chapter 12

Post on 13-Apr-2017



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Welcome back to the Night Legacy! In the last chapter, Marcy explored Downtown, Lestat met

the mysterious girl from his childhood, Lila expressed doubts about leaving the legacy in

Celestia’s hands, and Vis was there!

In this chapter, we start, not at the main household, but at Luna’s house, where it appears a wolf

has decided to pay a visit to the matron of the night.

“Hey there, little guy. What are you doing out here?”

“I guess we’re both nocturnal, huh? Nothing wrong with that.”

“Wish I could sleep at the same time as Meadow and the kids, but it’s just not in my nature.”

“Huh? Who’s that?”

“Luna Night.”

“Oh, hey, you’re that evil witch.”

“Margaret. Charmed. I’ve come with an offer.”

“What kind of offer?”

“I have come to teach you the ways of dark magic.”

“Really? Hm...Sorry. Not interested.”

“Are you serious? This is a once in a lifetime opportunity!”

“Look, I’m all for knowledge and everything, but my heart belongs in science and mechanics.

Plus, I have a wife and kids to worry about. Sorry, but the answer is no.”

“Hmph. Suit yourself.”

“Well, if you won’t go willingly...”

“I’m not an evil witch for nothing.”


“What’s happening? AH—!”

“*evil laughter*”

Well, then. Back at the main house, Jess seems to be haunting tonight. Hi, Jess!

“Where’s my wife?”

Oh, I’m sure she’s around.

“I’ll be back in a minute. I’m going outside to try a new spell.”

You’re, uh, looking different there, Cel.

“In what way?”

You’ve got pastel hair. It’s blue. And purple and pink, but mostly blue.

“It must be the mark of magic like Clemencia was talking about! I must be getting stronger!

Good. My new spell will need all the power I can get.”

“Celestia, you look beautiful!”

“Thanks, Max!”

“What’s this new spell you were talking about?”

“Well, when I was back in college and first learned magic, I said I could raise the sun, even

though I’d only done it once. It was my goal to become powerful enough to do it at will. Now, I

think I’ve reached the level where I can finally do it.”

“Well, I wish you the best of luck.”

“Thank you, sweetie.”

“ goes.”

“Oh, hi, Tom!”


“Oh, that’s right. You’re powered down. Now, the spell. Beautificus locus!”

“Hm...It doesn’t seem to be working. Maybe I’m not powerful enough after all.”

“Or maybe you just can’t break my spell of eternal night...”

“Hello, sister mine.”

“*gasp* Luna! But...what’s happened to you?”

“Isn’t it obvious? I’ve been taught the ways of dark magic!”

“But that can’t be! You don’t have an evil bone in your body!”

“Don’t believe me? Maybe this will convince you.”

*thunder crashes*

“But...but how did this happen?”

“The lovely Margaret paid me a visit earlier and taught me her ways.”

“You would never agree to that!”

“Not at first. Her magic is very persuasive...”

“Margaret! I’ll kill her for doing this to you!”

“Now, now, sister, that wouldn’t be becoming of a good witch.”

“Luna, you have to be in there! I’ll get you back!”

“Yes, yes, the ‘I know you’re in there somewhere’ bit. I know how to goes. You think you can

‘save’ me, or whatever that means.”

“Until then, may the world know me as Nightmare Moon!”

“Nightmare Moon? What are you, five?”

“Oh, a little bite from the virtuous Celestia! We all know you’re not nearly as virtuous as you

look! Know this. Luna Night is no more. There is only Nightmare Moon!”

“Farewell for now, dear sister.”

“I have to put a stop to this!”

“Mama! Max!”

“Oh! Celestia! Don’t do that to your old mother!”

“Mama, you have to listen!”

“Luna has become an evil witch.”

“Dear, you must be joking. Luna would never do such a thing.”

“It’s true. She’s calling herself Nightmare Moon.”

“But why would she do such a thing?”

“I’m not so sure she did. From the way she talked, it sounds like an evil witch forced her into it.”

“Is there anything we can do?”

