chapter 5 section 1 notes i. geography shapes greek life

Post on 18-Jan-2016






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Chapter 5 Section 1 Notes

I. Geography Shapes Greek Life

Map of Greece

Map of Greece

A. By 2000 B.C. Minoans lived on the island of Crete and

Indo-Europeanshad settled on

Mainland Greece

Bull Jumping

B. Mainland Greece is a

mountainous peninsula in

southeast Europe

C. Greece has over 1400 islands in the Aegean Sea on the

east side

D. The Mediterranean Sea

is located to the South

1. The Greeks became excellent


E. Greece had few natural resources

F. Mountains covered about ¾ of


Mountains of Greece

1. Mountains kept the city-states


a. Thus loyalty was to your own city-state and not to a

centralized government

2. Travel was very difficult

G. Only about 20 % of the land was

used for farm land

1. With such little land the Greeks would search for lands to colonize

J. The climate of Greece was mild 48 to 80 degrees

II. Mycenaean Civilization Develops

Mycenaean Greece

Gates of Mycenaea

                         < td>

A. Mycenaeans were named after

their main city Mycenae located

on the east side of the Peloponnesus

B. Mycenaean warrior kings were

very wealthy

1. Bronze weapons

2. Drank from gold cups

C. Mycenae took over the power of the Minoans when

they decline so abruptly

D. Mycenae did adopt many of

Minoan customs

E. The Trojan War

1. War with Troy on the Hellespont in

current day Turkey

2. War lasted for 10 years

3. Prince Paris of Troy kidnaps Helen the beautiful wife of

the kingAgamemnon of


Hellen’s Abduction

Hellen’s Abduction

a. Face that launched a

thousand ships

4. Greeks win the war with the trick of the Trojan Horse

Trojan Horse

5. German archaeologist ,

Heinrich Schliemann, finds nine layers in

Turkey one may have been Troy

Heinrich Schliemann

III. Greek Culture Declines under the


Doric Column

A. the Dorians would take over

after the decline of the Mycenaeans

B. the Dorians were less advanced than the Mycenaeans

IV. The Epics of Homer

A. Homer was a blind poet that

wrote two major epics

B. the Iliad was a book about the Trojan Wars

1. About Greek hero Achilles and the Trojan hero



Andromacher Mourning Hector

C. the Odyssey was a book about

the 10 year trip home for the Greek

hero Odysseus

1. Odysseus uses his wits and trickery

to get home

Odysseus blinding Polyphemos

D. Both books described the

characteristics of Greek heroes

1. Brave

2. Loyal

3. Integrity

4. Cunning

5. Honor

V. Greeks Create Myths

A. The Greek myths explained the world around


B. Gods had human


C. Zeus was their main god

D. Hera was his wife

E. The gods lived in the clouds above Mount Olympus

F. Athena was the guardian of cities

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