chapter 8

Post on 01-Sep-2014






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Noli Me Tangere Published

in Berlin (1887)

Chapter 8

Bleak Winter of 1886 was memorable in the life of Rizal for two reasons:

1. It was a painful episode for he was hungry, sick and despondent in a strange city.

2. It brought him great joy, because his first novel Noli Me Tangere came off the press in March 1887.

Dr. Maximo ViolaHis friend from Bulacan, arrived in Berlin at the height of his despondency and loaned him the needed funds to publish the novel.

Uncle Tom’s Cabin by Harriet Beecher Stowe.

In a reunion of Filipinos in the Paterno Residence in Madrid on January 2, 1884 he proposed the writing of a novel about the Philippines by a group of Filipinos.

Idea of Writing a Novel on the Phil.

Paternos (Pedro, Maximino, & Antonio)

Graciano Lopez JaenaEvaristo AguirreEduardo de LeteJulio LlorenteMelecio FigueroaValentin Ventura.

The novel was designed to cover all phases of Philippine life.

But almost every body wanted to write on women.

Toward the end of 1884, Rizal began writing the novel in Madrid and finished one-half of it.

Finishing the one-half of the second half in Paris (1885).

Finished the last Fourth of the novel in Germany.

Wrote the last few chapters of the Noli in Wilhelmsfeld in April-June 1886.

The writing of the Noli

In Berlin during the winter days of February 1886. Rizal made the final revisions on the manuscript of the Noli.

Fernando Canon-good friend.-former classmate.

Broken-hearted, weakened, and discouraged from hunger and deprivation.

Dr. Maximo Viola-From a rich family of San Miguel, Bulacan.-Arrived in Berlin shortly before Christmas day of 1887.-Agreed to finance the printing cost of the Noli.

Viola, Savior of the Noli

Thus it came to pass that Rizal and Viola happily celebrated the Christmas of 1886 in Berlin with a sumptuous feast.

He deleted certain passages in his manuscript, including the whole chapter- “Elias and Salome.”

February 21, 1887, the Noli was finally finished and ready for printing.

Printing shop- Berliner Buchdruckrei-Action-Gesselschaft.

Rizal made frequent visits to the villages and little towns in rural areas, thereby the German government’s suspicion that he was a French Spy.

Rizal-Lover of France-Fluent in German language -Filipino Physician-Scientist particularly an ethnologist

Rizal Suspected as Frenchy Spy

On March 21, 1887, the Noli Me Tangere came off the press.

Sent the first copies of the printed novel to his intimate friends including

-Blumentritt-Dr. Antomio Ma. Regidor-G. Lopez Jaena-Mariano Ponce-Felix R. Hidalgo

Pri nting of the Noli Finished

On March 29, 1887, Rizal, in token of his appreciation and gratitude, gave Viola the galley proofs of the Noli carefully rolled around the pen that he used in writing in and a complimentary copy, with the following inscription: “ To my dear friend, Maximo Viola, The first to read and appreciate my work- Jose Rizal.”

Noli Me Tangere – latin phrase which means “Touch me not.” –from the Bible.

Gospel of Saint John (Chapter 20, Verses 13 to 17).

The Title of the Novel

Rizal dedicated his Noli Me Tangere to the Philippines- “To My Fatherland.”

The Author's Dedication

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