chapter 15 section 4 reformation ideas spread. king henry vii was unhappy with his marriage because...

Post on 12-Jan-2016






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Chapter 15 Section 4Reformation Ideas Spread

King Henry VII

• Was unhappy with his marriage because he did not have a son to inherit his throne.

• He needed the Church of Rome to officially end his marriage to Catherine, but the pope refused. This is why Henry VIII officially broke away from the Church

King Henry VIII

Catherine of Aragon

Anne Boleyn

Jane Seymour

Anne of Cleves

Kathryn Howard

Katherine Parr

The Reformation After Luther

• Many people adopted Luther’s ideas and several other Protestant groups appeared. Protestant- refers to Christians who separated from the Catholic Church

• John Calvin believed in predestination- God had determined long ago who would be saved.

• Two of these Protestant groups were the Zwinglians and the Anabaptists.

• Anabaptists did not believe in the baptism of infants.

The Catholic Church Reforms

• The reformation was a significant challenge to the Church of Rome.

• One key development of the Catholic Reformation was the establishment of the Society of Jesus in 1540.

• This was a group led by Ignatius Loyola.

The Catholic Church Reforms

• Jesuits- worked tirelessly to educate people and spread the Catholic faith. Their efforts helped build Church strength in southern Europe.

• The Catholic Church was also strengthened by Paul III, who became pope in 1534. In 1542 he called for a meeting that helped the Church return to matters of religion and spirituality known as The Council of Trent.

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