challenge 9

Post on 16-Sep-2015






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FOCUS ON SUCCESS WITH AN ENGLISH JOURNALPersonalized Challenge 9-Creativity-N propuesto de material: Short description

TED Talk:-read as many as you want stories from the link and make a short summary:

Compulsory (obligatorio):- see AT LEAST 2 videos from the playlist below. watch at least 2 videos from TED Education. They are very very short and easy to understand.

British Council Podcasts, you have to become an user, the podcasts here are funnier and more entertaining. Listen to at least 2 carefully.ORBBC 6 minutes English, at least 2.

Vocabulary both from the videos/podcasts and from class (As many as you can)

Phrasel verbs from the listenings/audio or from class (at least 5). Learn them well.

Practice your use of English with the following translation booklet.Por qu no han empezado todava?Why haven't they started yet?

Por qu no cambias de tema?Why don't you change the subject?

Soy ms alto que t.l'm taller than you.

No eres tan alto como yo.You aren't as tall as 1 am.

Hay ms camellos en Siria que aqu.There are more camels in Syria than here.

No hay tantos camellos aqu como en Siria.There aren't as many camels here as in Syria.

Esto es mejor.This is better.

Esto es mucho mejor.This is much better. (a lot better)

Aquello no es tan bueno como esto.That isn't as good as this.

Por qu fumas tanto?Why do you smoke so much?

Por qu fumas tanto como l?Why do you smoke as much as he does?

Por qu fumas tantos cigarros como l?Why do you smoke as many cigarettes as he does?

Tengo ms tiempo que t.I have more time than you do.

No tienes tanto tiempo como yo.You don't have as much time as I do.

No s porque me enfad tanto.I don't know why I got so angry.

No me enfad tanto como l.I didn't get as angry as he did.

Eres ms afortunado que yo.You're more fortnate than I am.

No soy tan afortunado como t.I'm not as fortnate as you are.

Hay ms luz solar aqu que en Suecia.There's more sunlight here than in Sweden.

No hay tanta luz solar en Suecia como aqu.There isn't as much sunlight in Sweden as here.

No hay tanta gente en Suecia como aqu.There aren't as many people in Sweden as here.

No hables tanto.Don't talk so much.

Hablas tanto que no s qu hacer.You talk so much that 1 don't know what to do.

Hablas tanto como tu padre.You talk as much as your father (does).

Incluso hablas ms que mi to.You even talk more than my nele (does).

Pero no dices tantas tonteras como l.But you don't say as many stupid things as he does.

No tengo tantas faltas como l.I don't have as many mistakes as he does.

l tiene muchas ms faltas que yo.He has a Iot more mistakes than 1 do.

El Tajo es ms largo que el Mio.The Tajo is Ionger than the Mio.

El Tajo es el ro ms largo de Espaa.The Tajo is the longest river in Spain.

Quin es la persona ms rica de este pas?Who's the richest person in this country?

Esta carne es la ms dura que jams he comido.This meat is the toughest l've ever eaten.

Eres la persona ms alta que jams he conocido.You're the tallest person Tve ever met.

Eres ms alto que el rbol ms alto del mundo.You're taller than the tallest tree in the world.

Eres ms rpido que el corredor ms rpido del mundo.You're faster than the fastest runner in the world.

Esto es ms fcil.This is easier.

Esto es mucho ms fcil.This is much easier. (a Iot easier)

Esto no es tan fcil.This isn't that easy. (so easy)

Esto no es tan fcil como aquello.This isn't as easy as that.

No hay tanta agua este ao como el ao pasado.There isn't as much water this year as last year.

No hay tantas oportunidades como antes haba.There aren't as many opportunities as there used to be.

No tenemos tanto dinero como tenamos antes.We don't have as much money as we used to have.

No tienes tantos amigos como crees.You don't have as many friends as you think.

Es la mujer ms hermosa del mundo.She's the most beautiful woman in the world.

Este es el trabajo ms complicado del mundo.This is the most complicated job in the world.

Soy el hombre ms fuerte del mundo.I'm the strongest man in the world.

El telfono est sonando.... Yo lo coger.The telephone is ringing.... Til get it.

No te enfades.Don't get angry.

No te disgustes.Don't get upset.

No te pongas enfermo.Don't get sick. / (ill)

No te pongas triste.Don't get sad.

No te cases.Don't get married.

Me estoy cansando.I'm getting tired.

Me estoy aburriendo.I'm getting bored.

Estoy mejorando.I'm getting better.

Estoy empeorando.I'm getting worse.

Est oscureciendo.It's getting dark.

No te asustes.Don't get frightened. / (scared)

No te alarmes.Don't get alarmed.

No te pongas nervioso.Don't get nervous.

Necesitamos reunimos.We need to get together.

Levntate.Get up.

Nos llevamos bien.We get along.

Llegu de regreso anoche.I got back last night.

Me confund.I got confused.

Me li con esos verbos.I got mixed up with those verbs.

No te hars rico trabajando para otros.You won't get rich working for others.

No te emociones.Don't get excited.

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