ch 8 html and css web standards solutions a web standardistas’ approach

Post on 01-Jan-2016






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Ch 8HTML and CSS Web Standards SolutionsA Web Standardistas’ Approach

Microsoft Word example of use of Styles – in Action

First CSSp{

color: teal;}


property: value;}

What is a RULE?RULE

Selector Declaration

p { color : red; }

Property Value


property1: value1;property2: value2


Embedded within a Web page – part of the <head><style type=“text/css”>


Styling the <body> Text colour Background colour Width Headings

Inheritance The default action

Specificity Customisation of clauses

It is essential to make your code readable and adding comments help explain what your intentions were when you wrote the particular CSS.

Ch 9HTML and CSS Web Standards SolutionsA Web Standardistas’ Approach


<p> is the child of <body> and <body> is the parent of <p> in this example.

As you build more complicated examples the use of h1-h4, p, em, strong, blockquote, cite, abbr, ul, ol, li, a and img will also be children of body

Inheritance As the rules are children of the same

parent they automatically inherit their properties for their style.

Specificity Why does an h1 not be the same size as

the body font size it inherits ? Answer: there must be rules being applied as

well as the ones you are creating. Where are they located ? Answer: default stylesheets

Specificity What/Where are they ?

They can be located in 3 different places: Author Styles

Created by the author of the Web Page User Styles

The User may have their preferred Stylesheet that they want applied – visual impairment

User Agent Styles Browser has its own default styles

Is there an order to how the Rules are applied Yes, we will see the process in Chapter 10

There are core fonts that all browsers set to adhere to:

It is possible to list alternative font-family valuesfont-family: Baskerville, Georgia, "Times New Roman", serif;So if Baskervile is not available it is substituted by Georgia and if it notavailable it is substituted by Times New Roman, etc.

Serif fonts are those decorated with decorative serifs or accents at the end of various letters – Times New Roman.

San-Serif fonts do not have the decoration - Arial. Monospace fonts use the same spacing between characters

regardless of the pairing of characters Couries New.

Sizing text matters There are reserved keywords:


Sizing text: Pixels

Fixed and therefore not very accessible

Ems The typical browser default font-size is 16px


font-size : 62.5%;}

62.5% because it transforms 16 pixels to 10 pixels, which is easier to work with.p{

font-size : 1.4em;}

<!– 14px -->

If you had to write each Rule out completely it will mean that the file size will get larger and therefore take longer to download.

It is possible to transform text to: UPPERCASE



Character Spacing:

Line Height:

Paragraphs text-align property

left (default) right center justify

text-indent property

CSS allows you to style how Web links appear to the user.

There are four ‘classes’ available to do this: link

Unvisited link in a page

visited Viewed recently

hover Move mouse over

active Clicking on the link

focus Using the keyboard the user is focusing on this link

Changing color decoration line height

Order is important in defining the CSS rules

LoVe HAte your Links a:link (L) a:visited (V) a:hover (H) a:active (A)

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