“Hm...if I can break Margaret’s magic, maybe it would be enough to get Luna back.”

“Do you have a spell for that?”

“I think I just might.”

“If it doesn’t work, I have a plan B, but it’s pretty drastic.”

“Drastic? It wouldn’t kill her, would it?”

“No, of course not! But it wouldn’t be good.”

“I hope Plan A works.”

“Me too, Mama. Me too.”



“Eternal night. How ‘bout that, Marce?”

“I don’t know how to feel, Lestat.”

“Maybe it won’t be so bad. We’re a night-themed family. We were made for this.”

“Yeah, maybe you’re right. Maybe we’ll be okay.”



“Maybe eternal night wouldn’t be so bad.”

“I hope this works. Please, let this work.”

“I came as fast as I could. Is everyone okay?”

“We’re fine. We have a plan.”

“That’s good, at least. You’re sure it’s Aunt Luna?”

“Positive, unfortunately.”

“Are you okay, Mom?”

“I will be, but I’m going to have to be the one to face her.”

“Until then, I have something for you.”

“It’s a portrait of Bruges Wallace.”

“Bruges Wallace? You mean...?”

“Yes. Your biological father.”

“You never talk about him.”

“I know...and I know he probably doesn’t mean much to you. Max is the one who raised you and

I’m grateful you had such a wonderful man as your father. Still, I thought you should have

something of Bruges. It’s yours now. Do with it what you wish.”

“Well...I don’t know how to feel about it, but I’ll accept it.”

“Thank you, dear.”

“I love you, Mom. Please, be careful.”

“I will. I love you too, Drusilla.”

“It’ll be okay, Lila.”

“I hope so, Max. I really hope so.”

“You have all of us here.”

“I know. Thank you.”

“Girls, I just want you to know, your mother and I love you.”

“We love you guys, too, Max.”

“Yeah, Dad, we love you too.”

“It’s time.”

“Good luck, Cel.”

“I love you. Stay safe.”

“I love you too, Max. If anything happens to me, take care of the kids.”

“I will. I promise I will.”

“Here we go.”

“Luna, I’m here! Show yourself!”

“Hello again, sister mine.”

“Enjoying the weather?”

“I know this wasn’t your fault, Luna.”

“Nightmare Moon.”


“Still think you can save me, sister?”

“Yes. I will do what I can to save you. I will break Margaret’s magic.”

“If you’re confident, do your worst.”

“With pleasure! Benemoodus populous!”

“*evil laughter*”

“Is that really the best you can do?”

“It didn’t work!”

“That was your whole plan? Margaret’s magic is much more powerful than your pathetic spells!”

“My turn. Inflammo!”

“Oh, no! Fire!”

“Magic fire, dear sister. Water has no effect. Only magic. And there’s only one good witch in the



“*relieved sigh* She’s powerful. Too powerful.”

“You’re next, sister. There’s no one to save you now.”

“I have no other choice.”

“Mama, Meadow, Shining Armor, Spike, Twilight, Luna, forgive me.”

“Any last words?”

“Luna, I love you.”

“Expello simae!”

“Another pathetic spell, sister? You waste your time!”

“Wait, what?”



“It’s done.”

“Beautificus locus.”

“Luna...what have I done?”


“So...Aunt Luna is gone?”

“Yes, Marcy.”

“For how long? Forever?”

“No, but it will be for a long time.”

“Mama, are you okay?”

“I’ll be fine, dear. I’ll be fine.”

“You did what you had to do.”

“I suppose.”

“I doubt her family will see it that way. I need to call Meadow.”

“Don’t blame yourself, dear. You had no other choice.”

“I...I have to make a call now.”

“Celestia, I came as you asked. Have you heard from Luna?”

“Meadow, you should sit down.”

“What’s happened to Luna?”

“Luna...Luna won’t be coming back for a long time.”

“What do you mean?”

“I was forced to send her away.”

“You used magic on her?!”

“I didn’t have any other choice! She’d been turned into an evil witch! She tried to kill me!”

“I don’t believe you! Luna would never!”

