chapter 5 culture, population groups, and economic

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Chapter 5Culture, Population Groups, and Economic/Political connections

B. Karnes

Section 1: Essentials of Culture


• A learned system of shared beliefs and ways of doing things that guides a person’s daily behavior.

Ethnic groups

• Cultural groups that share beliefs and practices learned from parents, grandparents, and ancestors.

Jewish people

Islamic or Arabic people


• Groups borrowing aspects of another culture as the result of long-term contact with another society.

Changes in Native American clothing.


• The taming of plants and animals for human use.

African Cape Buffalo

Typical domestic cow

Subsistence agriculture

• Farming just enough to feed one family.

Commercial agriculture

• Farms that produce enough food for large groups and grow one product.


• A highly complex culture with growing cities and economic activity.

What is culture?

• There are 200 countries in the world with over a hundred languages.

• The core beliefs and practices of people is their culture.

• Basis of culture:

• Government, religion, nationality (where you are from), education


• Types:

• 1. Culture region: area dominated by a particular culture.

• 2. Culture traits: dress, food, religious beliefs.

• These traits influence how a region’s landscape is shaped by culture.

Ethnic groups

• Cultural groups that share beliefs and practices learned from parents, grandparents, and ancestors.

Jewish people

Islamic or Arabic people

Shared aspects of Ethnic Groups:1. Food2. Language3. Religion4. Holiday traditions

Multicultural (multiethnic)

• Think United States- a nation of immigrants who came from all over the world and shared their culture.


• Race is based on inherited physical or biological traits. (confused with ethnic group)

• Examples: white, black, Hispanic, Asian.

• All cultures define race in their own way by ethnic and biological characteristics.

Cultural change

• Humans and our ideas spread around the world, changing cultures.

• This process is called diffusion.

• Examples: English as the dominant world language for business.


• Symbols help identify cultural differences.

• Symbols give people a sense of belonging and help people communicate.

• Types:

• 1. sounds of language

• 2. flags

• 3. holidays

• 4. clothing

Development of Culture

• All people have the same basic needs: food, water, clothing, and shelter.

• Factors that influence getting these needs:

• 1. History: shapes culture; reveals cultural changes over time.

• 2. Environment: influences development; the “haves and have-nots” of an area will determine a groups success.

Development of Agriculture

• Farming was first developed about 10,000-12,000 years ago.

• Before this development, most humans were nomads, migrating around looking for food.

Bedouin herder-Arabian DesertTibetian nomads- Himalayas

Development of Agriculture

• Wheat was the first plant to be domesticated on a large scale in Asia. Allowed for a food supply.

• This development, like corn farming in the Americas, led to sedentary lifestyles for groups.

5 main domestic animals


• A civilization has five features:

• 1. organized government and religion

• 2. specialized jobs

• 3. written history

• 4. large cities that support businesses

• 5. technology

Impact of Agriculture on Civilization

• Civilizations could not exist without farming.

• Reasons:

• 1. Encourages cities to be built

• 2. Gives a food supply

• 3. Enables population growth

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