championship newsletter no.5 2015 - btrda out of the running. that said, no.6 seeds,...

Post on 10-Feb-2021






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    A sure-fire way of maintaining your lead in a

    Championship, if not almost certainly extending your

    advantage, is to win the next round. On the back of victory

    on the Somerset Stages, not to mention strong finishes on

    both the Wyedean and Malcolm Wilson Rallies, Dave

    Weston & Kirsty Riddick arrived in Welshpool for the start

    of the Plains Rally, the fourth round of the REIS - RAVENOL

    BTRDA Gold Star® Rally Championship, and came away

    with a win on that one as well!

    Having won the Plains for the past couple of years, fellow

    Scotsman Euan Thorburn was looking to make it a hat-

    trick this time. After two of the six stages, his Focus WRC

    was o ide ti al pe alties as Westo s I preza, ut the a puncture cost him more than twenty seconds to his rival

    and that, effectively, was that! No matter how hard he and

    Richard Cooke tried, barring problems for Weston, the

    order as t goi g to ha ge - a d it did t!

    Dave Weston/Kirsty Riddick - Subaru Impreza WRC - 1st overall

    Knutsford & District Motor Club were blessed with one of

    the largest entries ever in the long history of their event

    (170+) and the quality just oozed from it! Unusually, and in

    such a hard-fought arena, by the end of the day the

    highest seed on the list of retirements was No.10 - the

    Impreza of Karl & Guy Simmons which was, indeed,

    holding 10th

    place after SS4 before mechanical bothers put

    it out of the running. That said, No.6 seeds,

    Damian Cole/Jack Morton, had one of those days their

    mothers warned them about - their Focus WRC

    suffered a split hydraulic pipe on SS2, the first run

    through Gartheiniog, which cost them five minutes to

    the leaders. They eventually arrived home in 44th


    Never slower than 5th

    quickest through any of the

    stages, it would appear that Hugh Hunter/Andy

    Marchbank ha e got to the otto of their I preza s handling problems - 4

    th overall equalled their highest

    score of the season so far.

    Hugh Hunter/Andy Marchbank – Subaru Impreza WRC – 4th overall

    Ja ie A derso /Jo S ott’s Lancer WRC set some very competitive times to take 5

    th place from a start no. of

    11, while Stephe Pet h/Ia Wi dress’ 100% finishing record was maintained - 7

    th in their Fiesta R5+ keeps

    the pressure on the Championship leaders, although

    there s o de i g that a bit more out-and-out speed fro the ar ould t go a iss! Having recorded DNFs on both the Malcolm Wilson and Somerset Stages, the

    finish line of the Plains was a welcome sight for Charlie

    Payne/Carl Williamson. Their Fiesta was 8th

    , less than

    10s behind Petch. Luke Fra is/Joh H Ro erts’ progress was brought to an abrupt halt on SS4 when

    a o erha gi g ra h k o ked their La er s kill s it h i to the off positio . The i ide t ost the about 20s, allowing Petch to close to within one

    second - a situation which the Fiesta driver was able to

    turn to his advantage on the following stage. Still, 9th

    overall for Francis/Roberts gave them their third finish

    from three starts and sees them in fourth place in the

  • points.

    Also e efiti g fro their I preza s relia ilit , Dylan Davies/Llion Williams were 11

    th on the Plains and theirs is

    the highest-placed B13 car in the table - 3rd

    , behind

    Weston & Petch. Weston has two maximums, Thorburn

    one and, absent on this occasion, Paul Bird has victory on

    the Wyedean to his credit. Four rounds down, five to go -

    plenty of time for the names at the top of the table to

    change dramatically - or not, as the case may be!



    For the first time this season, it was Pat Naylor/Ian

    La re e’s turn to emerge as top Hyundai Genpower BTRDA Production Cup® scorers. Running neck-and-neck

    with the similar Lancer EVO9 of Aaron McClure/Elliott

    Edmondson with just the final stage to go, the latter crew

    were held up by an accident for which they were given a

    notional time. They still earned 2nd

    place points for their

    efforts, for the second consecutive time and, in contrast to

    a couple of their rivals, have already missed the obligatory

    event. 20-year old McClure is delighted with his pace

    agai st su h serious oppositio after su h a short ti e and, on this performance, he will shortly be joining the

    a i u e !

    Pat Naylor/Ian Lawrence – Mitsubishi Lancer EVO9 – Production Cup winners

    Paul Da y/Roger Alla ’s Impreza was 3rd in the category, a mere second ahead of Russ Thompson/Andy Murphy who

    were having - by their standards! - a quiet day following

    their accident in Somerset. Tom Naughton/Andi Mort

    set off at a pace - they were top Group N contenders

    after SS1, but their Lancer then indulged in a slow-

    speed roll on SS2 (see Youtube for details!), knocking

    the do the order. E e so, the ere t far ehi d Thompson/ Murphy, who still maintain their lead in

    the Production Cup, by the finish.

