chapter 20: the new frontier and ch. 20.1 objectives the

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Ch. 20.1 Objectives

• 1. Identify the factors that contributed to

Kennedy’s election in 1960.

• 2. Describe the new military policy of the

Kennedy administration.

• 3. Summarize the crises that developed over


• 4. Explain the Cold War symbolism of

Berlin the early 1960s.

Chapter 20: The New Frontier and

The Great Society1960 Election – Richard Nixon vs. John F.Kennedy

• JFK won due to television & Civil Rights issue.

Television – Sept. 26, 1960

• Nixon & JFK held first televised presidential debates. JFK

looked & spoke better than Nixon.

Civil Rights – Oct. 1960

• Martin Luther King Jr. was arrested protesting.

• Eisenhower did nothing, Nixon took no position.

• JFK called King’s wife, while Robert Kennedy persuaded

judge to release King on bail & JFK got the African-

American votes.

New Military Policy

• “Flexible response” – broaden range of options by strengthening &

modernizing the military’s ability to fight a non-nuclear war

• Increase defense spending on non-nuclear & nuclear weapons.

• Created the Special Forces – Green Berets

Cuban Missile Crisis

• Jan. 3, 1961, Ike cut off diplomatic relations with Cuba, leader Fidel Castro

declared himself to be a communist.

• Castro seized US & UK oil refineries, commercial farms relationship got worse.

• Bay of Pigs - CIA trained Cuban exiles to overthrow Castro but failed.

• Cuba’s ally was USSR & they provided nuclear weapons to prevent on


• JFK responded with a quarantine of Cuba & USSR backed down.

• Deal: USSR take out weapons & US promised not to invade Cuba

– Unofficially, we would also remove missiles in Turkey.

• Effects:

– Krushchev removed from power.

– Kennedy & Democrats lost support from Cuban exiles & criticized



Berlin WallBerlin Wall

•• Krushchev wanted to stop E. Germans from fleeing to Krushchev wanted to stop E. Germans from fleeing to W. Berlin.W. Berlin.

•• US didn’t want to lose access to W. Berlin so refused.US didn’t want to lose access to W. Berlin so refused.

•• August 13, 1961, the construction of the Berlin Wall August 13, 1961, the construction of the Berlin Wall began.began.

Ways to Ease Tendsions?Ways to Ease Tendsions?

•• Hotline Hotline –– direct line from White House to Kremlindirect line from White House to Kremlin

•• Limited Test Ban Treaty Limited Test Ban Treaty –– barred atmospheric nuclear barred atmospheric nuclear testing.testing.



Ch. 20.2 Objectives

• 1. Summarize the New Frontier domestic

and foreign agendas.

• 2. Describe the tragic chain of events

surrounding Kennedy’s assassination.

Ch. 20.2: The New FrontierNew Frontier

• JFK’s plan for progress for domestic issues.

• Couldn’t get support for education, medical care for elderly, rebuild

urban areas. Too many conservatives in Congress and no mandate.

The Economy

• Pushed deficit spending to stimulate economy. Increased spending on

defense, raised minimum wages, extended unemployment insurance,

assistance to cities with high unemployment rates.

Poverty Abroad

• Peace Corps – program to assist developing nations of Asia, Africa, &

Latin America. By 1968, 35k volunteers served in 60 nations.

• Alliance for Progress – offered economic & technical assistance to

Latin America. $12 b. from 1961-68. No lasting change occurred.

– Why? Partly to deter communism & bring reforms to L. America.



Race to the Moon –

• April 12, 1961, Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin

became the 1st human in space. JFK saw this as a

challenge & decided US would be 1st to send a

man to the moon. Less than a month later US

did the same.

• Telstar – relayed live television from Maine to


• NASA – began construction of launch facilities at

Cape Canaveral, FL & mission control in

Houstan, TX.

• July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong took the 1st steps

on the moon.

Domestic Problems: Poverty & Segregation –

• 1962, Michael Harrington’s book The Other America brought national attention to poverty issue.

• 1960’s saw increase in demonstrations against segregation.

• 1963, JFK began focusing on these issues.

– Ordered Robert Kennedy to investigate racial injustices in the South.

– Presented Congress with a sweeping civil rights bill & a proposal to cut taxes by $10 billion.

Assassination of JFK - November 22, 1963, Dallas, TX

• Assassin Lee Harvey Oswald

• VP Lyndon Johnson took Oath of Office on board Air Force One hours later.

• Nov. 24th, Oswald killed by Jack Ruby on live tv while transferring jails.

• Warren Commission – investigated & concluded that Oswald was the lone shooter of JFK.



Ch. 21.1 Objectives• 1. Explain how legalized segregation

deprived African American of their rights as


• 2. Summarize civil rights legal activity and

the response to the Plessy and Brown cases.

