challenges in mobile application testing

Post on 15-Apr-2017






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Mobile Application Testing

Let’s Unleash the Challenges in Mobile Application Testing

Unleash the Fact

Mobile Application Testing would not be easier, as just

like other software to working on.

There are a certain challenges that every mobile application testing organization/

team faces.

Platform, OS and Device Fragmentation:

Device fragmentation is by far the most complicated aspect of the mobile testing matrix, especially for the Android operating systems.

Compatibility issues faced in the deployment across devices having different operating systems like Android, iOS, Windows or the versions of these operating systems.

Useful Solutions In Solving This Issue

Identifying the issues using emulators, testing them with the real devices, and then remotely accessing these devices. This also helps in identifying the network and security impacts.

Identifying the targeted audiences with the most popular devices in a specific geography. This would help in saving a lot of time and would help focusing on a smaller set of issues.

Identifying and using a mix of internal mobile laboratory and cloud based mobile testing services.

Physical Characteristics of the Mobile Devices

Three approaches to a

mobile’s application

architecture: NATIVE, HYBRID


The native applications have reduced the scope of testing, the hybrid and Web applications need both on and off platform test cases, thereby leading to backend issues.

The native and hybrids apps must be

tested for successful downloads and executions, platform interactions and updates.

Diversity in Network

Network emulators help in understanding and providing a basic level of testing, but testing on real networks is also essential.

Cloud based network test services may prove to be the best testing scenario, most of them have to shell out the remote carrier coverage.

Considerable PointsHow does the application

operate offline?

Is the memory being impacted in unexpected ways? Or are there any other constraints?

What is the impact of different Wi-Fi speeds, 3G/4G networks, low signal strength?

While Performing Test using Wi-Fi Network

Security and Performance

Provision of early and often testing sounds gratifying, testing applications on a private and secure cloud may help in providing the required access to the testing teams which will ensure the avoidance of data breaches.

ConclusionThe mentioned activities will identify

the security issues quicker and fixing them before production will not only save from any potential harm but also help the organization in saving lots of costs. This is because a bug fixed before the production saves about twenty times cost than that after production.

Choosing Right Way

A CORRECT PARTNER can resolves the challenges faster than ever.

Want to know more about:

Mobile application testing is very important, as clientele is usually in millions for a certain

product – and a product with bugs is never

appreciated. It often results in monetary losses, legal

issue and irreparable brand image damage.

Mobile Application Testing

Know about us

BugRaptors is a CMMi5 certified quality assurance company perform both manual and automation testing for mobile applications. Main focus of QA experts is to provide

quality applications for its users. For more info, visit our portal here

• At BugRaptors, we bring together best practices and strategies to cater to unique mobile application testing needs.

• Continuous technical improvements help us innovate new ways for testing.

• We focus to optimize our client´s Software Quality Assurance efforts while meeting their objectives and schedules.

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