ch.13 - section 1 at the end of the 19 th century, what forces were working against europe’s peace...

Post on 31-Dec-2015






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Ch.13 - SECTION 1

•At the end of the 19th Century, what forces were working against Europe’s peace movements?

•In what way did Bismarck become like Metternich?

•How did Kaiser Wilhelm’s new course for Germany destabilize Europe?

•Which two agreements developed?

•Why are the Balkans Europe’s “powder keg?”

•How did terrorism cause the chain reaction of war?

•How did an ultimatum cause the chain reaction of war?

•How did mobilization cause the chain reaction of war?

•How did the alliance system cause the chain reaction of war?

•How did neutrality cause the chain reaction of war?

•Who are the Central Powers?

•Who are the Allies?

government takes over factories rationing of essential items

use of propaganda repression of anti-war sentiment

World War I

1st Total War – ALL of a nation’s resources mobilized for its war effort

•women supplement the workforce

Worldwide Scope



o Schlieffen Plan – two front war ignore Russia

defeat France quickly

speed is essential

o Battle of the Marne – insures prolonged stalemate of trench warfare

Western Front

o modern weapons - cause enormous death toll

o modern weapons - cause enormous death toll

Eastern Fronto early Russian success, especially against Austrians

o Russians gradually pushed back

o German technology wears down Russian numbers

•Why was 19th Century Russia a “firecracker with a very long fuse?”

Ch.14 - SECTION 1

•How did Alexander III create widespread discontent?

•How did Sergei Witte try to move Russia into the 20th Century?

• What is Nicholas II’s major character flaw?***

•Which groups of Russian comprised the growing revolutionary movement?

•How did the following pave the way for revolution:

• The Russo Japanese War

•How did the following pave the way for revolution:

• Bloody Sunday

•How did the following pave the way for revolution:

• The Duma

•How did the following pave the way for revolution:

• World War I

•How did the following pave the way for revolution:

• Rasputin

•Describe the March Revolution.

•What crucial mistake does Kerensky and the Provisional Government make?

•What are “soviets?”

•Describe Germany’s “secret weapon.”

•Describe the October (November) Revolution.

•How do Lenin and the Bolsheviks try to provide “Peace, Land, and Bread?”

•Describe the Russian Civil War.

•Why would Karl Marx disagree with the NEP?

•Describe the political organization of the USSR.[Why did Lenin choose this model?]

Southern Front•Allies attack the “softer” Ottoman Empire

•Gallipoli – bloody stalemate

•Arab campaign (T.E. Lawrence) –

British take Baghdad, Jerusalem, Damascus

Colonial Front

•Japan takes German interests in China

•Britain & France take Germany’s African colonies

•Britain uses Indian troops

A World at War

War at Sea

British and German fleets fight to a draw

British fail to gain their expected decisive victory

German fleet never risks sailing out again

o British blockade Germany

o Jutland –

o submarine warfare –

very successful for Germany

U.S. involvement

o outraged by sinking of Lusitania and American merchant vessels

o Zimmerman Note – encourages Mexico to join Germany for U.S. land

•Russian Revolution – new Soviet government signs Treaty of Brest-Litovsk and leaves war

•Germany moves troops to west for one last push

•added American troops prove too much

•Allies advance toward Germany

•Bulgarians and Ottomans surrender

•revolution ends Austro-Hungarian Empire

•mutiny in Germany leads to Kaiser Wilhelm’s abdication

War’s End

•New German republic signs armistice without the German army being defeated in the field

•Describe the human casualties caused by WWI and the various ways that they were caused.Ch.13 - SECTION 4

•Describe the economic impact of WWI.

•Why did the “Lost Generation” develop?

•Who were the Big Four?

•Who was NOT represented at the Versailles Conference?

• Why did Lloyd-George

say he was “seated between

Jesus Christ and


•Why could the Versailles Treaty be considered a triumph for nationalism?

•Why could the Versailles Treaty NOT be considered a triumph for nationalism?

•Why could the Versailles Treaty be seen as a blueprint for future peace?

•List three reasons why the Versailles Treaty could be seen as the document of revenche?

•List three reasons why the Versailles Treaty was “a peace built on quicksand.”

•How did the First World War affect the way people think?

Ch.15 - SECTION 1

•Who challenged Newton’s view of the universe and how?

•Who challenged the traditional view of the human mind and how?

•Who challenged the traditional view of life and how?

•Who challenged the traditional view of literature and how?

•Who challenged the traditional view of art and how?

•Who challenged the traditional view of art and how?

•Who challenged the traditional view of art and how?

•Who challenged the traditional view of architecture and how?

•Who challenged the traditional view of music and how?

•Who challenged the traditional view of music and how?

•Who challenged the traditional view of women and how?

•What challenged the traditional view of transportation and how?

•What challenged the traditional view of transportation and how?

•What challenged the traditional view of entertainment and how?

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