• 3. Trace Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s civil

rights activities, beginning with the

Montgomery Bus boycott.

• 4. Describe the expansion of the civil rights


Ch. 21: Civil Rights MovementCh. 21: Civil Rights Movement• Civil Rights Act of 1875 was ruled unconstitutional in


• Plessy v. Ferguson – legalized “separate but equal” laws. 14th amendment not violated.

• Jim Crow laws passed in South to separate the races.

• North – African-American could only find housing all black neighborhoods. White resented the competition for jobs.

• WWII –

1. More jobs available to African-Americans

2. Military needs great enough to end discriminatory policies.

3. Civil Rights organizations fought for voting rights & challenged Jim Crow laws. FDR made law banning discrimination by federal agencies or companies working in war industries.

• NAACP led legal charge against segregation.

• Thurgood Marshall & NAACP won 29 of 32 cases

argued before Supreme Court.

• Several cases chipped away at Plessy v. Ferguson

– Morgan v. Virginia – separate seating illegal on interstate

bus travel.

– Sweatt v. Painter – state law schools must admit black


– Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka – segregation in

schools violated the14th Amendment.

• Reactions to Brown v. Board of Education

– Some intergrated immediately some said it would take time & others resisted

– Little Rock, Arkansas 1957

• “Little Rock 9” – volunteers to integrate Central High School.

• Gov. Orval Faubus orders National Guard to prevent “Little Rock 9” from attending school.

• Eisenhower placed the National Guard under federal control plus sent in 1000 paratroopers into Little Rock to let them attend school.

• At end of year Faubus shut down the school.

• Sept. 1957, Congress passed the Civil Rights Act of 1957 – Gave Attorney General more power over school desegregation

– Federal gov’t had jurisdiction over violators of African-American voting rights.



• Montgomery Bus Boycott, Dec. 1955

– Rosa Parks – refused to give up her seat to a white person & was arrested.

– Martin Luther King Jr., 26, pastor, was selected to lead the bus boycott.

– 1956, Supreme Court outlawed bus segregation.

– Proved that African-Americans to unite, organize & showed power of “soul force,” nonviolent protest.

• MLK Jr.

– Influenced by Jesus, Thoreau, Randolph, & Gandhi

• Southern Christian Leadership Conference

– Created to organize nonviolent protests using churches.

• Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee

– Organized students for nonviolent protests; sit-ins, etc.



Ch.21.3 Objectives

• 1. Compare segregation in the North with

segregation in the South.

• 2. Identify the leaders who shaped the Black

Power movement.

• 3. Describe the reaction to the assassination

of Martin Luther King, Jr.

• 4. Summarize the accomplishments of the

civil rights movement.

Ch. 21.3: Challenges and Changes in

the Civil Rights MovementNorthern Segregation:

• De Facto Segregation – exists by practice & custom.

• De Jure Segregation – exists by laws.

• De Facto is harder to change because you must change attitudes & behavior.

• Led to “white flight,” whites fled to suburbs & caused wealth & racial gap between cities & suburbs.

Urban Violence – white authority vs. black civilians

• 15yr. old killed by white police in New York, July 1964 led to riots in Harlem.

• Aug. 11, 1965 – Watts Riots, in LA. 34 people killed & hundreds of millions of dollars in damage.

• Problem was no economic equality.

• Johnson’s Great Society meant to help with poverty but money went to Vietnam.

New Leaders of Civil Rights

• Malcolm Little or Malcolm X

– Joined Nation of Islam or Black Muslims became an Islamic minister.


1. whites were cause of the black condition

2. blacks should separate from white society

3. Armed self-defense


1. Whites & moderate blacks frightened

2. Other Black Muslims resented Malcolm X

• Ballots or Bullets

– March 1964 Malcolm X broke with Elijah Muhammad & went on pilgrimage to Mecca.

– Came back with new attitudes towards whites.

– February 1965, shot & killed in Harlem during a speech.



• Black Power

– Stokely Carmichael & SNCC disagreed with SCLC & King.

– SNCC & CORE were more militant than SCLC.

– Carmichael began calling for Black Power – black people should

define their own goals & lead their own organizations. Focus on

developing black pride.

– King saw this as provoking blacks to violence & antagonize


• Black Panthers – Oct. 1966, Huey Newton & Bobby Seale

founded this political party.

– Wanted: Self-sufficiency, full employment, decent housing &

exemption from drafts.

– Message: self-defense & sold writings of Mao Zedong.

– Created daycare centers, free breakfast programs, free medical

clinics, assistance to the homeless – ghettos gave support to


• King’s Death – April 3, 1968 in Memphis, TN

– Assassin James Earl Ray

– 100 cities went in flames due to riots.

• June, 1968 Robert Kennedy was assassinated.

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