chapter 8 section 3 troubles at home and abroad discuss the conflicts with native americans in the...

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Chapter 8 Section 3

Troubles at Home and Abroad

• Discuss the conflicts with Native Americans in the Northwest Territory.

• Describe how Americans reacted to the French Revolution.

• Identify the main points of Washington’s Farewell Address.

• Summarize Washington’s accomplishments as President.


Chapter 8 Section 3

Troubles at Home and Abroad

Terms and People

• Anthony Wayne – Revolutionary War hero who led American troops to victory against Native Americans

• neutral – not favoring either side in a dispute

• impressment – forcing people into public service or use

• John Jay – government representative who negotiated the Jay Treaty with Britain in 1795

Chapter 8 Section 3

Troubles at Home and Abroad

How did the actions of Britain and France affect the United States?

Britain was supporting Native American attacks on American settlers.

Britain and France were seizing American ships to gain their support.

Washington secured the Northwest Territory and encouraged Americans to stay neutral in European affairs.

Chapter 8 Section 3

Troubles at Home and Abroad

The Treaty of Paris gave America a vast area called the Northwest Territory.

Ohio River

Mississippi River

Northwest Territory

Chapter 8 Section 3

Troubles at Home and Abroad

British troops remained in the Northwest Territory. They aided Native Americans in resisting American settlement.

Americans wanted British troops to withdraw.

Northwest Territory

British troops

Chapter 8 Section 3

Troubles at Home and Abroad

America faced conflict with Native Americans in the Northwest Territory.

Native Americans wanted to keep

their lands.

American leaders wanted to settle

the West.

They attacked many American


They tried to force Native

Americans to sell their lands.

Chapter 8 Section 3

Troubles at Home and Abroad

Washington sent troops to end the Native American attacks on settlers.

Native Americans defeated American troops in 1790 and


In 1794, Americans led by General Anthony

Wayne won a major victory

at the Battle of Fallen


Chapter 8 Section 3

Troubles at Home and Abroad

In the 1795 Treaty of Greenville, Native American leaders gave up most of their lands.

This land makes up present day Ohio.

Chapter 8 Section 3

Troubles at Home and Abroad

The French Revolution began in 1789. At first, most Americans supported the revolution.

During the Reign of Terror, revolutionaries executed more than 17,000 people.

After this, the revolution became controversial in America.

Chapter 8 Section 3

Troubles at Home and Abroad

By 1793, France and Britain were at war. Washington wanted America to remain neutral.

United States

Both countries wanted the U.S. to choose a side. They began stopping and seizing American ships.


Chapter 8 Section 3

Troubles at Home and Abroad

The British made matters worse by the impressment of sailors on American ships.

They forced American sailors to serve in the British


Chapter 8 Section 3

Troubles at Home and Abroad

Hamilton urged Washington to stay friendly with Britain.

Britain purchased 75 percent of American exports.

America BritainThey supplied 90 percent of American imports.

Chapter 8 Section 3

Troubles at Home and Abroad

Washington sent John Jay to Britain. In 1795, Jay returned with the Jay Treaty.

America agreed to:

• pay debts owed to British merchants

Britain agreed to:

• pay for seized ships

• leave the Northwest territory

• stop aiding Native Americans

• end impressment

Chapter 8 Section 3

Troubles at Home and Abroad

Since Federalists controlled the Senate, the Jay Treaty passed.

Republicans opposed the treaty. They believed it gave too much to Britain and too little to America.

Federalists were in favor of the treaty because it kept peace with Britain.

The Jay Treaty was controversial.

Chapter 8 Section 3

Troubles at Home and Abroad

In 1796, Washington published his Farewell Address to fellow Americans.

Washington made two main points:

2. He believed that the United States should not become involved in European affairs.

1. He feared that political divisions would tear the nation apart.

Chapter 8 Section 3

Troubles at Home and Abroad

Washington took pride in his accomplishments.

America had a functioning

federal government.

The economy was


He had avoided war.

The Northwest Territory was

free from British troops and safe to


Chapter 8 Section 3

Troubles at Home and Abroad

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