    Roland Llewellin/Jamie Edwards will also have been

    delighted to record their first finish of the season,

    opening their account in the process but, alas, not

    qualifying for any bonus from Hyundai Genpower

    Lle elli s o pa !.... So, the recipients of the vouchers to be exchanged for

    Hyundai Genpower products on this occasion are:

    Pat Naylor £150; Aaron McClure £100; Paul Davy £50.



    Ieuan Rowlands – Ford Escort MkII – 1st Silver Star

    The Plains was the first REIS - RAVENOL BTRDA Silver

    Star® Rally Championship event of 2015 for Ieuan

    Rowlands but, notwithstanding, by the end of the day

    he had become the fourth different category winner of

    the season. Taking his class by a huge margin, his

    Escort MkII was first 2WD car home but, in Silver Star

    terms, Ieuan finished half a minute in front of his

    rother Joh s -litre version. Third on the day was the Escort of Boyd Kershaw and

    Bryan Hull who actually scooped maximum co-dri ers points. Mark Griffiths/Will Rogers were next, with Jon

    Ballinger/Mike Wilding not only breaking the Ford

  • monopoly in their Opel Manta, but also maintaining their

    positions as leaders of their respective categories.

    Jake Scannell/Adrian Stevens put their Somerset

    retirement behind them to move their Mazda RX7 back

    into 2nd

    place, with Paul Street/Jim Goodman (Escort

    RS1800) just behind them, both on the event and in the


    As we head towards the mid-poi t of the seaso , it s perhaps worth flagging up (aka blowing our own trumpet!)

    that 58 drivers have already scored points in the Silver Star

    Championship and even at this early stage, with Matthew

    Robinson now safely ensconced in Gold Star, we know

    that there will be a different name - or even names! - on

    the trophy at the end of the year!...



    Just like the Silver Star Championship, the Kick Start

    BTRDA 1400 Championship has also seen four different

    winners so far, the latest of whom are Dave & Freddy

    Brick. On the Plains, their Vauxhall Nova managed to hold

    off the attention of Jorda & Paul Ho e’s Nissan Micra to claim their first maximum points score.

    Dave & Freddy Brick – Vauxhall Nova – 1st 1400 Championship

    However, the Scots still currently hold sway in the

    Championship, with Ryan Weston/Mark McCulloch

    (Proton Satria) and Keith & Mairi Riddick (MG ZR), who

    finished just four seconds apart on the Plains (Riddicks

    first!), occupying the positions that matter!

    Kieran Darrington/ Pam Hilton (Vauxhall Corsa) are 3rd

    with the Bricks, who are where they are from only

    three scores, next. Dave Bennett/Alistair McNeil were

    absent from Welshpool but they already have two

    maximums in the bag and, as we always say, come the

    advent of dropped scores, nothing trumps a 30!



    experienced a very low-key start to their season (1

    DNF/1 DNS), Neil Andrew/Dom Adams are beginning

    to make their mark in the Vital Equipment Rally First

    Championship. Having had a satisfactory run in

    Somerset to start the ball rolling, their 1.6 VW Lupo

    took victory over the 1.4 version of Nick Carr/Joe

    Sturdy, with the Micras of James Watkins/Caron

    Tomlinson and Dominic Hodge/Stefan Arndt and the

    Polo of Morgan Handford finishing line astern just

    behind them.

    3rd, 1st and 2nd Rally First finishers

    Jon Ambler/Chris Sharpe-Simpkiss maintain their lead

    of the Championship in their Seat Arosa from the

    Fiesta of Chris Wheeler/Yan Griffiths who retired from

    the Plains after near-boiling water from a split heater

    hose poured o to the dri er s a kles. We ish Chris a speedy recovery and, obviously, hope that he will soon

    be in a position to challenge for the Championship lead

    once again.

    * All photographs courtesy of Ralliphotowales


    All the championship points following the Plains Rally are

    published on the BTRDA Rally Series Rally website >


    The se o d rou d of the e i ed surfa e BT‘DA ‘all Challenge was the recent IM Gold Manx Rally

    where Damian Cole / Jack Morton (Focus WRC) were the

    highest placed scorers and move into the overall lead.

    Others who scored very well on the event included Ashley

    Slights / Alex Lee (1400cc Toyota Yaris) who came home


    overall and won the B9 class on their very first tarmac

    event. A full list of the BTRDA Rally Challenge points can

    be found in the Bulletins & Newsletter section at

    The next round of the BTRDA Rally Challenge is the Nicky

    Grist Stages followed by the Tyneside Stage (Otterburn)

    and the Mewla (Epynt). You only need 2 asphalt rallies to

    count in addition to your best 3 gravel rally scores so it is

    still worth registering (£10 each) at the BTRDA desk.


