chapter 10.3. explain why conflicts between white settlers and native americans increased during...

Post on 27-Dec-2015






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Chapter 10.3

Explain why conflicts between white settlers and Native Americans increased during the early 1800’s.

Identify the goals of Tecumseh’s Native American confederation.

Describe why the War Hawks pushed for war against Britain.

William Henry Harrison, 1810 was governor of the Indiana territory.

1 million white settlers moved into the areas west of the Appalachians during 1790-1800

Newcomers built farms on Indian lands and hunting grounds and ignored previous treaties.

Fighting broke out, Miamis and Shawnees armed with British muskets drove settlers out.

President Washington sent General Anthony Wayne into Ohio in 1794, the Indians lost at the Battle of Fallen Timbers

The Treaty of Greenville forced the Native Americans to give up most of Ohio for a sum of $20,000.

As settlers moved westward into Indiana, Native Americans flocked to Tecumseh and his brother, Tenskwatawa, a religious leader known as the Prophet.

Tecumseh wanted a return to the old ways, rejecting the white-settlers goods.

He created unity with his brother building a settlement along the Tippecanoe Creek.

Tecumseh created a unified force. While he was away in the South, Harrison’s forced defeated his brother.

Fighting with the Native Americans hurt relations with the U.S and Britain.

The trade ban was expiring and Madison offered to both nations that if they would stop seizing American ships, they would halt trade with the other. Napoleon acted first, the U.S. stopped trading with Britain.

Madison did not want war, but member of Congress representing the South and West, known as War Hawks stirred nationalism.

The most outspoken War Hawk was Kentucky’s Henry Clay, he advocated to punish Britain, the U.S. should invade Canada.

War Hawks believed that a war would allow seizure of Florida, an ally of Britain.

Also it would stop the flow of weapons to the Native Americans if Britain were defeated.

Britain continued to board U.S. ships British warships blockades some U.S. ports Representative from New England did not

want war, they feared that Britain would attack northern ports.

Madison asked Congress for war in June 1812.

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