“I’m sorry! It’s true!”

“How could you do this to your own sister and then try to blame her?!”

“It wasn’t her fault! She was forced by another witch!”

“So, why is she being punished?!”

“It was either that or let her kill me and my family! I’m so sorry, Meadow! I tried to save her!”

“Trying won’t bring my wife back.”

“I have to get home to the children. Goodbye, Celestia.”

“That went about as well as I thought. Poor woman. Poor kids.”

Dear Aunt Celestia,

Mama told us that you sent Mom away. She says Mom won’t be coming back for a long time. She

wouldn’t tell us why.

It’s been quiet since then.

Mama hasn’t been taking it well. Neither has Shining Armor. Spike is too young to really know

what’s going on.

As for me, I just wanted to ask you. Will you let Mom come home soon?

Your faithful niece,

Twilight Sparkle

“Now, Celestia, I won’t be around for much longer. I need you to be ready to take over as


“Yes, Mama.”

“You’ll need to help guide your heir and raise your grandchildren. To do that, you’ll need to

impart wisdom and I have done what I can to impart my wisdom to you.”


“What is it, dear? What’s wrong?”

“You shouldn’t be leaving this legacy to me.”

“What? Why not?”

“I can’t even protect my own sister! How can I protect my children and grandchildren?”

“Oh, my poor sun child...”

“I’ll admit, I’ve had my doubts, but I wouldn’t be teaching you all of this if I didn’t think you

could do it. I believe in you, Celestia.”

“You do?”

“I do. I truly do.”

“You probably think I’m just being a child.”

“Not at all. You’ve grown into an extraordinary woman.”

“I love you, Celestia, and I am so proud of you. The legacy is safe in your hands.”

“I love you too, Mama.”

“Well, Jess, I’m coming to join you soon.”

“I want to see you again, my love, and I do believe the legacy will be safe with Celestia. Still,

I’m afraid to leave. Are they ready? Am I?”

“This is the last of my inventory. Just a few personal items.”

“I don’t want you to go, Mama.”

“I know, dear, but it’s time.”

“Author, are you there?”

I’m here. Hey there, Lila.

“It’s tonight, isn’t it?”


“Just a few hours to go, then. I would have loved to have seen Luna and the boys one last time.”

I know. I’m so sorry. If it counts for anything, I think you’ve been absolutely amazing.

“It does. Thank you. Goodbye, Author.”

Goodbye, Lila.

“Ah, my family.”

And then, the dreaded moment came.

Unlike Jess, I did not miss it and neither did anyone else.

“It’s time, then.”


“I don’t suppose you’d spare me a few more hours?”



“Yes, that certainly sounds like Jessica.”

“Well...Aloha, everyone.”

And she was gone.

Lila...My god, what to say about you?

You founded one of my favorite families of all time. You and your wife Jessica gave me four

amazing kids and they, in turn, gave plenty of awesome grandkids.

You were always a little offbeat, some might even say creepy, but you loved your family and as

you aged, you became a wise and solid matriarch to the family, always giving good advice and

guidance when needed.

You were a fantastic sim to play and I will genuinely miss you.

Rest in peace.

She now sits on the edge of the lot with her beloved wife Jessica.

“Mama...I knew it was coming, but you left me too soon. I don’t know if I can do this.”

“I’m the matriarch of the family now.”

“Max, I have something to show you.”

“What is it?”

“It’s a surprise.”

“It’s in here.”

“In your magic room?”

“Follow me!”

“Ta-da! What do you think?”

“It’s us.”

“Yes, it is.”

“What happened to the other one?”

“I gave it to Drusilla.”


“You’ll always be her father, but I felt she should have it, to do whatever she wants with it. She

might keep it, she might throw it away, but it’s hers now, not mine.”

“I see. You’ve let him go, then.”

“Bruges was an important part of my life. I don’t regret it, only the pain it caused you. But as

important as he was, he was only a small part of my life. You have been in my life far longer and

I’m glad for it. I love you, Max.”

“I like the painting.”

