chapter 6 section 1 chapter 6 section 2 chapter 6 section 3 chapter 6 section 4 chapter 6 people 100...

Post on 17-Jan-2016






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Chapter 6 Section 1

Chapter 6 Section 2

Chapter 6 Section 3

Chapter 6 Section 4

Chapter 6 People

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Revolution Jeopardy

Who Ridiculed the idea of rule by Kings?

Thomas Paine

Who introduced the Virginia resolution to Congress?

Richard Henry Lee

A formal complaint

A grievance

An introduction


Paine’s Common Sense increased support for _________ in the colonies?


The Declaration of Independence is based on the idea of natural _____________ ?


Both Patriots and Loyalist were in a ________ at the start of 1776?


Committee members John Adams and _______ _______ suggested only minor changes to Jefferson’s writing in the Declaration of Independence?

Benjamin Franklin

A French noble called the ____ became a high ranking officer in Washington’s army?

Marquis de Lafayette

_____ was a German baron who directed the training of Washington’s army?

Friedrich von Steuben

Casimir Pulaski led and trained mounted troops called _____ for the Continental army?


In Trenton, Washington’s soldiers captured almost a thousand Hessian _____?


True or False In the summer of 1776 George Washington gathered his forces on Staten Island?

False, Sir William Howe

True of False Thomas Paine wrote a pamphlet called “The Crisis” the helped raise morale when American spirits were low?


True or FalseThe battle of Burgoyne is considered a turning point of the Revolutionary Way?

False, Saratoga

True or FalseWashington’s army spent the hard winter of 1777-1778 at Philadelphia, Pennsylvania?

False, Valley Forge

Paper money printed by congress?


Head of a militia force that defended the frontier in the late 1770’s?

George Rogers Clark

Commander of the American ship Bonhomme Richard?

John Paul Jones

Sign up for duty?


Most southern states (refused to accept/drafted) African Americans to serve as soilders?

Refused to accept

Americans offered payments to Native American groups who (remained neutral/fought against the British)?

Remained Neutral

The Louisiana governor secretly (helped/worked against) the American cause.


During the war, some 800 (privateers/warships) helped the Americans navy to harass British shipping?


People who change sides in a conflict?


General who took charge of the Continental army in the South in 1780

Nathanael Greene

British Commander who surrendered at Yorktown?

Charles Cornwallis

Fighters who work in small bands and make hit and run attacks?


Following the capture of Charles Town, British took over all of _____ _____?

South Carolina

American General Daniel Morgan won a clear victory in the battle of ____?


The treaty ending the American Revolutionary War was signed in what city ____?


The ideals of Declaration of Independence helped to inspire leaders of the ______ Revolution in 1789?


Commander of the British army and the man who surrendered to Washington at Yorktown?

Charles Cornwallis

The man who had plans to turn over the fort of West Point in New York to the British?

Benedict Arnold

Commander and Chief of the Continental Army and the man who said no to being the first King of America?

George Washington

Who were the two American delegates sent to Paris to work out the details of the Treaty of Paris?

Benjamin Franklin and John Adams

Who was the Louisiana governor that helped the Americans by providing money and munitions to George Rogers Clark and other Americans?

Bernardo de Galves

The man who taught Washington’s army to march, improve their aim, attack with bayonets and turned raw recruits into soldiers?

Friedrich von Steuben

The man who wrote the 50 page pamphlet Common Sense ?

Thomas Paine

The man you said “I only regret that I have only one life to lose for my country” after being caught spying on the British in Long Island, NY?

Nathan Hale

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