprentice /Fireman / StreetMusician

    Compiledfrom Behind the Screen,The Count ,The Fireman,and TheVagabond ,

    withadditionalmusic andadded soundeffects

    6 1938  The Charlie Chaplin

    Calvacade  Yes Yes Yes Yes

    Drunk / Waiter and Skating

    Enthusiast /Pawnbroker'sAssistant /ImpecuniousCustomer 

    Compiledfrom One

     A.M., The Rink , The Pawnshop,

    and The Floorwalker ,withadditionalmusic andadded soundeffects

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    7 1938  The Charlie Chaplin

     Festival   Yes Yes Yes Yes

    Immigrant / TheDerelict / TheInebriate / TheConvict

    omp efrom The

     Adventurer ,The Cure,

     Easy Street and The

     Immigrant ,with

    additionalmusic andadded soundeffects

    8  25 September 

    1959  The Chaplin Revue   Yes Yes Yes Yes

    Tramp / Recruit /Escaped Convict /Himself 

    Compiledfrom A Dog's


     Arms, The Pilgrim, and

     How to Make Movies

    9 1975   The Gentleman Tramp

    Acompilationdocumentaryfeaturingnew scenesof Chaplin athis home inSwitzerland


    In addition to his own productions of A Woman of Paris (1923) and A Countess from Hong Kong  (1967), Chaplin made cameo appearances as himself in

    the following films:

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    No. Year Title Notes

    1 1915   His Regeneration   Charles Chaplin – Customer (uncredited)

    2 1921   The Nut   Chaplin's footage does not appear in surviving prints, although one sequence that

    does survive features an unknown actor in Chaplin's tramp persona [26]


    Souls for Sale   Shown on the set of A Woman of Paris

    4   Hollywood    Lost film[27]

    5 1928   Show People   Added to the National Film Registry in 2003[28]



    1. McDonald, Conway & Ricci 1965/1974, p. 12.

    2. Robinson 1985, p. 647.

    3. Robinson 1985, p. 267.

    4. Robinson 1985, pp. 544–549.5. Robinson 1985, p. 572.6. "History of the Academy Awards.". The Academy of Motion Picture Arts

    and Sciences. 2009. Retrieved 29 September 2009.

    7. "The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences". The Academy of 

    Motion Picture Arts and Sciences. 2009. Retrieved 25 November 2009.8. "Films Selected to The National Film Registry, Library of Congress 1989– 

    2008". Library of Congress. Retrieved 30 September 2009.

    9. "The Hollywood Walk of Fame". Hollywood Chamber of Commerce, Inc.

    2009. Retrieved 18 October 2010. Note: Type in "Charlie Chaplin"

    10. Brunsting, Joshua (8 June 2010). "Charlie Chaplin Film Found at an Antique

    Sale, Once Thought Lost". The Criterion Cast. Retrieved 9 June 2010.11. Robinson, p. 113

    12. Robinson 1985, p. 122.

    13. SilentComedians entry(

    14. "Hooray for Hollywood – Librarian Names 25 More Films to National

    Registry" (Press release). Library of Congress. 16 November 1998.

    Retrieved 29 September 2009.

    15. " 'Forrest Gump,' 'Bambi' join US film registry – Classic movies among 25

    chosen for preservation by Library of Congress". MSN Today Movies. Retrieved 28 December 2011.

    16. "25 American films are added to the National Film Registry". The Courier .Associated Press. 7 December 1992. Retrieved 29 September 2009.

    17. Andrews, Roberts M. (11 October 1991). "25 Films Designated For 

    Preservation" (Fee required). St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Retrieved 22 July 2009.

    18. "Films Selected to The National Film Registry, Library of Congress 1989– 

    2009". Library of Congress. Library of Congress. 2010. Retrieved18 October 2010.

    19. "Librarian of Congress Names 25 New Films to National Film Registry"

    (Press release). Library of Congress. 18 November 1997. Retrieved

    30 September 2009.

    20. Robinson 1985, pp. 519–520.

    21. Robinson 1985, p. 579.22. "How to Make Movies". Charlie Chaplin Encyclopedia. 3 April 2010.

    Archived from the original on 19 September 2010.

    23. Curran, John (2010). "Shot by young Alistair Cooke, home movie of Chaplin emerges after discovery". The Canadian Press. Archived from the

    original on 15 April 2010. Retrieved 10 April 2010.

    24. Charlotte Higgins (5 November 2009). "Collector finds unseen Charlie

    Chaplin film in tin sold for £3.20 on eBay". The Guardian. Retrieved

    10 November 2009.

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    Chaplin, Charles (2003). My Autobiography. Penguin Classics. ISBN 978-0-14-101147-9.

    McDonald, Gerald D.; Conway, Michael; Ricci, Mark (1974). The Films of Charlie Chaplin. Secaucus, New Jersey: Citadel Press. ISBN 978-0-8065-0197-0.Robinson, David (1985). Chaplin: His Life and Art . New York, St. Louis, San Francisco, Hamburg, Mexico: McGraw-Hill. ISBN 0-07-053181-1.Vance, Jeffrey; Tony Maietta, Robert Cushman (2008). Douglas Fairbanks. Berkeley and Los Angeles; London, England: University of California Press.

    ISBN 978-0-520-25667-5.

    External links

    "Charlie Chaplin: Official Website". Roy Export S.A.S. Retrieved 27 September 2009."Chaplin Film Locations: Then & Now". 1996–2009 JERRE. Retrieved 27 September 2009."Internet Archive". Retrieved 30 September 2009. (Features Chaplin films online)Charlie Chaplin ( on YouTube

    Retrieved from ""

    Categories: Films directed by Charlie Chaplin Actor filmographies Director filmographies

    This page was last modified on 19 March 2016, at 00:18.Text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. By using this site, you agree to the

    Terms of Use and Privacy Policy. Wikipedia® is a registered trademark of the Wikimedia Foundation, Inc., a non-profit organization.

    25. "Rare Charlie Chaplin film fails to sell".  BBC News. 30 June 2011.

    Retrieved 4 August 2011.26. Vance, Maietta, Cushman, p. 91.

    27. "Progressive Silent Film List: Hollywood". Silent Era. Retrieved 23 January


    28. "25 Films Added to National Film Registry" (Press release). Library of 

    Congress. 16 December 2003. Retrieved 30 September 2009.,_California,_New_Jersey

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