“You do. Oh, I’m so glad!”

“I love you, Cel.”

“I love you too, Max.”

“And I need to talk to you about something.”

“What is it?”

“Drusilla! I’m so glad you came.”

“Of course I did. What’s up, Max? Not another dire situation, is it?”

“I suppose you could see it that way, but on a much smaller scale. Have a seat.”

“Kids, I have something important to announce.”

“You took up a hobby, Dad?”

“Is it fishing?”

“No, that’s not what this is. I’ve called you here to announce the heir.”

“Well, I’m out.”

“You’re still a part of this family, Lestat. Stay put.”

“Drusilla, the Author and I had a talk and we’ve decided that you’re the new heir.”

“I am? Oh...”

“You don’t have to accept it. If you feel unfit to be heir, you can always hand it off to your


“I don’t want it, Dru! Go for it!”

“I accept. I’ll try to make you and Mom proud.”

“I know you will, Dru. You always do.”

“Speaking of Mom, where is she? Shouldn’t she be making this announcement?”

“Ah. Yes. That’s the other thing I wanted to announce.”

“Your mother is gone.”


“She spoke to me last night.”

“Max, I’ve been thinking hard about this and I’ve concluded that I can’t stay here any longer.”

“What? Why?

“I’m the matriarch of this family and I have to protect it. After what happened to Luna, I know I

can’t do that from here. I have to be able to be in a position to watch over the entire family. I

need to be a protector, not just a matriarch.”

“So, you’re leaving.”

“Please, Max, believe me when I say it’s not because I don’t love you and the kids. Far from it.

I’m doing this because I need to protect you. Not just you, but my brothers’ families and my

sister’s family as well. Soon, our children will have families of their own. I have to watch over

them to prevent something like what happened to Luna again. Do you understand?”

“I do, but I don’t like it. I thought we’d spend our elder years together. Now, you’re leaving me

to face them alone.”

“I know, Max. I’ve put you through so much and I hate to cause you even more pain, but in this

case, the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few. I’m sorry.”

“*sigh* I suppose I really have no choice. You’ve made up your mind and I won’t be able to

change it. Will I ever see you again?”

“Once I set up, I’ll try to come back and see you. Until then, it’ll just be you and family.”

“That’s not a solid promise.”

“I know. I can’t make one. I’m sorry.”

“No more apologies. We’ve been together a long time. We’ve had our rough patches, but we’ve

gotten through them, and I know how much you love your family. So, go. Be the protector you

want to be. I’ll hold down the ship here. Go.”

“Oh, Max.”

“I love you.”

“I love you too.”

“Now, if this is my last night with you, I want to make it count. C’mere.”

“Goodbye, Max.”

“Goodbye, Cel.”

“What am I going to do?”

“So, she’s abandoned us.”

“No, Marcy, she’s protecting us from afar.”

“Might as well be the same thing.”

“Well, then. I’m going off to college.”

“Me too.”

“One taxi to university, please!”

“Marcy, I know you’re upset. I am too, but you should try to forgive your mother.”

“Easier said than done, Dad.”

“I’ll call you when I get there.”

“Okay. Stay safe.”

“I will.”

“I’m done here.”

“Thanks for coming, Dru.”

“No problem, Max. I’ll see you after I graduate.”

“Okay. See you then.”

“Safe trip back!”

“Cel, what have you left me to deal with all on my own?”

And that’s the end of chapter 12 and the second generation of the Night Legacy! Next time, we

follow the girls to college!

Will Max cope with Celestia’s absence? Will Drusilla find a good spouse? Just what am I going

to do with Lestat?

Find out in the next chapter of the Night Legacy! See ya then!

As a bonus, two pictures I thought were funny, but didn’t really fit the tone of the chapter.

Poor Max here got struck by lightning. While playing in a puddle. In the middle of a


Max, I love you, but sometimes, you’re an idiot.

It’s amazing how much Cel looks like Principal Celestia in Equestria Girls here.

Yes, that’s actually what they called Princess Celestia in that movie.

And that’s it! See ya next time!

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