    Ryan Weston and Mark McCullouch are currently leading

    the 2015 MSA English Rally Championship ahead of Keith

    & Mariri Riddick. 19 year old Ryan is also the leading

    Junior driver whilst Chris Sharpe-Simkiss leads the Junior

    co-drivers table. All the MSA English Rally Championship

    points can be viewed at

    The next round of the 2015 MSA English Rally

    Championship is the DMACK Carlisle Stages on 13th



    The winners of the Mintex Awards on the Plains Rally,

    each of whom receive a set of FREE competition brake

    pads from Questmead Ltd, were:-

    Best Improvement on Start Number in Gold Star /Silver

    Star: Gareth Edwards – Nova (B11) Best Improvement on Start Number in 1400/Rally First:

    Chris Powell – Talbot Sunbeam (1400S)

    Steve Brown or Alan Brown from Questmead can be

    found in the Service Area at most events. To claim

    your reward we advise that you contact them in

    advance to arrange the required product. They can be

    contacted on 01706 860088.

    MOTORS TV (Freeview Channel 71 or Sky / Virgin)

    The TV coverage of the Plains Rally is scheduled to

    start on Friday 29th

    May with the first Gold Star and

    Silver Star programmes starting at 9.00pm. The 1400s

    and Rally First programme is scheduled just ahead at

    8.30pm. If you miss the first broadcast, both

    programmes are repeated on 30th

    May and 1st


    Please check Motors TV for the exact timings.


    In addition to filming for the TV programmes, our

    friends at Special Stage are also trying out Live

    Streaming from the events. They stress that they are

    just testing at present so anything that they produce

    should be seen as a bonus. At the Plains Rally they did

    stream some live coverage from the start and the

    finish of the event. They also did over an hour from the

    Service Area but that was not streamed live because

    there was not a good enough signal. This is a link to

    the filming in the Service Area.

    So, the lesson for competitors is that you need to be

    ready to talk to Paul Woodford at any time.


    DMACK Carlisle Stages – 13th June

    Round 5 of the REIS-RAVENOL BTRDA Rally Series and

    Round 4 of the MSA English Rally Championship is the

    DMACK Carlisle Stages Rally using the classic forest

    stages in the west side of Kielder forest with minimal

    double usage. There are already over 110 entries so

    competitors are urged not to delay entering the


  • Nicky Grist Stages – 11th July

    Round 6 of the REIS-RAVENOL BTRDA Rally Series is the

    5th ru i g of Qui to MC s forest stage rall , the Ni k Grist Stages. The event will be based at the Royal Welsh

    Showground which will also be the location of the main

    service area, similar to last year. The event utilises the

    classic WRC stages on the Epynt Ranges including the

    Monument, Crychan and Halfway forests. There will be 8

    stages totalling approximately 45 stage miles with 90 road

    miles and Auxiliary Service available after all the stages.

    Regulations are now available at . Entries are coming in

    quickly, having already passed 40!


    As you would expect we have made representations to the MSA about the sudden

    decision not to permit any variation to R24.1.4

    (the running order). We have no success to report,

    but we are hopeful that there will be an

    opportunity for a review of this later in the year.

    If you break down in a stage or go off the road and cannot continue, then please understand that your

    vehicle can only be recovered when the stage has

    totally finished. Any other option will cause delay

    and puts the stage at risk for the rest of the


    A further reminder the that the 2015 awards presentation will be on Saturday 9

    th January 2016

    at the Ramada Penns Hall Hotel at Sutton

    Coldfield, West Midlands.


    13th June CARLISLE STAGES RALLY Kate Hinchliffe , Tel: 01484 318689

    11th July NICKY GRIST STAGES RALLY Neil Cross , Tel: 07767 770862

    5th September WOODPECKER STAGES Roger Allan , Tel: 01905 424987

    26th September TRACKROD FOREST STAGES Nicola Sanderson , Tel: 01937 583615

    17th October CAMBRIAN RALLY Dave Thomas, Tel: 07788 995345

    Additional MSA English Championship event

    7th November JLT TEMPEST 2 RALLY Pam Guess , Tel: 01252 727390


    Howard Wilcock

    Tel: 0115 966 5176, Mobile: 07769 676533

    18 Epperstone Road, Lowdham, Notts, NG14 7BU

    Norman Robertson

    Tel: 0161 748 5399

    Mobile: 07762 557285

    Gill Cotton

    Tel: 01923 269630

    Mobile: 07980 810730


    John Cooper:


    Tel: 01208 863406

    Mobile: 07702 240970

    Dave Newton:


    Tel: 01633 672494

    Mobile: 07814 595132

    Geoff Doe:


    Tel: 01270 780356

    Mobile: 07808 129663

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